================================================================================ = = = Notepad3 - light-weight Scintilla-based text editor for Windows = = = = (c) Rizonesoft 2008-2025 = = https://rizonesoft.com = = = ================================================================================ Rizonesoft Notepad3 --- CHANGELOG --- ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------- LEGEND: -------------------------------------------------------- 1) NEW: (Added, Feature, Optimize) 2) CHANGES: (Change, Enhancement) 3) FIXES: (Correction, Debug) 4) REMOVED: (Obsolete, Depreciate) 5) TRANSLATIONS (MUI): (New Language) -------------------------------------------------------- ABBREVIATIONS: -------------------------------------------------------- CED - (C)ompact (E)ncoding (D)etection (by Google) GRE - (GRE)pWinNP3 Search in Files Tool LEX - (LEX)illa Library MIN - (MIN)iPath Fast Browser Tool MUI - (M)ultilingual (U)ser (I)nterface NLS - (N)ew (L)anguage (S)trings (need for translation) ONI - (ONI)guruma Regex engine SCI - (SCI)ntilla Library SUP - (S)et(UP) / Installer Package UCD - (UCD)ARDET is an Encoding Detector Library ======================================================== Current BETA Version 6.25.216.(build_#) (2025-02-16) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- [.###.#]- . [.203.1]- For "OpenCL", add "CL" extension in "C/C++ Source Code" Lexer. -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- [.###.#]- . [.216.1]- FileChandedIndicator and FileDeletedIndicator may be 30 chars long. [.203.1]- Rizonesoft Copyright © 2008-2024 to year "2008-2025". [1222.1]- Correction of Rizonesoft's URL. -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- [.###.#]- . [.209.1]- Update Toolbar - check for changed Filename always. [.203.1]- Titlebar changes (file name instead of simple hash). [.203.1]- Reload arguments after changing own settings files. [.203.1]- Utilize new Scintilla (v5.5.2) API SCI_SETCOPYSEPARATOR (SCI). [.203.1]- Utilize Sci v5.5.2 new API SCI_GETUNDOSEQUENCE (SCI). [.203.1]- Add missing symbol 'disabledelayedexpansion' in styleLexBAT (LEX). [.203.1]- Recover cursor state when editor window loses focus. -------------------------------------------------------- REMOVED: -------------------------------------------------------- [.###.#]- . [.###.#]- . -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES Versions in Tools or Libraries: -------------------------------------------------------- [.203.1]- Update Lexilla Library (LEX) version 5.4.2 (2024-12-18). [.203.1]- Update Scintilla Library (SCI) version 5.5.4 (2024-12-18). [.101.1]- Update grepWinNP3 (GRE) version (2024-01-10). [.101.1]- Update Oniguruma Regex (ONI) engine version 6.9.9 (2023-10-14). [1213.1]- Update MiniPath (MIN) version (2022-12-13). -------------------------------------------------------- TRANSLATIONS (MUI): -------------------------------------------------------- [.###.#]- . [.###.#]- . -------------------------------------------------------- Hello everybody ! 😀 For our "Notepad3 Translation Projects", we are looking for motivated volunteers, with a priority to resume "(incomplete...)" translation projects: - Greek (el-GR) (incomplete...) - Hindi (hi-IN) (incomplete...) - etc... Please, send me a PM (mailto:hpwamr51 @ gmail.com) if you are willing to help. 🤔 -------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================== Version 6.24.1221.1 (21 December 2024) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- [1219.1]- Digitally Signing the Notepad3 "INNO Setup Uninstaller" file (SUP). [1219.1]- Add an "Opera Promotion" page in Notepad3 "INNO Setup Installer" (SUP). [.531.1]- New settings option to enable/disable feature Multiple Selection. [.307.1]- Option to choose between sub-line and whole-line selection on line-number margin click. [.111.1]- Allow selected lines movement for rectangular selection also. [.111.1]- Add detection of Windows 11 Version information. [.927.1]- Update "grepWinNP3" from current "grepWin" dev (GRE). [.903.1]- Python stream comment hack. [.830.1]- "DrawAnimatedWindow": Option to disable animated max./min. window. [.827.1]- Add Dark-Mode Contrast control for Schemes configuration. [.707.1]- Add new Toolbar button "New Empty Window". [.702.1]- Add new "grepWinNP3" icon for Launch and Search menu's (GRE). [.702.1]- Add new Toolbar button "Reset Zoom". [.619.1]- Indentation guide coloring on matching brace highlight. [.513.1]- Option on F/R dialog: incremental search ON/OFF. [.504.1]- Option: do not save blank new files. [.430.1]- Option to show/hide titlebar. [.424.1]- Localization in INNO Setup of "Open with Notepad3" (SUP). [.406.1]- Enhanced File-Change Notification Messagebox. [.327.1]- Menu entry to clear change/undo history. [.321.1]- Split Verilog Lexer (Verilog and SystemVerilog). [.320.1]- Add Lexer Verilog HDL. [.315.1]- Cooperation of Alt+LClick on Hyperlinks vs. extend selection. [.315.1]- Option to fill empty search text in F/R dialog. [.221.1]- Unicode point display (status bar) of current (caret pos) character. [.221.1]- Quotation Mark Auto-Close Functionality. [.220.1]- Add "np3encrypt" project to solution (cmd-ln tool). [.217.1]- Localization of the INNO Setup / Installer menus (SUP). -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- [1219.1]- Added Support for INNO Setup 6.3.3 (SUP). [1219.1]- Moving the "Search" menu to the Toolbar. [.828.1]- Highlight current line: change meaning of foreground color. [.825.1]- Move caret line outline frame translucency to alpha2. [.825.1]- Zoom dependent caret outline frame thickness, zoom dependent visible whitespace size. [.713.1]- CR: if selection empty on "Modify Lines..." complete document is selected. [.703.1]- Refactor Remove/Unite Duplicate Lines. [.527.1]- Updating Lexer Style "NewSombra" from MadDogVachon. [.522.1]- Ctrl+S does not forced saving doc any longer - only saves file, if save needed (doc changed). [.522.1]- No need to save current file (doc changed) for open new (empty) np3 window. [.307.1]- Line number margin option: switched from sub-line selection to whole-line selection. [.307.1]- [internal] Change memory copy method. [.302.1]- RegEx syntax for horizontal space matching (ONI). [.301.1]- DrawAnimatedWindow: only toggle between system settings and suppress-animation if used in system settings. [.228.1]- Limit width of left dead margin text area to max base font width (char width). [.228.1]- Try to preserve caret position and visible line positions after recoding. [.228.1]- Merging Zufuliu's non Lexilla custom Lexers for Kotlin and Dart. [.227.1]- Reusing size: definition of "Indentation Guide" scheme settings for text area offset to margin area. [.227.1]- Ini-Filereader: allow long suffix comments for numeric values. [.227.1]- Config-File: allow space or comment char after integer and float values. [.227.1]- Change indentation in case of complete line selected. [.224.1]- Explicit update toolbar and titlebar on drag n drop file. [1017.1]- Wrapping at long line marker. [1017.1]- Ctrl+I wraps according to highest column long-line-edge-marker, if defined. [.927.1]- Using selection color also for not focused selections (secondary and inactive). [.926.1]- Some refactoring regarding string comparison. [.913.1]- Line comment indentation for complaint prog. lng (issue 4983). [.827.1]- Python default dark-mode colors for comment and keywords. [.731.1]- Comment out "MSIX" attributes in applications manifest. [.718.1]- Move Join Lines, Split Lines, Fuse Lines, Preserve Paragr. from Lines to Selection menu. [.711.2]- Try to speed-up large file loading. [.710.1]- Try to minimize scrolling to view. [.709.1]- Patch Oniguruma engine to accept EOF as line-terminator. [.707.1]- Allow not suitable toolbar dimension. [.627.1]- Minor changes: CallTip/ToolTip (zoom). [.619.1]- Tooltip/Calltip style using Segoe UI font. [.616.1]- Web Source Code: enhancement for commenting in embedded scripts. [.526.1]- Removing square brackets from being valid codepoints of URL (hyperlink) regex. [.503.1]- Minor enhancement on log file monitoring. [.501.1]- Add some new sentences for Logfile Monitoring. [.430.1]- Some enhancements for Logfile Monitoring. [.430.1]- Changed message box for file change notification. [.430.1]- Keep Dark/Light Win Mode settings (if once set manually - else auto detect). [.430.1]- Disable menubar in fullscreen mode too. [.327.1]- Migrate GetTickCount() -> QueryPerformanceCounter(). [.325.1]- Option for ASAN Dbg to not throw exception. [.321.2]- Default Print Colour Mode depending on Dark/Light Mode. [.321.2]- Renaming for Lexer related resource string IDs (defined names). [.321.2]- Verilog: split 'System Tasks' from 'Keywords'. [.320.1]- Update VHDL Lexer. [.320.1]- Dialog windows with special system menu: add 'burger' symbol. [.320.1]- Use relaxing default FileCheckInterval (2000[msec]). [.320.1]- Refactoring: use background worker helper. [.315.1]- RegExpr enhancements (ONI). [.315.1]- Use larger color bitmaps within color select buttons (customize schemes). [.315.1]- SCI add SendMessage macro (SCI). [.301.1]- Generic font names $Code/$Text prepend by number referring to priority list position. [.301.1]- Goto next/prev markers: respect last searched markers. [.224.1]- Delete matching brace/quote, if content in between is empty. [.224.1]- Make Code/Text font priority list configurable. [.224.1]- Enhance Display of Unicode Point. [.223.1]- In Statusbar remove "Ch" because the values are almost similar with "Col". [.223.1]- Use change-history-markers for bookmark find next/previous. [.223.1]- Enhancement for auto-close char-pairs. [.221.1]- All "Margins and Line Numbers" to "font:Consolas; size:-2; fore:#008080". [.220.1]- AnalyzeConfidenceLevel at least 90%. [.220.1]- Lexer TEXT using own Default settings (corresponding to ANSI Lexer). [.207.1]- Installer script resets "Theme files" only on user decision (SUP). -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- [1219.2]- Language files missing in Notepad3 portable version. [1219.1]- Some Folders/Files are blocked with Inno SETUP v.6.3.x (SUP). [1125.1]- Confusing File modified dialog. [1125.1]- Do not bring main window to foreground upon file change. [.825.1]- Correct TOML Lexer identifier. [.713.1]- Delete line (Ctrl+Shift+D) - fix last line handling. [.703.1]- Update Toolbar in case of Undo/Redo. [.601.1]- Regression for "Reuse Window" flag. [.529.1]- Center dialog if window is maximized. [.529.1]- Some missing Path_Sanitize() calls. [.527.1]- Finding np3 instance holding same file-path (only one instance). [.527.1]- Minor issues related to "autoload recent file" feature. [.527.1]- Center popup dialogs and show current line on word-wrap toggle. [.522.1]- Adjust the fields for the RGB color values for a Display Scale of 125%. [.522.1]- Accept file args with leading dash (needs quotes in any dash case). [.522.1]- Mouse cursor flickering in case of "hide mouse while typing". [.309.1]- Redo failure introduced with Scintilla v5.4.2 Bug 2432 (SCI). [.307.1]- Tinyexpr: integer values always shown in abs() format. [.307.1]- Remove duplicate lines. [.302.2]- Regression: RegEx: find previous line start (^) - skips empty lines (ONI). [.302.1]- Toolbar missing if started minimized. [.302.1]- TAB selection on empty line. [.302.1]- Regression:Initial show NP3 window minimized. [.228.1]- Preserve caret position after re-encoding. [.227.1]- Need PostMessage(WM_THEMECHANGED) event after recoding document. [.227.1]- Regex dot(.) not matching linefeed(LF)/newline character, if not enabled for line-breaks (ONI). [.224.1]- Settings2:DrawAnimatedWindow - support system settings. [.224.1]- Correction for settings2 DrawAnimatedWindow. [.111.1]- Horizontal mouse wheel scrolling direction. [.111.1]- Ctrl+Up/Down should keep selection. [.111.1]- "grepWinNP3": Search results context menu "Fix Open with Editor" (GRE). [.111.1]- "grepWinNP3": bug directly passed search path (GRE). [1117.1]- Reduce window flickering, fix cut last line. [1020.1]- Same behavior of "Ctrl+Shift+X". [1020.1]- MS Visual Studio "Line-Cut" (Ctrl+X) behavior on empty selection. [1017.1]- Show ColorDef Dlg always full visible. [.913.1]- RegularExpression broken. [.903.1]- Python Line Comment : respect indents. [.718.1]- Show hidden menu bar on Alt or F10 key. [.718.1]- TinyExpr Output formatter. [.711.1]- RegEx search with begin/end line meta chars. [.710.1]- Recoding for UTF-16. [.709.1]- Do not generally move selection to top on view. [.707.1]- Save also an "Empty" Replace string in history. [.707.1]- "LaunchInstanceFullVisible" feature. [.702.1]- Minor optimizations on initial window startup. [.702.1]- Scroll to preserved caret position on file load. [.702.1]- Menu View: correct positioning of active marks. [.702.1]- Initial show window at final position w/o repositioning. [.616.1]- Set color of horizontal ruler (folded block) to line number coloring. [.616.1]- Zoom tooltip moved out of margin area. [.616.1]- Don't show auto-completion list if typed word matches the one and only word in list. [.526.1]- PHP commenting embedded Web Source Code. [.521.1]- Minor issue in "Favorites" in INNO Setup (SUP). [.516.1]- Minor issue related to match selection counters. [.516.1]- "grepWinNP3" <-> Notepad3 interface regression (GRE). [.513.1]- Single File Instance' flag handling. [.513.1]- Minor bugs in "Open with Notepad3" in foreign languages (SUP). [.512.1]- Enforce hidden menu bar (if option selected). [.502.1]- Multi-replace: correct advance next insertion point in case of SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL. [.502.1]- Cut (Ctrl+X) and Delete (Ctrl+Shift+D) last line (EOF -> EOL). [.502.1]- Minor bugs in "Reset Notepad3's settings and themes" (SUP). [.430.1]- Switch to "Log Monitoring" id commandline option "/l" is given. [.430.1]- Regression: save readonly file. [.426.1]- Minor bugs in localization of "Open with Notepad3" (SUP). [.406.1]- Some more issues around "File Change Monitoring". [.406.1]- Integration and Notification of DirectoryObserver and FileChanged-Polling. [.406.1]- Issue "file changed on disk" for silent mode on closing. [.327.1]- Some clean-up in uninstalling "Notepad3_setup" (SUP). [.327.1]- Oniguruma line-break handling (CRLF & CR) support. [.325.1]- Book/Change-Mmarker search: high prio on Book-Marker. [.325.1]- Fallback on LoadIconWithScaleDown() failed. [.320.2]- Deprecated settings key-names handling ('FileCheckInverval'). [.320.1]- Notification adjustment in case of externally deleted file. [.320.1]- Min. FileCheckInterval 500msec, else notify immediately. [.320.1]- Missing file path display name. [.320.1]- "_beginthreadex_proc_type" correction for Win32(x86). [.320.1]- Reactivate FileChangeInterval (used on dir changed notification too). [.315.1]- Shift+Alt+Click on Hyperlink should not fire Hyperlink action. [.315.1]- In case of no file args: open empty doc instead of file open dialog. [.315.1]- Creating New file in current working directory. [.315.1]- Don't reset "dirty flag" after file loading (in case of EOL or indent correction). [.302.1]- Remove session state from default font from list retrieval. [.301.1]- Backward compat. for .ini param 'FileCheckInverval' (typo). [.301.1]- 'FileCheckInterval' instead of 'FileCheckInverval' (typo). [.301.1]- Find marker next/prev. [.301.1]- Find consecutive change marker begin. [.228.1]- "grepWinNP3": properly search from the file beginning again ("grepWin" bugfix) (GRE). [.228.1]- Navigate marker: consecutive change-marker handled as single mark. [.224.1]- SplitUndoTypingSeqOnLnBreak and UndoTransactionTimeout. [.223.1]- Minor changes for Unicode Point display. [.221.1]- Repair jump to line (Alt+Click) and related command line search. [.221.1]- Correction to LineSpace evaluation TEXT files. [.221.1]- Lexer TEXT using own Default but inheriting from Common Base. [.220.1]- WSL2 simple path and NP3 options given with slash. [.220.1]- Representation of EOLs in case of GDI technology (use default). [.220.1]- Find previous skips finding at begin. [.220.1]- Use random IV for np3encrypt. [.217.2]- Encoding as "UTF-8 Signature" for Korean INNO Setup menus (SUP). [.207.1]- Line spacing in TEXT Lexer. [.204.1]- Don't force top-left if window does not fit to monitor. -------------------------------------------------------- REMOVED: -------------------------------------------------------- [.529.1]- Due to problems, remove "DrawAnimatedWindow" settings feature and rely on system window animation configuration. [.827.1]- Removal of the "es-MX" language to keep only the "es-ES" language (MUI). -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES Versions in Tools or Libraries: -------------------------------------------------------- [1202.1]- Update Lexilla Library (LEX) version 5.4.1 (2024-10-19). [1202.1]- Update Scintilla Library (SCI) version 5.5.3 (2024-10-19). [.101.1]- Update grepWinNP3 (GRE) version (2024-01-10). [.101.1]- Update Oniguruma Regex (ONI) engine version 6.9.9 (2023-10-14). [1213.1]- Update MiniPath (MIN) version (2022-12-13). -------------------------------------------------------- TRANSLATIONS (MUI): -------------------------------------------------------- [1125.1]- Vietnamese (vi-VN) [.414.1]- Finnish (fi-FI). [.419.1]- Indonesian (id-ID). ======================================================== Version (3 February 2023) (Hotfix) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- [.120.1]- Paragraph navigation (Alt+PageUp, Alt+PageDown). [.109.1]- Allow "dotbox" instead of "horiz. line" for folded text. [.102.1]- Allow Line Number color to be alpha blended (e.g. DarkMode). [1223.1]- Allow "Notepad3 x64 Setup" to install on Win11 Arm (64-bit emulation) (SUP). [1212.1]- Implementation of automatic parenthesis closure. [1029.1]- Darkmode highlight (foreground) contrast settings + default reduction to 75%. [1018.1]- Add example for tinyexpr in Modify Lines dialog. [1018.1]- Add option to auto-load most recent file from file history. [1018.1]- Change History Marker: color configuration. [.901.1]- Menu (View) Settings for "Change History" feature. [.830.1]- Persistent settings for "Document Read-Only Mode". [.830.1]- Add Change History Marker (by Scintilla v5.3.0). [.828.1]- Add "char8_t" keyword for C++20. [.220.1]- Msg box for editing read-only. [.217.1]- F/R-dialog menu item to switch replace by clipboard tag (^c). [.215.1]- Set keyword-lists for CSS Lexer according to SciTE's css.properties. [.129.1]- JSON Lexer: colorizing for URL/IRI and Compact IRI. [.128.3]- JSON Lexer: error coloring for unclosed strings. [1130.1]- Add a Fortran Lexer. [1130.1]- LongPath Support enhancements. -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- [.120.1]- Allow coloralpharef read from scheme properties. [.104.1]- Move DefaultWindowPosition to Window section (deprecated: Settings2 section). [1230.1]- Revert to Lexilla's standard Markdown lexer (LEX). [1230.1]- Change background color for Heading 1 to enhance contrast to std Hyperlink (LEX). [1230.1]- Visible representation of EOL characters. [1230.1]- Refactoring of using SCI_REPLACETARGET(MINIMAL). [1230.1]- Lexer Registry-Files: split string and GUID String coloring (LEX). [1228.1]- JSON lexer: Same style for SCE_JSON_COMPACTIRI and SCE_JSON_PROPERTYNAME (LEX). [1228.1]- Status-bar double-click line-break mode: Cycle only between CR+LF <-> LF modes. [1220.1]- Update Lexer "AutoIt3 Script" to Autoit v3.3.16.1. [1220.1]- Adjust All dialogboxes for all Languages to fit at display scale of 125%. [1216.1]- Replacing SCI_REPLACETARGET calls by SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL calls where appropriate. [1212.1]- Extend AutoCloseBrackets (by Matteo-Nigro PR 4318) for Selection. [1118.2]- Using new AviSynth+ keyword lists and AviSynth colors (light/dark mode). [1029.1]- Refactored of undo/redo and document modify handler. [1020.1]- Standard DarkMode Theme. [1020.1]- Minor adjustment of grepWinNP3's layout and correction of some strings (GRE). [1018.1]- Simplify WordList Set according to (https://github.com/ScintillaOrg/lexilla/issues/103). [1018.1]- Caret style: allow std caret bar width up to max(20) and define alpha transparency (not below 20). [1018.1]- Alow "tinyexpr" within "Modify Lines" ${...} specification, using L, I, N as expression variables. [.926.1]- Replace old logo "rizonesoft.bmp" by new layout. [.831.1]- Use deprecated SCI_FINDTEXT to workaround crash on new (Sci v5.2.3) SCI_FINDTEXTFULL method. [.830.1]- "Don't ask again" for keep Read-Only view mode dialog on editing file. [.830.1]- Decouple Read-Only file Attribute from Read-Only Document view mode. [.829.1]- Renaming feature from obscure "Accelerated Word Navigation" to better name "Alternate Word Separators". [.418.1]- Sync the "Sombra" Scheme Collection with the "Window Dark Mode". [.414.1]- Using 'Cascadia Mono' as default for pure 'Text File' scheme (if available). [.226.1]- Rainbow CSV Lexer: try to solve non-paired quotings. [.218.1]- Show number of occurrence on sequence of marked all. [.217.2]- Drag&drop text snippet while ALT-Key down will not scroll. [.212.1]- Document "Read Only" view menu item for switching mode. [.128.1]- CamelCase WordLists for AHK Lexer. [.127.1]- Ctrl/Alt+F10 as Accelerator-Keys for Filesystem-Path to URL (and back) conversion. [.121.1]- Renaming Spanish Latin America (es-419) to Spanish Mexican (es-MX) (MUI). [1228.1]- Hyperlink RegEx Scanner: don't allow XML tagging brackets as part of Hyperlink text. [1226.1]- In Windows 11, running "Notepad" from "Run" (Win+R) launches "Notepad3". [1211.1]- Removing unnecessary "ToShortPath" operations. [1211.1]- Small performance enhancement for large rectangle selection undo/redo del/ins. [1211.1]- PathGetDisplayName(): strip path(dir) option, to enable to show full path in dialogs. [1202.1]- Merged Fortran Lexer keyword/functions suggestions from zoziha. [1202.1]- Fortran Lexer keyword/function enhancement. [1130.1]- Default settings: LaunchInstanceWndPosOffset=28 and LaunchInstanceFullVisible=true. -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- [.203.1]- Infinite loop using SCI_REPLACEMINIMAL in replace all loop in range (Hotfix). [.124.1]- Speedup loading files with very long lines. [.124.1]- Dependencies for version-file inclusion. [.124.1]- Remove files generated by Version.ps1 and tracking disabled by .gitignore. [.120.1]- Get git commit id for local build (ID= in Help Dlg). [.115.1]- Initial white display (splash) in case of Dark Mode Win [.115.1]- Animated minimize (taskbar or tray), restore w/o white splash. [.109.1]- Trigger mark-all-occ after transform backslash (EscCtrlChr) in F/R-Box is used. [.105.1]- Some WSL2 (Linux) path issues. [.104.1]- Handling of editing own settings (in this case: disable file watching). [.104.1]- Path to module relative representation. [.103.1]- Load Toolbar-Bitmap handling. [.102.1]- Minor design change and some fixes for Margin and Bookmark handling. [1230.1]- (re)setting default window position in case of non std DPI resolution. [1228.1]- Speedup search&replace in large text files. [1227.1]- Use alternate path, if Path_GetKnownFolder() failed. [1215.1]- Set alpha (80) for "highlight current line" translucency, if not given. [1212.1]- "Notepad3 Replacement" after Win11 22H2 update (SUP). [1212.1]- Oniguruma fix (ONIG_OPTION_FIND_LONGEST behavior) (ONI). [1212.1]- Make current line visible after word-wrap-mode toggle. [1125.1]- Restore and correction the line "IDM_SETPASS" in menu_fr_fr_rc. [1115.1]- Revert relative size for ANSI Art. [1114.1]- Reset change history except in case of "revert from file". [1114.1]- Linker must generate Manifest. [1114.1]- Don't store contrast adapted dark mode foreground color themes. [1104.1]- Common base font size scheme handling. [1104.1]- Context menu: web action handler. [1104.1]- Modification marker based on selection history. [1104.1]- Disable events from edit-window while in Begin/End-WaitCursor. [1102.1]- Error message on loading empty file. [1028.1]- Broken reload file (broken by check for single file instance)". [1023.1]- A warning message in "dialogs_xx_yy.rc". [1020.1]- Respect single file instance mode for internal file loading. [1020.1]- "unref" param in RELEASE mode. [1020.1]- DarkTheme handling. [1019.1]- "grepWinNP3" minor layout adjustments (GRE). [1019.1]- Resizing the "Open Recent File" dialog box. [1018.1]- Resizing control (files as binary), minor layout adjustments (GRE). [1018.1]- Fixed Text box for longest text length ("el-GR") + correction typo (GRE). [1018.1]- Avoid horizontal line scrolling on File Revert (F5). [1018.1]- "Modify Lines" feature - correct computation of field width for tinyexpr results. [.930.1]- Win10/11 build number to name mapping. [.928.1]- Titlebar update on change. [.926.1]- Margin handling (context, bookmarks). [.926.1]- New Rizone.soft bitmap. [.926.1]- Treat files as binary can be Accidentally Clicked (GRE). [.902.1]- Try to fix printing scaling issue. [.902.1]- Propagate default font to undefined-font styles. [.902.1]- Font selection (if font face-name does not match to family-name). [.901.1]- Bookmarks handling in case of delete (in-line, complete line, selection). [.831.1]- Crash in SCI_FINDTEXTFULL caused by using wrong data structure. [.830.1]- TAB (indent) usage in case of read-only mode sets doc modified flag. [.829.1]- Directory locking of current file. [.829.1]- Remember user data entered for dialogs: EncloseSel, ModifyLines, InsertTag, StreamComment. [.829.1]- Uninitialized variable, causing problems on copy multi-selection. [.829.1]- Special not found position value in case of regex search. [.828.1]- Unicode Detection in case of pure ASCCI containing null bytes. [.828.1]- ASCII only issue of not reliable IsTextUnicode(). [.502.1]- Using "Cascadia Mono" over "Cascadia Code" if applicable (regarding to "Text File" Scheme change). [.502.1]- "Text File" Scheme: using Common (2nd) Base Font. [.430.1]- Using by error "Segoe UI" as default for pure "Text File" scheme. [.416.1]- Lexer style config names: differences between display and .ini-config. [.414.1]- Dark mode color style scheme global from common base/2nd. [.414.1]- Writing wrong scheme to .ini-file. [.414.1]- Missing assert include for Win32/x86 compile config. [.414.1]- Compile errors for unreferenced formal parameter in release mode. [.301.1]- DarkMode issue in Decrypt dialog. [.226.1]- Security enhancement of AES Encryption feature. [.226.1]- MessageBox: shortage of text buffer. [.220.1]- Workaround to fix horizontal mouse wheel with Logitech Options utility. [.220.1]- Occurrence counter for "current word" mode. [.219.1]- F/R-Dialog: Initial fill of replace template box. [.217.2]- Find-Pattern storage handling. [.217.2]- Find Next/Prev behavior. [.217.2]- Regression caused by previous fix. [.217.2]- Mark all occurrences: move caret to end of main selection. [.217.1]- Preserve Caret position (issue 3927). [.217.1]- Fill Find pattern on F/R-dialog init, prefer clipboard over search history. [.216.1]- ID mismatch using 'enter' to close infobox (vs. 'yes/ok' button). [.214.1]- Allow switching encoding for empty document. [.209.1]- Memory issues fixing and hardening. [.128.2]- XML/HTML Stream Comment. [.103.1]- Find/Replace pattern history: clear all not persisted to .ini file. [.103.1]- URL detector: double-quote should not be valid URL character. [1228.1]- Allow hyperlinks end in dashes. [1222.1]- Support User-Doc on Recent Files Jump List. [1222.1]- Trim line endings on Save except AutoSave. [1222.1]- Find user docs special folder var. [1212.1]- Performance issue on pasting clipboard. [1212.1]- Add to recent documents issue. [1212.1]- File History: delete file in list and .ini-file. [1211.1]- "grepWinNP3" .ini Path issue in Notepad3 Setup version (GRE). [1207.1]- UNC path prefix handling issues. [1202.1]- Parsing file arg: relative from working dir. [1201.1]- Locale settings dependent Themes Menu (Standard Config). [1201.1]- Add to Favorites: keep base-filename + extension. [1201.1]- Find file extension. [1201.1]- Reading initial style config. [1130.1]- Notification blocker on loading huge files. [1130.1]- Heap corruption on retrieving text from combo box. -------------------------------------------------------- REMOVED: -------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES Versions in Tools or Libraries: -------------------------------------------------------- [1213.1]- Update MiniPath (MIN) version (2022-12-13). [1212.1]- Update Oniguruma Regex (ONI) engine version 6.9.9 (2022-12-09). [1212.1]- Update Scintilla Library (SCI) version 5.3.2 (2022-12-06). [1212.1]- Update Lexilla Library (LEX) version 5.2.1 (2022-12-06). [1018.1]- Update grepWinNP3 (GRE) version (2022-10-14). -------------------------------------------------------- TRANSLATIONS (MUI): -------------------------------------------------------- [.208.1]- Turkish (tr-TR). ======================================================== Version 5.21.1129.1 (29 November 2021) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- [1125.1]- Switching to Philippe Lhoste's (PhiLho) AutoHotkey (AHK) Lexer. [1119.1]- Migration of Solution/Projects/Src for VS2022. [1117.1]- Switch to Scintilla default idle styling mode (none). [1115.1]- Reverting changes to F/R behavior, correction for empty pattern. [1021.1]- On file restore, do not notify immediately, but check against stored file attributes. [1015.1]- Remove the max win version check for undocumented DarkMode UxTheme methods. [1015.1]- SQL Lexer bright and dark mode highlight color enhanced. [.924.1]- Disable actively file change polling - rely on directory change notification by default. [.924.1]- Allow [Settings2] "FileCheckInterval" to be zero(0), means no active file change polling. [.923.2]- Enable context menu for Statusbar. [.923.1]- Enable context menu for Menubar. [.916.1]- Use "round nearest displayed digit" method for estimated file size display. [.915.1]- Limit file size: 2GB (Until WideCharToMultiByte() / MultiByteToWideChar() INT32_MAX issues are clarified). -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- [1127.1]- Correction of a typo for command "Gui" in AutoHotkey (AHK) Lexer. [1125.1]- Sync with current Oniguruma v7.0(ß) dev. [1125.1]- Some other findings on the positioning of multi-instance launch. [1119.2]- Relaunch multi instances: don't cascade if pos param already defined. [1119.2]- Positioning on separate instance launch. [1119.1]- Positioning multi instance launch. [1115.1]- Don't clear occurrence markers for unchanged search pattern. [1115.1]- Correction to VS2019 project settings. [1115.1]- Find/Repl wildcard pattern handling. [1112.1]- Find/Repl dialog - empty search string should have no match (blue). [1030.1]- Wrong format for reporting number of replaced occurrences "In Selection". [1030.1]- "grepWinNP3" not intended switching file size search settings (GRE). [1023.1]- Key "Favorites=(path)" not added in "Setup" version. [1021.1]- "grepWinNP3" not intended switching "AllSize" settings (GRE). [1021.1]- Don't save default values for Caret and Whitespace. [1015.1]- SQL Lexer dark mode highlight default colors. [1015.1]- Disabled menu items if settings file itself is locked by file change notification. [.927.1]- Over paint annoying menu-bar bottom line. [.926.1]- Dark-mode system menu bar coloring (except bottom line). [.925.1]- Correction of some wrong keyboard shortcut (Alt+ Up, Alt+ Down). [.924.1]- Translucency (alpha) settings for white-space indicator. [.915.1]- Dark mode aware auto-completion-list-box. [.915.1]- Goto-Dialog: digit grouping of line/column numbers. [.914.1]- Digit grouping for replace occurrences result dialog. [.914.1]- Better hyperlink style in dark themes "Dark" and "Obsidian". [.913.1]- Initial factory window position. [.910.1]- Web-Action commands should use also user-defined app to open hyperlinks. [.907.1]- Reset background color for "visible whitespace" if not defined. -------------------------------------------------------- REMOVED: -------------------------------------------------------- [.924.1]- Remove deprecated "AutoReloadTimeout". [.907.1]- Remove Old and deprecated Notepad3 and grepWin icons. ======================================================== Version 5.21.905.1 (5 September 2021) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- [.816.1]- Add Configuration (Properties) Lexer: add style setting for Key (of Key-Value pair). [.811.1]- Add "Notepad3 Replacement" on Windows 11 Insider Preview which works almost like with Windows 10: - Open (ext: .inf, .ini, .log, .ps1, .psd1, .psm1, .scp, .txt, .wtx, .compositefont, .css, .sct, .wsc). - Edit (ext: .bat, .cmd, .jse, .reg, .text, .vbe, .wsf). [.809.1]- Configure other application to open hyperlink (instead of default browser). [.805.1]- File URL forced to open in new window by (Ctrl+Alt+Click). [.805.1]- File change notification, if removed current file is recreated. [.805.1]- Allow definition of line number for file:/// URL (separator is ':' ). [.804.2]- File change notification Dlg: add "Indicator (silent) option. [.804.2]- Configurable File on disk Change/Deleted indicators for title bar. [.726.1]- "grepWinNP3" (current grepWin dev) allow multiple search paths (GRE). [.709.2]- Add "KiXtart" lexer (new in Lexilla) (LEX). [.709.1]- Integrating style theme "Sombra" as factory default Dark-Mode theme. [.525.1]- Add "Julia" lexer (new in Lexilla) (LEX). [.506.1]- Base64 Encoding/Decoding. [.428.1]- Custom ChooseColor resource definition. [.426.1]- Prepare Application Manifest for to grant Identity for non-package desktop apps. [.425.1]- Add file/dir exists/not-found to hyperlink tooltip (if file-url). [.422.1]- Support Scintilla's new feature: indicator stroke width. [.420.1]- TXT file for Translators to comunicate Line Mumbers of the "Added/Modified" strings. [.420.1]- Code Color for the "Change date" of the "Added/Modified" strings to translate". [.420.1]- More intermediate font weight constants added. [.420.1]- Remove useless font stretch handling. [.419.3]- Add font weights retina(450), semi-light(350) and extra-black(950). [.419.2]- Line Comment Add/Remove commands, additonal to existing Toggle. [.415.1]- Cut lines for rectangular and multi selection. [.412.1]- Use 'Ctrl+' key to force dropping files into new instance (Ctrl+ for new instance). [.402.1]- ScintillaWin horizontal mouse-wheel support. [.331.2]- Provide Mono-Language IDs. [.331.1]- Mono-Language compiler switch for MiniPath. [.325.1]- Compiler switch to allow Mono-language binary (no MUI DLL loading). [.324.1]- Exclusive Lock (write) Mode shown in windows title. [.323.1]- Menu item for excusive File Locking (write, shared read). [.323.1]- Decorator styling for Python files. [.321.1]- Exclusive File Lock option. [.301.1]- About Dlg: version info for split-off Lexilla component. [.301.1]- About Dlg: Copy-Ver-Info-Btn : add Dark-Mode information. [.301.1]- Some filesystem path vs. file:// URL helpers (backslash invert). [.301.1]- Converter: File-System Path to URL and vice versa. -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- [.825.2]- Non themed app: edit-window frame visibility. [.811.1]- Current Lexilla dev (chg: HTML(PHP) Lexer) (LEX). [.811.1]- Scintilla Python generator methods for embeddable Python (SCI). [.811.1]- MUI base language definition moved to solution's preprocessors (C/C++ & RC) defines. [.803.1]- Optimized default style handling for settings file (Dark Mode). [.803.1]- Adapted other Dark Mode Theme Files. [.802.1]- Default FileWatchingMode from "don't care" to "notify by MsgBox". [.721.1]- Adapded "Sombra" Dark Mode default color scheme. [.721.1]- Rename "KiX Config" to "KiXtart Script". [.703.1]- Enable Dark Mode feature for Win11 v21H2 Insider beta. [.529.2]- Win10 Release-ID as string (allows 20H2 or 21H1). [.529.1]- Improved Julia Lexer (LEX). [.526.1]- Batch-Lexer + patching Markdown-Lexer (eolfilled header lines) (LEX). [.526.1]- Scheme-Dlg: dynamic (alloc) Style-Backup handling. [.525.1]- Update Lexilla Lib (bug fixes for Lexer: Markdown, Cmd/Batch) (LEX). [.515.1]- "grepWinNP3" based on current grepWin ver (boost v1.76 , upd: sktoolslib) (GRE). [.515.1]- Add some more coding fonts to prefer over Consolas (if installed). [.515.1]- Linker: hardware-enforced stack-protection. [.513.1]- Canonicalize style section of .ini-settings. [.512.1]- Keep found initial common base default font in .ini. [.507.1]- Base64 Decoding: select source code-page for decoding. [.507.1]- Base64: default Encoding/Decoding based on current code-page [.427.1]- Color selection dialog: NP3 icon, positioning and dark-mode. [.427.1]- Adjust standard colors for URL Hyperlink (better standard dark-mode visual). [.425.1]- New default for hyperlink tooltip is OFF. [.425.1]- Immediate indicator hover response (colordef-hotspot, hyperlink-tooltip, hex-code-tooltip). [.422.1]- Code cleanup for Font and Style Selection. [.421.1]- Prefer "Cascadia Code" font over "Consolas" font for default if installed (ligatures). [.420.2]- Custom Font Selection Dialog. [.419.2]- Comment BockEdit shortcut changed (Ctl+Alt+Q => Alt+Shift+Q). [.419.2]- Comment has separate popup menu (Edit -> Selection). [.419.1]- Move some Lexer related functions to other module. [.419.1]- Enable compiler warnings level 4 and issue "Warnings as Errors" (for Lexilla, Scintilla, grepWinNP3). [.417.1]- Remove short-note from wrap around match tooltip. [.416.1]- Save bookmarks in file history in case of "Save as...". [.416.1]- Minimize usage of deprecated LCID/LANGID for MiniPath. [.415.1]- Cpp-Lexer fix merged from Lexilla (5b92f7219a9fe9fb0ae4c5cc19f57c39185e4074. [.414.2]- Minimize usage of deprecated LCID/LANGID for Notepad3. [.414.1]- New size "4MB" for "FileLoadWarningMB=4" (Styling and Syntax Highlighting are switched off). [.413.2]- Configurable position offset on launching new instance. [.413.1]- Clarify menu item string (only one instance per file). [.413.1]- Drag-n-Drop: allow multiple files to drop. [.413.1]- Drag-n-Drop: replace current file (Ctrl+ for new instance). [.413.1]- Menu/shortcut: launch "New Empty Wnd" <-> "Duplicate Instance". [.411.2]- Adapt to Scintilla v5.0.1 new translucent alpha color (marker). [.406.1]- C/C++ Lexer: styles and keywords (LEX). [.331.1]- Cleanup code: SplitUndoTransaction() on timeout resp. line-break. [.329.1]- Turning "Line Comment Block Edit" from option into command (Ctrl+Alt+Q). [.326.1]- Kotlin & Dart Lexer from Zufuliu's source. [.323.1]- File Lock: exclusive write/change, shared read. [.323.1]- Style color for triple strings in Python Lexer. [.316.1]- Cleanup lexilla component. [.311.1]- Using some more Scintilla direct call methods instead of SendMessage() thread independent calls. (SCI). [.311.1]- Refactoring for splitting Lexilla from Scintilla (SCI). [.303.1]- Renaming Spanish Mexican to Spanish Latin America (es-419) (MUI). [.302.1]- More liberal Hyperlink scanner (no need for validation here!). [.302.1]- RegEx API : retun matched pattern length too. [.302.1]- Prevent Path to URL conversion, if Hyperlink RegEx pattern does not match. [.301.1]- Enable Dark Mode feature for Win10 v21H1 insider beta. [.301.1]- EOL-Mode: status-bar double-click : inverted cyclic change rotation CRLF -> LF -> CR. -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES Versions in Tools or Libraries: -------------------------------------------------------- [.802.1]- Update Lexilla Library (LEX) version 5.1.2 (2021-07-26). [.726.1]- Update Scintilla Library (SCI) version 5.1.1 (2021-07-26). [.726.1]- Update grepWinNP3 (GRE) version (2021-07-26). [.702.5]- Update Oniguruma Regex (ONI) engine version 7.0.0 (2021-06-23). -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- [.903.1]- Broken relative paths in file history selection. [.828.1]- Open color selection on Ctrl+Left mouse click on color indicator too. [.828.1]- Change cursor hand on Ctrl key-Up. [.827.1]- Broken "scroll undo/redo history via mouse (RMB+WHEEL)" feature. [.827.1]- Don't jump on initial F/R Dialog on empty clipboard. [.827.1]- Cursor hand on ctrl-keydown hover hyperlink. [.826.1]- Show hand cursor on hyperlink after dwell time (if ctrl key pressed). [.825.2]- Caret change to hand over hyperlink only if ctrl is pressed. [.825.1]- Some minor corrections on visual appearance. [.824.1]- Sync status bar font size on system font size change. [.824.1]- Restore previous window position while DPI scaling changed meanwhile. [.822.1]- Missing .ini must not have an assertion failure, allowed case here. [.820.1]- Specify "/utf-8" compiler option for "Scintilla, Lexilla and grepWinNP3" projects. [.813.1]- "grepWinNP3" project: post build step - xcopy .lang files to desired build output dir (GRE). [.813.1]- Remove obsolete (by SCI Lib v5.1.1) settings. [.809.2]- Size of visible whitespace style. [.809.2]- Workaround for additional selection typing. [.807.1]- RegEx line begin pattern stuck after zero-length replacement. [.806.1]- Launching file URL (Alt+Click) with respect to flags "Reuse Window" and "Only one Instance per File". [.805.1]- File URL tooltip. [.804.1]- Config version dependent "FileWatchingMode" settings value. [.804.1]- File change notification in Title Bar. [.804.1]- Trigger reset file changed on disc flag. [.724.1]- Remove multiple file Notification, if current file has been deleted. [.723.1]- F/R-Dlg: show match while typing protected characters. [.722.1]- Fixing "infinite" loop in Markdown Lexer. [.722.1]- Forced file ext written to scheme export. [.722.1]- File-ext writing to stxle .ini files only on export. [.707.1]- Distinguish Win10 vs. Win11 using build number (>=22000). [.529.2]- F/R Dialog regression: allow replace in selection (if selection not empty). [.527.1]- Correct handling of F/R dialog pattern combo-box dropdown list. [.527.1]- Minor fixes Markdown-Lexer. [.513.1]- Go to doc begin after global indentation change. [.513.1]- Minor enhancements for selection scroll to view. [.513.1]- Optimized handling of multi-step undo/redo notifications. [.512.1]- Slow line-break toggle. [.511.2]- TinyExpr: expr need not start with blank. [.511.2]- TinyExpr: UTF-8 to ANSI-CP-1252 conversion should yield invalid characters instead of blank or currency. [.511.1]- Space-width, avgchar-width and tab-width calculation. [.511.1]- Scintilla missing recalculation of space width (to get correct tab width for indentation). [.511.1]- Revert to Scintilla std tabwidth calculation on font changes. [.511.1]- Preserve "2nd Common Base" styling state across restarts. [.511.1]- Default style settings should not be written to .ini-file. [.429.1]- Handling of "File Vars" vs. "Encoding Tags". [.427.1]- Minor fixes around font redrawing. [.423.1]- Add thread COM initializations. [.423.1]- Adding DPI awareness to MiniPath (correct toolbar handling still open point). [.423.1]- minor corrections for customized font selection dialog (dark-mode and dpi-awareness). [.423.1]- DWRITE font allocation needs to font.family, not font.face name (Scintilla fix). [.421.1]- Correcting regression for icon scaling. [.421.1]- Rendering of "Relaunch Elevated" menu icon. [.421.1]- Regression on schema color definition. [.421.1]- Another bug retrieving Font SIze for Common Default vs. Lexer Specific. [.420.2]- Bug retrieving Font SIze for Common Default vs. Lexer Specific. [.420.2]- Font Name handling retrieved from Common-Default vs. Lexer-Specific. [.420.1]- Copy multi-selection to clipboard: separate each match by line-break. [.419.1]- Apply provided Scintilla patch. [.419.1]- Stream comment for .AU3 files. [.419.1]- "grepWinNP3": fix compiler warning Release Win32 (GRE). [.416.2]- Workaround Scintilla text-rendering bug, if line-number margin width set to 0 (so use 1 instead). [.416.1]- Save Schema config in case of inifile from scratch. [.415.1]- Small correction to Line Cut feature (thin selection). [.414.2]- Minipath uses NP3 preferred language, if not configured. [.414.2]- Compiling mono-language compiler switch version. [.414.1]- Std windows behavior for cascading new instances (if configured). [.413.2]- Sticky Window Flag on launching new instance. [.413.1]- Prevent duplicate instance, if setting does not allow. [.412.1]- Lazy styling (no need for SCN_STYLENEEDED). [.412.1]- Caret visibility on JumpTo() after file (re-)load. [.412.1]- FileWatching (file change notification) in some special cases. [.411.2]- Mark occurrences: no additional bookmarker -> use invisible marker instead of background marker. [.407.2]- New comment doc styling for C++ lexer (used for C#, RC, JS and Java too). [.407.1]- Center dialog in parent: for system dialog and if minimized (tray or taskbar). [.406.1]- Mark all Occurrences in case of reopened F/R dialog. [.406.1]- Center dialog in parent. [.406.1]- "grepWinNP3": fix missing search flags (GRE). [.326.1]- TinyExpr regresion inserting newline after equal sign. [.325.3]- Possible busy-loop in Kotlin and Dart Lexer. [.325.2]- Don't keep window top-most after returning from full-screen mode (F11 toggle). [.325.1]- Compiler switch to allow mono language binary. [.324.1]- Read-Only-Attribute cooperating with Exclusive-Write-Lock. [.323.1]- Lexer "Python": fixing Format-Strings (f-strings). [.321.1]- Regression with vertical slope definition. [.321.1]- Some regressions around external file change notification. [.316.1]- "grepWinNP3" Language-ID "[xx-YY]" exceeds 5 chars (e.g. [es-419]) (MUI). [.312.2]- Limit ChooseFont Dlg to CF_SCALABLEONLY for DirectWrite Technology. [.312.1]- Rectangular selection typing issue. [.309.1]- Replacing the "RCdll.dll" file to avoid garbage chars in foreign languages (MUI). [.309.1]- In ".zip" version, some filenames in "gwLng" folder are incorrectly displayed (MUI). [.303.1]- Language "Spanish Latin America" identifier correction (es-LA -> es-419) (MUI). [.302.1]- Hyperlink RegEx pattern fixed to use valid Unicode. [.302.1]- Handle quotes for URL <-> file-system path conversion. [.301.1]- "grepWinNP3": hide progress bar after search finisched (GRE). [.301.1]- ShellExecute() lpVerb for open hyperlink (Ctrl+Click) set to "open. [.301.1]- Data type mismatch. [.301.1]- Decoding of url-encoded file Hyperlinks ("file://..."). -------------------------------------------------------- REMOVED: -------------------------------------------------------- [.828.1]- Open color selection on Alt+Left mouse click on color indicator. [.807.1]- Remove deprecated (no sensible use case) "overlapping find" option. [.506.1]- "fontsValid" extension (closer to default scintilla code base). [.420.1]- Remove useless font stretch handling. [.419.2]- Removing the font-style string for font selection. [.411.1]- Remove deprecated WinXP support (no horiz. mouse wheel). [.311.1]- Obsolete SCI_LEXER preproc symbol / no need to link lexers in Scintilla. -------------------------------------------------------- TRANSLATIONS (MUI): -------------------------------------------------------- [.707.1]- Chinese Traditional (zh-TW). [.417.1]- Greek (el-GR). [.303.1]- Portuguese Brazilian (pt-BR). ======================================================== Version (27 February 2021) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- [.205.1]- Use user locale for date/time insert format: can be menu switched to preferred UI language. [.124.1]- Enable horizontal scrolling by "Shift + Mouse-Wheel". [.117.1]- Show search wrap-around tooltip (issue 3038). [1222.1]- Kotlin Source Lexer based on Zufuliu's Kotlin Lexer code base. [1222.1]- Dart Lexer based on Zufuliu's Dart Lexer code base. [1221.1]- TinyExpr: additional number parsing for binary (0b...) and octal (0o...) number formats. [1109.1]- Extension ".pkb" to SQL Lexer. [1012.1]- 'Dark Mode' support for Windows 10 20H2 Version 2009 (Build 19042). [1004.1]- Open/Save file explorer dialog: populate file filter with current lexer supported file extensions. [.929.1]- Minipath.ini: [Settings2] FocusLostOpacity=100 (opycity level on losing focus). [.923.1]- Hotkey 'F3': use MRU latest item before clipboard content as search pattern if prior search pattern is empty. [.922.1]- Support Lexer switching while Customize Schemes dialog is open. [.921.1]- Expand current lexers style tree on customize schemes dialog startup. [.920.1]- grepWinNP3: "Stay On Top" titlebar context-menu (GRE). [.918.1]- Faster statusbar update response / avoid flickering. [.917.2]- Reducing Titlebar, Toolbar and Statusbar flickering. [.916.1]- Set Light/Dark Mode for grepWinNP3 execution (GRE). [.916.1]- Customize Schemes: show selected theme title. [.915.2]- DarkMode: remember DarkMode chosen Scheme/Theme for next start. [.915.2]- Configurable Dark Mode colors (non Explorer-Theme, Owner-Drawn). [.915.2]- Menu item to switch between Default and Dark-Mode. [.915.2]- DarkMode: Toolbar, static checkbox/listbox control. [.915.2]- Win10 DarkMode Awareness (initial development). -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- [.223.1]- MiniPath: support mouse xbuttons for browsing direction. [.223.1]- Code styling reformat MiniPath sources (AStyle: OTBS). [.219.1]- Simple Line Comment Toggle handles each line separately [.219.1]- Menu move Line/Stream Comment items to Edit -> Selection top. [.218.1]- Find/Repl dialog - refactoring and minor fixes. [.213.1]- JSON5 enhancements to Scintilla's original JSON-Lexer. [.211.1]- Statusbar Selection-Info: switch to byte (instead of character) counting for huge files. [.205.1]- Use user locale for date/time insert format: insert date before time & tab separated. [.124.1]- Tinyexpr evaluation of math constants "e" and "pi" not being separated from prepending text. [.116.1]- Extent static find/replace/mark occurances pattern buffer to 4095 characters. [1223.1]- Initial start screen resolution independent fixed base font size. [1218.1]- Avoid wrap-around requester if there is no other possible occurrence. [1214.1]- Behavior change: copy to clipboard on empty selection -> don't copy anything if current line is empty. [1214.1]- Update keywords list in Style INNO Lexer. [1211.1]- No error message after decline loading file of huge size. [1201.1]- Renaming Chinese displayed encoding according to MIME/IANA. [1118.1]- Sci_PositionCR type reverted to long for Win32 compatibility reasons. [1001.1]- Rebase DarkMode module on delay load version branch of win32-darkmode project. [.930.1]- Update the KeyWordList of lexers "C# Source Code" and "SQL Query". [.930.1]- Bookmark Occurrences Colors changed to get perceptually distinct colors. [.929.1]- Migration from CreateLexer() by ID to CreateLexer() by Name (Lexilla IFace5 conform) (GRE). [.928.1]- TinyExpr format floating.point with non zero fractional part. [.927.1]- TinyExpr: change format (allow longer integer before switching to mantissa/exponent format). [.925.1]- Prepare for Lexilla Library (Scintilla v5) (SCI). [.925.1]- Using @zufuliu's EOL Mode detection enhancement (no SSE2 or AVX2 specializations). [.923.1]- Unify search-pattern retrieval: (0.selection)[F/R-DLG] - 1.previous-search/MRU-List - 2.clipboard. [.920.1]- grepWinNP3: save changed "Stay On Top" settings on exit (GRE). [.920.1]- First part of DarkMode Theme for MiniPath. [.917.4]- Separate DarkMode window-backgr color from button-facecolor. [.916.1]- Opacity level on loosing focus for grepWinNP3 (GRE). [.916.1]- TinyExpr: '%' operator: distinguish between modulo and percent operation by context. [.915.3]- Due to lack of interest, "Notepad3DLL" is discontinued. [.915.2]- User configurable "Web Action" menu item names. [.205.2]- Update grepWinNP3 (GRE) version (2021-02.05). [.124.1]- Update Oniguruma Regex (ONI) engine version 6.9.7 (2021-01-24). [1214.1]- Update Scintilla Library (SCI) version 4.4.6 (2020-12-01). -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- [.226.2]- URL-Decoding of file Hyperlinks ("file://..."). [.226.1]- Wrap-Around tooltip use correct encoding. [.222.2]- Multi-Line movement: proceed to document end correctly. [.222.2]- Toggle comment on empty selection at insertion point: keep position of selection end. [.222.2]- MiniPath: Enable Mouse XButton usage ("browse back and forth"). [.220.1]- Toggle Comment: proper selection handling. [.219.1]- Do not move selection on search pattern change if in Replace-Dlg. [.219.1]- FJSON Lexer has comments enabled now. [.219.1]- F/R-Dialog - allow multi-line clipboard paste to Replace String combobox too. [.218.2]- F/R: fixes some issues around RegEx zero-length match/findings. [.218.1]- ReplaceAll. avoid busy loop (infinity) while replacing zero-length-match (RegExpr). [.218.1]- F/R dialog don't change selection by typing search pattern. [.218.1]- F/R show wrap-around tooltip only if message boxes are hidden. [.215.1]- JSON5 string line continuation. [.212.1]- Context-Menu Handling in Release Mode. [.211.1]- Burndown some VS Analyze Mode Infos/Warnings. [.205.1]- Wildcard search: unintentional wrap around. [.125.1]- AHKL lexer: visual brace matching mix-ups. [.124.1]- InfoBox message icon DPI scaling. [.122.1]- Tinyexpr functions and constants parsing. [.116.1]- Buffer overrun while initializing structures. [.116.1]- Fix Font Dialog (Size handling) problems (issue 3012). [1219.1]- F/R dialog: Transform Backslash option glitch. [1219.1]- F/R dialog: message box in case of not matching pattern. [1218.1]- Multi-Replace using RegExpr and Group-References. [1211.1]- Refactoring encoding detection: pure ASCII vs. 7-bit. [1125.2]- File encoding analysis with 7-bit ASCII only. [1125.2]- File save problem after switching encoding to GB2312 (52936). [1116.1]- Initial path on OpenFile dialog (load file). [1116.1]- Compiler complaints (new VS2019 version v16.8.1). [1024.2]- Allow single character filename on command line. [1012.2]- Disable Copy/Cut complete lines on partial multi-selection. [1012.1]- Find/Repl all in range algo. [1012.1]- Oniguruma flexible EOL handling (Win CRLF, Unix LF and Mac CR) (ONI). [1012.1]- Replace all in range. [1012.1]- Avoid file cache lost on power failure. [1006.1]- Copy/Cut/Delete "Focused View" lines (clipboard). [1006.1]- Cut/cop occurrences marker line(s) if marker in first line. [1004.1]- Initial directory for open/save file Explorer dialog. [1001.1]- TOML Lexer performance leak. [.928.2]- Freezing of main window caused by mixed usage of Lexer Interfaces. [.928.1]- Setting new IFace5 Lexer (should fix line/stream comment toggle issue 2912). [.927.1]- Lexer file extensions maintained in standard config. [.927.1]- grepWin language switching (github.com/stefankueng/grepWin/issues/199) (GRE). [.926.1]- Clone full .ini-file path for forked new instance (GRE). [.926.1]- grepWinNP3: wide char path names for language files (GRE). [.925.1]- Stop file change notification on deleted files if save is rejected. [.925.1]- Some RegEx engine fixes (current Oniguruma dev) (ONI). [.923.1]- Performance leak in TOML Lexer. [.923.1]- Customize Schemes title assembling. [.922.1]- DarkMode switching while non-modal dialogs are active. [.921.1]- TinyExpr: interpretation of '%' operator: allow "(...)" on rhs of modulo interpretation. [.921.1]- TinyExpr: remove the need of blank for smart interpretation of '%' operator. [.921.1]- Failed to set DarkMode for owner drawn ComboBoxEx controls. [.921.1]- DarkMode: toolbar button text. [.921.1]- Let DarkMode work with 20H2. [.920.1]- grepWinNP3 new instance: read correct .ini-file (protable) (GRE). [.918.2]- Fix Win7 start-up crash. [.918.1]- Final default color correction (toolbar, statusbar and margin). [.917.4]- Allow removing of compile pre-processing switch D_NP3_WIN10_DARK_MODE. [.917.3]- Bring back themed ReBar (Toolbar parent) for Win7. [.917.3]- Bring back themed ReBar (Toolbar parent) for Win10 using Light Mode (DarkMode not wanted). [.917.2]- Win7 Toolbar background back to COLOR_BTNFACE, Win10 stays with COLOR_WINDOWS. [.916.1]- Update Titlebar on document modified. [.916.1]- Clean .ini-config for default values. [.916.1]- Standard margin background colors. [.915.2]- DarkMode: switch std. background and text color too. [.915.2]- DarkMode support / init / settings handling. -------------------------------------------------------- REMOVED: -------------------------------------------------------- [.921.1]- TinyExpr: '%%' as percent operator is deprecated. -------------------------------------------------------- TRANSLATIONS (MUI): -------------------------------------------------------- [1028.1]- Hindi (hi-IN). ======================================================== Version 5.20.915.1 (15 September 2020) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- [.911.1]- Allow colon (:) as alternate divide operator to calculate TinyExpr. [.825.1]- grepWinNP3: default extension on saving search result list (GRE). [.824.1]- Focused-View: mode Fold-Only. [.823.1]- Mark Occurrences: show additional Bookmark (Arrows). [.823.1]- Bookmark context menu: clear marker type. [.822.2]- FocusedView Options: Bookmarks/Line-Highlight & Folding. [.821.1]- Bookmark margin context menu. [.819.1]- 1st version of Occurrences Bookmarks on Focused-View. [.816.1]- Controls to clear history (file and find/replace). [.815.1]- Using dialog RTL option for Main window too. [.813.1]- Right-to-left (RTL) title/frame layout for some dialogs. [.813.1]- Edit Right-To-Left (RTL) mode (works only in GDI device context (DC)). [.812.1]- Extended context menu (margin commands, file explorer). [.812.1]- Context-Menu to toggle margins. [.811.1]- Color-Definition Hotspots: support RGB+A (default), A+RGB and BGRA. [.808.1]- Configuration for "Search in Files" toolbar label. [.802.1]- Configuration ([Settings2]LargeIconScalePrecent) percent to switch to bigger file types icons. [.727.1]- DPI-Aware treeview/listview lexer type icons. [.727.1]- New string "Calculate Tiny-Expressions". [.722.2]- ARM64_Build branch (Xperimental). -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- [.914.1]- F/R Dialog: toggle "Esc Ctrl Chr", try reverse operation if no length change [.913.1]- Bad design: F/R dialog: remove auto Esc Ctrl Chr (changed to manual explicit). [.901.1]- Open Recent File: Rename the Cancel button to Close button. [.901.1]- grepWinNP3: alpha transparency on losing focus (GRE). [.828.1]- Rearange and review "File Encoding" menu to clarify behavior. [.826.1]- Default for file-encoding-tag parsing -> OFF. [.826.1]- Swap file-encoding-tag parsing priority (encoding <-> coding). [.825.1]- Revert Initial Font-Size based on DeviceCaps. [.825.1]- Initial Font Size based on DeviceCaps (=> FullHD unchanged). [.824.2]- grepWinNP3: Export search result list (NP3 enhancements) (GRE). [.823.1]- Delete Bookmarks (Alt+F2): 1st delete occurrence markers then std. bookmarks. [.822.1]- Remove max count limitation for "Mark Occurrences" feature. [.821.1]- Bookmark context menu on alpha-blend FocusedView marker line. [.821.1]- Convenient message box text for normalizing EOLs. [.817.2]- grepWinNP3 and minipath: special dialog box UI fonts for Asian languages. [.816.1]- Use optimized Asian UI fonts for Notepad3 dialog boxes. [.815.1]- Focused View: scroll to current position on each toggle. [.805.1]- grepWinNP3: add OS architecture (x64) - AboutBox (GRE). [.805.1]- Replace "64-bit"/"BETA" by "x64"/"beta" to shorter the version name. [.803.1]- Title font change DPI-Awareness for About and Customize Schemes dialog. [.802.1]- Resample scaling of info-box icons on DPI change. [.802.1]- Revert System's Message box for "save confirmation" (if message beeps are allowed). [.802.1]- High Quality Bitmap resampling method (Rizonesoft Bitmap). [.729.1]- DPI-Aware About & Custom.Scheme dialog. [.729.1]- Swap Shortcuts: "Search in Files" -> "Ctrl+Shift+F" and Toggle Folds -> "Ctrl+Alt+F". [.723.1]- Review document modified handler (dirty-flag). [.825.1]- Update grepWinNP3 (GRE) version (2020-08-25). [.813.1]- Update Oniguruma Regex (ONI) engine version 6.9.6 (2020-07-31). [.818.1]- Update Scintilla Library (SCI) version 4.4.4 (2020-08-18). -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- [.914.1]- TinyExpr: crash on rectangular selection. [.912.1]- TinyExpr: enable CP1252 operators '×'(mul) and '÷'(div). [.912.1]- TinyExpr: ignoring currency chars ("$€¢£¥") in expressions. [.912.1]- TinyExpr: "=?" result not taken into account. [.911.2]- TinyExpr: inline evaluation on active option only. [.911.2]- TinyExpr: allow rh equal and questionmark. [.911.2]- TinyExpr: newline after evaluation by '='. [.911.1]- Allow RETURN / ENTER after equal sign (=) to calculate TinyExpr. [.908.1]- SubMenu active marker (Occurrences Indicator Options). [.906.1]- Delete marker of (comletely) deleted lines. [.905.1]- Initial state of "Focus View" button in F/R-Dlg. [.901.2]- Buffer size calculation. [.901.2]- Running out of occurrences bookmarks. [.901.1]- Crash caused by buffer overflow. [.831.1]- Recent File List (File History): Disable OK/Remove on empty list. [.831.1]- Enhanced internal icon/bitmap handling. [.830.1]- Remove needless function. [.830.1]- F/R Dialog: Auto-Esc-Chars handling. [.830.1]- F/R Dialog: Clear F/R History - remove entries from .ini-file too. [.829.1]- Buffer to small in case of auto-esc ctrl-chars in find/replace edit-control. [.825.2]- Wrong Focused-View Mode shown in menu. [.825.2]- Try to fix (hardly reproducible) "copy Hyperlink" issue 2202. [.825.1]- Regression: initial calculation of Print-Zoom factor. [.824.1]- Not intended bookmarker on F/R dialog mark findings. [.823.1]- Bookmark Occurrences too menu checked. [.823.1]- Scroll to cursor for selection start/end jumps. [.823.1]- Not intended "violet" bookmark. [.821.1]- Context menu procedures for Occurrences Bookmarks on Focused-View. [.819.3]- Single click in status bar's EOL segment will ask for consistent line-end change. [.819.2]- Find any next/prev. bookmark (std or word). [.818.1]- Scintilla bug fixes: SCICALL attribute (SCI). [.817.1]- Reload language resource for about-box on init (maybe language changed). [.815.1]- DPI Awarenes of window positions (default, sticky, ...). [.813.1]- Center dialo in parent (if parent is minimized). [.812.1]- Fix copy search for & path to (only one) existing instance (GRE). [.812.1]- "grepWinNP3": fix invalid searchPath Ballon-Tip handling (GRE). [.812.1]- [Settings2] filebrowser.exe=explorer.exe. [.812.1]- Text contrast on hover color hotspot. [.811.1]- Set preferred language to internal, on "not available confirmation dialog" is enabled. [.808.1]- Center system's MessageBox in parent window. [.808.1]- Relative calculation of title font size for AboutBox and CS dialog. [.805.1]- Unicode Point detection and enhanced Color Tag contrast on hoover. [.805.1]- DPI-Awareness of "Customize Schemes..." dialog icon eye sugar. [.805.1]- DateTime and Timestamp handling. [.803.1]- No read-only file attribute if removed externally. [.802.1]- Some more DPI-Awareness issues. [.801.1]- Ensure selection visible (scroll to current position). [.801.1]- Extend selection to next find (Ctrl+Alt+F2). [.801.1]- DPI-Awareness of About-Dlg (especially RichEdit-Ctrl). [.801.1]- Non case sensitive style attribute search (find file extensions non case sensitive). [.724.1]- Notepad3 should save (no ask) & exit on Shift+ESC Hotkey. [.723.2]- Clear selection by ESC should not populate undo/redo stack. [.722.2]- No document modified flag on forced re-decode file (recode) w/ other encoding. -------------------------------------------------------- REMOVED: -------------------------------------------------------- [.913.1]- Nop SendMsg. -------------------------------------------------------- TRANSLATIONS (MUI): -------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================== Version 5.20.722.1 (22 July 2020) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- - grepWinNP3: export search results (GRE). - changed grepWinNP3 icon (GRE). - Add Toolbar icon for grepWinNP3 (GRE). - Configurable Zoom-Tooltip display timeout ([Settings2] ZoomTooltipTimeout=3200). - Add Install/Remove "Open with Notepad3" to Notepad3 Setup/Installer (SUP). - Add additional Dark Theme "Sombra". - Strip first char: allow multi-selection. - Open default browser while clicking tooltip (hovering hyperlink). - Regex multi-select feature. - Toolbar hot-button if view is zoomed (<>100%). - Call-Back Notepad3 (from grepWinNP3) with case-sensitive and dot-match-all flag (if applicable) (GRE). - Add "Overlapping Search" in Find/Replace dialog window. - Integration of external Search-In-Files tool named "grepWinNP3" (GRE). -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- - "grepWinNP3" About dialog wrapping long text (GRE). - Silent ignore write permissions missing on Inifile. - Replace non DPI Aware MessageBox for "Save on Close" by internal InfoBox - Set DirectWite (D2D) rendering technology as new default. - Two stage Toolbar reset (customizing dialog): 1st -> settings 2nd -> factory default. - DPI_CHANGED msg handler. - Enhancement of the "build_np3portableapp.cmd" file. - Remove duplicate readme.txt, license.txt and unused files. - Move all readme.txt, license.txt, KeyboardShortcuts.txt, etc... files from "Notepad3Portable\Other\Help" to "Notepad3Portable\App\Notepad3\Docs" - Review and format the license.txt file for the dialogbox of INNO Installer. - Font style/face-name handling. - Extended Font selection dialog (Effects). - Font selection refactoring. - Revised grepWinNP3.ini file creation (GRE). - Minor changes for dialog handling on DPI changed. - Preparations for dpi-aware resizable "Customize Schemes..." dialog. - DPI change handling: About & Schemes dialog. - Markdown Lexer: new defaults for Header lines. - Strip first char: do not apply on all text (empty selection). - Reorganization Context menu. - Bigger prev/next button-icons (Customize Schemes... dialog). - Hyperlink double-click and MMB-click behavior. - Filevar tag "fill-column" changes to support multi-column marker. - Installer to let the user select the target directory. - Changed Default long-line wrap settings. - Remove spinning wait-cursor for text operations (may need reactivation for long operations). - Add filepath to message on file locking error. - Update grepWinNP3 (GRE) version (2020-07-21). - Update Oniguruma Regex (ONI) engine version 6.9.6 (2020/07/05). - Update Scintilla Library (SCI) version 4.4.3 (2020/06/03). -------------------------------------------------------- ENHANCEMENT: -------------------------------------------------------- - "grepWinNP3": add "Dark mode" settings (GRE). - "grepWinNP3": asynchronous search & replace version (GRE). - DPI awareness and multi monitor handling. -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Alt+W (strip trailing blanks) should work w/o selection. - TimeStamp handling. - Menu selection operation (disable w/o selection). - Move view to matching brace (even if outside current work area). - Ask before overriding read-only protected configuration file. - Respect read-only file attribute of .ini-settings-file (configuration). - Undo/redo empty selection redundancy. - Multiple line-/stream-selection undo/redo. - Disabled Find/Replace or Customize Schemes (by modal child) dialog should disable main window. - Printing scaling problem related to DPI awareness changes. - System MessageBox "save before close" positioning. - Reset of Toolbar configuration dialog. - Crash if "close after find" is enabled. - Keep current line on reverting file. - Limit length of (manual) commit ID. - DPI Aware relative positioning of position managed dialog boxes. - DPI: awareness for Find/Replace-Dlg (remove resize property). - DPI: awareness for Lexer-Selection-Dlg (remove resize property). - DPI scaling for Scintilla surface component (thanx zufuliu). - Unexpected selection of hyperlink in first line on empty doubleclick. - Missing UI update (Margin Width). - Don't overwrite grepWinNP3's user settings for backup in folders (GRE). - Common base font inheritance for other styles. - "grepWinNP3" crash on invalid file path (GRE). - "vcxproj" should use the latest installed SDK. - Scintilla as DLL solution. - Extended font style selection. - Don't add recent file list (history) to taskbar's jump-list. - Fixing some CppCheck complaints. - Broken x86 (32-bit) build. - Theme scheme file handling (file extension inheritance). - Remember find pattern (Ctrl+F3). - Customize Toolbar dialog closes immediately. - ".ini-file" acquire lock for invalid file path. - Cancel multi-selection on line up/down key. - Initial behavior on open Find/Replace dialog. - Lost Find/Replace dialog settings. - Lazy syntax styling (copy into multi-line string, etc.). - ToolsMenu flickering. - "grepWinNP3": optimized single-tread worker option (GRE). - View selection on wrapped long-lines vs. normalizing view. - Don't protect backslash (double'\\') for pattern argument. - "grepWinNP3" ordered map of languages for selection box (GRE). - Translatable error message format (msgbox). - DPI scaling window on display dependent. -------------------------------------------------------- REMOVED: -------------------------------------------------------- - Remove DWrite Font Choose Dialog - need to type fractional font sizes manually. -------------------------------------------------------- TRANSLATIONS (MUI): -------------------------------------------------------- - Korean (ko-KR). - Portuguese (pt-PT). - Spanish Mexican (es-MX). - Slovak (sk-SK). ======================================================== Version 5.20.411.2 (11 April 2020) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- - Executables and dll's are now signed. - Fix DPI scaling of Toolbar bitmaps (avoid slicing by rounding errors). - "Open with Notepad3" Right-Click in Explorer Context Menu (install/setup version). - In About Resources: Data Sharing Service from https://workupload.com. - Automatic scrolling when dragging selected text near window edge (SCI). - break rectangular selection into multiple selection on end-of-lines (move caret). - Infos of screen/display/dpi for "Copy Version Info" button. - Preserve stream selection in file history (w/ text position remembering). - Language dependent status bar abbreviations. - Copy directory to clipboard and Open path in explorer. - Toggle menu bar option. - Add Lexicographical Line Sort Order. - CSV Prism Color Lexer. - Preserve File Modification Date/Time: Option stays until new session is started. - Save with Original File Date/Time - Ctrl+Alt+F6. -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Change default settings for word/long-line wrapping. - Update "KeyboardShortcuts.txt". - Split undo typing sequence by line-breaks default -> true. - Add file history to recent docs (taskbar) jumplist. - NP3 INI file read/write using file locking (shared read / exclusive write) for multiple instances. - Reset build-of-the-day number in AppVeyor on new day. - Change version numbering of build_# (the build number is now daily based). - Remove AppVeyors build number, add build-of-the-day number, add short version of commit/local build ID. - Accelerator key remapping: move line up/down vs. jump folds. - Separate auto esc'd control chars from "transform backslashes" switch in find/replace dialog. - Increase encoding detection confidence threshold to 92%. - Finetuning of Single Byte Char Set (SBCS) detection. - Add current Encoding and Lexer to "Copy Version Text". - Lexer keyword initializer list simplified. - Find/Replace dialog: in case of "transform backslashes" do Esc control seqs. - Upper confidence level for UCHARDET to: "AnalyzeReliableConfidenceLevel=92". - UCHARDET: Enhanced confidence calculation for Single Byte Character Set (SBCS). - Replace std messagebox "save modified file warning" by (silent) custom messagebox if message beeps are muted. - Don't Auto-Close blank untitled document, only empty untitled document. - Encoding detection fallback: if "Load ASCII as UTF-8" is checked use UTF-8 (if valid) else current ANSI code-page. - Use Ctrl+Shift+L for toggle "Menu: Reuse Window" option. - Inversion of Accelerator key Ctrl+Alt+L with Ctrl+Shift+L. - Change wording "Administrator" to "Elevated". - Hidden "ExitOnESCSkipLevel" feature (Exit on ESC can ignore a selection). - ESC Key clears active selection (not exiting Notepad3 if configured) (Config: ExitOnESCSkipLevel=2). - Set large file size limit to 2GB (INT32_MAX). - Set big file size limit warning to 64MB (syntax highlighting is switched off) (Config: FileLoadWarningMB=64). - New Notepad3 Icon (Notepad3 icon by Vexels.com designed by smanashova@gmail.com). - Initial default big toolbar only for monitors > Full-HD. - Copy to clipboard instead of insert (filename, path, GUID). - Option [Settings2] LexerSQLNumberSignAsComment. - Option [Settings2] LineCommentPortfixStrg= e.g. add a space to comment chars. - Option [Settings2] NoCopyLineOnEmptySelection and NoCutLineOnEmptySelection. - Appearance of INFOBOX4 (MB_YESNOCANCEL). - Thin rectangular (multi) selection after toggling line-comment block for multi insertion. - Full Work Area Mode (F11) -> Full Screen Mode (Maximize window if "full work area" is requested). - Ctrl+Alt+Enter AutoCompletion behavior. - Menu and behavior for copy/paste and copy/paste line. - Allow each modification step to split undo typing sequence (set timeout 0 < to < 20ms). - Split undo typing sequence (by line-breaks and/or timeout) (UndoTransactionTimeout=0, LnBrk via Menu). - Update Oniguruma Regex (ONI) engine version 6.9.5 (2020/01/28). - Update Scintilla Library (SCI) version 4.3.2 (2020/03/06). -------------------------------------------------------- ENHANCEMENT: -------------------------------------------------------- - Load files larger than 2GB (64-bit) - Limit to 4GB (Scintilla problems). - Parameter to set document limit for big files (switch off highlighting). - ScintillaWin: IMEJPCancelAction (SCI). - File locking mechanism (.ini-file) to avoid multi process file write race conditions. - Menu entries for move line and folding control. - Multi-line Search Find/Replace. - Apply Start Case to AutoHotkey Lexer. - Change to 1-pass (file open/close) to save settings in Notepad3.ini. - Enclosing selection with HTML-Tag - Remember last pattern (session). - Repeat selection enclosing (HTML-Tag) n-times control. - Hyperlink detection for Unicode. -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Locale dependent string comparison and Logical Number comparison. - Review scroll behavior for context menu and Stop scrolling on context menu click. - Do not use analysis hint UTF-8, if file is invalid UTF-8. - Configurable default ANSI code-page (locale) detection bonus. - No AutoCompletion on empty words (busy loop bug). - DPI Scaling Toolbar and DPI scaling selection mode. - Common controls will use preferred/available MUI language. - Sticky window position handling. - Initial, default and current window position handling. - Debug assertion (isspace() called on non ASCII char). - Correct return result of Styles export. - Scintilla method declaration. - Move hardcoded lexer <-> filename (w/o .ext) associations to configurable scheme (regex def). - Drag&drop rectangular selection shuffles chars. - Paint() hangs due to unnecessary LockWindowsUpdate(). - Drag&drop selection should use configured slop settings. - Internal file-history submitted to taskbar JumpList. - Load files larger than 2GB (64-bit) - Limit to 4GB (Scintilla problems). - Automatic scrolling when dragging text near window edge: make caret visible after drop. - No styling for big/large files (loading speedup and UI responsiveness). - Esc skip level on rect/multi-selection. - Avoid caret jump on cancel multi-selection (esc). - In case of "Transform BS", swallow single slashes not related to a ctrl-char. - Handling of default settings for deprecated 'SciDirectWriteTech=...' - Concurrent access to .ini-File (lock file). - Caret virtual space movement options: remove "SCVS_NOWRAPLINESTART". - Jump to selection "start/end" operations. - Word lists for LUA Lexer. - Line Comment (Toggle) for NIM Lexer. - Slow indentation (TAB/BACKTAB). - AutoCompletion box. - Find/Replace Dialog behavior. - Transform backslashes while pasting into search/replace box. - Some issues for lexers: YAML and JSON. - Clipboard multi-line paste hook for Find/Replace pattern CB. - Allow multi-line Search Find/Replace pattern. - IME color and IME color styler. - Wrong language reference for lexer : "Tag". - "Recent Files" History handling. - URL Encode/Decode (according to RFC 3986) for (Win7 API). - Win7 "procedure entry point "SetCoalescableTimer()" could not be located. - Wrap to Column - default=80. - Preserve file modification time option on elevated. - Elevated relaunch after encoding change. - Sub dialog centering in multi monitor environment. - Modern style message box icons. - System MessageBox() for "not saved" warning on modified files. - Oniguruma RegEx engine: respect EOL mode on encoding type. - Wrong encoding detection settings for explicit config .ini-File load. - Disable HyperLink calltip on ESC, as long as caret is in hyperlink text range. - Crash on very large file size (rejecting too big files). - Batch lexer: handle comment after ampersand(&) command sequence. - Bug in replace on single step find/replace. - Convert to Hex and vice versa: work on (stream-)selection (original source by ZuFuLiu). - Comparison warning: signed/unsigned mismatch. - Canonical ini-file style section order for settings from scratch. - Prevent concurrent settings-file-access (re-launch elevated). - Small fixes on "Relaunch Elevated" functionality. - Minor fixes for window positioning by cmdline parameter. - Minor correction of HotKey. - Ctrl+Shift-C/X and Paste behavior. - Markdown highlight overflow. - Redo initial selection after replace (ins/del). - Hyperlink Regex detection and Update visible indicator issue. - Correct resource id for language sk-SK. - Insertion handling: keep selection if non empty selection is replaced. - TAB behavior after multi-selection undo sequence. - Encoding tag insertion (Ctrl+F8). - Division by zero exception (indentation and tab width). - Selection undo/redo in case of "lean" change notify event. -------------------------------------------------------- REMOVED: -------------------------------------------------------- - "Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F" (Code Folding) no longer works from Windows 10 19H1 1903. -------------------------------------------------------- TRANSLATIONS (MUI): -------------------------------------------------------- - Swedish (sv-SE). ======================================================== Version 5.19.815.2595 (15 August 2019) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- - Add settings for allowed AutoComplete fill-up chars. - Advanced TOML Lexer. - Multiselect Edit Indicator. - Color hover and picker (HTML color def only #RRGGBB, to call color-picker: Alt+MouseClick). -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Encoding (Default) Settings dialog: use positive wording for all items. - Sync Minipath Filter-Lines list with Notepad3 Lexers list. - Use double-quotes as MRU list string limiter. - Keep .ini backward compatibility for moved "Text Files" lexer (from "Default Text"). - Update to Oniguruma (ONI) v.6.9.3. - Scintilla Library (SCI) version 4.2.0 (2019-Jul-5). - To force UTF-8 as preffered encoding: activate encoding detection failure fallback for default encoding. - Allow Fixedsys font for GDI rendering. - Color MarkOccurrences refactoring: use System's HighLight color as default (alpha:60). - Replace Onigmo by Oniguruma (ONI). - CED -> UCHARDET license and acknowledgement. -------------------------------------------------------- ENHANCEMENT: -------------------------------------------------------- - Additional information on using copy version info button of About Dialog. - Complete implementation of UTF-8-Sig MinPath.ini file handler. - Use UTF-8-Sig for themes files. - Use UTF-8-Sig for .ini-File Handler (Initial Version). - Multi-Selection with selection restore on undo. - Bookmark margin click. - Some multi-selection enhancements. -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Multiple checks for (invalid) operations on rectangular selection. - Lexers with empty "associated filename ext" will be intialized with default extensions. - Load set localized menu before displaying dialog. - Manual entry for "Suppressed Messages" set as '-1' will hide checkbox for "Don't display again". - Issues regarding "no Notepad3.ini" file (defaults). - The checkbox "Don't show this DialogBox again" now remembers positive answers only. - Message "Large File Warning" now default value for large files > 256MB. - Send NewLine to sci control, if this id no AutoComplete fill-up char. - Obsolete newline after .ini-file sections with comments. - Enhanced Unicode detection. - Oniguruma (ONI) allow CRLF as newline token. - Notepad3.ini file, remove some keys with default values (styles). - Extended encoding detection debug information. - Encoding detection failure fallback: current code-page or default encoding on new (if fallback forced). - Multi-Selection while Mark-Occurrences of current word is active. -------------------------------------------------------- REMOVED: -------------------------------------------------------- - Disable "NewLine" for AutoComplete fill-up. - Remove (old) AHK Lexer in favour of modern AHK_L Lexer. -------------------------------------------------------- TRANSLATIONS (MUI): -------------------------------------------------------- - Polish (pl-PL). ======================================================== Version 5.19.630.2381 (30 June 2019) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- - Add another Dark Theme "Obsidian". - Add option to disable Hyperlink Tooltip. - ToolTip for Hyperlinks. - 2nd Solution to build a shared library (DLL) (C++ runtime & Scintilla) version of Notepad3. - Menu entry to mute MessageBox beeps. - Theme Menu to load exported styles "on the fly" (e.g.: "Dark" or "Obsidian") Factory Default, Standard Settings, a Dark Theme. - Close Zoom Info Bubble after ~3 sec.. - Recent History button in Toolbar. - [Settings2] key-values (internal) to control concurrent encoding detection. - 2nd Encoding-Detector "Mozilla's UCHARDET" concurrent to CED (Google's Compact Encoding Detection). - Language selection in Main Menu . - Command line option [/Y] to search env PATH for relative filename (NLS: strings). - Customize Schemes: Caret style 'ovrbar' (default) to switch caret style between BAR and BLOCK . - Highlight current line Frame-Mode (+ mode toggle Ctrl+Shift*I) (NLS: strings). - Goto-Dlg (Line/Column) accepts TinyExpr (ignoring suffixes). - Add CED reliability option (NLS: dialogs). - Indentation consistency check on file open (NLS: dialogs). - End-of-Line (EOL) consistency check on file open (NLS: dialogs). - Checkbox for transparent Find/Replace Dialogbox on losing focus. -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Enable Undo on FileRevert / AutoReload. - Adapt warning dialog according to new FileRevert / AutoReload undo/redo history. - Add an "Always On Top" toolbar button. - Rename "Doc Tail Chasing" => "Monitoring Log". - Optimized FileWatching interval for "Chasing Tail" mode. - Make "Add to Favorites" dialog resizable. - Make Custom.Schemes and Find/Replace dialog resizable. - BOOKMARK (margin flag) style changed to vertical flavor. - Auto-Save after elevating user right. - Rework Chinese encoding (GBK,GB2312,GB18030) detection and selection. - Make international language menu (language independent). - Start dual encoding detectors in (thread) parallel for large files (disabled, due to lack of performance profiling). - Support (internal) DevDebugMode. - Menu item "HighDPI Toolbar" -> "Toggle Toolbar". - Train Dutch (CP-1252) for UCD language detection models. - Train Belarusian (CP-1251) for UCD language detection models. - Train Africaans (CP-1252) for UCD language detection models. - Word-wrap-symbol show/hide accelerator-key -> "Ctrl+Shift+7. - Menu Languange Selector to Dynamic Language Selector. - Up-to-Date SCI (GitHub Mirror 2019-May-10). - Update of CED (2019-Feb-01). - SpeedUp of RegEx Replace (in case of const replace pattern). - Update of Onigmo RegEx engine (2019-Jan-24). - Optimized file search for items (filebrowser, .ini file, dirs). - Goto-Dlg (Line/Column) shows max line number. - SCI new Nim lexer replaces old Nimrod lexer (new highlighting). -------------------------------------------------------- ENHANCEMENT: -------------------------------------------------------- - Allow customizable fileName-RegEx to extensionlist ( \rc$; = all filenames (incl. ext) which ends on 'rc'). - Hand cursor coupled with indicator hover style only on modifier keys. - Allow indicator styling for Hyperlink hover rendering. - Find/Replace dialog <-> "Focused View" enhancements. - Rework inconsistent line-breaks in status bar. - Rework EOL and Indentation check with dialogs. -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Changing .ini-file manually. - Load external Toolbars (clear config on error, path relative to be portable). - Focused View: refolding by lexer. - Focused View started from Find/Replace dialog. - Do not ignore notify change for Paste/Swap/Undo/Redo. - Colourise bug on find next (w/ mark occurrences). - Indentation warning dialog. - Reworked: Consistent EOL and Indentation checks. - Fix to support external Hot- and Disabled- Toolbar icons . - Broken open hyperlink in web-browser (Ctrl+Click) and broken toolbar toggle. - MUI - Replace Horizontal Ellipsis by 3 final point (ANSI Detection Issue). - Write Language change to Settings2 on change immediately. - Focused View not working for some Lexers. - Find correct window for "Single File Instance". - Single file instance: find correct window for real paths. - Minor issue on UTF-8 encoding detection. - High quality icon for Taskbar (big icons). - Support high-definition icon for taskbar. - .vcxproj files supporting VS2019 (vc142). -------------------------------------------------------- REMOVED: -------------------------------------------------------- - Compact Encoding Detection (CED) as 2nd encoding detector (rely on UCHARDET only). -------------------------------------------------------- TRANSLATIONS (MUI): -------------------------------------------------------- - Hungarian (hu-HU). - Italian (it-IT). - Korean (ko-KR). ======================================================== Version (8 January 2019) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- - Added initial "minipath.ini" to Visual Studio Project. - Read undefined MiniPath settings from Notepad3.ini (Preferred language and Favorites directory). - MiniPath Multilingual support. - Handle zero-length lines in line-sorting algorithm. - Support for "Rust" source code syntax highlighting. - Multilingual support. - The TinyExpr module. - Add schema related keywords Auto Completion & IME. - Rebuilding the "Command Line Help" dialog. -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Encoding Detection fine tuning. - MiniPath About dialog: visual adjustments. - Optimize icon resource handling. - Optimized MiniPath resource file (icon/bitmap placement). - Enhanced MiniPath. - Small design change of MiniPath's Copy/Move dialog box. - Print option "Screen Colors" now prints with the same colors used on screen including line numbers. - Changed behavior of removing duplicate lines (ignore EOL/EOF chars). - Line sorting: Move empty lines to end of selection (always, if not removed). - Adapted PortableApps.com creator script to MUI structure. - STD/2ND sync with DefaultText/2ndDefaultText handling. - Reorganization of Menus in more sub-menu to shorter the Menus Lists. - Show Zoom Percentage on magnification changes. - Tidy Notepad3.ini to remove all defaulted [Setting] items - Change Default settings to make the first experience of Notepad3 more attractive... - Open Find/Replace: Use most recent search pattern instead of clipboard (if selection is empty). - Encoding affinity: UTF-8 instead of local ANSI code-page. - Replace dialog: tmp disable "mark all occ" in case of multi-line selection. - Adaptations for MS Visual Studio 2019 Preview. - Scintilla updated to 412. -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Do not reset scroll-width tracking on saving file (issue 539: https://github.com/rizonesoft/Notepad3/issues/539). - Fixed portable MiniPath redirector .ini files. - Support Scintilla's new indicator box styles ("INDIC_GRADIENT" and "INDIC_CRADIENTCENTRE"). - Fixed incremental search on find/replace dialog. - Fixed line sorting. - Center commandline help dialog. - In case of STD lexer only display "Default Text" in statusbar (indicator shows which one). - Fixed resource file problem (preproc defines). - Fixed save window Position (Default and Initial switch) - Fixed problem with bad brace highlighting (indicator) - if activated, ESC will close/minimize program immediately w/o canceling selection/tooltip first. - Fixed broken links in About dialog. - fixed behavior of replace (dialog) in case of multi-line selection. - Fixed disable accelerator-key interception for universal Unicode input method. - Fixed ASCII fallback only for selected encodings. - Fixed Onigmo RegEx Interface: bug in returning correct matching range. -------------------------------------------------------- TRANSLATIONS (MUI): -------------------------------------------------------- - Afrikaans (af-ZA). - Belarusian (be-BY). - German (de-DE). - English (en-GB). - Spanish (es-ES). - French (fr-FR). - Japanese (ja-JP). - Dutch (nl-NL). - Russian (ru-RU). - Chinese Simplified (zh-CN). ======================================================== Version 4.18.511.992 (12 May 2018) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- - Menu entries for (hidden) Accelerator Keys. - Method to remove duplicate lines. - Names under Acknowledgments on About box. - Version info for Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 v15.7.(0-1) (VC v191426428). - X-CaretPolicy ([Settings2] CurrentLineHorizontalSlop=0). - 1st draft of "Toggle Visible" (hide non occurences lines). - Initial version of Doc tail Chasing. - StatusBar dynamic configuration. - DPI awarenes on manual font scaling. - Menu entry for switching HighDPI toolbar. -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Incremental match for search/replace dialog box. - Default ini for Notepad3Portable. - Scintilla library to v4.04. - uthash library updated to current GitHub dev. - Encoding of Notepad3 sources to UTF-8-Sig. - Focus View icon. - Prep Scintilla "Position" value type changes for large file support. - Rebases internally used code page on UTF-8 (Scintilla multi-byte conversions). - Renamed "Toggle View" to "Focused View". - Replaced Tellenc by "Compact Encoding Detection" CED. - Current Scintilla (404 : 05-May-2018) development. - Focus View and Tail Function icons. - Disabling UpdateChecker menu entry if no executable is configured. - Adapted test to new Aboutbox calling. - Menu Help instead of "?" - Move File History (Recent File List) to Accel-Key Ctrl+Alt+H. -------------------------------------------------------- ENHANCEMENT: -------------------------------------------------------- - Latest compiler tool chain recognition. - Pad with Spaces in Rectangular Selection. - Handling of default/standard lexer styles. - Notepad3.ini redirection to avoid overriding settings by zipped distribution. - Added last find pattern to file history. - Added option to remove blank lines (containing blanks/tabs only). - Added option to skip ANSI Code Page detection (tellenc) (default is ON to preserve historic behavior). - Added "Toggle View" button to toolbar. - Compress White Spaces within rectangular selection. - Consistent rectangular selection restauration after block operations. - Enable "Toggle View" for main window. - Enable "Customize Schemes" Preview button only if selected lexer corresponds to opened file. - External cmd tool using Google's "Compact Encoding Detection" for encoding analysis. - F/R dialog - enable "Ctrl+BS" to delete word in search string. - File history dependent last search pattern option combined with search history on/off option. - Handling of F3 (find next - no F/R dialog). - Kind of "incremental search" : Find/Replace "Mark All Occ" active: typing search pattern scrolls to first match. - Make Find Next Selected, Find Prev Selected as expected using modern Scintilla API methods (instead of hand made operation). - Int to DocPos type changes. - Indication of find/replace state in FR dialog status bar. - Non Modal Customize Schemes... dialog. - Show or hide passphrase in dialog box. - Selectable (and copy-able) version info header of About-Box. - Statusbar segmentation resizing. - Strip First/Last Char within rectangular selection. - Strip Trailing Spaces within rectangular selection. - "Toggle All Folds" -> "Toggle Folds" (works on selection only too now). - "Toggle Folds": Selection range (really) toggles folds. - "Toggle View" coop main window vs. F/R dialog. - Delayed "mark occurrences" multi-triggering. - Performance tuning after profiling std. handling. - Delayed execution of time consuming update/redraw operation. - Added user definable relative status width configuration. - Added settings to user defined prefix strings for StatusBar sections. - Delayed "Spinning Circle" transaction. - Added "Extra Line Spacing" style option to ANSI Art (e.g. .nfo files) (predefined -4). - Minor speedup on notify changed event. -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Memory leakage in selection undo/redo stack. - Remember initial search start position for incremental search. - Some .ini-file handling stuff. - Handling of "Mark Occ." and "Focused View" in cooperation with find/replace dialog. - Select initial default standard lexer. - Missing document modified call. - Pad with Spaces in Rectangular Selection (correction for pure virtual space and skip empty lines). - Renaming of UpdateChecker => Administration Tool. - Issue regarding selection of default and 2nd default styling. - Clear all occurrences marker on no matching search expression. - Restore inital selection on search dialog canceling. - Broken Hyperlink Hotspot handling. - Brace matching for Batch Lexer. - Y-CaretPolicy ([Settings2] CurrentLineVerticalSlop=0) default. - Show replacement count info-box after UI update (extended selection, replaced pattern). - Issue regarding "Auto Complete Word" feature. - Slow pasting of multiline clipboard. - Style_SetLexer() should update line number margin width. - Minor issues regarding selection anchor/current_caret in Find Next/Previous. - Remember last search pattern on new files. - Notepad3 window positioning. - Initial window position handling (command line option "/pos"). - Search Next (F3) handling (ver II). - Reset scroll width on font (size) changes (automatically adapted). - Missing menu shortcut for "Remove Duplicate Lines" ("o"). - "Remove Duplicate Lines": wrong last line handling in case of no selection. - Using process heap allocation instead of global memory allocation method (according to MSDN guidelines). - "Remove Duplicate Lines": skipping line on progress to next compare when removing previous duplicate. - Toggle line comment on empty line. - Issue in Strip First/Last Char within rectangular selection. - Update Toolbar,Statusbar and LinNumber Margin on Observe NotifyEvent reactivation. - Endless loop on "zero length match" at EOF. - Reverting file from storage - Preserve view, cancel selection. - Minor issue on display indication of find/replace state in FR dialog status bar. - Small issues on Find/Replace Next/Previous operations. - Pad with spaces in case of rectangular selection. - HyperlinkHotspot handling while "Toggle Visibility" changes view. - Issue with "Toggle Visibility" drawing a selection on clicking into view. - Concurrency issue: main window vs. Find/Replace dialog. - Folding level issue to hide non-occurrence match lines. - Possible Deadlock. - Avoid deadlock of occurence marker task scheduler. - Enable FR state reset call from outside. - Enhance indicator (redraw needed) of re-apply "Mark All Occurrences". - "Compressed View": re-apply lexer styles on changed marked word. - Proper view reset after reverting from compressed view. - "Compressed View" - minor issues. - UTF-16 LE BOM (Unicode) for Notepad3.ini. - Notepad3.ini should have encoding UTF-16 LE BOM (Unicode) not the smaller UTF-8 Sig encoding format. - Scroll-to issue in case of incremental search. - Bug replacing reverse stream selection. - Remove file-system/URL auto-completion from search box. - F/R dialog : minor corrections. - Occurrences marker counting. - default "Slop" values changed. - Undo/Redo handling in case of discarding U/R-Stack. - Check "Toggle View" button in case of activation. - Restore correct fold margin. - Optimized "notify change" observation on clearing file buffer. - Consistent "checked" for button and menu. - "Focused View": disable encoding identifier insertion menu entry. - Bug in toggle mechanism of "Toggle All Folds" - "Toggle Folds": exclude fold point (headers) which have no children. - "Toggle Folds": selection must span at least two lines. - Matched Rizonesoft logo background with About dialog background. - Replace in selection: Selection enlargement. - Version to folding issue on hiding invisible/non-marked lines. - Toggle Folds of complete document. - Small issue reverting from "Focused View". - Correct WordWrap after reverting from "Focused view". - Small bug preventing Statusbar relative width settings smaller than 1/10 of width. - Missing last entry of statusbar configuration (ID=11). - Bug while reading String to Vector. - Switching modes (EOL,OVR, some other), statusbar has not been updated accordingly. - Deactivate "Focused View": set FoldingLevel to default before applying Lexer's Style (-> speed-up). - RAII (__try/__finally) for target transactions and notify changed observation guards. - StatusBar handling and display of "Default text" vs. "2nd Default Text". - Added parameter to force update of Stausbar (e.g. theme change). - Fractional font settings: add bias of 2%. - Minor fixes and default value adjustments. - Choose correct font size for deactivated "Hyperlink Hotspot" style. - Force initial default position only if no window position is specified. - Insert key into rectangular selection. - Undo/Redo in case of selection insert/delete. - Cleanup obsolete rectangular pasting helpers. - Ignore notify change event on pasting rectangular selection. - Leave Alt-Key-Down mode if keyboard focus lost. - Broken Undo/Redo stack (in case of selection). - Issue on recording initial selection Undo/Redo. - Recording selection Redo/Undo action only for non empty selection. - Statusbar line counting display. - Modified document flag set unneccessaryly. - Bug, where styling stopped after hotspot highligting. -------------------------------------------------------- REMOVED: -------------------------------------------------------- - wyUpdate stuff from portable installation. ======================================================== Version 3.18.311.928 (11 March 2018) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Accelerator-Key to toggle tranparency mode (Alt+0 => Alt+G). ======================================================== Version 3.18.311.925 (11 March 2018) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- - New: About Box (RichEdit library 2.0) - New: Version string patching commands for different local builds. -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Accelerator Keys: (Alt+0: Toggle Transparency), (Alt+Shift+N: Launch new empty window). - Added "tellenc" acknowledgement to About test. - Move "About..." dialog call to end of Help menu. - New compiler version. - Version info in About text. -------------------------------------------------------- ENHANCEMENT: -------------------------------------------------------- - Pressing F3 at Find/Replace dialog performs a find and switches focus to main window. -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Activation of Undo TB-Icon on operations, that can't be undone. - Onigmo: use CR (\r) as mono line-break symbol too. - Format number with thousand seperator and digit grouping acording to regional settings. - Integration of "tellenc" encoding detection ideas. - Use Windows regional ANSI Code Page settings for fallback in case of file encoding detection failure (instead of default encoding for created files). - Use all ASCII line breaks for line termination ($) meta char. - Onigmo backward search. - Consider "load 7-bit ASCII as UTF-8" settings on encoding detection. - Added BOM detection to encoding analysis. - Issue regarding hyperlink positioning of AboutBoy in case of none standard sytem font styling. - Swap clipboard while pasting into selection. ======================================================== Version (23 February 2018) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Critical error with automatic updates. - Swap clipboard bug while pasting into selection. ======================================================== Version (22 February 2018) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- - Accelerator Key (Alt+A) to switch ON/OFF occurrences marker/counter. - Feature "Scroll Past End of File" (settings). - Menu entry to check Rizonesoft.com directly for updates. - PortableApps AppCompactor call for UPX compression of NP3 binaries. - R-Statistics Code lexer. - Status/info bar in find/replace dialog. - Seperator on help menu update entries. - Styling for folding marks (charset:1 -> circles / case:U -> double lines). - wyUpdate's client configuration to PortableApps version. -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Executables now compressed with NRV2E method. - Scintilla version 4.0.3 and documentation update. - Adapted VS compiler version string for About dialog. - Change start of project on GitHub (date) to 2015 (Version.h). - Compiler optimization flags for release build. - Encoding type of Version.h from UTF-8 (Signature) to UTF-16 LE, to get Copyright sign right - Folding STyle: case:L/U for box vs. circle style; charset:0/1/2 single line after/before/enclosing. - Registry files lexer to support eolfilled on "Added Keys". -------------------------------------------------------- ENHANCEMENT: -------------------------------------------------------- - Added "Shift+F1" Accelerator Key to open "About..." box. - Allow negative values for Extra Line Spacing (compact line view). - Automatic Updates and incorporated launch of update installer "wyUpdate.exe". - Changed tab-stop order while navigating several dialogs. - Dynamic horizontal scroll bar width adaption. - More prominent replace dialog button "In Selection". - "Registry Files" lexer: enable attribute "eolfilled" for all styles of this lexer. - Replace (virtual) rectangular (empty) selection. - Wrap to Column allowed w/o selection (use complete text) - Undo/redo stack does not need to store virtual space options. - Check for Alt-Key down/up to allow drawing rectangular selection in virtual space. - Use faster method (SCI direct call) to set/reset virtual space access option. -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Minor issues in context of undo/redo (virtual) rectangular (empty) selection. - Static URL string to open version check website. - Tidy up menu navigation via keyboard. - Paste multi-line clipboard into rectangular selection. - Copy/paste and redo/undo on empty/virtual rectangular selection. - Prepare (i) for Scintilla's Position type change to 64-bit. - Corrupted "Page Setup..." dialog layout (after changing tab-stop order). - Pasting into rectangular selections. - Tab-key and indentation handling. - Indentation and rectangular selection (final solution still open). - "Single line selection" criteria. - Synchronized updates for Toolbar & Statusbar. - Empty settings string, if ToolbarButtons are reset to defaults. - Changed navigation keys for "Edit" menu. - Set virtual space option "SCVS_NOWRAPLINESTART" for Alt-Key down rectangular selection only. - Bug in calculating position for thousand separator. - Handle case: virtual space user access not allowed. - Selected default lexer has not been used as default startup lexer. - Code folding integrated in margin. - unique Style IDs. - Disable folding operations for lexers, which don't support it. - Default Folding Style: single line after heading. - Bug in changed "Windows Registry Files" lexer. - Undo/Redo action w/o selection sets/preserves selection mode (bug). - Support styler attribute "eolfilled" in any Reg-Key case (Windows Registry Lexer). - Small datatype correction. - Map Toolbar Labels according to bitmap/settings file. - Registry Files lexer: bug in GUID in Key Path with eolfilled attribute. - Broken swap clipboard w/ selection. - Restore selection set/replaced by replace dialog. - Fill find/replace search box with selection/clipboard on non switching Ctrl+F/H. - Bug detecting find/replace dialog is foreground or not. - Initial .ini file: corrections for labeling toolbar icons. - Performance issue: Replace All - delay status update until transaction finished. ======================================================== Version (31 January 2018) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- - Accelerator Key "Ctrl+Alt+J" -> Fuse Lines (:= Join Lines, line-breaks NOT replaced by Space). - Setting2 parameter to adjust "Mark Occ" and "Hyperlink" styling delay. -------------------------------------------------------- ENHANCEMENT: -------------------------------------------------------- - Highlight current line stuff gathered. - Customize Schemes... Style Names. - Added Accelerator Keys: Alt+LEFT/RIGHT to FOLD/EXPAND folding section. - add empty sections to initial settings file (.ini) to force a canonical order. - Canonical initial Notepad3.ini. - Make selection block indentation similar to VisualStudio's. -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Performance for several modify text operations. - Correct in-memory encoding/re-coding of text. - Join Lines (preserve paragraphs) issue. - Byte counting for selection. - Bug in joining lines algorithm. - Alt+H should open history file access dialog not help menu (add ? to revert to known access key). - Revisit usage of "Mark Occurrences" and "Hyperlink Styling" delay usage. - Rectangular selection: (virtual empty) selection persists after clear. - Sentencecase some strings in "Customize Schemes...". - SpeedUp undo/redo action collections. - Lock NotifyUpdate and TargetSelection in case of multi action redo/undo and target replacements. - Handling of document modified flag in case of NotifyChange bypass. - Redo/undo and jump-to behavior having an active selection. - Wrong test on rectangular selection. - More select and replace target issues. - Toggle All folds behavior. - TAB indentation handling according to predecessors (NP2). - selection (anchor and current caret position) handling. - Enh: Version check for Visual Studio 2017 v.15.5.5. - "Line Comment" id noselection and current pos == indent pos. - Initial .ini-file: unused section removed. - Support scintilla msg: SCN_NEEDSHOWN (EXPAND folded sections if needed). - Avoid some issues regarding folding, using SCI_SETAUTOMATICFOLD. - Revert TAB + Selection action corresponding to VisualStudio's behavior. - Sensible handling of "Block -> (Un)Indent" for different kinds of selections. - Font selection dialog does not reset some styles correctly. - Preserve selection on Line Comment toggle. - Char2Hex: Remove limit single byte selection. ======================================================== Version (13 January 2018) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- - "Customize Schemes..." UI change to represent "relative sizing hierarchy". - Initial version of Nim Lexer. Added Scintilla project and header for Nim lexer. -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Compiler version 191225834 (VS2017 v15.5.3). - Executables not compressed with UPX. - Menu "Mark Occurrences" whole word matching: radio button behavior. - Onigmo RegEx syntax dialect. - Onigmo regex engine: use PERL 5.10 syntax + enable "\<" and "\>" word boundary matching. - Option "after visible" for styling in background (idle time). - Replace Windows Notepad Installer version only. - View "2nd Default Style" as (dbl-clickable) status bar item. - Word Wrap mode from WORD to SPACE to avoid wrapping at style change edges. - Force position progress in case of zero-length matches. - Re-introduce "max mark occurrence counter" to avoid lazy UI. (Set .ini section [Settings2] MarkOccurrencesMaxCount=-1 for unlimited (MAX_INT)). -------------------------------------------------------- ENHANCEMENT: -------------------------------------------------------- - NimLexer = NimrodLexer -> rely on Scintilla distribution for Nim(rod) lexer. - Reasonable assumption for memory allocation of style handling (backup, save, load). - statusbar: information about usage of 2nd Default Style. - Statusbar: Count number of bytes in current encoding. - structured "Mark Occurrences" menu hierarchy. - Statusbar Partitioning. - Cache page instead of line only. - Mark Occurrence triggers enhancements. - Non visible styling during idle time. - Tuning delay parameter of "Mark Occurrences" (instantly). - Remove test for set already, if indicator does not change. - Redraw indicator ranges (Mark Occurrences) only if needed - avoiding recursive SCN_UPDATEUI notifications. -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Several Mark Occurrences (instantly) issues. - Regarding Scheme customizing (rel. size) and View Menu (Mark Occ.). - Onigmo regex engine PERL syntax: supporting named groups referencing in replacement text. - Correct counting of found matches. - Broken find/replace (regex) on groups. - Some customizing scheme issues (relative font size hierarchy). - Document modified flag not set properly (title, toolbar & statusbar only). - Renaming menu entries Edit: "Clear" -> "Delete" - Menu "Mark Occurrences" whole word matching: add check indicator if one of word matching options (selected/current) is used. - Regex replacement on look-ahead assertion. - relative font sizing of non-default-style entries in custom schemes. - Font selection box title display. - clean coding for "relative sizing hierarchy". - Update view on style change in "Customize schemes..." - Bug regarding "Reset" button in "Customizing Schemes..." dialog. - Bug in detect and style Hyperlink Hotspot. - Losing state of "Transform Backslashes" while switching regex/wildcard search. - Block "mark occurrences" event on transaction pair: (SCI_TARGETFROMSELECTIO, SCI_REPLACETARGET). - protect SCI target transactions by a guard to break recursion of Mark Occurrences caused by ChangeNotification() events. - Handle "2nd Default Styles" as separate standard (2nd) lexer module. - Handling initial 1st or 2nd default style in case of "Default Text", shown on int "Customize Schemes...". - Crash on navigation between schemes beyond start/end of tree view. - Disable (using 1st Default Style) "Associated filename extensions" for "2nd Default Style". - Clone associated filename extension list of Default Style (for 2nd Default Style). - move word wrap start symbol to margin (new WW mode SPACE (instead of WORD))". - Mark Occurrences timeout on Find/Replace. - Optimized status bar partitioning. - Revert naming for "2nd Default Text". - Bug on switching between 1st and 2nd standard lexers. - Selection of 1st or 2nd standard lexer (Default Text) based on Use2ndStandard flag. ======================================================== Version (5 January 2018) ======================================================== -------------------------------------------------------- NEW: -------------------------------------------------------- - New: Hyperlink Hotspot Style updates on UpdateUI event (visible area only) - New: Switch to draw all occurrences in visible area only. - New: (Mark Occurences) instant word highligting. -------------------------------------------------------- ENHANCEMENT: -------------------------------------------------------- - Async mark all occurrences via timer (UI response). - Delayed mark all occurrences for better UI response. - Fixed some issuses, which eat up CPU. - Optimizing timer handling to avoid multiple calls of complex methods. -------------------------------------------------------- FIXES: -------------------------------------------------------- - Custom toolbar images ini settings added. - Add hints for free text style properties in "Customize Schemes...". - Test version numbers for month Jan - Sep (mono digit). - Redundant echo of expected version string. - Toggle line comments were placed at line end. - "Match Current Word" should not highlight partial word matches in other lines. - Fetching wrong visible document line number in case of hidden or wrapped lines. - Ignoring queued timer event, if timer has been killed. - use current lexer's default text font size as base font size for relative sizing of other styles. - mark occurrences counter not updated in time. ======================================================== Version 3.17.1228.783 (28 December 2017) ======================================================== - New: Added batch script to bulk encrypt files of given directory with encryption tool. - New: inticator style used for matching braces too. - New: Java sourcecode to compile a class which acts as a standalone tool for decrypting Notepad3's encrypted files. - New: Regex - "Dot matches all" vs. "Dot does not match line-breaks" switchable by option in find/replace dialog. - Fix: Update coloring on window message WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE, including Hyperlink hotspot colors. - Fix: Crash on empty password for encryption tool. - Fix: Existing bash test script for encryption tool. - Fix: Onigmo regex: . matches any charakter and does not stop at line breaks. - Fix: Onigmo regex: remove extend mode, where # is used as line rest comment. - Fix: Change hard coded default values for matching brace styling according to new style (indicator). - Fix: font styling of Hyperlinks are not reset to default if feature is switched off. ======================================================== Version 3.17.1223.778 (23 December 2017) ======================================================== - New: More triggers for Hyperlink style updated. - New: Online Documentation menu item. - New: Added Scintilla's indicator styles to scheme config for "Mark Occurences". - New: Dual configuration of Default Text Font or Current Scheme's Default Text Font. - New: Replaced DeelX with Onigmo regular expression engine. - Changed: uthash to version 2.0.2. - Changed: Enhanced style copy method. - Fix: Minor fixes for Onigmo interface class. - Fix: Hyperlink feature related delay of font changing. - Fix: Last hyperlink was restyled to lexer's style (not desired hotspot style). - Fix: Default lexer style changed a litle bit after first UI update. - Fix: Redraw bug in case of SCI_COLOURISE. - Fix: Removed some Hyperlink dection triggerpoints, which might be collide with SEARCHINTARGET and REPLACETARGET race conditions (seperate threads). - Fix: Removed unneccessary Hyperlink trigger-point from InitInstance(). - Fix: Performance issue while pasting long text from clipboard. - Fix: Local memory freeing. - Fix: Complete set of font weights for syntax scheme. - Fix: Prepare fixing race-condition search/replace target vs. selection. - Fix: Set target range only for search/replace and not for paste after modifying selection (race-condition search/replace target vs. selection). - Fix: Transform backslashes for regex find/replace. - Fix: Out of range fallback for indicator string retrieval. - Fix: Issue regarding TransformBackslash handler (regex vs. std & find vs. replace). - Fix: Replace dialog: Resize regex text box to not overlay other control. - Fix: Enable more hyperlink styling trigger points, since "replace target" race-conditions have been fixed and fast regex engine (Onigmo) is integrated. - Fix: Issue regarding applying lexer style while hyperlink feature is active. - Fix: Reverting to buffered draw, until screen flickering issues are clarified. - Fix: Onigmo regex engine handling string/line end meta char '$' independent of EOL mode. - Fix: Replace-all with look-behind assertion. - Fix: Onigmo word boundaries issues (incl. "double" escaped esc) (not solved yet: multi escaped esc). - Fix: Customize schemes issues (now Default Font: is applied to "Default Text" and "Current Lexers" Default Font). - Fix: Allow (horiz.)TAB chars in selection copied to find/replace dialog search box on pop up time (Ctrl+F). - Fix: Setting "Default Font..." will clear current lexer's default font - inherits global default font then. - Fix: "Default Font..." configuration issue. - Fix: "Default Font..." add check for current scheme is not default text already. - Fix: Schemes in alphabetical order (displayed names). - Fix: Bug on font selection - global vs. current scheme. - Fix: More bugs regarding standard lexer handling. - Fix: Using WYSIWYG fonts (screen vs. printer). - Fix: Inconsistencies: cut,copy,replace,... mainmenu and context menu vs. toolbar. - Fix: New Font selection New: 2nd Default Font not supported completely. - Fix: setting/changing encryption pass-phrase did not trigger "file modified" flag. - Fix: Problem with 1st vs. 2nd Default Text Scheme selection. - Fix: Inconsistency 1st vs. 2nd Default Text Font selection. - Fix: Use Standard Lexer on new (empty) files. - Fix: General bug fixes and code cleanup. ======================================================== Version 3.17.1210.729 (10 December 2017) ======================================================== - New: Added Awk Script syntax highlighting (Python lexer based) - New: Enhanced URL Hotspot highlighting. - New: open Hyperlink in NP3 (if applicable: "file://..."). - New: Update notification in Notepad3 setup. - New: URL Hotspot (first version). - Changed: [Settings2] section default values (and comment out if not changed) of initially distributed Notepad3.ini - Enhancement: Code Cleanup - Fix: Edit/Special : URL encoding/decoding for full UTF-8 (non ASCII) characters. - Fix: flashing of Search text-box of find/replace dialog in case of Win7 Classic theme - Fix: Gibberish output if URL decoded again (2nd time). - Fix: URL decoding, if encoding has "%#nnn" formatted ASCII chars. - Fix: HTML character encoding starts with ampersand, not percent char. - Fix: URL encoding: Added flag URL_ESCAPE_PERCENT for UrlEscape(). - Fix: Added version info for VS2017 v.15.5 - Fix: Consistent texts for "Hyperlink Hotspots". - Fix: Hyperlink Hotspots turned off by default. (not stable enough to force the feature). - Fix: Normal setup can now clean replace Windows Notepad registry keys. - Fix: Added some more places, where Hotspot style redrawing does not slow down responsiveness. ======================================================== Version 3.17.1202.715 (2 December 2017) ======================================================== - New: Additionally show full path to current directory in windows title. - Changed: Move "Mark Occurrences" check box from menu to find/replace dialog options. - Changed: Renaming of drag n' drop methods. - Fix: Removed unused mouse wheel message interception. - Fix: Disabling buffered draw. (Scintilla: "Current platforms perform window buffering so it is almost always better for this option to be turned off.") - Fix: Font Smoothing: [Settings2] SciFontQuality=n has no effect on some special fonts (preserving old behavior if not defined). - Fix: Adapt text for messagebox: no valid drop-file. - Fix: issue regarding Accelerator keys for find/replace dialog. - Fix: Minipath full path display in titlebar (no dbl-slash in case of drive letter only). - Fix: Mark occurrences: Outline frame of indicator box shouls have same aplpha channel color (configurable alpha2:nnn). - Fix: Find/replace dialog: mark occurrences: use standard save/restore settings behavior. - Fix: issue 192 Drag n' drop from 32-bit process on Notepad3 x64 window ======================================================== Version 3.17.1124.690 (24 November 2017) ======================================================== - Added Book Mark style (Color Background and Alpha) to customize schemes... - New "D" and "Go" programming language support. - Update: Compiler version detection. - Update: Scintilla Lib v.4.0.2 (402). - Adapt: C/C++ styles - keyword vs. typedefs. - Changed SDK version target to 10.0.16299.0 - Major refactoring of find/replace regex evaluation. - Optimized DeelX regex interface. - Minor fix for DeelX RegEx engine. - Move position after replacement (EditReplace()). - Refactoring of "Replace All" methods. - Split C++ Keywords in two parts (1st: standard keywords, 2nd: keywords starting with double underscore "__xxx"). - Minor polish of Readme.md. - Put changes compared to Notepad2-mod into Readme.md. - Repair empty resource file (Notepad3.rc). - Bookmark Enhancements - Replaced old bookmark pixmap (visible margin) by Scintilla's BOOKMARK marker style. - Swap text fields in Find/Replace dialog. - Enhance: comments with useful web links. - Enhance: Increase buffers for edit box in "Customize Schemes..." dialog. - New: Auto remember bookmarks in recent file history. - New: find/replace mark occurrences. - New: Indicator in find text box, if search string is matched in document. - New: Mark occurrences coloring is now configurable via "Customize Schemes...". - New: "Swap Strings" button in Find/Replace dialog. - New: validate regexpr. - Fix: Revert to Scintilla's default mouse down and mouse wheel capture mode. - Fix: "Mark All Occurrences" setting of find/replace dialog should only be persisted, if "Save Settings on Exit" is enabled. - Fix: UpdateLineNumberWidth() triggers cleanup. - Fix: Issue with update of line number margin width. - Fix: Transform backslash issues. - Fix: C/C++ keywords and types. - Timer call for mark occurrences during find/replace. - Fix: lookaround regex (DeelX) matches were not replaced. - Fix: Issue regarding find/replace empty-string. - Fix: Adapt DeelX RE interface according to enhanced find/replace dialog. - Fix: issue 173 - regex/wildcard search: replacement string not used if "Check All Occurrences" is active. - Fix: Recoding minipath's version.h to UTF-8-Sig, because it contains codepage dependant copyright sign. - Fix: Corrections to .vcproj settings inconsistencies (reported in release build process). - Fix: undo/redo issues (if no selection choosen). - Fix: Consecutive DEL/BACKSP undo/redo broken (wrapped by unconditional selection undo/redo). - Fix: Issues found by static code analysis. - Fix: Bug in getting string length from dialog box readout. - Fix: Break criteria for "replace all in range". - Fix: Issues found regarding zero-length matches using regex anchors, including infinite loops on replace all. - Fix: RegEx start anchor adjustment. - Fix: Problem with regex line start and replacements at line end. - Fix: Issues regarding selection undo/redo. - Fix: Issues regarding margins configuration. - Fix: issue 139 and 143 (remove selection undo/redo for non-text-changing operations on selections). - Fix: issue 144 (Left arrow no longer moves to previous line). - Fix: issue 145 (Mark Occurrences Counter is broken). - Fix: Pasting clipboard content into selection box should replace text and cancel selection then. - Minor bug fixes and more... ======================================================== Version 2.17.1023.632 (23 October 2017) ======================================================== - Add code snippet (activation only prepare for future extensions). - Added switch ([Settings2] UseOldStyleBraceMatching) to preserve old style brace matching behavior. - Applied patch from Neil Hodgson (Master of Scintilla Lib - respond to scintilla lib issue report 1976). - Changed buffers for operating edit box in customize schemes. - Documentation: Minor changes to Notepad3.txt. - Documentation: doc/Notepad3.txt - add description of [Section2] .ini settings (mostly taken from orig. Notepad2 FAQs). - Default to modern displays settings, using Scintilla's new technology : SciDirectWriteTech=1, SciFontQuality=3 - First prottotype of VirtualSpace RectangularSelection by default (very old behavior can be turned on by [Settings2] DenyVirtualSpaceAccess=1). - Implemented Feature Request issue 51 (buffer size of file extension edit box). - New: Show warning before loading file with unknown (custom schemes) file name extension. - License.txt: switch to UTF-8 encoding. - Restore wrongly discarded np3portableapps .ini files for NP3Portable, redirecting .ini reading to correct path. - Small code refactoring (replacing deprecated methods). - Settings [Section2] (cannot be set via GUI) add all possible names and default values, if applicable. - Fixed .ini paths for np3portableapps. - Fix: Crash in Favorites management. - Fix: pasting clipboard content into selection box should replace text and cancel selection then (in case of swapping clipboard, the selection is preserved). - Remove settings for "Favorites" directory -> NP3 uses then users system default folder (%USERPROFILE%\Favorites). ======================================================== Version 2.17.1016.610 (16 October 2017) ======================================================== - Added remove button for list items. - Checkbox for "preserve caret position" settings. - File History Dlg: rename button "Remove" -> "Discard" (discard selected item from file history list). - Minor bugfixes for session feature (file history: remember caret pos and encoding). - Removed unnecessary build artifacts from np3portable. ======================================================== Version 2 Build 605 (15 October 2017) ======================================================== - Fix: Crash on accessing UndoRedo structure while NP3 instance has not been initialized completely (.LOG file opening bug). ======================================================== Version 2 Build 600 (15 October 2017) ======================================================== - Fix: Virtual space access: column indicator. - Fix: Customize Schemes... Font... selection: bold/italic now detected (bold: if selection >= FW_SEMIBOLD) ======================================================== Version 2 Build 583 (11 October 2017) ======================================================== - Cleanup AHK testing script, add test artifacts. - Generalized internal multi-byte codepage definitions (code cleanup). - Fix: syntax error on exit script. - Fix: Try to retrieve correct file version for Notepad3Portable creator. - Fix: StatusBar Col display is not correct in case of Virtual Space Access. - Fix: locale / language independant version patching batch for Notepad3Portable - Fix: version patching for Notepad3 PortableApps build batch. - Fix: Recode to ANSI (in case of Chinese ANSI code-page) ======================================================== Version 2 Build 568 (8 October 2017) ======================================================== - Updated the Run Dialog icon. - Code comment for completeness. - Enhanced clipboard recoding detection. - Prettier Browse Icon. - StatusBar information enhancements. - Fix: Reverting "reload as UTF-8 not work bugfix". - Fix: Texture glitch on "Browse" button. - Fix: Binary directory to build portable app. - Fix: In-text encoding (convert encoding). - Fix: minor StatusBar string corrections. - Fix: Support pasting position at virtual space. - Fix: Move caret to convenient position after pasting clipboard (no current selection). - Fix: Virtual space navigation and rectangular selection (allow "Virtual Space Rectangular Selection" also allows moving Caret into virtual space (beyond line end)) - Fix: Copy/Cut & Paste of current line (in case of no selection - Visual Studio behavior - using SCI's MSDEVLineSelect). - Fix: Bug in code-page related text conversion. ======================================================== Version 2 Build 548 (3 October 2017) ======================================================== - Code cleanup - Fix: Made corrections to build 505 change log (spelling, grammar, etc). - Fix: FILE status becomes [MODIFIED] when doing CONTROL+A to select ALL. - Fix: Paste from clipboard to ANSI code page: unnecessary switching encoding to UTF-8. - Fix: Undo/Redo of virtual space selection rectangle not correct. - Fix: StatusBar SelectionCount (Sel) : count chars instead of bytes. - Fix: Punctuation chars for "Accelerated Word Navigation" (Settings2: ExtendedWhiteSpaceChars= add non word chars here). - Fix: Do mouse wheel scrolling in editor area only. - Fix: DPI awareness in manifest. - Fix: word delimiter in case of "Accelerated Word Navigation". - Correct UFT Spelling on Encoding menu. ======================================================== Version 2 Build 505 (23 September 2017) ======================================================== - 1st chunk of StrSafe migration. - Some more StrSafe changes - Fix: manually edited settings (SciDirectWriteTech, SciFontQuality) should be placed in settings section [Settings2]. - Extended default "space char set" for "Accelerated Word Navigation" to avoid unexpected "accelerated word navigation" behavior, space-char extension is restricted to 7-bit ASCII char set (ignoring specified non-7-bit-ASCII chars). - StrSafe adaptions - Fixed: settings SciFontQuality have been overwritten by Scheme configuration. (Fonts: Calibri, Cambria, Candara, Consolas, Constantia, Corbel, Segoe UI are using 'cleartype smoothing' (SC_EFF_QUALITY_LCD_OPTIMIZED) by default, if not configured in Schema definition for Lexer) - Added font "Source Code Pro" to list of special fonts for cleartype smoothing. - Fix: undo destructive operation on selection (rectangle) does not restore selection or preserves selection mode (extends selection on caret movement) -> need to send SCI_CANCEL at the end of restored selection. - Found bug caused by StrSafe migration (COUNTOF() for buffer size must not be used on buffer pointer) - migrate StrCpyN() and StrCatBuff() to corresponding StrSafe.h methods - Adapted lstrcpyn() calls according to StrSafe.h requirements. - Refactoring of "Accelerated Word Navigation" to be compliant with Scintillas WhiteSpace and Punctuation defines. - "Accelerated Word Navigation" activation influences "Mark Occurrences" (whole word) if set - Extended: Remember selection undo / redo - Added undo / redo selection to more operations - Found Scintilla 400 method "SCI_CUT" (cut selection) broken: lost last char replaced by SCI_COPY & SCI_CLEAR combination (for now). - changes to EditGetClipboardText() solved the SCI_CUT problem, so it can be switched back from SCI_COPY & SCI_CLEAR to SCI_CUT (byte alignment in 64-bit, i am nut sure) - switching Scintilla internal codepage to UTF-8 only (resp. Japanese, Chinese and Korean DBCS) single-byte encoding is supported externally and converted (fore and back) to UTF-8 internally, this simplifies i.e. clipboard exchange, etc. - Removed support for obsolete Korean Johab (1361) codepage. - Fixed ConvertText() according to internal SCI codepage - Refactoring: Encoding handling - More operations for selections undo/redo. - Enabled "unlimited" (as in Scintilla Lib: dep. on memory and INT_MAX) undo / redo selection history using utarray from uthash header library (https://troydhanson.github.io/uthash/index.html) - Moved crypto readme to doc dir - remove internal codepage support for Chinese, Japan, Korean DBCS use generalized UTF-8 codepage instead (conversions do not work as expected within scintilla lib) - Dropping Windows XP support , using compiler toolset vc141 Win SDK 10.0. (current VC++ redistributable needed?) - Replaced lstrcmp() and lstrcmpi() by StrSafe (helper.h defined) methods. - Relaunch elevated keeping current changes in a buffer. - Fixed some problems for feature "relaunch elevated preserve changes". - First AppVeyor config - Remember window position in case of "relaunch elevated". - Fixed memory initialization problem during InitInstance() - Enhanced consistency between toolbar (save button) and titlebar (modified marker) - "Relaunch elevated": use current .ini-file instead of new user's (Admin's) .ini - Cleanup tmp filebuffer, if elevation has been rejected. - Fixed crash in case of wrong Encoding (detection) - Changed version display on Help/About. - New Powershell script to patch version numbers - appveyor.yml using same powershell commands to patch version - Remove FindReplaceDlg handle declared as external from compilation unit Edit.c not really needed here. (externals (handles / pointers) seemed to be a problem on module init instance time in 64-bit) - Fixed: Open find dialog the first time (new NP3 instance) while clipboard is empty, NP3 crashes (try to LocalFree() static allocated memory) - Fixed: RegExpr "Find previous" corrected (find mode "left to right" has been used, which has not the intended behavior). - Updated Compiler Info. - Added build.txt (and .ps1 changes) for Local Build Version patching (common AppVeyor/Local script). - Fixed issue "Convert to Title Case" while selected text is all upper case. - Fixed broken "Complete Word" feature (Ctrl+Enter/Return). - Changed accelerator key for feature "Complete Word" from Ctrl+Enter to Ctrl+Alt+Enter. - Added feature "Insert New (empty) Line above current line Ctrl+Enter (as in VisualStudio). - Code cleanup - Added new Settings "Virtual Space on Rectangular Selection" used to select. rectangle not delimited by line endings (but including virtual space). - Readme.txt Updated. (Thanks Will) ======================================================== Version 2 Build 450 (18 August 2017) ======================================================== - Update to Scintilla 400 (early bird) pre-release. - Renamed encoding menu item: "Recode No FileVars" (Alt+F8) =>> "Ignore Encoding Tags" (Alt-F8) - UTF-8 encoding of License.txt (fixing: different ANSI codepage for copyright sign) - Fixed "file modified" flag not set on Ctrl+X actions - Fixed re-enable accidentally disabled toolbar buttons (find, replace, clear, toggle-folds, file-launch) - Fixed remove obsolete settings entry, never read (SciDrawTechnology) - Fixed crash: not a good idea to make char array (char*) external to other compilation unit. - Fixed wrong shortcut in menu on word navigation (Ctrl+LEFT/RIGHT) ======================================================== Version 2 Build 440 (16 August 2017) ======================================================== - Added Enabling/Disabling Save-Button in toolbar according to file modified indicator. - Added Del/Back Selection preserving on Undo/Redo - Cut Selection (Ctrl-X) will preserve Selection on Undo/Redo - Zero initializing string buffers (hardening code while searching an issue regarding "Recent Files" list in "relative paths" mode - Menu integration of "hidden" commands - Fixed unicode conversion error fixed in .rc - Fixed Toolbar Button "Save" has to be enabled on encoding changes - Fixed bug on path compare for editing own settings file (.ini) to disable "save settings" menu entries (should be case insensitive) - Fixed: restore "rectangular" selection too on "Selection Cut" Undo/Redo - Fixing and cleanup build for Notepad3Portable ======================================================== Version 2 Build 432 (10 August 2017) ======================================================== - Added command line option ( /v ) to print file immediately and quit (like Window's original notepad.exe /p option). - Added printing additional option /v dialog to allow access to the Printer dialog (as on Menu: Print... ). - Enlarge some string buffers for dialogs. - Initial version of PortableApps.com Launche and Installer build. - Build environment, to create Notepad3Portable (according to Portableapps.com) (x86/x64). - Fixed issue 35 (preserve FileExtension settings while switching Styles / 2nd Default Scheme). - Fixed np3encrypt vcxproj files. ======================================================== Version 2 Build 422 (10 August 2017) ======================================================== - Cleanup manifest handling - Minipath DPI aware false ======================================================== Version 2 Build 411 (9 August 2017) ======================================================== - Added VisualStudio's Editor Behaviour for Ctrl-C and Ctrl-X - Added VS2017 .vcproj files and adapted Compiler Tool Set accordingly - Reintroduce HighDPI toolbar - Integrate Scintillas DirectWrite technology - Minor cleanups reported by CppCheck v.1.79 - Fixed nullptr access while pressing "favorites" toolbar button on 'virgin' Notepad3 ToolBar - Fixed broken Ctrl-Q (toggle line comments) ======================================================== Version 2 Build 398 (13 June 2017) ======================================================== - Added Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 (vc141) support. - Updated Scintilla to version 3.7.5 - Don't use 2nd default syntax scheme by default. (issue 21) - Bigger Toolbar Buttons (24px). Should be big enough now. (issue 21) ======================================================== Version 1 Build 388 (06 January 2017) ======================================================== - Updated Scintilla to version 3.7.2 - MiniPath now works on Windows XP ======================================================== Version 1 Build 386 (08 December 2016) ======================================================== - Added RaPeHoff to the contributors list. - Update to Scintilla 371 (NP2 adaption due to deprecated data types). - Clean-code Solution (instead of "magic numbers"). - Crypto Module: code cleanup - Crypto Module: Replaced LocalAlloc/GlobalAlloc by HeapAlloc methods. - Integration of DeelX RegExpr engine (http://www.regexlab.com/en/deelx) - Fixed block selecting cause crash. ======================================================== Version 1 Build 350 (05 September 2016) ======================================================== - Added Microsoft Visual C++ Update 3 version number - Updated HTML Keywords - Updated Scintilla to version 3.6.7 ======================================================== Version 1 Build 330 (24 June 2016) ======================================================== - Added Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 version number - Added Support for INNO Setup 5.5.9 (SUP) - Implemented a new versioning scheme - Updated Apache Keywords for version 2.4 - Updated to Scintilla 3.6.6 - Updated Rizonesoft Versions Program - Fixed Compiler warnings - Fixed Favorites Function - Removed Visual Studio 2010 to 2013 Support