openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: "7.0.0" title: 'Xero Payroll AU API' description: 'This is the Xero Payroll API for orgs in Australia region.' termsOfService: "" contact: name: "Xero Platform Team" email: "" url: "" license: name: MIT url: '' servers: - description: Xero Payroll AU API url: tags: - name: PayrollAu description: Operations available to regular developers paths: /Employees: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.employees,] tags: - PayrollAu operationId: getEmployees summary: Searches payroll employees parameters: - in: header name: If-Modified-Since x-snake: if_modified_since description: Only records created or modified since this timestamp will be returned example: "2020-02-06T12:17:43.202-08:00" schema: type: string format: date-time - in: query name: where description: Filter by an any element schema: type: string example: Status=="ACTIVE" - in: query name: order description: Order by an any element schema: type: string example: EmailAddress%20DESC - in: query name: page description: e.g. page=1 – Up to 100 employees will be returned in a single API call schema: type: integer responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Employees' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573621523465)/", "Employees": [ { "EmployeeID": "b34e89ff-770d-4099-b7e5-f968767118bc", "FirstName": "Jack", "MiddleNames": "Johnson", "LastName": "Sparrow", "Status": "ACTIVE", "Email": "", "DateOfBirth": "/Date(572313600000+0000)/", "Gender": "M", "Phone": "4153332323", "Mobile": "415-1234567", "StartDate": "/Date(1547164800000+0000)/", "OrdinaryEarningsRateID": "ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "PayrollCalendarID": "22a05fc5-386d-4950-9842-3e7a6c812135", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1572915814000+0000)/", "IsSTP2Qualified": false }, { "EmployeeID": "7aa04979-ded5-44d9-b09a-793749425844", "FirstName": "John", "LastName": "Smith", "Status": "ACTIVE", "Email": "", "DateOfBirth": "/Date(315619200000+0000)/", "Gender": "M", "StartDate": "/Date(1572566400000+0000)/", "OrdinaryEarningsRateID": "ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "PayrollCalendarID": "78bb86b9-e1ea-47ac-b75d-f087a81931de", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1572916028000+0000)/", "IsSTP2Qualified": false } ] }' '400': description: validation error for a bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/APIException' post: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.employees] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Creates a payroll employee parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' operationId: createEmployee x-hasPayrollAuProblem: true x-example: - dateOfBirthValue: key: dateOfBirth keyPascal: DateOfBirth keySnake: date_of_birth is_date: true object: employee java_datatype: LocalDate csharp_datatype: DateTime default: "LocalDate.of(2000, Month.OCTOBER, 28)" java: "LocalDate.of(2000, Month.OCTOBER, 28)" csharp: "new DateTime(2000, 10, 10)" php: "new DateTime('2000-10-28')" node: "'2000-10-28'" python: "dateutil.parser.parse('2000-10-28T00:00:00Z')" ruby: "'YYYY-MM-DD'" - homeAddress: key: homeAddress keyPascal: HomeAddress keySnake: home_address is_object: true - addressLine1: key: addressLine1 keyPascal: AddressLine1 keySnake: address_line_1 default: 123 Test st object: homeAddress - region: key: region keyPascal: Region keySnake: region object: homeAddress default: VIC - postalCode: nonString: true key: postalCode keyPascal: PostalCode keySnake: postal_code object: homeAddress default: 3000 - city: key: city keyPascal: City keySnake: city default: Melbourne object: homeAddress is_last: true - employee: key: employee keyPascal: Employee is_object: true - firstName: key: firstName keyPascal: FirstName keySnake: first_name default: "Adam" object: employee - lastName: key: lastName keyPascal: LastName keySnake: last_name default: "Adamson" object: employee - dateOfBirth: is_variable: true nonString: true key: dateOfBirth keyPascal: DateOfBirth keySnake: date_of_birth default: dateOfBirth python: date_of_birth ruby: date_of_birth object: employee - setHomeAddress: is_last: true is_variable: true nonString: true key: homeAddress keyPascal: HomeAddress default: homeAddress python: home_address ruby: home_address object: employee responses: '200': description: A successful request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Employees' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573621524489)/", "Employees": [ { "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "FirstName": "Albus", "MiddleNames": "Percival", "LastName": "Dumbledore", "Status": "ACTIVE", "Email": "", "DateOfBirth": "/Date(321523200000+0000)/", "JobTitle": "Regional Manager", "Gender": "M", "HomeAddress": { "AddressLine1": "101 Green St", "City": "Island Bay", "Region": "NSW", "PostalCode": "6023", "Country": "AUSTRALIA" }, "Phone": "444-2323", "Mobile": "555-1212", "StartDate": "/Date(321523200000+0000)/", "Classification": "corporate", "OrdinaryEarningsRateID": "ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573621524458+0000)/", "IsAuthorisedToApproveLeave": true, "IsAuthorisedToApproveTimesheets": true } ] }' '400': description: invalid input, object invalid - TODO requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee' example: '[ { "FirstName": "Albus", "LastName": "Dumbledore", "DateOfBirth": "/Date(321523200000+0000)/", "HomeAddress": { "AddressLine1": "101 Green St", "City": "Island Bay", "Region": "NSW", "PostalCode": "6023", "Country": "AUSTRALIA" }, "StartDate": "/Date(321523200000+0000)/", "MiddleNames": "Percival", "Email": "", "Gender": "M", "Phone": "444-2323", "Mobile": "555-1212", "IsAuthorisedToApproveLeave": true, "IsAuthorisedToApproveTimesheets": true, "JobTitle": "Regional Manager", "Classification": "corporate", "OrdinaryEarningsRateID": "ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "Status": "ACTIVE" } ]' /Employees/{EmployeeID}: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.employees,] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Retrieves an employee's detail by unique employee id operationId: getEmployee parameters: - name: EmployeeID x-snake: employee_id in: path required: true description: Employee id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Employees' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573623316150)/", "Employees": [ { "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "Title": "Mr.", "FirstName": "Albus", "MiddleNames": "Frank", "LastName": "Dumbledore", "Status": "ACTIVE", "Email": "", "DateOfBirth": "/Date(321494400000+0000)/", "JobTitle": "Regional Manager", "Gender": "M", "HomeAddress": { "AddressLine1": "101 Green St", "City": "Island Bay", "Region": "NSW", "PostalCode": "6023", "Country": "AUSTRALIA" }, "Phone": "444-2323", "Mobile": "555-1212", "StartDate": "/Date(321494400000+0000)/", "Classification": "corporate", "OrdinaryEarningsRateID": "ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "PayrollCalendarID": "78bb86b9-e1ea-47ac-b75d-f087a81931de", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573623306000+0000)/", "EmployeeGroupName": "foo", "IsAuthorisedToApproveLeave": true, "IsAuthorisedToApproveTimesheets": true, "TaxDeclaration": { "AustralianResidentForTaxPurposes": true, "TaxFreeThresholdClaimed": true, "HasHELPDebt": false, "HasSFSSDebt": false, "EligibleToReceiveLeaveLoading": false, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573623306000+0000)/", "HasStudentStartupLoan": false, "ResidencyStatus": "AUSTRALIANRESIDENT" }, "BankAccounts": [], "OpeningBalances": { "OpeningBalanceDate": "/Date(1573603200000+0000)/", "EarningsLines": [], "DeductionLines": [], "SuperLines": [], "ReimbursementLines": [], "LeaveLines": [ { "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "NumberOfUnits": 10 } ], "PaidLeaveEarningsLines": [] }, "PayTemplate": { "EarningsLines": [ { "EarningsRateID": "ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "CalculationType": "USEEARNINGSRATE", "NormalNumberOfUnits": 3 } ], "DeductionLines": [ { "DeductionTypeID": "ed05ea82-e40a-4eb6-9c2e-4b3c03e7e938", "CalculationType": "FIXEDAMOUNT", "Amount": 4 } ], "SuperLines": [ { "ContributionType": "SGC", "CalculationType": "STATUTORY", "MinimumMonthlyEarnings": 450, "ExpenseAccountCode": "478", "LiabilityAccountCode": "826" } ], "ReimbursementLines": [ { "ReimbursementTypeID": "aa8cfa40-d872-4be0-8a94-bb7f00962f74", "Description": "boo", "Amount": 55 } ], "LeaveLines": [ { "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "CalculationType": "FIXEDAMOUNTEACHPERIOD", "AnnualNumberOfUnits": 4, "EntitlementFinalPayPayoutType": "NOTPAIDOUT" } ] }, "SuperMemberships": [], "LeaveBalances": [ { "LeaveName": "Carer Leave (unpaid)", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "NumberOfUnits": 10, "TypeOfUnits": "Hours" } ] } ] }' post: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.employees] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Updates an employee's detail operationId: updateEmployee description: Update properties on a single employee x-example: - dateOfBirthValue: key: dateOfBirth keyPascal: DateOfBirth keySnake: date_of_birth is_date: true object: employee java_datatype: LocalDate csharp_datatype: DateTime default: "LocalDate.of(2000, Month.OCTOBER, 28)" java: "LocalDate.of(2000, Month.OCTOBER, 28)" csharp: "new DateTime(2000, 10, 10)" php: "new DateTime('2000-10-28')" node: "'2000-10-28'" python: "dateutil.parser.parse('2000-10-28T00:00:00Z')" ruby: "'YYYY-MM-DD'" - homeAddress: key: homeAddress keyPascal: HomeAddress keySnake: home_address is_object: true - addressLine1: key: addressLine1 keyPascal: AddressLine1 keySnake: address_line_1 default: 123 Test st object: homeAddress - region: key: region keyPascal: Region keySnake: region object: homeAddress default: VIC - postalCode: nonString: true key: postalCode keyPascal: PostalCode keySnake: postal_code object: homeAddress default: 3000 - city: key: city keyPascal: City keySnake: city default: Melbourne object: homeAddress is_last: true - employee: key: employee keyPascal: Employee is_object: true - firstName: key: firstName keyPascal: FirstName keySnake: first_name default: "Adam" object: employee - lastName: key: lastName keyPascal: LastName keySnake: last_name default: "Adamson" object: employee - dateOfBirth: is_variable: true nonString: true key: dateOfBirth keyPascal: DateOfBirth keySnake: date_of_birth default: dateOfBirth python: date_of_birth ruby: date_of_birth object: employee - setHomeAddress: is_last: true is_variable: true nonString: true key: homeAddress keyPascal: HomeAddress default: homeAddress python: home_address ruby: home_address object: employee parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' - name: EmployeeID x-snake: employee_id in: path required: true description: Employee id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c responses: '200': description: A successful request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Employees' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "3f93110a-df13-49c7-b82f-a069813df188", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573621524786)/", "Employees": [ { "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "FirstName": "Albus", "MiddleNames": "Frank", "LastName": "Dumbledore", "Status": "ACTIVE", "Email": "", "DateOfBirth": "/Date(321523200000+0000)/", "JobTitle": "Regional Manager", "Gender": "M", "HomeAddress": { "AddressLine1": "101 Green St", "City": "Island Bay", "Region": "NSW", "PostalCode": "6023", "Country": "AUSTRALIA" }, "Phone": "444-2323", "Mobile": "555-1212", "StartDate": "/Date(321523200000+0000)/", "Classification": "corporate", "OrdinaryEarningsRateID": "ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573621524755+0000)/", "IsAuthorisedToApproveLeave": true, "IsAuthorisedToApproveTimesheets": true } ] }' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee' example: '[ { "MiddleNames": "Frank" } ]' /LeaveApplications: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.employees,] tags: - PayrollAu operationId: getLeaveApplications summary: Retrieves leave applications parameters: - in: header name: If-Modified-Since x-snake: if_modified_since description: Only records created or modified since this timestamp will be returned example: "2020-02-06T12:17:43.202-08:00" schema: type: string format: date-time - in: query name: where description: Filter by an any element schema: type: string example: Status=="ACTIVE" - in: query name: order description: Order by an any element schema: type: string example: EmailAddress%20DESC - in: query name: page description: e.g. page=1 – Up to 100 objects will be returned in a single API call schema: type: integer responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveApplications' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573679791199)/", "LeaveApplications": [ { "LeaveApplicationID": "1d4cd583-0107-4386-936b-672eb3d1f624", "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "LeavePeriods": [ { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1573171200000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573689600000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "SCHEDULED", "NumberOfUnits": 0 } ], "Title": "vacation", "StartDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573623008000+0000)/", "PayOutType": "DEFAULT" }, { "LeaveApplicationID": "3b934902-1e16-4c02-a3d3-68fa7d63e01d", "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "LeavePeriods": [ { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1573171200000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573689600000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "SCHEDULED", "NumberOfUnits": 8 } ], "Title": "Cashed Out", "StartDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573623008000+0000)/" "PayOutType": " CASHED_OUT" }, { "LeaveApplicationID": "62b90465-66e9-4c3a-8151-de1e6335554d", "EmployeeID": "b34e89ff-770d-4099-b7e5-f968767118bc", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "LeavePeriods": [ { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1571961600000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1572480000000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "SCHEDULED", "NumberOfUnits": 0 }, { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1572566400000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573084800000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "SCHEDULED", "NumberOfUnits": 0 } ], "Title": "Yep Carer Leave", "Description": "My updated Description", "StartDate": "/Date(1572559200000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1572645600000+0000)/", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573447344000+0000)/", "PayOutType": "DEFAULT" }, { "LeaveApplicationID": "e8bd9eeb-18c9-4475-9c81-b298f9aa26c0", "EmployeeID": "b34e89ff-770d-4099-b7e5-f968767118bc", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "LeavePeriods": [ { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1571961600000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1572480000000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "SCHEDULED", "NumberOfUnits": 0 }, { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1572566400000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573084800000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "SCHEDULED", "NumberOfUnits": 0 } ], "Title": "Hello World", "StartDate": "/Date(1572559200000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1572645600000+0000)/", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573447343000+0000)/", "PayOutType": "DEFAULT" } ] }' '400': description: validation error for a bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/APIException' post: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.employees] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Creates a leave application parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' operationId: createLeaveApplication x-hasPayrollAuProblem: true x-example: - startDateValue: key: startDate keyPascal: StartDate keySnake: start_date is_date: true java_datatype: LocalDate csharp_datatype: DateTime default: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 28)" java: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 28)" csharp: "new DateTime(2020, 10, 10)" php: "new DateTime('2020-10-28')" node: "'2020-10-28'" python: "dateutil.parser.parse('2020-10-28T00:00:00Z')" ruby: "'YYYY-MM-DD'" - endDateValue: key: endDate keyPascal: EndDate keySnake: end_date is_date: true java_datatype: LocalDate csharp_datatype: DateTime default: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 30)" java: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 30)" csharp: "new DateTime(2020, 10, 12)" php: "new DateTime('2020-10-30')" node: "'2020-10-30'" python: "dateutil.parser.parse('2020-10-30T00:00:00Z')" ruby: "'YYYY-MM-DD'" - leaveApplication: key: leaveApplication keyPascal: LeaveApplication is_object: true - employeeId: is_uuid: true key: employeeId keyPascal: EmployeeId keySnake: employee_id object: leaveApplication default: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - leaveTypeId: is_uuid: true key: leaveTypeId keyPascal: LeaveTypeId keySnake: leave_type_id object: leaveApplication default: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - title: key: title keyPascal: Title keySnake: title default: Annual Leave object: leaveApplication - startDate: is_variable: true nonString: true key: startDate keyPascal: StartDate keySnake: start_date default: startDate python: start_date ruby: start_date object: leaveApplication - endDate: is_last: true is_variable: true nonString: true key: endDate keyPascal: EndDate keySnake: end_date default: endDate python: end_date ruby: end_date object: leaveApplication responses: '200': description: A successful request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveApplications' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573679791917)/", "LeaveApplications": [ { "LeaveApplicationID": "5f7097e4-51f2-46cc-921b-45bc73ea7831", "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "LeavePeriods": [ { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1572566400000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573084800000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "SCHEDULED", "NumberOfUnits": 7.6 } ], "Title": "Hello World", "StartDate": "/Date(1572559200000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1572645600000+0000)/", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573679791897+0000)/", "PayOutType": "DEFAULT" } ] }' '400': description: invalid input, object invalid - TODO requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveApplication' example: '[ { "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "Title": "Hello World", "StartDate": "/Date(1572559200000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1572645600000+0000)/" } ]' /LeaveApplications/v2: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.employees,] tags: - PayrollAu operationId: getLeaveApplicationsV2 summary: Retrieves leave applications including leave requests parameters: - in: header name: If-Modified-Since x-snake: if_modified_since description: Only records created or modified since this timestamp will be returned example: "2020-02-06T12:17:43.202-08:00" schema: type: string format: date-time - in: query name: where description: Filter by an any element schema: type: string example: Status=="ACTIVE" - in: query name: order description: Order by an any element schema: type: string example: EmailAddress%20DESC - in: query name: page description: e.g. page=1 – Up to 100 objects will be returned in a single API call schema: type: integer responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveApplications' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573679791199)/", "LeaveApplications": [ { "LeaveApplicationID": "1d4cd583-0107-4386-936b-672eb3d1f624", "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "LeavePeriods": [ { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1573171200000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573689600000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "REQUESTED", "NumberOfUnits": 4 } ], "Title": "vacation", "StartDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573623008000+0000)/", "PayOutType": "DEFAULT" }, { "LeaveApplicationID": "3b934902-1e16-4c02-a3d3-68fa7d63e01d", "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "LeavePeriods": [ { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1573171200000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573689600000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "SCHEDULED", "NumberOfUnits": 8 } ], "Title": "Cashed Out", "StartDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573623008000+0000)/" "PayOutType": "CASHED_OUT" }, { "LeaveApplicationID": "62b90465-66e9-4c3a-8151-de1e6335554d", "EmployeeID": "b34e89ff-770d-4099-b7e5-f968767118bc", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "LeavePeriods": [ { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1571961600000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1572480000000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "SCHEDULED", "NumberOfUnits": 8 }, { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1572566400000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573084800000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "SCHEDULED", "NumberOfUnits": 8 } ], "Title": "Yep Carer Leave", "Description": "My updated Description", "StartDate": "/Date(1572559200000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1572645600000+0000)/", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573447344000+0000)/", "PayOutType": "DEFAULT" }, { "LeaveApplicationID": "e8bd9eeb-18c9-4475-9c81-b298f9aa26c0", "EmployeeID": "b34e89ff-770d-4099-b7e5-f968767118bc", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "LeavePeriods": [ { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1571961600000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1572480000000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "PROCESSED", "NumberOfUnits": 8 }, { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1572566400000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573084800000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "SCHEDULED", "NumberOfUnits": 8 } ], "Title": "Hello World", "StartDate": "/Date(1572559200000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1572645600000+0000)/", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573447343000+0000)/", "PayOutType": "DEFAULT" }, { "LeaveApplicationID": "3f93110a-df13-49c7-b82f-a069813df188", "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "LeavePeriods": [ { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1573171200000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573689600000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "REJECTED", "NumberOfUnits": 8 } ], "Title": "vacation", "StartDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573623008000+0000)/", "PayOutType": "DEFAULT" } ] }' '400': description: validation error for a bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/APIException' /LeaveApplications/{LeaveApplicationID}: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.employees,] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Retrieves a leave application by a unique leave application id operationId: getLeaveApplication parameters: - name: LeaveApplicationID x-snake: leave_application_id in: path required: true description: Leave Application id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveApplications' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573679791457)/", "LeaveApplications": [ { "LeaveApplicationID": "1d4cd583-0107-4386-936b-672eb3d1f624", "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "LeavePeriods": [ { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1573171200000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573689600000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "SCHEDULED", "NumberOfUnits": 7.6 } ], "Title": "vacation", "StartDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573623008000+0000)/", "PayOutType": "DEFAULT" } ] }' post: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.employees] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Updates a specific leave application operationId: updateLeaveApplication x-example: - startDateValue: key: startDate keyPascal: StartDate keySnake: start_date is_date: true java_datatype: LocalDate csharp_datatype: DateTime default: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 28)" java: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 28)" csharp: "new DateTime(2020, 10, 10)" php: "new DateTime('2020-10-28')" node: "'2020-10-28'" python: "dateutil.parser.parse('2020-10-28T00:00:00Z')" ruby: "'YYYY-MM-DD'" - endDateValue: key: endDate keyPascal: EndDate keySnake: end_date is_date: true java_datatype: LocalDate csharp_datatype: DateTime default: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 30)" java: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 30)" csharp: "new DateTime(2020, 10, 12)" php: "new DateTime('2020-10-30')" node: "'2020-10-30'" python: "dateutil.parser.parse('2020-10-30T00:00:00Z')" ruby: "'YYYY-MM-DD'" - leaveApplication: key: leaveApplication keyPascal: LeaveApplication is_object: true - employeeId: is_uuid: true key: employeeId keyPascal: EmployeeId keySnake: employee_id object: leaveApplication default: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - leaveTypeId: is_uuid: true key: leaveTypeId keyPascal: LeaveTypeId keySnake: leave_type_id object: leaveApplication default: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - title: key: title keyPascal: Title keySnake: title default: Annual Leave object: leaveApplication - startDate: is_variable: true nonString: true key: startDate keyPascal: StartDate keySnake: start_date default: startDate python: start_date ruby: start_date object: leaveApplication - endDate: is_last: true is_variable: true nonString: true key: endDate keyPascal: EndDate keySnake: end_date default: endDate python: end_date ruby: end_date object: leaveApplication parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' - name: LeaveApplicationID x-snake: leave_application_id in: path required: true description: Leave Application id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c responses: '200': description: A successful request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveApplications' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "3f93110a-df13-49c7-b82f-a069813df188", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573679792293)/", "LeaveApplications": [ { "LeaveApplicationID": "1d4cd583-0107-4386-936b-672eb3d1f624", "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "LeavePeriods": [ { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1572566400000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573084800000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "SCHEDULED", "NumberOfUnits": 7.6 } ], "Title": "vacation", "Description": "My updated Description", "StartDate": "/Date(1572559200000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1572645600000+0000)/", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573679792293+0000)/", "PayOutType": "DEFAULT" } ] }' '400': description: invalid input, object invalid - TODO requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveApplication' example: '[ { "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "LeaveApplicationID": "1d4cd583-0107-4386-936b-672eb3d1f624", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "LeavePeriods": [ { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1572566400000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573084800000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "SCHEDULED", "NumberOfUnits": 7.6 } ], "Title": "vacation", "Description": "My updated Description", "StartDate": "/Date(1572559200000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1572645600000+0000)/", "PayOutType": "DEFAULT" } ]' /LeaveApplications/{LeaveApplicationID}/approve: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' post: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.employees] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Approve a requested leave application by a unique leave application id operationId: approveLeaveApplication parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' - name: LeaveApplicationID x-snake: leave_application_id in: path required: true description: Leave Application id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c responses: '200': description: Application successfully approved content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveApplications' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573679791457)/", "LeaveApplications": [ { "LeaveApplicationID": "1d4cd583-0107-4386-936b-672eb3d1f624", "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "LeavePeriods": [ { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1573171200000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573689600000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "SCHEDULED", "NumberOfUnits": 7.6 } ], "Title": "Requested Leave", "StartDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573623008000+0000)/", "PayOutType": "DEFAULT" } ] }' '400': description: validation error for a bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/APIException' /LeaveApplications/{LeaveApplicationID}/reject: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' post: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.employees] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Reject a leave application by a unique leave application id operationId: rejectLeaveApplication parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' - name: LeaveApplicationID x-snake: leave_application_id in: path required: true description: Leave Application id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c responses: '200': description: Application successfully rejected content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveApplications' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573679791457)/", "LeaveApplications": [ { "LeaveApplicationID": "1d4cd583-0107-4386-936b-672eb3d1f624", "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "LeavePeriods": [ { "PayPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1573171200000+0000)/", "PayPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573689600000+0000)/", "LeavePeriodStatus": "REJECTED", "NumberOfUnits": 7.6 } ], "Title": "Requested Leave", "StartDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "EndDate": "/Date(1573516800000+0000)/", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573623008000+0000)/", "PayOutType": "DEFAULT" } ] }' '400': description: validation error for a bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/APIException' /PayItems: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.settings,] tags: - PayrollAu operationId: getPayItems summary: Retrieves pay items parameters: - in: header name: If-Modified-Since x-snake: if_modified_since description: Only records created or modified since this timestamp will be returned example: "2020-02-06T12:17:43.202-08:00" schema: type: string format: date-time - in: query name: where description: Filter by an any element schema: type: string example: Status=="ACTIVE" - in: query name: order description: Order by an any element schema: type: string example: EmailAddress%20DESC - in: query name: page description: e.g. page=1 – Up to 100 objects will be returned in a single API call schema: type: integer responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayItems' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573620869531)/", "PayItems": { "EarningsRates": [ { "EarningsRateID": "ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "Name": "Ordinary Hours", "EarningsType": "ORDINARYTIMEEARNINGS", "RateType": "RATEPERUNIT", "AccountCode": "477", "TypeOfUnits": "Hours", "RatePerUnit": 3, "IsExemptFromTax": true, "IsExemptFromSuper": true, "IsReportableAsW1": true, "AllowanceContributesToAnnualLeaveRate": false, "AllowanceContributesToOvertimeRate": false, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573620821000+0000)/", "CurrentRecord": true }, { "EarningsRateID": "dc3ff92e-0e49-4967-aa4b-0bb21c0594ce", "Name": "Overtime Hours (exempt from super)", "EarningsType": "OVERTIMEEARNINGS", "RateType": "RATEPERUNIT", "AccountCode": "477", "TypeOfUnits": "Hours", "IsExemptFromTax": false, "IsExemptFromSuper": true, "IsReportableAsW1": false, "AllowanceContributesToAnnualLeaveRate": false, "AllowanceContributesToOvertimeRate": false, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1547500330000+0000)/", "CurrentRecord": true }, { "EarningsRateID": "f59999ca-cd5c-4a54-a381-2d0c817f0c3e", "Name": "Redundancy", "EarningsType": "LUMPSUMD", "RateType": "FIXEDAMOUNT", "AccountCode": "477", "IsExemptFromTax": true, "IsExemptFromSuper": true, "IsReportableAsW1": true, "AllowanceContributesToAnnualLeaveRate": false, "AllowanceContributesToOvertimeRate": false, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1547500330000+0000)/", "CurrentRecord": true }, { "EarningsRateID": "c97dafac-9d99-406f-9f6c-abfaf81c527d", "Name": "ETP Leave Earning", "EarningsType": "EMPLOYMENTTERMINATIONPAYMENT", "RateType": "RATEPERUNIT", "AccountCode": "477", "TypeOfUnits": "Hours", "IsExemptFromTax": false, "IsExemptFromSuper": true, "IsReportableAsW1": true, "AllowanceContributesToAnnualLeaveRate": false, "AllowanceContributesToOvertimeRate": false, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573620791000+0000)/", "EmploymentTerminationPaymentType": "O", "CurrentRecord": true } ], "DeductionTypes": [ { "DeductionTypeID": "727af5e8-b347-4ae7-85fc-9b82266d0aec", "DeductionCategory": "UNIONFEES", "Name": "Union Fees/Subscriptions", "AccountCode": "850", "ReducesTax": false, "ReducesSuper": false, "IsExemptFromW1": false, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1547500330000+0000)/", "CurrentRecord": true }, { "DeductionTypeID": "04191cd3-7952-4a87-9911-9d8575280f6a", "DeductionCategory": "NONE", "Name": "Lease Payments", "AccountCode": "850", "ReducesTax": true, "ReducesSuper": true, "IsExemptFromW1": false, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1547500330000+0000)/", "CurrentRecord": true } ], "ReimbursementTypes": [ { "ReimbursementTypeID": "98ba33b2-db5b-4204-bcac-5ddd98d63524", "Name": "Travel Costs", "AccountCode": "850", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1547500330000+0000)/", "CurrentRecord": true }, { "ReimbursementTypeID": "aa8cfa40-d872-4be0-8a94-bb7f00962f74", "Name": "Other Reimbursable Costs", "AccountCode": "850", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1547500330000+0000)/", "CurrentRecord": true } ], "LeaveTypes": [ { "LeaveTypeID": "fbcc9dab-6238-43d9-a3f4-d768423fdcfa", "Name": "Annual Leave", "TypeOfUnits": "Hours", "NormalEntitlement": 152, "LeaveLoadingRate": 1.0, "IsPaidLeave": true, "ShowOnPayslip": true, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573620853000+0000)/", "CurrentRecord": true }, { "LeaveTypeID": "74195ab2-1f2b-4136-8ddc-20387a0b1027", "Name": "Long Service Leave", "TypeOfUnits": "Hours", "IsPaidLeave": true, "ShowOnPayslip": false, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1547500330000+0000)/", "CurrentRecord": true }, { "LeaveTypeID": "ff4d16da-ae8a-4f57-acb3-9ee593996bce", "Name": "Parental Leave (unpaid)", "TypeOfUnits": "Hours", "IsPaidLeave": false, "ShowOnPayslip": false, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1547500330000+0000)/", "CurrentRecord": true } ] } }' '400': description: validation error for a bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/APIException' post: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.settings] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Creates a pay item parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' operationId: createPayItem x-example: - earningsRate: key: earningsRate keyPascal: EarningsRate keySnake: earnings_rate is_object: true - earningsName: key: name keyPascal: Name keySnake: name object: earningsRate default: Ordinary Hours 123 - earningsAccountCode: key: accountCode keyPascal: AccountCode keySnake: account_code object: earningsRate default: 477 - earningsTypeOfUnits: key: typeOfUnits keyPascal: TypeOfUnits keySnake: type_of_units object: earningsRate default: Hours - isExemptFromTax: key: isExemptFromTax keyPascal: IsExemptFromTax keySnake: is_exempt_from_tax object: earningsRate default: true nonString: true - isExemptFromSuper: key: isExemptFromSuper keyPascal: IsExemptFromSuper keySnake: is_exempt_from_super object: earningsRate default: true nonString: true - earningsType: key: earningsType nonString: true keyPascal: EarningsType default: OVERTIMEEARNINGS php: XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\PayrollAu\EarningsType::OVERTIMEEARNINGS node: EarningsType.OVERTIMEEARNINGS ruby: XeroRuby::PayrollAu::EarningsType::OVERTIMEEARNINGS python_string: OVERTIMEEARNINGS java: com.xero.models.payrollau.EarningsType.OVERTIMEEARNINGS csharp: EarningsType.OVERTIMEEARNINGS object: earningsRate is_last: true - deductionType: key: deductionType keyPascal: DeductionType keySnake: deduction_type is_object: true - deductionTypeName: key: name keyPascal: Name keySnake: name default: Union Fees object: deductionType - deductionAccountCode: key: accountCode keyPascal: AccountCode keySnake: account_code object: deductionType default: 826 - reducesTax: key: reducesTax keyPascal: ReducesTax keySnake: reduces_tax object: deductionType default: true nonString: true - reducesSuper: key: reducesSuper keyPascal: ReducesSuper keySnake: reduces_super object: deductionType default: true nonString: true is_last: true - leaveType: key: leaveType keyPascal: LeaveType keySnake: leave_type is_object: true - leaveTypeName: key: name keyPascal: Name keySnake: name default: Annual Leave object: leaveType - leaveTypeOfUnits: key: typeOfUnits keyPascal: TypeOfUnits keySnake: type_of_units object: leaveType default: Hours - isPaidLeave: key: isPaidLeave keyPascal: IsPaidLeave keySnake: is_paid_leave object: leaveType default: true nonString: true - showOnPayslip: key: showOnPayslip keyPascal: ShowOnPayslip keySnake: show_on_payslip object: leaveType default: true is_last: true nonString: true - reimbursementType: key: reimbursementType keyPascal: ReimbursementType keySnake: reimbursement_type is_object: true - reimbursementTypeName: key: name keyPascal: Name keySnake: name default: Annual Leave object: reimbursementType - reimbursementTypeAccountCode: key: accountCode keyPascal: AccountCode keySnake: account_code object: reimbursementType is_last: true default: 850 - earningsRates: is_list: true key: earningsRates keyPascal: EarningsRates keySnake: earnings_rates csharp: EarningsRate java: EarningsRate - addEarningsRates: is_list_add: true key: earningsRates keyPascal: EarningsRates keySnake: earnings_rates java: EarningsRates python: earnings_rate ruby: earnings_rate csharp: EarningsRate object: earningsRate - deductionTypes: is_list: true key: deductionTypes keyPascal: DeductionTypes keySnake: deduction_types csharp: DeductionType java: DeductionType - leaveTypes: is_list: true key: leaveTypes keyPascal: LeaveTypes keySnake: leave_types csharp: LeaveType java: LeaveType - addLeaveTypes: is_last: true is_list_add: true key: leaveTypes keyPascal: LeaveTypes keySnake: leave_types java: LeaveTypes python: leave_type ruby: leave_type csharp: LeaveType object: leaveType - reimbursementTypes: is_list: true key: reimbursementTypes keyPascal: ReimbursementTypes keySnake: reimbursement_types csharp: ReimbursementType java: ReimbursementType - addReimbursementTypes: is_last: true is_list_add: true key: reimbursementTypes keyPascal: ReimbursementTypes keySnake: reimbursement_types java: ReimbursementTypes python: reimbursement_type ruby: reimbursement_type csharp: ReimbursementType object: reimbursementType - payItem: key: payItem keyPascal: PayItem keySnake: pay_item is_object: true - setEarningsRates: is_variable: true nonString: true key: earningsRates keyPascal: EarningsRates default: earningsRates python: earnings_rates ruby: earnings_rates object: payItem - setDeductionTypes: is_variable: true nonString: true key: deductionTypes keyPascal: DeductionTypes default: deductionTypes python: deduction_types ruby: deduction_types object: payItem - setLeaveTypes: is_variable: true nonString: true key: leaveTypes keyPascal: LeaveTypes default: leaveTypes python: leave_types ruby: leave_types object: payItem - setReimbursementTypes: is_variable: true nonString: true key: reimbursementTypes keyPascal: ReimbursementTypes default: reimbursementTypes python: reimbursement_types ruby: reimbursement_types object: payItem is_last: true responses: '200': description: A successful request - currently returns empty array for JSON content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayItems' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1593448963288)/", "PayItems": { "EarningsRates": [ { "EarningsRateID": "1fa4e226-b711-46ba-a8a7-4344c9c5fb87", "Name": "MyRate", "EarningsType": "ORDINARYTIMEEARNINGS", "RateType": "MULTIPLE", "AccountCode": "400", "Multiplier": 1.5, "IsExemptFromTax": true, "IsExemptFromSuper": true, "AccrueLeave": false, "IsReportableAsW1": false, "AllowanceContributesToAnnualLeaveRate": false, "AllowanceContributesToOvertimeRate": false, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1593448963210+0000)/", "CurrentRecord": true }, { "EarningsRateID": "c6905c26-0716-4746-9098-608545e04dd2", "Name": "Redundancy", "EarningsType": "LUMPSUMD", "RateType": "FIXEDAMOUNT", "AccountCode": "477", "IsExemptFromTax": true, "IsExemptFromSuper": true, "IsReportableAsW1": true, "AllowanceContributesToAnnualLeaveRate": false, "AllowanceContributesToOvertimeRate": false, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1476729649000+0000)/", "CurrentRecord": true }, { "EarningsRateID": "33820094-656e-4db3-b04b-8bd3e2db0a9b", "Name": "ETP Leave Earning", "EarningsType": "EMPLOYMENTTERMINATIONPAYMENT", "RateType": "RATEPERUNIT", "AccountCode": "477", "TypeOfUnits": "Hours", "IsExemptFromTax": false, "IsExemptFromSuper": true, "IsReportableAsW1": true, "AllowanceContributesToAnnualLeaveRate": false, "AllowanceContributesToOvertimeRate": false, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1520900705000+0000)/", "EmploymentTerminationPaymentType": "O", "CurrentRecord": true } ] } }' '400': description: invalid input, object invalid - TODO requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayItem' example: '{ "EarningsRates": [ { "Name": "MyRate", "AccountCode": "400", "TypeOfUnits": "4.00", "IsExemptFromTax": true, "IsExemptFromSuper": true, "IsReportableAsW1": false, "AllowanceContributesToAnnualLeaveRate": false, "AllowanceContributesToOvertimeRate": false, "EarningsType": "ORDINARYTIMEEARNINGS", "EarningsRateID": "1fa4e226-b711-46ba-a8a7-4344c9c5fb87", "RateType": "MULTIPLE", "RatePerUnit": "10.0", "Multiplier": 1.5, "Amount": 5, "EmploymentTerminationPaymentType": "O" } ] }' /PayrollCalendars: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.settings,] tags: - PayrollAu operationId: getPayrollCalendars summary: Retrieves payroll calendars parameters: - in: header name: If-Modified-Since x-snake: if_modified_since description: Only records created or modified since this timestamp will be returned example: "2020-02-06T12:17:43.202-08:00" schema: type: string format: date-time - in: query name: where description: Filter by an any element schema: type: string example: Status=="ACTIVE" - in: query name: order description: Order by an any element schema: type: string example: EmailAddress%20DESC - in: query name: page description: e.g. page=1 – Up to 100 objects will be returned in a single API call schema: type: integer responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayrollCalendars' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC":"\/Date(1573611063408)\/", "PayrollCalendars":[ { "PayrollCalendarID":"78bb86b9-e1ea-47ac-b75d-f087a81931de", "Name":"Sid Weekly", "CalendarType":"WEEKLY", "StartDate":"\/Date(1573171200000+0000)\/", "PaymentDate":"\/Date(1573776000000+0000)\/", "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1573077687000+0000)\/", "ReferenceDate":"\/Date(1573171200000+0000)\/" }, { "PayrollCalendarID":"22a05fc5-386d-4950-9842-3e7a6c812135", "Name":"Weekly", "CalendarType":"WEEKLY", "StartDate":"\/Date(1546560000000+0000)\/", "PaymentDate":"\/Date(1547164800000+0000)\/", "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1572916157000+0000)\/", "ReferenceDate":"\/Date(1573171200000+0000)\/" } ] }' '400': description: validation error for a bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/APIException' post: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.settings] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Creates a Payroll Calendar parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' operationId: createPayrollCalendar x-hasPayrollAuProblem: true x-example: - startDateValue: key: startDate keyPascal: StartDate keySnake: start_date is_date: true java_datatype: LocalDate csharp_datatype: DateTime default: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 28)" java: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 28)" csharp: "new DateTime(2020, 10, 10)" php: "new DateTime('2020-10-28')" node: "'2000-10-28'" python: "dateutil.parser.parse('2020-10-28T00:00:00Z')" ruby: "'YYYY-MM-DD'" - paymentDateValue: key: paymentDate keyPascal: PaymentDate keySnake: payment_date is_date: true java_datatype: LocalDate csharp_datatype: DateTime default: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 30)" java: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 30)" csharp: "new DateTime(2020, 10, 30)" php: "new DateTime('2020-10-30')" node: "'2000-10-30'" python: "dateutil.parser.parse('2000-10-30T00:00:00Z')" ruby: "'YYYY-MM-DD'" - payrollCalendar: is_object: true key: payrollCalendar keyPascal: PayrollCalendar keySnake: payroll_calendar - name: key: name keyPascal: Name keySnake: name default: Weekly object: payrollCalendar - calendarType: nonString: true key: calendarType keyPascal: CalendarType keySnake: calendar_type default: WEEKLY php: XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\PayrollAu\CalendarType::WEEKLY node: CalendarType.WEEKLY ruby: XeroRuby::PayrollAu::CalendarType::WEEKLY python_string: WEEKLY java: com.xero.models.payrollau.CalendarType.WEEKLY csharp: CalendarType.WEEKLY object: payrollCalendar - setStartDate: is_variable: true nonString: true key: startDate keyPascal: StartDate keySnake: start_date default: startDate python: start_date ruby: start_date object: payrollCalendar - setPaymentDate: is_last: true is_variable: true nonString: true key: paymentDate keyPascal: PaymentDate keySnake: payment_date default: paymentDate python: payment_date ruby: payment_date object: payrollCalendar - payrollCalendars: is_list: true key: payrollCalendars keyPascal: PayrollCalendars keySnake: payroll_calendars csharp: PayrollCalendar java: PayrollCalendar - addPayrollCalendars: is_last: true is_list_add: true key: payrollCalendars keyPascal: PayrollCalendars keySnake: payroll_calendars java: PayrollCalendars python: payroll_calendar ruby: payroll_calendar csharp: PayrollCalendar object: payrollCalendar responses: '200': description: A successful request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayrollCalendars' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC":"\/Date(1584125518649)\/", "PayrollCalendars":[ { "PayrollCalendarID":"57accbfe-f729-4be3-b3cb-8c3445c61d3a", "Name":"MyCal37127", "CalendarType":"WEEKLY", "StartDate":"\/Date(1572998400000+0000)\/", "PaymentDate":"\/Date(1573516800000+0000)\/", "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1584125518633+0000)\/" } ] }' '400': description: invalid input, object invalid - TODO requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayrollCalendar' example: '[ { "PayrollCalendarID":"78bb86b9-e1ea-47ac-b75d-f087a81931de", "PayRunPeriodStartDate":"/Date(1572566400000+0000)/", "PayRunPeriodEndDate":"/Date(1573084800000+0000)/", "PayRunStatus":"DRAFT", "PaymentDate":"/Date(1573171200000+0000)/" } ]' /PayrollCalendars/{PayrollCalendarID}: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.settings,] tags: - PayrollAu operationId: getPayrollCalendar summary: Retrieves payroll calendar by using a unique payroll calendar ID parameters: - name: PayrollCalendarID x-snake: payroll_calendar_id in: path required: true description: Payroll Calendar id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayrollCalendars' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC":"\/Date(1573611453008)\/", "PayrollCalendars":[ { "PayrollCalendarID":"78bb86b9-e1ea-47ac-b75d-f087a81931de", "Name":"Sid Weekly", "CalendarType":"WEEKLY", "StartDate":"\/Date(1573171200000+0000)\/", "PaymentDate":"\/Date(1573776000000+0000)\/", "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1573077687000+0000)\/", "ReferenceDate":"\/Date(1573171200000+0000)\/" } ] }' '400': description: validation error for a bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/APIException' /PayRuns: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.payruns,] tags: - PayrollAu operationId: getPayRuns summary: Retrieves pay runs parameters: - in: header name: If-Modified-Since x-snake: if_modified_since description: Only records created or modified since this timestamp will be returned example: "2020-02-06T12:17:43.202-08:00" schema: type: string format: date-time - in: query name: where description: Filter by an any element schema: type: string example: Status=="ACTIVE" - in: query name: order description: Order by an any element schema: type: string example: EmailAddress%20DESC - in: query name: page description: e.g. page=1 – Up to 100 PayRuns will be returned in a single API call schema: type: integer responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayRuns' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC":"\/Date(1573611063074)\/", "PayRuns":[ { "PayRunID":"5de420bb-4ad2-405c-beb1-2610bcc2144e", "PayrollCalendarID":"78bb86b9-e1ea-47ac-b75d-f087a81931de", "PayRunPeriodStartDate":"\/Date(1572566400000+0000)\/", "PayRunPeriodEndDate":"\/Date(1573084800000+0000)\/", "PaymentDate":"\/Date(1573171200000+0000)\/", "Wages":200.00, "Deductions":33.00, "Tax":78.00, "Super":0.00, "Reimbursement":22.00, "NetPay":89.00, "PayRunStatus":"POSTED", "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1573610970000+0000)\/" } ] }' '400': description: validation error for a bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/APIException' post: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.payruns] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Creates a pay run parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' operationId: createPayRun x-hasPayrollAuProblem: true x-example: - payrun: key: payRun keyPascal: PayRun keySnake: pay_run is_object: true - payrollCalendarID: is_uuid: true default: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 key: payrollCalendarID keyPascal: PayrollCalendarID keySnake: payroll_calendar_id object: payRun is_last: true responses: '200': description: A successful request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayRuns' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573685818311)/", "PayRuns": [ { "PayRunID": "d1348fab-f47a-4697-beea-922ee262407a", "PayrollCalendarID": "78bb86b9-e1ea-47ac-b75d-f087a81931de", "PayRunPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1572566400000+0000)/", "PayRunPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573084800000+0000)/", "PaymentDate": "/Date(1573171200000+0000)/", "PayRunStatus": "DRAFT", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573685818311+0000)/" } ] }' '400': description: invalid input, object invalid - TODO requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayRun' example: '[ { "PayrollCalendarID": "78bb86b9-e1ea-47ac-b75d-f087a81931de", "PayRunPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1572566400000+0000)/", "PayRunPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573084800000+0000)/", "PayRunStatus": "DRAFT", "PaymentDate": "/Date(1573171200000+0000)/" } ]' /PayRuns/{PayRunID}: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.payruns,] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Retrieves a pay run by using a unique pay run id operationId: getPayRun parameters: - name: PayRunID x-snake: pay_run_id in: path required: true description: PayRun id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayRuns' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573692531699)/", "PayRuns": [ { "PayRunID": "21d6317b-5319-4b3d-8d78-48904db6b665", "PayrollCalendarID": "78bb86b9-e1ea-47ac-b75d-f087a81931de", "PayRunPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1572566400000+0000)/", "PayRunPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573084800000+0000)/", "PaymentDate": "/Date(1573171200000+0000)/", "Wages": 205.4, "Deductions": 37, "Tax": 0, "Super": 0, "Reimbursement": 77, "NetPay": 168.4, "PayRunStatus": "POSTED", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573692155000+0000)/", "Payslips": [ { "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "PayslipID": "c81e8bcc-56b0-4740-b46b-767753a6ee45", "FirstName": "Albus", "LastName": "Dumbledore", "EmployeeGroup": "foo", "Wages": 5.4, "Deductions": 4, "Tax": 0, "Super": 0, "Reimbursements": 55, "NetPay": 1.4, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573692155000+0000)/" }, { "EmployeeID": "7aa04979-ded5-44d9-b09a-793749425844", "PayslipID": "76b9cb4e-d024-47cf-b09a-4c9cea2870f1", "FirstName": "John", "LastName": "Smith", "Wages": 200, "Deductions": 33, "Tax": 0, "Super": 0, "Reimbursements": 22, "NetPay": 167, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573692155000+0000)/" } ] } ] }' post: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.payruns] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Updates a pay run operationId: updatePayRun description: Update properties on a single PayRun x-example: - payrun: key: payRun keyPascal: PayRun keySnake: pay_run is_object: true - payrollCalendarID: is_uuid: true default: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 key: payrollCalendarID keyPascal: PayrollCalendarID keySnake: payroll_calendar_id object: payRun is_last: true parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' - name: PayRunID x-snake: pay_run_id in: path required: true description: PayRun id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c responses: '200': description: A successful request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayRuns' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573693093680)/", "PayRuns": [ { "PayRunID": "f8fcda54-643f-4406-902a-d7b020d0a036", "PayrollCalendarID": "78bb86b9-e1ea-47ac-b75d-f087a81931de", "PayRunPeriodStartDate": "/Date(1572566400000+0000)/", "PayRunPeriodEndDate": "/Date(1573084800000+0000)/", "PaymentDate": "/Date(1573171200000+0000)/", "PayRunStatus": "POSTED", "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573693093000+0000)/" } ] }' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayRun' example: '[ { "PayRunStatus": "POSTED" } ]' /Payslip/{PayslipID}: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.payslip,] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Retrieves for a payslip by a unique payslip id operationId: getPayslip parameters: - name: PayslipID x-snake: payslip_id in: path required: true description: Payslip id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayslipObject' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1573692677622)/", "Payslip": { "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "PayslipID": "c81e8bcc-56b0-4740-b46b-767753a6ee45", "FirstName": "Albus", "LastName": "Dumbledore", "Tax": 0, "NetPay": 1.4, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1573692155000+0000)/", "EarningsLines": [ { "EarningsRateID": "ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "RatePerUnit": 3, "NumberOfUnits": 1.8 } ], "LeaveEarningsLines": [ { "EarningsRateID": "ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "RatePerUnit": 0, "NumberOfUnits": 0.6, "PayOutType": "DEFAULT" }, { "EarningsRateID": "ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "RatePerUnit": 3, "NumberOfUnits": 0.6, "PayOutType": "CASHED_OUT" } ], "TimesheetEarningsLines": [], "DeductionLines": [ { "Amount": 4, "CalculationType": "FIXEDAMOUNT", "DeductionTypeID": "ed05ea82-e40a-4eb6-9c2e-4b3c03e7e938" } ], "LeaveAccrualLines": [ { "LeaveTypeID": "184ea8f7-d143-46dd-bef3-0c60e1aa6fca", "NumberOfUnits": 0.0769, "AutoCalculate": true } ], "ReimbursementLines": [ { "ReimbursementTypeID": "aa8cfa40-d872-4be0-8a94-bb7f00962f74", "Description": "boo", "ExpenseAccount": "850", "Amount": 55 } ], "SuperannuationLines": [ { "ContributionType": "SGC", "CalculationType": "STATUTORY", "MinimumMonthlyEarnings": 450, "ExpenseAccountCode": "478", "LiabilityAccountCode": "826", "PaymentDateForThisPeriod": "/Date(1580169600000+0000)/", "Amount": 0 } ], "TaxLines": [ { "PayslipTaxLineID": "c129696e-36ef-4677-a54c-96095787ca20", "TaxTypeName": "PAYG Tax", "Description": "No tax file number (Australian resident)", "Amount": 0, "LiabilityAccount": "825" } ] } }' post: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.payslip] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Updates a payslip operationId: updatePayslip x-hasPayrollAuError: true x-example: - earningsLine: is_object: true key: earningsLine keyPascal: EarningsLine keySnake: earnings_line - earningsRateID: is_uuid: true key: earningsRateID keyPascal: EarningsRateID keySnake: earnings_rate_id default: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 object: earningsLine - ratePerUnit: nonString: true key: ratePerUnit keyPascal: RatePerUnit keySnake: rate_per_unit default: 20 object: earningsLine - numberOfUnits: nonString: true key: numberOfUnits keyPascal: NumberOfUnits keySnake: number_of_units default: 1 object: earningsLine is_last: true - earningsLines: is_list: true key: earningsLines keyPascal: EarningsLines keySnake: earnings_lines csharp: EarningsLine java: EarningsLine - addEarningsRates: is_last: true is_list_add: true key: earningsLines keyPascal: EarningsLines keySnake: earnings_lines java: EarningsLine python: earnings_line ruby: earnings_line csharp: EarningsLine object: earningsLine - payslipLine: key: payslipLine keyPascal: PayslipLines keySnake: payslip_lines python: payslip_line ruby: payslip_line is_object: true - setEarningsLines: key: earningsLines keyPascal: EarningsLines keySnake: earnings_lines object: payslipLine is_last: true default: earningsLines nonString: true - payslipLines: is_list: true key: payslipLines keyPascal: PayslipLines keySnake: payslip_lines csharp: PayslipLines java: PayslipLines python: payslipLines - addPayslipLines: is_last: true is_list_add: true key: payslipLines keyPayscal: PayslipLines keySnake: payslip_lines java: PayslipLine python: payslip_line ruby: payslip_line csharp: PayslipLine object: payslipLine description: Update lines on a single payslips parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' - name: PayslipID x-snake: payslip_id in: path required: true description: Payslip id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c responses: '200': description: A successful request - currently returns empty array for JSON content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payslips' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC": "/Date(1589568253813)/", "Payslips": [ { "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "PayslipID": "c81e8bcc-56b0-4740-b46b-767753a6ee45", "FirstName": "Albus", "LastName": "Dumbledore", "LastEdited": "/Date(1589568253735+0000)/", "Tax": 0, "NetPay": 1.4, "UpdatedDateUTC": "/Date(1589568253735+0000)/", "DeductionLines": [ { "Amount": 4, "CalculationType": "FIXEDAMOUNT", "DeductionTypeID": "ed05ea82-e40a-4eb6-9c2e-4b3c03e7e938" } ] } ] }' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayslipLines' example: '{ "Payslip": { "EmployeeID": "cdfb8371-0b21-4b8a-8903-1024df6c391e", "DeductionLines": [ { "DeductionTypeID": "727af5e8-b347-4ae7-85fc-9b82266d0aec", "CalculationType": "FIXEDAMOUNT", "NumberOfUnits": 10 } ] } }' /Settings: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.settings,] tags: - PayrollAu operationId: getSettings summary: Retrieves payroll settings responses: '200': description: payroll settings content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SettingsObject' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC":"\/Date(1573585252781)\/", "Settings":{ "Accounts":[ { "AccountID":"85bd2954-7ef5-4fbe-9e40-a1990d0fd63f", "Type":"BANK", "Code":"094", "Name":"Bank of A" }, { "AccountID":"7e65fa75-1c64-43d7-b0b4-c05f196e2190", "Type":"WAGESPAYABLELIABILITY", "Code":"804", "Name":"Wages Payable - Payroll" }, { "AccountID":"dbc164fa-0cdf-4848-92d3-0d1dc864c53f", "Type":"PAYGLIABILITY", "Code":"825", "Name":"PAYG Withholdings Payable" }, { "AccountID":"7dad84d4-bc7a-482e-99b1-d879e4856578", "Type":"SUPERANNUATIONEXPENSE", "Code":"478", "Name":"Superannuation" }, { "AccountID":"df3679fe-5ebc-42ce-a7ac-b4d36b520795", "Type":"SUPERANNUATIONLIABILITY", "Code":"826", "Name":"Superannuation Payable" }, { "AccountID":"7e130864-5864-4c60-94eb-3c53c95da138", "Type":"WAGESEXPENSE", "Code":"477", "Name":"Wages and Salaries" } ], "TrackingCategories":{ "EmployeeGroups":{ "TrackingCategoryID":"a28f419f-6ec3-4dcf-9be0-7959ea983630", "TrackingCategoryName":"Foo70317" }, "TimesheetCategories":{ "TrackingCategoryID":"89375aed-ed51-4624-9e5d-92db6bfa8974", "TrackingCategoryName":"Foo32551" } }, "DaysInPayrollYear":"364", "EmployeesAreSTP2": false } }' /Superfunds: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.settings,] tags: - PayrollAu operationId: getSuperfunds summary: Retrieves superfunds parameters: - in: header name: If-Modified-Since x-snake: if_modified_since description: Only records created or modified since this timestamp will be returned example: "2020-02-06T12:17:43.202-08:00" schema: type: string format: date-time - in: query name: where description: Filter by an any element schema: type: string example: Status=="ACTIVE" - in: query name: order description: Order by an any element schema: type: string example: EmailAddress%20DESC - in: query name: page description: e.g. page=1 – Up to 100 SuperFunds will be returned in a single API call schema: type: integer responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperFunds' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC":"\/Date(1573570941142)\/", "SuperFunds":[ { "SuperFundID":"fde8e070-bf59-4e56-b1d7-c75a09474b8d", "Name":"Accumulate Plus (Commonwealth Bank Group Super)", "Type":"REGULATED", "USI":"OSF0001AU", "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1573510468000+0000)\/" }, { "SuperFundID":"69079de5-67ef-43bb-b5a5-3e7c2ccad7f0", "Name":"AMG Super", "Type":"REGULATED", "USI":"PTC0133AU", "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1573490487000+0000)\/" } ] }' '400': description: validation error for a bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/APIException' post: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.settings] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Creates a superfund parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' operationId: createSuperfund x-example: - superfund: key: superFund keyPascal: SuperFund keySnake: super_fund is_object: true - type: key: type keyPascal: Type keySnake: type object: superfund nonString: true default: REGULATED php: XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\PayrollAu\SuperFundType::REGULATED node: SuperFundType.REGULATED ruby: XeroRuby::PayrollAu::SuperFundType::REGULATED python_string: REGULATED java: com.xero.models.payrollau.SuperFundType.REGULATED csharp: SuperFundType.REGULATED - usi: key: USI keyPascal: USI keySnake: USI default: 40022701955002 object: superfund is_last: true x-hasPayrollAuProblem: true responses: '200': description: A successful request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperFunds' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC":"\/Date(1573583393024)\/", "SuperFunds":[ { "SuperFundID":"e02e44eb-2dba-4d5e-84da-8a0c3a4a4fef", "Name":"AMG Super", "Type":"REGULATED", "ABN":"30099320583", "USI":"PTC0133AU", "AccountNumber":"FB36350", "AccountName":"Foo38428", "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1573583393009+0000)\/" } ] }' '400': description: invalid input, object invalid - TODO requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperFund' example: '[ { "usi":"PTC0133AU", "Type":"REGULATED", "Name":"Bar99359", "AccountNumber":"FB36350", "AccountName":"Foo38428", "USI":"PTC0133AU" } ]' /Superfunds/{SuperFundID}: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.settings,] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Retrieves a superfund by using a unique superfund ID operationId: getSuperfund parameters: - name: SuperFundID x-snake: super_fund_id in: path required: true description: Superfund id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperFunds' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC":"\/Date(1573571518603)\/", "SuperFunds":[ { "SuperFundID":"540f4327-dda2-4b36-9c2f-2fe1c93a72b5", "Name":"My Self Managed one", "Type":"SMSF", "ABN":"53004085616", "EmployerNumber":"9876543", "BSB":"324324", "AccountNumber":"234234234", "AccountName":"My Checking", "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1573571429000+0000)\/", "ElectronicServiceAddress":"FG48739" } ] }' post: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.settings] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Updates a superfund operationId: updateSuperfund description: Update properties on a single Superfund x-example: - superfund: key: superFund keyPascal: SuperFund keySnake: super_fund is_object: true - type: key: type keyPascal: Type keySnake: type object: superfund nonString: true default: REGULATED php: XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\PayrollAu\SuperFundType::REGULATED node: SuperFundType.REGULATED ruby: XeroRuby::PayrollAu::SuperFundType::REGULATED python_string: REGULATED java: com.xero.models.payrollau.SuperFundType.REGULATED csharp: SuperFundType.REGULATED - usi: key: USI keyPascal: USI keySnake: USI default: 40022701955002 object: superfund is_last: true parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' - name: SuperFundID x-snake: super_fund_id in: path required: true description: Superfund id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c responses: '200': description: A successful request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperFunds' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC":"\/Date(1573570941547)\/", "SuperFunds":[ { "SuperFundID":"fde8e070-bf59-4e56-b1d7-c75a09474b8d", "Name":"Accumulate Plus (Commonwealth Bank Group Super)", "Type":"REGULATED", "ABN":"24248426878", "USI":"OSF0001AU", "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1573510468000+0000)\/" } ] }' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperFund' example: ' [ { "Type":"REGULATED", "Name":"Nice23534" } ]' /SuperfundProducts: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.settings,] tags: - PayrollAu operationId: getSuperfundProducts summary: Retrieves superfund products parameters: - in: query name: ABN description: The ABN of the Regulated SuperFund schema: type: string example: 40022701955 - in: query name: USI description: The USI of the Regulated SuperFund schema: type: string example: OSF0001AU responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperFundProducts' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC":"\/Date(1573570720295)\/", "SuperFundProducts":[ { "USI":"OSF0001AU", "ABN":"24248426878", "ProductName":"Accumulate Plus (Commonwealth Bank Group Super)" } ] }' '400': description: validation error for a bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/APIException' /Timesheets: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.timesheets,] tags: - PayrollAu operationId: getTimesheets summary: Retrieves timesheets parameters: - in: header name: If-Modified-Since x-snake: if_modified_since description: Only records created or modified since this timestamp will be returned example: "2020-02-06T12:17:43.202-08:00" schema: type: string format: date-time - in: query name: where description: Filter by an any element schema: type: string example: Status=="ACTIVE" - in: query name: order description: Order by an any element schema: type: string example: EmailAddress%20DESC - in: query name: page description: e.g. page=1 – Up to 100 timesheets will be returned in a single API call schema: type: integer responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Timesheets' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC":"\/Date(1573516183708)\/", "Timesheets":[ { "TimesheetID":"863bbd31-0447-4419-80d5-d733d5e723ba", "EmployeeID":"b34e89ff-770d-4099-b7e5-f968767118bc", "StartDate":"\/Date(1547769600000)\/", "EndDate":"\/Date(1548288000000)\/", "Status":"APPROVED", "Hours":24.0000, "TimesheetLines":[ { "EarningsRateID":"ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "NumberOfUnits":[ 4.00, 4.00, 4.00, 4.00, 4.00, 4.00, 0.00 ], "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1572915827000+0000)\/" } ], "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1572915827000+0000)\/" }, { "TimesheetID":"544eb3a7-0d63-495b-90ae-f6aa3c26c2c8", "EmployeeID":"7aa04979-ded5-44d9-b09a-793749425844", "StartDate":"\/Date(1572566400000)\/", "EndDate":"\/Date(1573084800000)\/", "Status":"APPROVED", "Hours":10.0000, "TimesheetLines":[ { "EarningsRateID":"ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "NumberOfUnits":[ 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 2.00, 0.00, 0.00 ], "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1572916045000+0000)\/" } ], "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1572916045000+0000)\/" } ] }' '400': description: validation error for a bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/APIException' post: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.timesheets] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Creates a timesheet parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' operationId: createTimesheet x-hasPayrollAuProblem: true x-example: - startDateValue: key: startDate keyPascal: StartDate keySnake: start_date is_date: true java_datatype: LocalDate csharp_datatype: DateTime default: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 23)" java: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 23)" csharp: "new DateTime(2020, 10, 23)" php: "new DateTime('2020-10-23')" node: "'2020-10-23'" python: "dateutil.parser.parse('2020-10-23T00:00:00Z')" ruby: "'YYYY-MM-DD'" - endDateValue: key: endDate keyPascal: EndDate keySnake: end_date is_date: true java_datatype: LocalDate csharp_datatype: DateTime default: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 30)" java: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 30)" csharp: "new DateTime(2020, 10, 30)" php: "new DateTime('2020-10-30')" node: "'2020-10-30'" python: "dateutil.parser.parse('2020-10-30T00:00:00Z')" ruby: "'YYYY-MM-DD'" - timesheet: key: timesheet keyPascal: Timesheet keySnake: timesheet is_object: true - EmployeeID: is_uuid: true default: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 key: employeeID keyPascal: EmployeeID keySnake: employee_id object: timesheet - startDate: is_variable: true nonString: true key: startDate keyPascal: StartDate keySnake: start_date default: startDate python: start_date ruby: start_date object: timesheet - endDate: is_variable: true nonString: true key: endDate keyPascal: EndDate keySnake: end_date default: endDate python: end_date ruby: end_date object: timesheet - status: key: status keyPascal: Status keySnake: status is_last: true nonString: true default: DRAFT php: XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\PayrollAu\TimesheetStatus::DRAFT node: TimesheetStatus.DRAFT ruby: XeroRuby::PayrollAu::TimesheetStatus::DRAFT python_string: DRAFT java: com.xero.models.payrollau.TimesheetStatus.DRAFT csharp: TimesheetStatus.DRAFT object: timesheet responses: '200': description: A successful request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Timesheets' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC":"\/Date(1573516185143)\/", "Timesheets":[ { "TimesheetID":"a7eb0a79-8511-4ee7-b473-3a25f28abcb9", "EmployeeID":"b34e89ff-770d-4099-b7e5-f968767118bc", "StartDate":"\/Date(1573171200000+0000)\/", "EndDate":"\/Date(1573689600000+0000)\/", "Status":"DRAFT", "Hours":22.0, "TimesheetLines":[ { "EarningsRateID":"ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "TrackingItemID":"af5e9ce2-2349-4136-be99-3561b189f473", "NumberOfUnits":[ 2.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 5.0 ], "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1573516185127+0000)\/" } ], "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1573516185127+0000)\/" } ] }' '400': description: invalid input, object invalid - TODO requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Timesheet' example: '[ { "EmployeeID":"b34e89ff-770d-4099-b7e5-f968767118bc", "StartDate":"/Date(1573171200000+0000)/", "EndDate":"/Date(1573689600000+0000)/", "Status":"DRAFT", "TimesheetLines":[ { "EarningsRateID":"ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "TrackingItemID":"af5e9ce2-2349-4136-be99-3561b189f473", "NumberOfUnits":[ 2.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 5.0 ] } ] } ]' /Timesheets/{TimesheetID}: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/requiredHeader' get: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.timesheets,] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Retrieves a timesheet by using a unique timesheet id operationId: getTimesheet parameters: - name: TimesheetID x-snake: timesheet_id in: path required: true description: Timesheet id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c responses: '200': description: search results matching criteria content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimesheetObject' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName": "provider-name", "DateTimeUTC":"\/Date(1573516184161)\/", "Timesheet":{ "TimesheetID":"df954ca3-3a70-47e9-9a3e-80711e7c5f90", "EmployeeID":"b34e89ff-770d-4099-b7e5-f968767118bc", "StartDate":"\/Date(1547164800000+0000)\/", "EndDate":"\/Date(1547683200000+0000)\/", "Status":"APPROVED", "Hours":15.0000, "TimesheetLines":[ { "EarningsRateID":"ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "NumberOfUnits":[ 3.00, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00, 0.00, 3.00, 0.00 ], "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1572915797000+0000)\/" } ], "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1572915797000+0000)\/" } }' post: security: - OAuth2: [payroll.timesheets] tags: - PayrollAu summary: Updates a timesheet operationId: updateTimesheet description: Update properties on a single timesheet x-example: - startDateValue: key: startDate keyPascal: StartDate keySnake: start_date is_date: true java_datatype: LocalDate csharp_datatype: DateTime default: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 23)" java: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 23)" csharp: "new DateTime(2020, 10, 23)" php: "new DateTime('2020-10-23')" node: "'2020-10-23'" python: "dateutil.parser.parse('2020-10-23T00:00:00Z')" ruby: "'YYYY-MM-DD'" - endDateValue: key: endDate keyPascal: EndDate keySnake: end_date is_date: true java_datatype: LocalDate csharp_datatype: DateTime default: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 30)" java: "LocalDate.of(2020, Month.OCTOBER, 30)" csharp: "new DateTime(2020, 10, 30)" php: "new DateTime('2020-10-30')" node: "'2020-10-30'" python: "dateutil.parser.parse('2020-10-30T00:00:00Z')" ruby: "'YYYY-MM-DD'" - timesheet: key: timesheet keyPascal: Timesheet keySnake: timesheet is_object: true - EmployeeID: is_uuid: true default: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 key: employeeID keyPascal: EmployeeID keySnake: employee_id object: timesheet - startDate: is_variable: true nonString: true key: startDate keyPascal: StartDate keySnake: start_date default: startDate python: start_date ruby: start_date object: timesheet - endDate: is_variable: true nonString: true key: endDate keyPascal: EndDate keySnake: end_date default: endDate python: end_date ruby: end_date object: timesheet - status: key: status keyPascal: Status keySnake: status is_last: true nonString: true default: DRAFT php: XeroAPI\XeroPHP\Models\PayrollAu\TimesheetStatus::DRAFT node: TimesheetStatus.DRAFT ruby: XeroRuby::PayrollAu::TimesheetStatus::DRAFT python_string: DRAFT java: com.xero.models.payrollau.TimesheetStatus.DRAFT csharp: TimesheetStatus.DRAFT object: timesheet parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/idempotencyKey' - name: TimesheetID x-snake: timesheet_id in: path required: true description: Timesheet id for single object schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c responses: '200': description: A successful request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Timesheets' example: '{ "Id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Status": "OK", "ProviderName":"3f93110a-df13-49c7-b82f-a069813df188", "DateTimeUTC":"\/Date(1573516185258)\/", "Timesheets":[ { "TimesheetID":"a7eb0a79-8511-4ee7-b473-3a25f28abcb9", "EmployeeID":"b34e89ff-770d-4099-b7e5-f968767118bc", "StartDate":"\/Date(1573171200000+0000)\/", "EndDate":"\/Date(1573689600000+0000)\/", "Status":"APPROVED", "Hours":22.0, "TimesheetLines":[ { "EarningsRateID":"ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "TrackingItemID":"af5e9ce2-2349-4136-be99-3561b189f473", "NumberOfUnits":[ 2.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 5.0 ], "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1573516185227+0000)\/" } ], "UpdatedDateUTC":"\/Date(1573516185227+0000)\/" } ] }' requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Timesheet' example: '[ { "EmployeeID":"b34e89ff-770d-4099-b7e5-f968767118bc", "StartDate":"/Date(1573171200000+0000)/", "EndDate":"/Date(1573689600000+0000)/", "Status":"APPROVED", "Hours":22.0, "TimesheetID":"a7eb0a79-8511-4ee7-b473-3a25f28abcb9", "TimesheetLines":[ { "EarningsRateID":"ab874dfb-ab09-4c91-954e-43acf6fc23b4", "TrackingItemID":"af5e9ce2-2349-4136-be99-3561b189f473", "NumberOfUnits":[ 2.0, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 0.0, 5.0 ], "UpdatedDateUTC":"/Date(1573516185127+0000)/" } ] } ]' components: securitySchemes: OAuth2: type: oauth2 description: For more information visit flows: authorizationCode: authorizationUrl: '' tokenUrl: '' scopes: email: Grant read-only access to your email openid: Grant read-only access to your open id profile: your profile information payroll.employees: Grant read-write access to payroll employees Grant read-only access to payroll employees payroll.payruns: Grant read-write access to payroll payruns Grant read-only access to payroll payruns payroll.payslip: Grant read-write access to payroll payslips Grant read-only access to payroll payslips payroll.settings: Grant read-write access to payroll settings Grant read-only access to payroll settings payroll.timesheets: Grant read-write access to payroll timesheets Grant read-only access to payroll timesheets parameters: requiredHeader: in: header name: Xero-Tenant-Id x-snake: xero_tenant_id description: Xero identifier for Tenant schema: type: string required: true idempotencyKey: in: header name: Idempotency-Key x-snake: idempotency_key description: This allows you to safely retry requests without the risk of duplicate processing. 128 character max. example: "KEY_VALUE" schema: type: string schemas: Employees: type: object x-objectArrayKey: employees properties: Employees: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Employee' Employee: type: object required: - FirstName - LastName - DateOfBirth properties: FirstName: description: First name of employee type: string example: Karen LastName: description: Last name of employee type: string example: Jones DateOfBirth: description: Date of birth of the employee (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(322560000000+0000)/' HomeAddress: $ref: '#/components/schemas/HomeAddress' StartDate: description: Start date for an employee (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(320284900000+0000)/' Title: description: Title of the employee type: string example: Mrs MiddleNames: description: Middle name(s) of the employee type: string example: Adena Email: description: The email address for the employee type: string example: Gender: description: The employee’s gender. See Employee Gender type: string enum: - N - M - F - I example: F Phone: description: Employee phone number type: string example: 415-555-1212 Mobile: description: Employee mobile number type: string example: 415-234-5678 TwitterUserName: description: Employee’s twitter name type: string example: xeroapi IsAuthorisedToApproveLeave: description: Authorised to approve other employees' leave requests type: boolean example: false IsAuthorisedToApproveTimesheets: description: Authorised to approve timesheets type: boolean example: true JobTitle: description: JobTitle of the employee type: string example: Manager Classification: description: Employees classification type: string example: 99383 OrdinaryEarningsRateID: description: Xero unique identifier for earnings rate type: string format: uuid example: 5gj1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c PayrollCalendarID: description: Xero unique identifier for payroll calendar for the employee type: string format: uuid example: 2ee8e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c EmployeeGroupName: description: The Employee Group allows you to report on payroll expenses and liabilities for each group of employees type: string example: marketing EmployeeID: description: Xero unique identifier for an Employee type: string format: uuid example: 4ff1e5cc-9835-40d5-bb18-09fdb118db9c TerminationDate: description: Employee Termination Date (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(1584662400000+0000)/' TerminationReason: description: | * `V` Voluntary cessation - An employee resignation, retirement, domestic or pressing necessity or abandonment of employment * `I` Ill health - An employee resignation due to medical condition that prevents the continuation of employment, such as for illness, ill-health, medical unfitness or total permanent disability * `D` Deceased - The death of an employee * `R` Redundancy - An employer-initiated termination of employment due to a genuine redundancy or approved early retirement scheme * `F` Dismissal - An employer-initiated termination of employment due to dismissal, inability to perform the required work, misconduct or inefficiency * `C` Contract cessation - The natural conclusion of a limited employment relationship due to contract/engagement duration or task completion, seasonal work completion, or to cease casuals that are no longer required * `T` Transfer - The administrative arrangements performed to transfer employees across payroll systems, move them temporarily to another employer (machinery of government for public servants), transfer of business, move them to outsourcing arrangements or other such technical activities. type: string enum: - V - I - D - R - F - C - T example: F BankAccounts: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BankAccount' PayTemplate: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayTemplate' OpeningBalances: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OpeningBalances' TaxDeclaration: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaxDeclaration' IncomeType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/IncomeType' EmploymentType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EmploymentType' CountryOfResidence: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CountryOfResidence' IsSTP2Qualified: description: Indicates if the employee has been updated for STP Phase 2 compliance. Doesn't indicate that the employee is payable. type: boolean example: true LeaveBalances: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveBalance' LeaveLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveLine' SuperMemberships: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperMembership' Status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EmployeeStatus' UpdatedDateUTC: description: Last modified timestamp type: string readOnly: true x-is-msdate-time: true example: '/Date(1583967733054+0000)/' ValidationErrors: description: Displays array of validation error messages from the API type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationError' LeaveApplications: type: object x-objectArrayKey: leave_applications properties: LeaveApplications: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveApplication' LeaveApplication: type: object properties: LeaveApplicationID: description: The Xero identifier for Payroll Employee type: string format: uuid example: e0eb6747-7c17-4075-b804-989f8d4e5d39 EmployeeID: description: The Xero identifier for Payroll Employee type: string format: uuid example: fb4ebd68-6568-41eb-96ab-628a0f54b4b8 LeaveTypeID: description: The Xero identifier for Leave Type type: string format: uuid example: 742998cb-7584-4ecf-aa88-d694f59c50f9 Title: description: The title of the leave type: string example: Annual Leave StartDate: description: Start date of the leave (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(322560000000+0000)/' EndDate: description: End date of the leave (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(322560000000+0000)/' Description: description: The Description of the Leave type: string example: My leave PayOutType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayOutType' LeavePeriods: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeavePeriod' UpdatedDateUTC: description: Last modified timestamp type: string readOnly: true x-is-msdate-time: true example: '/Date(1583967733054+0000)/' ValidationErrors: description: Displays array of validation error messages from the API type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationError' PayOutType: description: How the requested leave will be paid out, e.g. cashed out. type: string enum: - DEFAULT - CASHED_OUT LeavePeriod: type: object properties: NumberOfUnits: description: The Number of Units for the leave type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 22.8000 PayPeriodEndDate: description: The Pay Period End Date (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(322560000000+0000)/' PayPeriodStartDate: description: The Pay Period Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(322560000000+0000)/' LeavePeriodStatus: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeavePeriodStatus' LeavePeriodStatus: type: string enum: - SCHEDULED #The default status - PROCESSED #A LeavePeriod is set to the "Processed" status when the Payrun associated with the LeavePeriod is "POSTED" - REQUESTED - REJECTED PayItems: type: object x-objectArrayKey: pay_items properties: PayItems: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayItem' PayItem: type: object properties: EarningsRates: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EarningsRate' DeductionTypes: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeductionType' LeaveTypes: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveType' ReimbursementTypes: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ReimbursementType' PayrollCalendars: type: object x-objectArrayKey: payroll_calendars properties: PayrollCalendars: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayrollCalendar' PayrollCalendar: type: object properties: Name: description: Name of the Payroll Calendar type: string example: Fortnightly Calendar CalendarType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CalendarType' StartDate: description: The start date of the upcoming pay period. The end date will be calculated based upon this date, and the calendar type selected (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(322560000000+0000)/' PaymentDate: description: The date on which employees will be paid for the upcoming pay period (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(322560000000+0000)/' PayrollCalendarID: description: Xero identifier type: string format: uuid example: e0eb6747-7c17-4075-b804-989f8d4e5d39 UpdatedDateUTC: description: Last modified timestamp type: string readOnly: true x-is-msdate-time: true example: '/Date(1583967733054+0000)/' ReferenceDate: description: Reference Date (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(322560000000+0000)/' ValidationErrors: description: Displays array of validation error messages from the API type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationError' Timesheets: type: object x-objectArrayKey: timesheets properties: Timesheets: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Timesheet' TimesheetObject: type: object properties: Timesheet: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Timesheet' Timesheet: type: object required: - EmployeeID - StartDate - EndDate properties: EmployeeID: description: The Xero identifier for an employee type: string format: uuid example: 72a0d0c2-0cf8-4f0b-ade1-33231f47b41b StartDate: description: Period start date (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(322560000000+0000)/' EndDate: description: Period end date (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(322560000000+0000)/' Status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimesheetStatus' Hours: description: Timesheet total hours type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 31.0000 TimesheetID: description: The Xero identifier for a Payroll Timesheet type: string format: uuid example: 049765fc-4506-48fb-bf88-3578dec0ec47 TimesheetLines: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimesheetLines' UpdatedDateUTC: description: Last modified timestamp type: string readOnly: true x-is-msdate-time: true example: '/Date(1583967733054+0000)/' ValidationErrors: description: Displays array of validation error messages from the API type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationError' TimesheetLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TimesheetLine' TimesheetLine: type: object properties: EarningsRateID: description: The Xero identifier for an Earnings Rate type: string format: uuid example: 966c5c77-2ef0-4320-b6a9-6c27b080ecc5 TrackingItemID: description: The Xero identifier for a Tracking Category. The TrackingOptionID must belong to the TrackingCategory selected as TimesheetCategories under Payroll Settings. type: string format: uuid example: ae777a87-5ef3-4fa0-a4f0-d10e1f13073a NumberOfUnits: description: The number of units on a timesheet line type: array items: description: Number of units of a Timesheet line type: number format: double example: 3.00 UpdatedDateUTC: description: Last modified timestamp type: string readOnly: true x-is-msdate-time: true example: '/Date(1583967733054+0000)/' PayRuns: type: object x-objectArrayKey: pay_runs properties: PayRuns: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayRun' PayRun: type: object required: - PayrollCalendarID properties: PayrollCalendarID: description: Xero identifier for pay run type: string format: uuid example: bfac31bd-ea62-4fc8-a5e7-7965d9504b15 PayRunID: description: Xero identifier for pay run type: string format: uuid example: bba1d10f-63b1-4692-b5c5-a99f869523a4 PayRunPeriodStartDate: description: Period Start Date for the PayRun (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(322560000000+0000)/' PayRunPeriodEndDate: description: Period End Date for the PayRun (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(322560000000+0000)/' PayRunStatus: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayRunStatus' PaymentDate: description: Payment Date for the PayRun (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(322560000000+0000)/' PayslipMessage: description: Payslip message for the PayRun type: string example: Thanks for being awesome UpdatedDateUTC: description: Last modified timestamp type: string readOnly: true x-is-msdate-time: true example: '/Date(1583967733054+0000)/' Payslips: description: The payslips in the payrun type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayslipSummary' Wages: description: The total Wages for the Payrun type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 1060.5 Deductions: description: The total Deductions for the Payrun type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 0.0 Tax: description: The total Tax for the Payrun type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 198.0 Super: description: The total Super for the Payrun type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 75.6 Reimbursement: description: The total Reimbursements for the Payrun type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 0.0 NetPay: description: The total NetPay for the Payrun type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 862.5 ValidationErrors: description: Displays array of validation error messages from the API type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationError' PayslipSummary: type: object properties: EmployeeID: description: The Xero identifier for an employee type: string format: uuid example: 4729f087-8eec-49c1-8294-4d11a5a0a37c PayslipID: description: Xero identifier for the payslip type: string format: uuid example: f3c0874d-7cdd-459a-a95c-d90d51decc42 FirstName: description: First name of employee type: string example: Karen LastName: description: Last name of employee type: string example: Jones EmployeeGroup: description: Employee group name type: string example: Marketing Wages: description: The Wages for the Payslip type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 1060.5 Deductions: description: The Deductions for the Payslip type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 0.0 Tax: description: The Tax for the Payslip type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 198.0 Super: description: The Super for the Payslip type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 75.6 Reimbursements: description: The Reimbursements for the Payslip type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 0.0 NetPay: description: The NetPay for the Payslip type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 862.5 UpdatedDateUTC: description: Last modified timestamp type: string readOnly: true x-is-msdate-time: true example: '/Date(1583967733054+0000)/' PayslipLines: type: object properties: EarningsLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EarningsLine' LeaveEarningsLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveEarningsLine' TimesheetEarningsLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EarningsLine' DeductionLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeductionLine' LeaveAccrualLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveAccrualLine' ReimbursementLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ReimbursementLine' SuperannuationLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperannuationLine' TaxLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaxLine' PayslipObject: type: object properties: Payslip: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payslip' Payslips: type: object x-objectArrayKey: payslips properties: Payslips: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Payslip' Payslip: type: object properties: EmployeeID: description: The Xero identifier for an employee type: string format: uuid example: 4729f087-8eec-49c1-8294-4d11a5a0a37c PayslipID: description: Xero identifier for the payslip type: string format: uuid example: f3c0874d-7cdd-459a-a95c-d90d51decc42 FirstName: description: First name of employee type: string example: Karen LastName: description: Last name of employee type: string example: Jones Wages: description: The Wages for the Payslip type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 1060.5 Deductions: description: The Deductions for the Payslip type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 0.0 Tax: description: The Tax for the Payslip type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 198.0 Super: description: The Super for the Payslip type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 75.6 Reimbursements: description: The Reimbursements for the Payslip type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 0.0 NetPay: description: The NetPay for the Payslip type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 862.5 EarningsLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EarningsLine' LeaveEarningsLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveEarningsLine' TimesheetEarningsLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EarningsLine' DeductionLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeductionLine' LeaveAccrualLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveAccrualLine' ReimbursementLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ReimbursementLine' SuperannuationLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperannuationLine' TaxLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaxLine' UpdatedDateUTC: description: Last modified timestamp type: string readOnly: true x-is-msdate-time: true example: '/Date(1583967733054+0000)/' LeaveAccrualLine: type: object properties: LeaveTypeID: description: Xero identifier for the Leave type. type: string format: uuid example: e0eb6747-7c17-4075-b804-989f8d4e5d39 NumberOfUnits: description: Leave Accrual number of units type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 105.50 AutoCalculate: description: If you want to auto calculate leave. type: boolean example: true SuperannuationLine: type: object properties: SuperMembershipID: description: Xero identifier for payroll super fund membership ID. type: string format: uuid example: e0eb6747-7c17-4075-b804-989f8d4e5d39 ContributionType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperannuationContributionType' CalculationType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperannuationCalculationType' MinimumMonthlyEarnings: description: Superannuation minimum monthly earnings. type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 100.50 ExpenseAccountCode: description: Superannuation expense account code. type: string example: 450 LiabilityAccountCode: description: Superannuation liability account code type: string example: 650 PaymentDateForThisPeriod: description: Superannuation payment date for the current period (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(322560000000+0000)/' Percentage: description: Superannuation percentage type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 4.0000 Amount: description: Superannuation amount type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 10.50 TaxLine: type: object properties: PayslipTaxLineID: description: Xero identifier for payslip tax line ID. type: string format: uuid example: e0eb6747-7c17-4075-b804-989f8d4e5d39 Amount: description: The tax line amount type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 50.00 TaxTypeName: description: Name of the tax type. type: string example: Manual Adjustment Description: description: Description of the tax line. type: string ManualTaxType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ManualTaxType' LiabilityAccount: description: The tax line liability account code. For posted pay run you should be able to see liability account code type: string example: 620 LeaveEarningsLine: type: object properties: EarningsRateID: description: Xero identifier type: string format: uuid example: e0eb6747-7c17-4075-b804-989f8d4e5d39 RatePerUnit: description: Rate per unit of the EarningsLine. type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 38.0000 NumberOfUnits: description: Earnings rate number of units. type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 2.5 PayOutType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PayOutType' SettingsObject: type: object properties: Settings: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Settings' Settings: type: object properties: Accounts: description: Payroll Account details for SuperExpense, SuperLiabilty, WagesExpense, PAYGLiability & WagesPayable. type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Account' TrackingCategories: description: Tracking categories for Employees and Timesheets type: object properties: EmployeeGroups: description: The tracking category used for employees type: object properties: TrackingCategoryID: description: The identifier for the tracking category type: string format: uuid example: e0eb6747-7c17-4075-b804-989f8d4e5d39 TrackingCategoryName: description: Name of the tracking category type: string TimesheetCategories: description: The tracking category used for timesheets type: object properties: TrackingCategoryID: description: The identifier for the tracking category type: string format: uuid example: e0eb6747-7c17-4075-b804-989f8d4e5d39 TrackingCategoryName: description: Name of the tracking category type: string DaysInPayrollYear: description: Number of days in the Payroll year type: integer format: int32 example: 365 EmployeesAreSTP2: description: Indicates if the organisation has been enabled for STP Phase 2 editing of employees. type: boolean example: true SuperFunds: type: object x-objectArrayKey: super_funds properties: SuperFunds: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperFund' SuperFund: type: object required: - Type properties: SuperFundID: description: Xero identifier for a super fund type: string format: uuid example: bfac31bd-ea62-4fc8-a5e7-7965d9504b15 Type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperFundType' Name: description: Name of the super fund type: string example: MLC Navigator Retirement Plan - Superannuation Service (including Series 2) (MLC Superannuation Fund) ABN: description: ABN of the self managed super fund type: string example: 40022701955 BSB: description: BSB of the self managed super fund type: string example: 234324 AccountNumber: description: The account number for the self managed super fund. type: string example: 234234234 AccountName: description: The account name for the self managed super fund. type: string example: Money account ElectronicServiceAddress: description: The electronic service address for the self managed super fund. type: string example: 12345678 EmployerNumber: description: Some funds assign a unique number to each employer type: string example: 324324 SPIN: description: The SPIN of the Regulated SuperFund. This field has been deprecated. It will only be present for legacy superfunds. New superfunds will not have a SPIN value. The USI field should be used instead of SPIN. type: string example: 4545445454 USI: description: The USI of the Regulated SuperFund type: string example: 40022701955001 UpdatedDateUTC: description: Last modified timestamp type: string readOnly: true x-is-msdate-time: true example: '/Date(1583967733054+0000)/' ValidationErrors: description: Displays array of validation error messages from the API type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationError' SuperFundProducts: type: object x-objectArrayKey: super_fund_products properties: SuperFundProducts: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperFundProduct' SuperFundProduct: type: object properties: ABN: description: The ABN of the Regulated SuperFund type: string example: 839182848805 USI: description: The USI of the Regulated SuperFund type: string example: 839182848805001 SPIN: description: The SPIN of the Regulated SuperFund. This field has been deprecated. New superfunds will not have a SPIN value. The USI field should be used instead of SPIN type: string example: NML0117AU ProductName: description: The name of the Regulated SuperFund type: string example: MLC Navigator Retirement Plan - Superannuation Service (including Series 2) (MLC Superannuation Fund) Account: type: object properties: AccountID: description: Xero identifier for accounts type: string format: uuid example: c56b19ef-75bf-45e8-98a4-e699a96609f7 Type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccountType' Code: description: Customer defined account code type: string example: 420 Name: description: Name of account type: string example: General expenses EarningsRate: type: object properties: Name: description: Name of the earnings rate (max length = 100) type: string example: PTO maxLength: 100 AccountCode: description: See Accounts type: string example: 720 TypeOfUnits: description: Type of units used to record earnings (max length = 50). Only When RateType is RATEPERUNIT type: string example: Fixed maxLength: 50 IsExemptFromTax: description: Most payments are subject to tax, so you should only set this value if you are sure that a payment is exempt from PAYG withholding type: boolean example: false IsExemptFromSuper: description: See the ATO website for details of which payments are exempt from SGC type: boolean example: false IsReportableAsW1: description: Boolean to determine if the earnings rate is reportable or exempt from W1 type: boolean example: false AllowanceContributesToAnnualLeaveRate: description: Boolean to determine if the allowance earnings rate contributes towards annual leave rate. Only applicable if EarningsType is ALLOWANCE and RateType is RATEPERUNIT type: boolean example: false AllowanceContributesToOvertimeRate: description: Boolean to determine if the allowance earnings rate contributes towards overtime allowance rate. Only applicable if EarningsType is ALLOWANCE and RateType is RATEPERUNIT type: boolean example: false EarningsType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EarningsType' EarningsRateID: description: Xero identifier type: string format: uuid example: e0eb6747-7c17-4075-b804-989f8d4e5d39 RateType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RateType' RatePerUnit: description: Default rate per unit (optional). Only applicable if RateType is RATEPERUNIT. type: string example: 10 Multiplier: description: This is the multiplier used to calculate the rate per unit, based on the employee’s ordinary earnings rate. For example, for time and a half enter 1.5. Only applicable if RateType is MULTIPLE type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 1.5 AccrueLeave: description: Indicates that this earnings rate should accrue leave. Only applicable if RateType is MULTIPLE type: boolean example: false Amount: description: Optional Amount for FIXEDAMOUNT RateType EarningsRate type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 50.30 EmploymentTerminationPaymentType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EmploymentTerminationPaymentType' UpdatedDateUTC: description: Last modified timestamp type: string readOnly: true x-is-msdate-time: true example: '/Date(1583967733054+0000)/' CurrentRecord: description: Is the current record type: boolean example: true AllowanceType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AllowanceType' AllowanceCategory: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AllowanceCategory' DeductionType: type: object properties: Name: description: Name of the earnings rate (max length = 100) type: string example: PTO maxLength: 100 AccountCode: description: See Accounts type: string example: 720 ReducesTax: description: Indicates that this is a pre-tax deduction that will reduce the amount of tax you withhold from an employee. type: boolean example: false ReducesSuper: description: Most deductions don’t reduce your superannuation guarantee contribution liability, so typically you will not set any value for this. type: boolean example: false IsExemptFromW1: description: Boolean to determine if the deduction type is reportable or exempt from W1 type: boolean example: false DeductionTypeID: description: Xero identifier type: string format: uuid example: e0eb6747-7c17-4075-b804-989f8d4e5d39 UpdatedDateUTC: description: Last modified timestamp type: string readOnly: true x-is-msdate-time: true example: '/Date(1583967733054+0000)/' DeductionCategory: type: string enum: - NONE - UNIONFEES - WORKPLACEGIVING CurrentRecord: description: Is the current record type: boolean example: true LeaveType: type: object properties: Name: description: Name of the earnings rate (max length = 100) type: string example: PTO maxLength: 100 TypeOfUnits: description: The type of units by which leave entitlements are normally tracked. These are typically the same as the type of units used for the employee’s ordinary earnings rate type: string example: Hours LeaveTypeID: description: Xero identifier type: string format: uuid example: e0eb6747-7c17-4075-b804-989f8d4e5d39 NormalEntitlement: description: The number of units the employee is entitled to each year type: number format: double example: 152.0000 LeaveLoadingRate: description: Enter an amount here if your organisation pays an additional percentage on top of ordinary earnings when your employees take leave (typically 17.5%) type: number format: double example: 2.0000 UpdatedDateUTC: description: Last modified timestamp type: string readOnly: true x-is-msdate-time: true example: '/Date(1583967733054+0000)/' IsPaidLeave: description: Set this to indicate that an employee will be paid when taking this type of leave type: boolean example: true ShowOnPayslip: description: Set this if you want a balance for this leave type to be shown on your employee’s payslips type: boolean example: true CurrentRecord: description: Is the current record type: boolean example: true LeaveCategoryCode: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveCategoryCode' SGCExempt: description: Set this to indicate that the leave type is exempt from superannuation guarantee contribution type: boolean example: true ReimbursementType: type: object properties: Name: description: Name of the earnings rate (max length = 100) type: string example: PTO maxLength: 100 AccountCode: description: See Accounts type: string example: 720 ReimbursementTypeID: description: Xero identifier type: string format: uuid example: e0eb6747-7c17-4075-b804-989f8d4e5d39 UpdatedDateUTC: description: Last modified timestamp type: string readOnly: true x-is-msdate-time: true example: '/Date(1583967733054+0000)/' CurrentRecord: description: Is the current record type: boolean example: true HomeAddress: required: - AddressLine1 properties: AddressLine1: description: Address line 1 for employee home address type: string example: 123 Main St AddressLine2: description: Address line 2 for employee home address type: string example: Apt 4 City: description: Suburb for employee home address type: string example: St. Kilda Region: $ref: '#/components/schemas/State' PostalCode: description: PostCode for employee home address type: string example: 3182 Country: description: Country of HomeAddress type: string example: AUSTRALIA type: object TaxDeclaration: properties: EmployeeID: description: Address line 1 for employee home address type: string format: uuid example: 123 Main St EmploymentBasis: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EmploymentBasis' TFNExemptionType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TFNExemptionType' TaxFileNumber: description: The tax file number e.g 123123123. type: string example: 123123123 ABN: description: 11-digit Australian Business Number e.g 21006819692 or an empty string ("") to unset a previously set value. Only applicable, and mandatory if income type is NONEMPLOYEE. type: string example: 21006819692 AustralianResidentForTaxPurposes: description: If the employee is Australian resident for tax purposes. e.g true or false type: boolean example: true ResidencyStatus: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ResidencyStatus' TaxScaleType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaxScaleType' WorkCondition: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WorkCondition' SeniorMaritalStatus: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SeniorMaritalStatus' TaxFreeThresholdClaimed: description: If tax free threshold claimed. e.g true or false type: boolean example: false TaxOffsetEstimatedAmount: description: If has tax offset estimated then the tax offset estimated amount. e.g 100 type: number format: int example: 100 HasHELPDebt: description: If employee has HECS or HELP debt. e.g true or false type: boolean example: false HasSFSSDebt: description: If employee has financial supplement debt. e.g true or false type: boolean example: false HasTradeSupportLoanDebt: description: If employee has trade support loan. e.g true or false type: boolean example: false UpwardVariationTaxWithholdingAmount: description: If the employee has requested that additional tax be withheld each pay run. e.g 50 type: number format: int example: 50 EligibleToReceiveLeaveLoading: description: If the employee is eligible to receive an additional percentage on top of ordinary earnings when they take leave (typically 17.5%). e.g true or false type: boolean example: false ApprovedWithholdingVariationPercentage: description: If the employee has approved withholding variation. e.g (0 - 100) type: number format: int example: 75 HasStudentStartupLoan: description: If the employee is eligible for student startup loan rules type: boolean example: true HasLoanOrStudentDebt: description: "If the employee has any of the following loans or debts: Higher Education Loan Program (HELP/HECS), VET Student Loan (VSL), Financial Supplement (FS), Student Start-up Loan (SSL), or Trade Support Loan (TSL)" type: boolean example: true UpdatedDateUTC: description: Last modified timestamp type: string readOnly: true x-is-msdate-time: true example: '/Date(1583967733054+0000)/' type: object BankAccount: type: object properties: StatementText: description: The text that will appear on your employee's bank statement when they receive payment type: string example: Salary AccountName: description: The name of the account type: string example: James Lebron Savings BSB: description: The BSB number of the account type: string example: 122344 AccountNumber: description: The account number type: string example: 345678 Remainder: description: If this account is the Remaining bank account type: boolean example: false Amount: description: Fixed amounts (for example, if an employee wants to have $100 of their salary transferred to one account, and the remaining amount to another) type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 200.00 PayTemplate: type: object properties: EarningsLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EarningsLine' DeductionLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeductionLine' SuperLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperLine' ReimbursementLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ReimbursementLine' LeaveLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveLine' EarningsLine: type: object required: - EarningsRateID properties: EarningsRateID: description: Xero unique id for earnings rate type: string format: uuid example: 72e962d1-fcac-4083-8a71-742bb3e7ae14 CalculationType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EarningsRateCalculationType' AnnualSalary: description: Annual salary for earnings line type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 40000.00 NumberOfUnitsPerWeek: description: number of units for earning line type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 38.0000 RatePerUnit: description: Rate per unit of the EarningsLine. type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 38.0000 NormalNumberOfUnits: description: Normal number of units for EarningsLine. Applicable when RateType is "MULTIPLE" type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 38.0000 Amount: description: Earnings rate amount type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 38.0000 NumberOfUnits: description: Earnings rate number of units. type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 2.5 FixedAmount: description: Earnings rate amount. Only applicable if the EarningsRate RateType is Fixed type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 2.5 DeductionLine: type: object required: - DeductionTypeID properties: DeductionTypeID: description: Xero deduction type identifier type: string format: uuid example: 59cd9d04-4521-4cc3-93ac-7841651ff407 CalculationType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeductionTypeCalculationType' Amount: description: Deduction type amount type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 10.00 Percentage: description: The Percentage of the Deduction type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 10.00 NumberOfUnits: description: Deduction number of units type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 10.00 SuperLine: type: object properties: SuperMembershipID: description: Xero super membership ID type: string format: uuid example: 4333d5cd-53a5-4c31-98e5-a8b4e5676b0b ContributionType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperannuationContributionType' CalculationType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperannuationCalculationType' MinimumMonthlyEarnings: description: amount of minimum earnings type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 450.00 ExpenseAccountCode: description: expense account code type: string example: 478 LiabilityAccountCode: description: liabilty account code type: string example: 826 Percentage: description: percentage for super line type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 9.0000 Amount: description: Super membership amount type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 10.00 ReimbursementLines: type: object x-objectArrayKey: reimbursement_lines description: The reimbursement type lines properties: ReimbursementLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ReimbursementLine' ReimbursementLine: type: object properties: ReimbursementTypeID: description: Xero reimbursement type identifier type: string format: uuid example: bd246b96-c637-4767-81cf-851ba8fa93c2 Amount: description: Reimbursement type amount type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 10.00 Description: description: Reimbursement lines description (max length 50) type: string example: For the taxi maxLength: 50 ExpenseAccount: description: Reimbursement expense account. For posted pay run you should be able to see expense account code. type: string example: 420 LeaveLines: type: object x-objectArrayKey: employee description: The leave type lines properties: Employee: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveLine' LeaveLine: type: object properties: LeaveTypeID: description: Xero leave type identifier type: string format: uuid example: 742998cb-7584-4ecf-aa88-d694f59c50f9 CalculationType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveLineCalculationType' EntitlementFinalPayPayoutType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EntitlementFinalPayPayoutType' EmploymentTerminationPaymentType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EmploymentTerminationPaymentType' IncludeSuperannuationGuaranteeContribution: description: amount of leave line type: boolean example: true NumberOfUnits: description: Number of units for leave line. type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 2.5 AnnualNumberOfUnits: description: Hours of leave accrued each year type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 2.5 FullTimeNumberOfUnitsPerPeriod: description: Normal ordinary earnings number of units for leave line. type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 2.5 PaidLeaveEarningsLine: type: object required: - LeaveTypeID - Amount properties: LeaveTypeID: description: Xero leave type identifier type: string format: uuid example: 742998cb-7584-4ecf-aa88-d694f59c50f9 Amount: description: Paid leave amount type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 500.0000 SGCAppliedLeaveLoadingAmount: description: The amount of leave loading applied for the leave type that is subject to Superannuation Guarantee Contributions. *Only applicable for Leave Types with Annual Leave Categories type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 50.00 SGCExemptedLeaveLoadingAmount: description: The amount of leave loading applied for the leave type that is exempt from Superannuation Guarantee Contributions. *Only applicable for Leave Types with Annual Leave Categories type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 60.00 ResetSTPCategorisation: description: Reset the STP categorisations for the leave type. *Only applicable for Leave Types with Annual Leave Categories type: boolean example: true OpeningBalances: type: object properties: OpeningBalanceDate: description: Opening Balance Date. (YYYY-MM-DD) type: string x-is-msdate: true example: '/Date(322560000000+0000)/' Tax: description: Opening Balance tax type: string example: 4333d5cd-53a5-4c31-98e5-a8b4e5676b0b EarningsLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EarningsLine' DeductionLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DeductionLine' SuperLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperLine' ReimbursementLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ReimbursementLine' LeaveLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/LeaveLine' PaidLeaveEarningsLines: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PaidLeaveEarningsLine' LeaveBalance: type: object properties: LeaveName : description: The name of the leave type type: string example: Annual Leave LeaveTypeID : description: Identifier of the leave type (see PayItems) type: string example: 544d9292-4329-4512-bfff-a9f15236d776 NumberOfUnits : description: The balance of the leave available type: number format: double x-is-money: true example: 81.2602 TypeOfUnits : description: The type of units as specified by the LeaveType (see PayItems) type: string example: Hours LeaveCategoryCode: description: Code used to identify the Leave Category type: string enum: - ANNUALLEAVE - LONGSERVICELEAVE - PERSONALSICKCARERSLEAVE - ROSTEREDDAYOFF - TIMEOFFINLIEU - COMPASSIONATEANDBEREAVEMENTLEAVE - STUDYLEAVE - FAMILYANDDOMESTICVIOLENCELEAVE - SPECIALPAIDLEAVE - COMMUNITYSERVICELEAVE - JURYDUTYLEAVE - DEFENCERESERVELEAVE example: ANNUALLEAVE RateType: type: string enum: - FIXEDAMOUNT - MULTIPLE #Multiple of Employee’s Ordinary Earnings Rate - an earnings rate which is derived from an employee’s ordinary earnings rate - RATEPERUNIT #An earnings rate allowing entry of a rate per unit EarningsType: type: string enum: - FIXED - ORDINARYTIMEEARNINGS - OVERTIMEEARNINGS - ALLOWANCE - LUMPSUMD - EMPLOYMENTTERMINATIONPAYMENT - LUMPSUMA - LUMPSUMB - BONUSESANDCOMMISSIONS - LUMPSUME - LUMPSUMW - DIRECTORSFEES - PAIDPARENTALLEAVE - WORKERSCOMPENSATION EmploymentTerminationPaymentType: type: string enum: - O - R AllowanceType: type: string enum: - CAR - TRANSPORT - LAUNDRY - MEALS - TRAVEL - OTHER - TOOLS - TASKS - QUALIFICATIONS AllowanceCategory: type: string enum: - NONDEDUCTIBLE - UNIFORM - PRIVATEVEHICLE - HOMEOFFICE - TRANSPORT - GENERAL - OTHER CalendarType: type: string enum: - WEEKLY - FORTNIGHTLY - FOURWEEKLY - MONTHLY - TWICEMONTHLY - QUARTERLY EarningsRateCalculationType: type: string enum: - USEEARNINGSRATE - ENTEREARNINGSRATE - ANNUALSALARY DeductionTypeCalculationType: type: string enum: - FIXEDAMOUNT - PRETAX - POSTTAX LeaveLineCalculationType: description: Calculation type for leave line for Opening Balance on Employee type: string enum: - NOCALCULATIONREQUIRED - FIXEDAMOUNTEACHPERIOD - ENTERRATEINPAYTEMPLATE - BASEDONORDINARYEARNINGS SuperannuationContributionType: type: string enum: - SGC - SALARYSACRIFICE - EMPLOYERADDITIONAL - EMPLOYEE SuperannuationCalculationType: type: string enum: - FIXEDAMOUNT - PERCENTAGEOFEARNINGS - STATUTORY PaymentFrequencyType: type: string enum: - WEEKLY - MONTHLY - FORTNIGHTLY - QUARTERLY - TWICEMONTHLY - FOURWEEKLY - YEARLY LeaveTypeContributionType: type: string enum: - SGC - SALARYSACRIFICE - EMPLOYERADDITIONAL - EMPLOYEE EntitlementFinalPayPayoutType: type: string enum: - NOTPAIDOUT - PAIDOUT PayRunStatus: type: string enum: - DRAFT - POSTED ManualTaxType: type: string enum: - PAYGMANUAL - ETPOMANUAL - ETPRMANUAL - SCHEDULE5MANUAL - SCHEDULE5STSLMANUAL - SCHEDULE4MANUAL SuperFundType: type: string enum: - REGULATED - SMSF EmploymentType: type: string enum: - EMPLOYEE - CONTRACTOR CountryOfResidence: description: Country of residence as a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code e.g. "AU", "NZ", "CA". Only applicable, and mandatory if income type is WORKINGHOLIDAYMAKER. type: string example: "AU" enum: - AF - AX - AL - DZ - AS - AD - AO - AI - AQ - AG - AR - AM - AW - AU - AT - AZ - BS - BH - BD - BB - BY - BE - BZ - BJ - BM - BT - BO - BA - BW - BV - BR - IO - BN - BG - BF - BI - KH - CM - CA - CV - KY - CF - TD - CL - CN - CX - CC - CO - KM - CG - CD - CK - CR - CI - HR - CU - CY - CZ - DK - DJ - DM - DO - EC - EG - SV - GQ - ER - EE - ET - FK - FO - FJ - FI - FR - GF - PF - TF - GA - GM - GE - DE - GH - GI - GR - GL - GD - GP - GU - GT - GG - GN - GW - GY - HT - HM - VA - HN - HK - HU - IS - IN - ID - IR - IQ - IE - IM - IL - IT - JM - JP - JE - JO - KZ - KE - KI - KP - KR - KW - KG - LA - LV - LB - LS - LR - LY - LI - LT - LU - MO - MK - MG - MW - MY - MV - ML - MT - MH - MQ - MR - MU - YT - MX - FM - MD - MC - MN - ME - MS - MA - MZ - MM - NA - NR - NP - NL - AN - NC - NZ - NI - NE - NG - NU - NF - MP - "NO" - OM - PK - PW - PS - PA - PG - PY - PE - PH - PN - PL - PT - PR - QA - RE - RO - RU - RW - BL - SH - KN - LC - MF - PM - VC - WS - SM - ST - SA - SN - RS - SC - SL - SG - SK - SI - SB - SO - ZA - GS - ES - LK - SD - SR - SJ - SZ - SE - CH - SY - TW - TJ - TZ - TH - TL - TG - TK - TO - TT - TN - TR - TM - TC - TV - UG - UA - AE - GB - US - UM - UY - UZ - VU - VE - VN - VG - VI - WF - EH - YE - ZM - ZW - BQ - CW - SX - SS IncomeType: type: string enum: - SALARYANDWAGES - WORKINGHOLIDAYMAKER - NONEMPLOYEE - CLOSELYHELDPAYEES - LABOURHIRE TaxScaleType: type: string enum: - REGULAR - ACTORSARTISTSENTERTAINERS - HORTICULTURISTORSHEARER - SENIORORPENSIONER - WORKINGHOLIDAYMAKER - FOREIGN WorkCondition: type: string enum: - PROMOTIONAL - THREELESSPERFORMANCESPERWEEK - NONE SeniorMaritalStatus: type: string enum: - MEMBEROFCOUPLE - MEMBEROFILLNESSSEPARATEDCOUPLE - SINGLE EmploymentBasis: type: string enum: - FULLTIME - PARTTIME - CASUAL - LABOURHIRE - SUPERINCOMESTREAM # Usage is deprecated. - NONEMPLOYEE TFNExemptionType: type: string enum: - NOTQUOTED - PENDING - PENSIONER - UNDER18 ResidencyStatus: type: string enum: - AUSTRALIANRESIDENT - FOREIGNRESIDENT - WORKINGHOLIDAYMAKER # Usage is deprecated. TimesheetStatus: type: string enum: - DRAFT - PROCESSED - APPROVED - REJECTED - REQUESTED EmployeeStatus: type: string description: Employee Status Types enum: - ACTIVE #Employee with no Termination Date. - TERMINATED #Employee with a Termination Date. State: type: string description: State abbreviation for employee home address example: VIC enum: - ACT - NSW - NT - QLD - SA - TAS - VIC - WA SuperMembership: type: object required: - SuperFundID - EmployeeNumber properties: SuperMembershipID: description: Xero unique identifier for Super membership type: string format: uuid example: 4333d5cd-53a5-4c31-98e5-a8b4e5676b0b SuperFundID : description: Xero identifier for super fund type: string format: uuid example: 2187a42b-639a-45cb-9eed-cd4ae488306a EmployeeNumber: description: The membership number assigned to the employee by the super fund. type: string example: 1234 AccountType: description: See Account Types type: string enum: - BANK - CURRENT - CURRLIAB - DEPRECIATN - DIRECTCOSTS - EQUITY - EXPENSE - FIXED - INVENTORY - LIABILITY - NONCURRENT - OTHERINCOME - OVERHEADS - PREPAYMENT - REVENUE - SALES - TERMLIAB - PAYGLIABILITY - PAYG - SUPERANNUATIONEXPENSE - SUPERANNUATIONLIABILITY - WAGESEXPENSE - WAGESPAYABLELIABILITY APIException: description: The object returned for a bad request type: object properties: ErrorNumber: description: The error number type: number format: integer example: 16 Type: description: The type of error type: string example: QueryParseException Message: description: The message describing the error type: string example: No property or field 'hi' exists in type 'Employee' (at index 0) ValidationError: externalDocs: url: '' properties: Message: description: Validation error message type: string type: object