openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: "7.0.0" title: Xero OAuth 2 Identity Service API description: These endpoints are related to managing authentication tokens and identity for Xero API termsOfService: "" contact: name: "Xero Platform Team" email: "" url: "" license: name: MIT url: '' servers: - description: Xero Identity service API url: '' paths: /Connections: get: security: - OAuth2: [] tags: - identity description: Override the base server url that include version operationId: getConnections summary: Retrieves the connections for this user parameters: - in: query required: false name: authEventId description: Filter by authEventId example: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" schema: type: string format: uuid x-basepath: '' responses: '200': description: Success - return response of type Connections array with 0 to n Connection content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Connection' example: '[ { "id": "7cb59f93-2964-421d-bb5e-a0f7a4572a44", "tenantId": "fe79f7dd-b6d4-4a92-ba7b-538af6289c58", "tenantName": "Demo Company (NZ)", "tenantType": "ORGANISATION", "createdDateUtc": "2019-12-07T18:46:19.5165400", "updatedDateUtc": "2019-12-07T18:46:19.5187840" } ]' '/Connections/{id}': delete: security: - OAuth2: [] tags: - identity description: Override the base server url that include version operationId: deleteConnection summary: Deletes a connection for this user (i.e. disconnect a tenant) x-basepath: '' parameters: - required: true in: path name: id description: Unique identifier for retrieving single object schema: type: string format: uuid responses: '204': description: Success - connection has been deleted no content returned '404': description: Resource not found components: schemas: Connection: externalDocs: url: '' properties: id: description: Xero identifier type: string format: uuid tenantId: description: Xero identifier of organisation type: string format: uuid authEventId: description: Identifier shared across connections authorised at the same time type: string format: uuid tenantType: description: Xero tenant type (i.e. ORGANISATION, PRACTICE) type: string tenantName: description: Xero tenant name type: string createdDateUtc: description: The date when the user connected this tenant to your app type: string format: date-time x-is-datetime: true x-php-format: '\DateTime' updatedDateUtc: description: The date when the user most recently connected this tenant to your app. May differ to the created date if the user has disconnected and subsequently reconnected this tenant to your app. type: string format: date-time x-is-datetime: true x-php-format: '\DateTime' RefreshToken: externalDocs: url: '' type: object properties: grant_type: description: Xero grant type type: string refresh_token: description: refresh token provided during authentication flow type: string client_id: description: client id for Xero app type: string client_secret: description: client secret for Xero app 2 type: string AccessToken: externalDocs: url: '' type: object properties: id_token: description: Xero unique identifier type: string access_token: description: access token provided during authentication flow type: string expires_in: description: time in seconds until access token expires. type: integer format: int64 token_type: description: type of token i.e. Bearer type: string refresh_token: description: token used to refresh an expired access token type: string securitySchemes: BasicAuth: type: http scheme: basic OAuth2: type: oauth2 description: For more information flows: authorizationCode: authorizationUrl: '' tokenUrl: '' scopes: email: Grant read-only access to your email openid: Grant read-only access to your open id profile: your profile information