# MASTER CONFIGURATION # Be sure to register for an account on http://frengly.com before attempting to use this service! # You should update the configuration below, uncommenting email and password and entering appropriate values matching a valid pair of credentials. # Another pay-for option is the Google Translate API (@see https://cloud.google.com/translate/v2/using_rest). # Update the configuration below to add your API key. Be sure to update the app.defaults.service key to google if you wish to employ the Google Translate API instead. app: cache: provider: local #frengly: #email: #password: #google: #key: defaults: locale: en # service options are: frengly (the default) or google (if updated) service: frengly info: version: @project.version@ limits: translationsPerRequest: 100 spring: application: name: @project.artifactId@ autoconfigure: exclude: - org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.CacheStatisticsAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.cloud.aws.autoconfigure.cache.ElastiCacheAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.cloud.aws.autoconfigure.context.ContextRegionProviderAutoConfiguration - org.springframework.cloud.aws.autoconfigure.context.ContextStackAutoConfiguration logging: level: - org.springframework.web: INFO - com.fns.xlator: INFO management: endpoints: web: exposure: include: info,health,metrics,httptrace,prometheus metrics: distribution: percentiles-histogram: http: server: requests: true sla: http: server: requests: 50ms --- spring: profiles: docker profiles.include: redis redis: host: redis --- spring: profiles: aws profiles.include: redis --- spring: profiles: redis app: cache: provider: redis