/** * Based on original code Copyright 2015 SmartThings * Additional changes Copyright 2016 Sean Kendall Schneyer * Additional changes Copyright 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Barry A. Burke * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Ecobee Suite Service Manager * * Original Author: scott * Date: 2013 * * Updates by Barry A. Burke (storageanarchy@gmail.com) 2016 - 2021 * * See Github Changelog for complete change history * * 1.8.41 - Rename Smart Switch/Dimmer/Vent to Switch/Dimmer/Fan * 1.8.42 - Fix conversion error in setProgramSetpoints() * 1.8.43 - Optimize zipCode, timeZone, sunRise/sunSet and weatherStation handling * 1.8.44 - Fixed hourly setHold * 1.8.45 - Handle events overriding program.currentClimateRef * 1.8.46 - Get thermostat.programs at x:03 and x:33 (when programs change) * 1.8.47 - Handle demandResponsePrecool/Preheat Eco+ events * 1.8.48 - Handle heatPump-only heat/cool installation (no aux heat) * 1.8.49 - Handle Eco+ preCool/preHeat events * 1.8.50 - Fix Debug Dashboard error * 1.8.51 - Allow changing multiple programs' setpoints in setProgramSetpoints() * 1.8.52 - Fix sendMessage() for new Samsung SmartThings app * 1.8.53 - Fix 1.8.51 changes to work on SmartThings (different version of Groovy from Hubitat) * 1.8.54 - (wrong version number) * 1.8.55 - Fix dehumidifier status display and unsupported subscriptions on HE * 1.8.56 - Added fanSpeed attribute support (use 'setFanSpeed' or 'setEcobeeSetting' on thermostat to change) * 1.9.0a - Added new Capabilities support (fanSpeedOptions only, for now) * 1.9.00 - Removed all ST code */ import groovy.json.* import groovy.transform.Field String getVersionNum() { return "1.9.00" } String getVersionLabel() { return "Ecobee Suite Manager, version ${getVersionNum()} on ${getHubPlatform()}" } String getMyNamespace() { return "sandood" } @Field final boolean TIMERS = false def getHelperSmartApps() { String mrpTitle = 'New Mode/Switches/Program Helper...' return [ [name: "ecobeeContactsChild", appName: "ecobee Suite Open Contacts", namespace: myNamespace, multiple: true, title: "New Contacts & Switches Helper..."], [name: "ecobeeRoutinesChild", appName: "ecobee Suite Routines", namespace: myNamespace, multiple: true, title: mrpTitle], [name: "ecobeeQuietTimeChild", appName: "ecobee Suite Quiet Time", namespace: myNamespace, multiple: true, title: "New Quiet Time Helper..."], [name: "ecobeeCirculationChild", appName: "ecobee Suite Smart Circulation", namespace: myNamespace, multiple: true, title: "New Smart Circulation Helper..."], [name: "ecobeeHumidChild", appName: "ecobee Suite Smart Humidity", namespace: myNamespace, multiple: true, title: "New Smart Humidity Helper..."], [name: "ecobeeModeChild", appName: "ecobee Suite Smart Mode", namespace: myNamespace, multiple: true, title: "New Smart Mode, Programs & Setpoints Helper..."], [name: "ecobeeRoomChild", appName: "ecobee Suite Smart Room", namespace: myNamespace, multiple: true, title: "New Smart Room Helper..."], [name: "ecobeeSwitchesChild", appName: "ecobee Suite Smart Switches", namespace: myNamespace, multiple: true, title: "New Smart Switch/Dimmer/Fan Helper..."], [name: "ecobeeVentsChild", appName: "ecobee Suite Smart Vents", namespace: myNamespace, multiple: true, title: "New Smart Vents & Switches Helper..."], [name: "ecobeeZonesChild", appName: "ecobee Suite Smart Zones", namespace: myNamespace, multiple: true, title: "New Smart Zones Helper..."], [name: "ecobeeThermalComfort", appName: "ecobee Suite Thermal Comfort", namespace: myNamespace, multiple: true, title: "New Thermal Comfort Helper..."], [name: "ecobeeWorkHomeChild", appName: "ecobee Suite Working From Home", namespace: myNamespace, multiple: true, title: "New Working From Home Helper..."] ] } definition( name: "Ecobee Suite Manager", namespace: myNamespace, author: "Barry A. Burke (storageanarchy@gmail.com)", description: "Connect your Ecobee thermostats and sensors to Hubitat, along with a Suite of Helper Apps.", category: "My Apps", iconUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-1x.jpg", iconX2Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-2x.jpg", iconX3Url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-3x.jpg", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Ecobee-Suite/master/smartapps/sandood/ecobee-suite-manager.src/ecobee-suite-manager.groovy", documentationLink: "https://github.com/SANdood/Ecobee-Suite/blob/master/README.md", singleInstance: true, oauth: true, pausable: false ) { appSetting "clientId" } preferences { page(name: "mainPage") page(name: "removePage") page(name: "authPage") page(name: "thermsPage") page(name: "sensorsPage") page(name: "preferencesPage") page(name: "helperSmartAppsPage") // Parts of debug Dashboard page(name: "debugDashboardPage") page(name: "pollChildrenPage") page(name: "updatedPage") page(name: "refreshAuthTokenPage") } mappings { path("/oauth/initialize") {action: [GET: "oauthInitUrl"]} path("/callback") {action: [GET: "callback"]} path("/oauth/callback") {action: [GET: "callback"]} } // Begin Preference Pages def mainPage() { String version = getVersionLabel() atomicState.inSetup = true def deviceHandlersInstalled def readyToInstall atomicState.appsArePaused = settings.pauseHelpers?:false // Only create the dummy devices if we aren't initialized yet if (!atomicState.initialized) { deviceHandlersInstalled = testForDeviceHandlers() readyToInstall = deviceHandlersInstalled } else { removeChildDevices( getAllChildDevices(), true ) // remove any lingering temp devices } if (atomicState.initialized) { readyToInstall = true; } dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: pageTitle(getVersionLabel().replace('er, v',"er\nV")), install: readyToInstall, uninstall: false, submitOnChange: true) { def ecoAuthDesc = (atomicState.authToken != null) ? "[Connected]\n" :"[Not Connected]\n" // If no device Handlers we cannot proceed if(!atomicState.initialized && !deviceHandlersInstalled) { section() { paragraph "ERROR!\n\nYou MUST add the ${getChildThermostatName()} and ${getChildSensorName()} Device Handlers to the IDE BEFORE running setup." } } else { readyToInstall = true } if(atomicState.initialized && !atomicState.authToken) { section() { paragraph(getFormat("warning", "You are no longer connected to the ecobee API. Please re-Authorize below.")) } } if(atomicState.authToken != null && atomicState.initialized != true) { section() { paragraph "Please click 'Done' to save your credentials. Then re-open the Ecobee Suite Manager to continue the setup." } } // Need to save the initial login to setup the device without timeouts if(atomicState.authToken != null && atomicState.initialized) { if (settings.thermostats?.size() > 0 && atomicState.initialized) { section(sectionTitle("Helpers")) { href ("helperSmartAppsPage", title: inputTitle("Helper Applications"), description: "Click to manage Helper Applications") } } section(sectionTitle("Ecobee Devices")) { def howManyThermsSel = settings.thermostats?.size() ?: 0 def howManyTherms = atomicState.numAvailTherms ?: "?" def howManySensors = atomicState.numAvailSensors ?: "?" // Thermostats atomicState.settingsCurrentTherms = settings.thermostats ?: [] href ("thermsPage", title: inputTitle("Thermostats"), description: "Click to select Ecobee Thermostats [${howManyThermsSel}/${howManyTherms}]") // Sensors if (settings.thermostats?.size() > 0) { atomicState.settingsCurrentSensors = settings.ecobeesensors ?: [] def howManySensorsSel = settings?.ecobeesensors?.size() ?: 0 if ((howManySensors != "?") && (howManySensorsSel > howManySensors)) { howManySensorsSel = howManySensors } // This is due to the fact that you can remove already selected hidden items href ("sensorsPage", title: inputTitle("Sensors"), description: "Click to select Ecobee Sensors [${howManySensorsSel}/${howManySensors}]") } } section(sectionTitle("Preferences")) { href ("preferencesPage", title: inputTitle("Ecobee Suite Preferences"), description: "Click to manage global Preferences") } } // End if(atomicState.authToken) // Setup our API Tokens section(sectionTitle("Authentication")) { href ("authPage", title: inputTitle("Ecobee API Authorization"), description: "${ecoAuthDesc} Click for Ecobee Authentication") } if ( debugLevel(5) ) { section (sectionTitle("Debug Dashboard")) { href ("debugDashboardPage", description: "Click to enter the Debug Dashboard", title: inputTitle("Debug Dashboard")) } } section(sectionTitle( "Removal")) { href ("removePage", description: "Click to remove ${cleanAppName(app.label?:app.name)}", title: inputTitle("Remove Ecobee Suite Manager")) } section (sectionTitle("Naming")) { String defaultName = "Ecobee Suite Manager" String defaultLabel if (!atomicState?.appDisplayName) { defaultLabel = defaultName app.updateLabel(defaultName) atomicState?.appDisplayName = defaultName } else { defaultLabel = atomicState.appDisplayName } label(name: "name", title: inputTitle("Assign a name"), required: false, defaultValue: defaultLabel, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) if (!app.label) { app.updateLabel(defaultLabel) atomicState.appDisplayName = defaultLabel } else { atomicState.appDisplayName = app.label } if (app.label.contains('${getVersionLabel()}
Copyright \u00a9 2017-2020 Barry A. Burke - All rights reserved.
"+ "Your " + "PayPal Logo" + "donation is appreciated!" ) } } } def removePage() { dynamicPage(name: "removePage", title: pageTitle("Ecobee Suite Manager\nRemove Ecobee Suite Manager and its Children"), install: false, uninstall: true) { section () { paragraph(getFormat("warning", "Removing Ecobee Suite Manager also removes all Helpers and Devices!")) } } } // Setup OAuth between SmartThings and Ecobee clouds def authPage() { LOG("authPage() --> Begin", 3, null, 'trace') // atomicState.accessToken = createAccessToken() log.debug "accessToken: ${atomicState.accessToken}, ${state.accessToken}" if(!atomicState.accessToken) { //this is an access token for Ecobee to make a callback into Ecobee Suite Manager (this code) try { atomicState.accessToken = createAccessToken() } catch(Exception e) { LOG("authPage() --> OAuth Exception: ${e}", 1, null, "error") LOG("authPage() --> Probable Cause: OAuth not enabled in Hubitat IDE for the 'Ecobee Suite Manager App", 1, null, 'warn') if (!atomicState.accessToken) { LOG("authPage() --> No OAuth Access token", 3, null, 'error') return dynamicPage(name: "authPage", title: pageTitle("Ecobee Suite Manager\nOAuth Initialization Failure"), nextPage: "", uninstall: true) { section() { paragraph "Error initializing Ecobee Authentication: could not get the OAuth access token.\n\nPlease verify that OAuth has been enabled in " + "the Hubitat IDE for the 'Ecobee Suite Manager App, and then try again.\n\nIf this error persists, view Live Logging in the IDE for " + "additional error information." } } } } } def description = '' def uninstallAllowed = false def oauthTokenProvided = false if (atomicState.authToken) { description = "You are connected. Click Next/Done below." uninstallAllowed = true oauthTokenProvided = true apiRestored() } else { description = "Click to enter ecobee Credentials" } // HE OAuth process is slightly different than SmartThings OAuth process def redirectUrl = oauthInitUrl() // get rid of next button until the user is actually auth'd if (!oauthTokenProvided) { LOG("authPage() --> Valid HE OAuth Access token (${atomicState.accessToken}), need Ecobee OAuth token", 3, null, 'trace') LOG("authPage() --> RedirectUrl = ${redirectUrl}", 3, null, 'info') return dynamicPage(name: "authPage", title: pageTitle("Ecobee Suite Manager\nEcobee API Authentication"), nextPage: "", uninstall: uninstallAllowed) { section(sectionTitle(" ")) { paragraph("Most Ecobee owners have 'Residential' accounts. Select 'Commercial' if you have an EMS type thermostat.", width: 9) input(name: 'accountType', type: 'enum', required: true, title: inputTitle("Select Ecobee account type"), defaultValue: 'registered', submitOnChange: true, options: ['managementSet':'Commercial', 'registered':'Residential'], width: 4) if (settings?.accountType == null) { app.updateSetting('accountType', 'registered'); settings.accountType = 'registered'; } if (settings?.accountType == 'managementSet') { input(name: 'managementSet', type: "text", title: inputTitle("Enter path of the desired Management Set"), defaultValue: '/', required: true, submitOnChange: true, width: 4) if (settings?.managementSet == null) { app.updateSetting('managementSet', '/'); settings.managementSet = '/' } } paragraph "Click below to log in to the Ecobee service and authorize Ecobee Suite for Hubitat access. Be sure to Click the 'Allow' button on the 2nd page." href url: redirectUrl, style: "external", required: true, title: inputTitle("Ecobee Account Authorization"), description: description } } } else { LOG("authPage() --> Valid OAuth token (${atomicState.authToken})", 3, null, 'trace') return dynamicPage(name: "authPage", title: pageTitle("Ecobee Suite Manager\nEcobee API Authentication"), nextPage: "mainPage", uninstall: uninstallAllowed) { section(sectionTitle(" ")) { paragraph "Return to the main menu" href url:redirectUrl, style: "embedded", state: "complete", title: inputTitle("Ecobee Account Authorization"), description: description } } } } // Select which Thermostats are to be used def thermsPage(params) { LOG("=====> thermsPage() entered", 5) def stats = getEcobeeThermostats() LOG("thermsPage() -> thermostat list: ${stats}") LOG("thermsPage() starting settings: ${settings}") LOG("thermsPage() params passed? ${params}", 4, null, "trace") dynamicPage(name: "thermsPage", title: pageTitle("Ecobee Suite Manager\nThermostats"), params: params, nextPage: "", content: "thermsPage", uninstall: false) { section(title: sectionTitle("Thermostat Selection")) { paragraph("Most Ecobee owners have 'Residential' accounts. Select 'Commercial' if you have an EMS type thermostat.", width: 9) input(name: 'accountType', type: 'enum', required: true, title: inputTitle("Select Ecobee account type"), defaultValue: 'registered', submitOnChange: true, options: ['managementSet':'Commercial', 'registered':'Residential'], width: 4) if (settings?.accountType == null) { app.updateSetting('accountType', 'registered'); settings.accountType = 'registered'; } if (settings?.accountType == 'managementSet') { input(name: 'managementSet', type: "text", title: inputTitle("Enter path of the desired Management Set"), defaultValue: '/', required: true, submitOnChange: true, width: 4) if (settings?.managementSet == null) { app.updateSetting('managementSet', '/'); settings.managementSet = '/' } } paragraph("Click below to see the list of Ecobee thermostats available in your Ecobee account and select the ones you want to connect to Hubitat") LOG("thermsPage(): atomicState.settingsCurrentTherms=${atomicState.settingsCurrentTherms} thermostats=${settings.thermostats}", 1, null, "trace") if (atomicState.settingsCurrentTherms != settings.thermostats) { LOG("atomicState.settingsCurrentTherms != thermostats: changes detected!", 1, null, "warn") } else { LOG("atomicState.settingsCurrentTherms == thermostats: No changes detected!", 1, null, "trace") } input(name: "thermostats", title:inputTitle("Select Thermostats"), type: "enum", required:false, multiple:true, description: "Tap to choose", params: params, options: stats, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) } section(sectionTitle("Temperature Scale")) { paragraph(getFormat("note","The temperature scale (Fahrenheit or Celsius) is determined by your ${getHubPlatform()} Location settings automatically. Please update your Hub settings " + "(under Settings/Location and Modes) to change the units used.\n\nThe current scale is °${temperatureScale}.")) } } } def sensorsPage() { // Only show sensors that are part of the chosen thermostat(s) // Refactor to show the sensors under their corresponding Thermostats. Use Thermostat name as section header? LOG("=====> sensorsPage() entered. settings: ${settings}", 5) atomicState.sensorsPageVisited = true def options = getEcobeeSensors() ?: [] def numFound = options.size() ?: 0 LOG("options = getEcobeeSensors == ${options}") dynamicPage(name: "sensorsPage", title: pageTitle("Ecobee Suite Manager\nSensors"), nextPage: "") { if (numFound > 0) { section(title: sectionTitle('Sensor Selection')) { paragraph("Click below to see the list of ecobee sensors available for the selected thermostat(s) and choose the ones you want to connect to Hubitat.") LOG("sensorsPage(): atomicState.settingsCurrentSensors=${atomicState.settingsCurrentSensors} / ecobeesensors=${settings.ecobeesensors}", 1, null, "trace") if (atomicState.settingsCurrentSensors != settings.ecobeesensors) { LOG("atomicState.settingsCurrentSensors != ecobeesensors: changes detected!", 1, null, "warn") } else { LOG("atomicState.settingsCurrentSensors == ecobeesensors: No changes detected!", 1, null, "trace") } input(name: "ecobeesensors", title:inputTitle("Select Ecobee Sensors (${numFound} found)"), type: "enum", required:false, description: "Click to choose", multiple:true, options: options, width: 8, height: 1) } if (settings?.showThermsAsSensor) { section() { paragraph(getFormat("note", "Thermostats are included as an available sensor selection to allow for actual temperature & motion states on the thermostat to be utilized within Hubitat")) } } } else { // No sensors associated with this set of Thermostats was found LOG("sensorsPage(): No sensors found.", 4) section() { paragraph("No associated sensors were found. Click Done${settings.thermostats?'':' and select one or more Thermostats'}") } } } } def preferencesPage() { LOG("=====> preferencesPage() entered. settings: ${settings}", 5) dynamicPage(name: "preferencesPage", title: pageTitle("Ecobee Suite Manager\nPreferences"), nextPage: "") { List echo = [] section(title: sectionTitle("Notifications")) { paragraph("Notifications are only sent when the Ecobee API connection is lost and unrecoverable, at most 1 per hour.", width: 8) } section(title: smallerTitle("Notification Devices")) { input(name: "notifiers", type: "capability.notification", multiple: true, title: inputTitle("Select Notification Devices"), submitOnChange: true, width: 6, required: false /*(!settings.speak || ((settings.musicDevices == null) && (settings.speechDevices == null)))*/) if (settings?.notifiers) { echo = settings.notifiers.findAll { (it.deviceNetworkId.contains('|echoSpeaks|') && it.hasCommand('sendAnnouncementToDevices')) } if (echo) { input(name: "echoAnnouncements", type: "bool", title: "Use ${echo.size()>1?'simultaneous ':''}Announcements for the Echo Speaks device${echo.size()>1?'s':''}?", defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true) } } } section(hideWhenEmpty: (!"speechDevices" && !"musicDevices"), title: smallerTitle("Speech Devices")) { input(name: "speak", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Speak messages?"), required: !settings?.notifiers, defaultValue: false, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) if (settings.speak) { input(name: "speechDevices", type: "capability.speechSynthesis", required: (settings.musicDevices == null), title: inputTitle("Select speech devices"), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, width: 4) input(name: "musicDevices", type: "capability.musicPlayer", required: (settings.speechDevices == null), title: inputTitle("Select music devices"), multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, hideWhenEmpty: true, width: 4) input(name: "volume", type: "number", range: "0..100", title: inputTitle("At this volume (%)"), defaultValue: 50, required: false, width: 4) } } if (echo || settings.speak) { section(smallerTitle("Do Not Disturb")) { input(name: "speakModes", type: "mode", title: inputTitle('Only speak notifications during these Location Modes:'), required: false, multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) input(name: "speakTimeStart", type: "time", title: inputTitle('Only speak notifications
between...'), required: (settings.speakTimeEnd != null), submitOnChange: true, width: 3) input(name: "speakTimeEnd", type: "time", title: inputTitle("
...and"), required: (settings.speakTimeStart != null), submitOnChange: true, width: 3) String nowOK = (settings.speakModes || ((settings.speakTimeStart != null) && (settings.speakTimeEnd != null))) ? (" - with the current settings, notifications WOULD ${notifyNowOK()?'':'NOT '}be spoken now") : '' paragraph(getFormat('note', "If both Modes and Times are set, both must be true" + nowOK)) } } section() { paragraph "A 'HelloHome' notification is always sent to the Location Event log" } section(title: sectionTitle("Configuration")) {} section(title: smallerTitle("Hold Actions")) { input(name: "holdType", title:inputTitle("Select default Hold Type"), type: "enum", required:false, multiple:false, defaultValue: "Until I Change", width: 4, submitOnChange: true, description: "Until I Change", options: ["Until I Change", "Until Next Program", "2 Hours", "4 Hours", "Specified Hours", "Thermostat Setting"]) if (settings.holdType == null) { app.updateSetting('holdType', 'Until I Change'); settings.holdType = 'Until I Change'; } if (settings.holdType=="Specified Hours") { input(name: 'holdHours', title:inputTitle('How many hours')+" (1-48)", type: 'number', range:"1..48", required: true, description: '2', defaultValue: 2, width: 4) if (settings.holdHours == null) { app.updateSetting('holdHours', 2); settings.holdHours = 2; } } else if (settings.holdType=='Thermostat Setting') { paragraph("Thermostat setting at time of hold request will be used.") } } section(title: smallerTitle("Smart Auto")) { paragraph("The 'Smart Auto Temperature Adjust' feature determines if you want to allow the thermostat setpoint to be changed using the arrow buttons in the Tile when the thermostat is in 'auto' mode.", width: 8) paragraph("", width: 4) input(name: "smartAuto", title:inputTitle("Use Smart Auto Temperature Adjust?"), type: "bool", required:false, defaultValue: false, description: "", width: 4) if (settings?.smartAuto == null) { app.updateSetting('smartAuto', false); settings?.smartAuto = false; } } section(title: smallerTitle("Polling Interval")) { paragraph("How frequently do you want to poll the Ecobee cloud for changes? For maximum responsiveness to commands, it is recommended to set this to 1 minute.", width: 8) paragraph("", width: 4) input(name: "pollingInterval", title:inputTitle("Select Polling Interval")+" (minutes)", type: "enum", required:false, multiple:false, defaultValue:3, description: "3", width: 4, options:["1", "2", "3", "5", "10", "15", "30"]) if (settings?.pollingInterval == null) { app.updateSetting('pollingInterval', "3"); settings?.pollingInterval = "3"; } } section(title: smallerTitle("Thermostat as Sensor")) { paragraph("Showing Thermostats as separate Sensors is useful if you need to access the actual temperature in the room where the Thermostat is located and not just the (average) "+ "temperature displayed on the Thermostat.", width: 8) paragraph("", width: 4) input(name: "showThermsAsSensor", title:inputTitle("Include Thermostats as a separate Ecobee Sensor?"), type: "bool", required:false, defaultValue: false, description: "", width: 6) if (settings?.showThermsAsSensor == null) { app.updateSetting('showThermsAsSensor', false); settings?.showThermsAsSensor = false; } } section(title: smallerTitle("Button Delay")) { paragraph("Set the pause between pressing the setpoint arrows and initiating the API calls. The pause needs to be long enough to allow you to click the arrow again for changing by "+ "more than one degree.", width: 8) paragraph("", width: 4) input(name: "arrowPause", title:inputTitle("Select Button Delay")+" (seconds)", type: "enum", required:false, multiple:false, description: "4", defaultValue:4, options:["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"], width: 4) if (settings?.arrowPause == null) { app.updateSetting('arrowPause', 4); settings?.arrowPause = 4; } } section(title: smallerTitle("Decimal Precision")) { paragraph("Select the desired number of decimal places to display for all temperatures (default 1 for C, 0 for F).", width: 8) paragraph("", width: 4) String digits = wantMetric() ? "1" : "0" input(name: "tempDecimals", title:inputTitle("Select Decimal display precision"), type: "enum", required:false, multiple:false, defaultValue:digits, description: digits, options:["0", "1", "2"], submitOnChange: true, width: 4) if (settings?.tempDecimals == null) { app.updateSetting('tempDecimals', digits); settings?.tempDecimals = digits; } } section(title: sectionTitle("Operations")) {} section(title: smallerTitle("Debug Log Level")) { paragraph("Select the debug logging level. Higher levels send more information to IDE Live Logging. A setting of 2 is recommended for normal operations.", width: 8) paragraph("", width: 4) input(name: "debugLevel", title:inputTitle("Select Debug Log Level"), type: "enum", required:false, multiple:false, defaultValue:2, description: "2", options:["5", "4", "3", "2", "1", "0"], width: 4) if (settings?.debugLevel == null) { app.updateSetting('debugLevel', 2); settings?.debugLevel = 2; } } } } def debugDashboardPage() { LOG("=====> debugDashboardPage() entered.", 5) dynamicPage(name: "debugDashboardPage", title: "") { section(getVersionLabel()) {} section(sectionTitle("Commands")) { href(name: "pollChildrenPage", title: "", required: false, page: "pollChildrenPage", description: "Tap to execute: pollChildren()") href(name: "refreshAuthTokenPage", title: "", required: false, page: "refreshAuthTokenPage", description: "Tap to execute: refreshAuthToken()") href(name: "updatedPage", title: "", required: false, page: "updatedPage", description: "Tap to execute: updated()") } section(sectionTitle("Settings Information")) { paragraph "debugLevel: ${getDebugLevel()}" paragraph "holdType: ${getHoldType()}" if (settings.holdType && settings.holdType.contains('Hour')) paragraph "holdHours: ${getHoldHours()}" paragraph "pollingInterval: ${getPollingInterval()}" paragraph "showThermsAsSensor: ${showThermsAsSensor} (default=false if null)" paragraph "smartAuto: ${smartAuto} (default=false if null)" paragraph "Selected Thermostats: ${settings.thermostats}" paragraph "Selected Sensors: ${settings.ecobeesensors}" paragraph "Decimal Precision: ${getTempDecimals()}" } section(sectionTitle("Dump of Debug Variables")) { def debugParamList = getDebugDump() LOG("debugParamList: ${debugParamList}", 4, null, "debug") //if ( debugParamList?.size() > 0 ) { if ( debugParamList != null ) { debugParamList.each { key, value -> LOG("Adding paragraph: key:${key} value:${value}", 5, null, "trace") paragraph "${key}: ${value}" } } } section(sectionTitle("Commands")) { href(name: "pollChildrenPage", title: "", required: false, page: "pollChildrenPage", description: "Tap to execute command: pollChildren()") href ("removePage", description: "Tap to remove Ecobee Suite Manager ", title: "") } } } // pages that are part of Debug Dashboard def pollChildrenPage() { LOG("=====> pollChildrenPage() entered.", 1) def updatesLog = atomicState.updatesLog updatesLog.forcePoll = true // Reset to force the poll to happen atomicState.updatesLog = updatesLog pollChildren() dynamicPage(name: "pollChildrenPage", title: "") { section() { paragraph "pollChildren() was called" } } } // pages that are part of Debug Dashboard def updatedPage() { LOG("=====> updatedPage() entered.", 5) updated() dynamicPage(name: "updatedPage", title: "") { section() { paragraph "updated() was called" } } } def refreshAuthTokenPage() { LOG("=====> refreshAuthTokenPage() entered.", 5) refreshAuthToken() dynamicPage(name: "refreshAuthTokenPage", title: "") { section() { paragraph "refreshAuthTokenPage() was called" } } } def helperSmartAppsPage() { //LOG("helperSmartAppsPage() entered", 5) LOG("The available Helper Apps are ${getHelperSmartApps()}", 5, null, "info") dynamicPage(name: "helperSmartAppsPage", title: pageTitle("Ecobee Suite Manager\nHelper Applications"), nextPage: "", install: false, uninstall: false, submitOnChange: true) { section(sectionTitle("Global Pause: ${settings.pauseHelpers?'ON':'OFF'}")) { // paragraph "Global Pause will pause all Helpers that are not already paused; un-pausing will restore only the Helpers that weren't already paused. " input(name: "pauseHelpers", type: "bool", title: inputTitle("Global Pause all Helpers?"), width: 6, defaultValue: ((atomicState.appsArePaused == null) ? false : atomicState.appsArePaused), submitOnChange: true) input(name: 'pauseSwitch', type: 'capability.switch', title: inputTitle("Synchronize Global Pause with this Switch")+" (optional)", multiple: false, required: false, submitOnChange: true) if (settings?.pauseHelpers != atomicState.appsArePaused) { if (settings?.pauseHelpers) { globalPauseChildApps( true ) if (settings?.pauseSwitch) settings.pauseSwitch.on() atomicState.appsArePaused = true } else { globalPauseChildApps( false ) if (settings?.pauseSwitch) settings.pauseSwitch.off() atomicState.appsArePaused = false } } paragraph(getFormat("note", "The '(paused)' status for the installed Helpers displayed below may not change until you refresh this page.")) } section(sectionTitle("Avalable Helper Applications")) { getHelperSmartApps().each { oneApp -> LOG("Processing the app: ${oneApp}", 4, null, "trace") def allowMultiple = oneApp.multiple app(name: oneApp.name, appName: oneApp.appName, namespace: oneApp.namespace, title: inputTitle(oneApp.title), multiple:allowMultiple) } } } } // End Preference Pages // Preference Pages Helpers boolean testForDeviceHandlers() { if (atomicState.runTestOnce != null) { List myChildren = getAllChildDevices() if (atomicState.runTestOnce == false) { removeChildDevices( myChildren, true ) // Delete any leftover dummy (test) children atomicState.runTestOnce = null return false } else { return true } } def DNIAdder = now().toString() def d1 def d2 boolean success List myChildren = getAllChildDevices() if (myChildren.size() > 0) removeChildDevices( myChildren, true ) // Delete my test children log.debug "testing for device handlers" try { d1 = addChildDevice(myNamespace, getChildThermostatName(), "dummyThermDNI-${DNIAdder}", location.hubs[0]?.id, ["label":"Ecobee Suite Thermostat:TestingForInstall", completedSetup:true]) d2 = addChildDevice(myNamespace, getChildSensorName(), "dummySensorDNI-${DNIAdder}", location.hubs[0]?.id, ["label":"Ecobee Suite Sensor:TestingForInstall", completedSetup:true]) if ((d1 != null) && (d2 != null)) success = true } catch (Exception e) { log.debug "Exception ${e}" if ("${e}".startsWith("com.hubitat.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException")) { LOG("You MUST add the ${getChildThermostatName()} and ${getChildSensorName()} Device Handlers to the IDE BEFORE running the setup.", 1, null, "error") success = false } } log.debug "device handlers = ${success}" boolean deletedChildren = true try { if (d1) deleteChildDevice("dummyThermDNI-${DNIAdder}") if (d2) deleteChildDevice("dummySensorDNI-${DNIAdder}") } catch (Exception e) { LOG("Error ${e} deleting test devices (${d1}, ${d2})",1,null,'warn') deletedChildren = false } if (!deletedChildren) runIn(5, delayedRemoveChildren, [overwrite: true]) atomicState.runTestOnce = success return success } void delayedRemoveChildren() { def myChildren = getAllChildDevices() if (myChildren.size() > 0) removeChildDevices( myChildren, true ) } void removeChildDevices(devices, dummyOnly = false) { if (devices != []) { LOG("Removing ${dummyOnly?'test':'unused'} child devices",3,null,'trace') } else { return // nothing to remove } def devName try { devices?.each { devName = it.displayName if (!dummyOnly || it?.deviceNetworkId?.startsWith('dummy')) { LOG("Removing unused child: ${it.deviceNetworkId} - ${devName}",1,null,'warn') deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId) } else { LOG("Keeping child: ${it.deviceNetworkId} - ${devName}",3,null,'info') } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG("Error ${e} removing device ${devName}",1,null,'warn') } } // End Preference Pages Helpers // OAuth Init URL def oauthInitUrl() { LOG("oauthInitUrl with callback: ${callbackUrl}", 2) atomicState.oauthInitState = stateUrl // HE does redirect a little differently //log.debug "oauthInitState: ${atomicState.oauthInitState}" boolean chg = false def oauthParams = [ response_type: "code", client_id: ecobeeApiKey, // actually, the Ecobee Suite app's client ID scope: "smartRead,smartWrite,ems", redirect_uri: callbackUrl, state: atomicState.oauthInitState ] LOG("oauthInitUrl - location: ${apiEndpoint}/authorize?${toQueryString(oauthParams)}", 2, null, 'debug') return "${apiEndpoint}/authorize?${toQueryString(oauthParams)}" } void parseAuthResponse(resp) { log.debug "response isSuccess: ${resp.isSuccess()}" log.debug "response data: ${resp.data}" String str = "" resp.headers.each { str += "\n${it.name}: ${it.value}, " } //log.debug "response headers: ${str}" log.debug("response status: "+resp.status) // Trying to parse the params throws an error on ST //str = "" //log.debug "resp param ${resp.params}" //resp.params.each { str += "${it.name}: ${it.value}"} //log.debug "response params: ${str}" } // OAuth Callback URL and helpers def callback() { LOG("callback()>> params: ${params}" /* params.code ${params.code}, params.state ${params.state}, atomicState.oauthInitState ${atomicState.oauthInitState}"*/, 1, null, 'debug') def code = params.code def oauthState = params.state //verify oauthState == atomicState.oauthInitState, so the callback corresponds to the authentication request if (oauthState == atomicState.oauthInitState) { LOG("callback() --> States matched!", 1) def tokenParams = [ "grant_type": "authorization_code", code : code, client_id : ecobeeApiKey, state : oauthState, redirect_uri: callbackUrl, timeout: 30 ] def tokenUrl = "${apiEndpoint}/token?${toQueryString(tokenParams)}" //LOG("callback()-->tokenURL: ${tokenUrl}", 2) try { httpPost(uri: tokenUrl) { resp -> //if (resp) parseAuthResponse(resp) if (resp && resp.data && resp.isSuccess()) { //parseAuthResponse(resp) atomicState.refreshToken = resp.data.refresh_token atomicState.authToken = resp.data.access_token LOG("Expires in ${resp.data.expires_in} seconds") atomicState.authTokenExpires = now() + (resp.data.expires_in * 1000) LOG("swapped token: $resp.data; atomicState.refreshToken: ${atomicState.refreshToken}; atomicState.authToken: ${atomicState.authToken}", 2) } } } catch(Exception e) { LOG("auth callback() Exception: ${e}", 1, null, "error") //if (resp) parseAuthResponse(resp) } if (atomicState.authToken) { success() } else { fail() } } else { LOG("callback() failed oauthState != atomicState.oauthInitState", 1, null, "warn") } } def success() { def message = """

Your ecobee Account is now connected to Hubitat!

Close this window and click 'Done' to finish setup.

""" connectionStatus(message) } def fail() { def message = """

The connection could not be established!

Close this window and click 'Done' to return to the menu.

""" connectionStatus(message) } def connectionStatus(message, redirectUrl = null) { def redirectHtml = "" if (redirectUrl) { redirectHtml = """ """ } String hubIcon = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Hubitat/HubitatLogo.png' def html = """ Ecobee & Hubitat connection
ecobee icon connected device icon Hubitat logo ${message}
""" render contentType: 'text/html', data: html } // End OAuth Callback URL and helpers // Get the list of Ecobee Thermostats for use in the settings pages def getEcobeeThermostats() { LOG("====> getEcobeeThermostats() entered", 2,null,'trace') if (!settings?.accountType) { app.updateSetting('accountType', 'registered'); settings.accountType = 'registered'; } String requestBody if (settings.accountType == 'registered') { requestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"registered","selectionMatch":"","includeRuntime":true,"includeSensors":true,"includeLocation":true,"includeProgram":true}}' } else if (settings.accountType == 'commercial') { requestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"managementSet","selectionMatch":"' + settings.managementSet.trim() + '","includeRuntime":true,"includeSensors":true,"includeLocation":true,"includeProgram":true}}' } else { LOG("getEcobeeThermostats(): Cannot determine Ecobee account type - please set this on the Preferences / Thermostats settings page", 1, null, 'error') return [:] } def deviceListParams = [ uri: apiEndpoint, path: "/1/thermostat", headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer ${atomicState.authToken}"], query: [format: 'json', body: requestBody], timeout: 30 ] if (deviceListParams != [:]) { def stats = [:] def statLocation = [:] try { httpGet(deviceListParams) { resp -> LOG("getEcobeeThermostats() - httpGet() response: ${resp.data}", 4, null, 'trace') // the Thermostat Data. Will reuse for the Sensor List intialization atomicState.thermostatData = resp.data if (resp && resp.isSuccess() && resp.status && (resp.status == 200)) { LOG("getEcobeeThermostats() - httpGet() in 200 Response", 3, null, 'trace') atomicState.numAvailTherms = resp.data.thermostatList?.size() ?: 0 resp.data.thermostatList.each { stat -> def dni = 'ecobee_suite-thermostat-' + ([app.id, stat.identifier].join('.')) // HE App.ID is just too short :) stats[dni] = getThermostatDisplayName(stat) statLocation[stat.identifier] = stat.location } } else { LOG("getEcobeeThermostats() - httpGet() in else: http status: ${resp.status}", 1, null, 'trace') //refresh the auth token if (resp.status == 500 && resp.data?.status?.code == 14) { LOG("getEcobeeThermostats() - Storing the failed action to try later", 1, null, 'trace') atomicState.action = "getEcobeeThermostats" LOG("getEcobeeThermostats() - Refreshing your auth_token!", 1, null, 'trace') refreshAuthToken() } else { LOG("getEcobeeThermostats() - Other error. Status: ${resp.status} Response data: ${resp.data} ", 1, null, 'error') } return [:] } } // will get (groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException e) if no "registered" thermostats, perhaps is "managementSet" } catch(Exception e) { LOG("___exception getEcobeeThermostats(): ${e}", 1, null, "error") atomicState.action = "getEcobeeThermostats" refreshAuthToken() return [:] } atomicState.thermostatsWithNames = stats atomicState.statLocation = statLocation LOG("getEcobeeThermostats() - thermostatsWithNames: ${stats}, locations: ${statLocation}", 4, null, 'trace') return stats.sort { it.value } } } // Get the list of Ecobee Sensors for use in the settings pages (Only include the sensors that are tied to a thermostat that was selected) // NOTE: getEcobeeThermostats() should be called prior to getEcobeeSensors to refresh the full data of all thermostats Map getEcobeeSensors() { LOG("====> getEcobeeSensors() entered. thermostats: ${settings.thermostats}", 2,null,'trace') boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) Map sensorMap = [:] def foundThermo = null // TODO: Is this needed? atomicState.remoteSensors = [:] // Now that we routinely only collect the data that has changed in atomicState.thermostatData, we need to ALWAYS refresh that data // here so that we are sure we have everything we need here. def stats = getEcobeeThermostats() if (stats != [:]) { atomicState.thermostatData.thermostatList.each { singleStat -> def tid = singleStat.identifier if (debugLevelFour) LOG("thermostat loop: singleStat.identifier == ${tid} -- singleStat.remoteSensors == ${singleStat.remoteSensors} ", 4) Map tempSensors = atomicState.remoteSensors if (!settings.thermostats.findAll{ it.contains(tid) } ) { // We can skip this thermostat as it was not selected by the user if (debugLevelFour) LOG("getEcobeeSensors() --> Skipping this thermostat: ${tid}", 4) } else { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("getEcobeeSensors() --> Entering the else... we found a match. singleStat == ${singleStat.name}", 4) // atomicState.remoteSensors[tid] = atomicState.remoteSensors[tid] ? (atomicState.remoteSensors[tid] + singleStat.remoteSensors) : singleStat.remoteSensors tempSensors[tid] = tempSensors[tid] ? tempSensors[tid] + singleStat.remoteSensors : singleStat.remoteSensors if (debugLevelFour) LOG("After atomicState.remoteSensors setup...", 5) if (debugLevelFour) { LOG("getEcobeeSensors() - singleStat.remoteSensors: ${singleStat.remoteSensors}", 4) LOG("getEcobeeSensors() - atomicState.remoteSensors: ${atomicState.remoteSensors}", 4) } } atomicState.remoteSensors = tempSensors // WORKAROUND: Iterate over remoteSensors list and add in the thermostat DNI // This is needed to work around the dynamic enum "bug" which prevents proper deletion LOG("remoteSensors all before each loop: ${atomicState.remoteSensors}", 5, null, "trace") atomicState.remoteSensors[tid].each { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Looping through each remoteSensor. Current remoteSensor: ${it}", 5, null, "trace") if (it?.type == "ecobee3_remote_sensor") { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Adding an ecobee3_remote_sensor: ${it}", 4, null, "trace") def value = "${it?.name} (${it?.code})" def key = "ecobee_suite-sensor-${it?.id}-${it?.code}" sensorMap["${key}"] = value } else if ( (it?.type == "thermostat") && (settings.showThermsAsSensor == true) ) { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Adding a Thermostat as a Sensor: ${it}", 4, null, "trace") def value = "${it?.name}" def key = "ecobee_suite-sensor_tstat-${it?.id}-${it?.name}" if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Adding a Thermostat as a Sensor: ${it}, key: ${key} value: ${value}", 4, null, "trace") sensorMap["${key}"] = value + " (Thermostat)" } else if ( it?.type == "control_sensor" && it?.capability[0]?.type == "temperature") { // We can add this one as it supports temperature if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Adding a control_sensor: ${it}", 4, null, "trace") def value = "${it?.name}" // def key = "ecobee_suite-control_sensor-${it?.id}" // old DNI format def key = "ecobee_suite-control_sensor-${tid}.${it?.id}" // New format include Thermostat ID sensorMap["${key}"] = value } else if (it?.type == "monitor_sensor" && it?.capability[0]?.type == "temperature" && it?.name != "") { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Adding a monitor_sensor: ${it}", 4, null, "trace") def value = "${it?.name}" def key = "ecobee_suite-monitor_sensor-${tid}.${it?.id}" sensorMap["${key}"] = value } else { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Did NOT add: ${it}. showThermsAsSensor=${showThermsAsSensor}", 4, null, "trace") } } } // end thermostats.each loop } else { LOG("getEcobeeSensors() - Missing or invalid thermostatList - no sensors",1,null,'error') return [:] } if (debugLevelFour) LOG("getEcobeeSensors() - remote sensor list: ${sensorMap}", 4) sensorMap = sensorMap.sort { it.value } atomicState.eligibleSensors = sensorMap atomicState.numAvailSensors = sensorMap.size() ?: 0 //atomicState.thermostatData = [:] // release the memory return sensorMap } String getThermostatDisplayName(stat) { if (stat?.name) return stat.name.toString() return getThermostatModelName(stat) + " (${stat?.identifier})" } String getThermostatModelName(stat) { switch(stat?.modelNumber) { // == "siSmart" ? "Smart Si" : "Smart" case 'idtSmart' : return 'Smart' case 'idtEms' : return 'Smart EMS' case 'siSmart' : return 'Smart Si' case 'siEms' : return 'Smart Si EMS' case 'athenaSmart' : return 'ecobee3' case 'athenaEms' : return 'ecobee3 EMS' case 'corSmart' : return 'Carrier/Bryant Cor Smart' case 'nikeSmart' : return 'ecobee3 lite' case 'nikeEms' : return 'ecobee3 lite EMS' case 'apolloSmart' : return 'ecobee4' case 'apolloEms' : return 'ecobee4 EMS' default : return 'unknown' } } void installed() { LOG("Installed with settings: ${settings}",1,null,'trace') initialize() } void uninstalled() { LOG("Uninstalling...",2,null,'warn') unschedule() // unsubscribe() removeChildDevices( getAllChildDevices(), false ) // delete all my children! // Child apps are supposedly automatically deleted. } void updated() { LOG("Updated with settings: ${settings}",1,null,'trace') unschedule() cleanupStates() initialize() } def rebooted(evt) { LOG("Hub rebooted, re-initializing", 1, null, 'trace') initialize() } def cleanupStates() { LOG("Cleaning up states", 1, null, trace) if (!atomicState?.atomicMigrate) { LOG("updated() - Migrating state to atomicState...", 2, null, "warn") try { state.collect { LOG("traversing state: ${it} name: ${it.key} value: ${it.value}") atomicState."${it.key}" = it.value } atomicState.atomicMigrate = true } catch (Exception e) { LOG("updated() - Migration of state t- atomicState failed with exception (${e})", 1, null, "error") } try { LOG("atomicState after migration", 4) atomicState.collect { LOG("Traversing atomicState: ${it} name: ${it.key} value: ${it.value}") } } catch (Exception e) { LOG("Unable to traverse atomicState", 2, null, "warn") } atomicState.atomicMigrate = true } // Group A of things we no longer use if (!atomicState.removedGroupA) { if (settings.ecobeesensors) { ecobeesensors.each { sensorDNI -> state.remove(sensorDNI) } } state.remove("forcePoll") state.remove("getWeather") state.remove("saveMe") state.remove("runtimeUpdated") state.remove("thermostatUpdated") state.remove("alertsUpdated") state.remove("timers") state.remove("extendedRuntime") atomicState.removedGroupA = true } } @Field final int watchdogInterval = 10 // In minutes @Field final int reAttemptInterval = 15 // In seconds def initialize() { LOG("${getVersionLabel()} Initializing...", 1, null, 'trace') def foo = randomSeed.nextInt(100) // get the random number generator going if (atomicState.inSetup) atomicState.inSetup = false try { unsubscribe() unschedule(pollScheduled) unschedule(scheduleWatchdog) unschedule(forceNextPoll) unschedule() // reset all the schedules } catch (Exception e) { LOG("initialize() - Exception encountered trying to unschedule(). Exception: ${e}", 1, null, "error") } if (atomicState.inPollChildren && atomicState.initialized) { // let the current poll cycle complete first, so we don't yank the rug out from under its feet def seconds = 26 def skipTime = atomicState.skipTime?:now() if (skipTime) { seconds = seconds - (((now() - skipTime)/1000).toInteger()) // mow much longer do we need to wait } if (seconds > 1) { LOG("intialize() - Waiting ${seconds} seconds for current poll cycle to complete...",1,null,'warn') runIn(seconds, initialize, [overwrite: true]) atomicState.skipTime = skipTime return false } } else { atomicState.inPollChildren = true atomicState.skipTime = null } atomicState.connected = "full" atomicState.wifiAlert = false updateMyLabel() atomicState.reAttempt = 0 atomicState.reAttemptPoll = 0 if (settings.pauseSwitch) { subscribe(settings.pauseSwitch, 'switch', pauseSwitchHandler) } def nowTime = now() def nowDate = getTimestamp() // Initialize several state variables atomicState.climateChangeQueue = 0 atomicState.lastScheduledPoll = nowTime atomicState.lastScheduledPollDate = nowDate atomicState.lastScheduledWatchdog = nowTime atomicState.lastScheduledWatchdogDate = nowDate atomicState.lastPoll = nowTime atomicState.lastPollDate = nowDate atomicState.lastWatchdog = nowTime atomicState.lastWatchdogDate = nowDate atomicState.lastUserDefinedEvent = now() atomicState.lastUserDefinedEventDate = getTimestamp() atomicState.lastRevisions = [:] atomicState.latestRevisions = [:] atomicState.needPrograms = true atomicState.skipCount = 0 atomicState.sendJsonRetry = false atomicState.vacationTemplate = null def updatesLog = [thermostatUpdated:true, runtimeUpdated:true, forcePoll:true, getWeather:true, alertsUpdated:true, extendRTUpdated:true ] atomicState.updatesLog = updatesLog atomicState.hourlyForcedUpdate = 0 if (!atomicState.reservations) atomicState.reservations = [:] LOG("Clearing callQueue...",1,null,info) atomicState.callQueue = [:] atomicState.callsQueued = 0 atomicState.callsRun = 0 atomicState.timeZone = "" atomicState.zipCode = "" getTimeZone() // these will set/refresh atomicState.timeZone getZipCode() // and atomicState.zipCode // get sunrise/sunset for the location of the thermostats (getZipCode() prefers thermostat.location.postalCode) // def sunriseAndSunset = (atomicState.zipCode != null) ? getSunriseAndSunset(zipCode: atomicState.zipCode) : getSunRiseAndSunset() def sunriseAndSunset = null boolean isOk = false //GPS Coordinates are the most accurate if (location.longitude && location.latitude) { LOG("Trying to get sunrise/set using geographic coordinates for '${location.name}'",1,null,'info') try { sunriseAndSunset = getSunriseAndSunset() } catch (Exception e) { LOG("Failed to get sunrise/set using location coordinates. Exception: ${e}",1,null,'warn') sunriseAndSunset = null } } else if (atomicState.zipCode) { LOG("Trying to get sunrise/set using postal code '${atomicState.zipCode}'",1,null,'info') try { sunriseAndSunset = getSunriseAndSunset(zipCode: atomicState.zipCode) } catch (Exception e) { LOG("Failed to get sunrise/set using postal code. Exception: ${e}",1,null,'warn') sunriseAndSunset = null } } if (!sunriseAndSunset || (!(sunriseAndSunset.sunrise instanceof Date) || !(sunriseAndSunset.sunset instanceof Date))) { LOG("Can't get valid sunrise/set times, using generic defaults (05:00-->18:00)",1,null,'warn') LOG("PLEASE SET THE ZIPCODE AND THE LATITUDE/LONGITUDE FOR LOCATION ${location.name} IN YOUR HUB\'S SETTINGS/LOCATION",1,null,'error') } else { isOk = true LOG("Got valid sunrise/set data: ${sunriseAndSunset}",1,null,'info') } if(isOk && atomicState.timeZone) { // using the thermostat's time zone atomicState.sunriseTime = sunriseAndSunset.sunrise.format("HHmm", TimeZone.getTimeZone(atomicState.timeZone)).toInteger() atomicState.sunsetTime = sunriseAndSunset.sunset.format("HHmm", TimeZone.getTimeZone(atomicState.timeZone)).toInteger() } else if( isOk ) { atomicState.sunriseTime = sunriseAndSunset.sunrise.format("HHmm").toInteger() atomicState.sunsetTime = sunriseAndSunset.sunset.format("HHmm").toInteger() } else { atomicState.sunriseTime = "0500".toInteger() atomicState.sunsetTime = "1800".toInteger() } // Must do this AFTER setting up sunrise/sunset atomicState.timeOfDay = getTimeOfDay() // "day" or "night" // Setup initial polling and determine polling intervals atomicState.pollingInterval = getPollingInterval() // The next two are now Global @Fields set at compile time //atomicState.watchdogInterval = 10 // In minutes //atomicState.reAttemptInterval = 15 // In seconds if (atomicState.initialized) { // getEcobeeSensors() will call getEcobeeThermostats() for us getEcobeeSensors() } // Create our Children, if necessary. This should only be needed during initial setup and when therms or sensors are added or removed. boolean aOK = true if (settings.thermostats?.size() > 0) { aOK = aOK && createChildrenThermostats() } if (aOK && (settings.ecobeesensors?.size() > 0)) { aOK = aOK && createChildrenSensors() } // Don't delete if either create operation fails if (aOK) deleteUnusedChildren() // Clear out all atomicState object collections (in case a thermostat was deleted or replaced, so we don't slog around useless old data) // also has the effect of forcing ALL the data bits to be sent down to the thermostats/sensors again atomicState.alerts = [:] atomicState.audio = [:] atomicState.capabilities = [:] atomicState.changeAlerts = [:] atomicState.changeAttrs = [:] atomicState.changeAudio = [:] atomicState.changeCloud = [:] atomicState.changeConfig = [:] atomicState.changeDevice = [:] atomicState.changeEquip = [:] atomicState.changeNever = [:] atomicState.changeOften = [:] atomicState.changeRarely = [:] atomicState.changeTemps = [:] atomicState.climates = [:] atomicState.currentClimateRef = [:] atomicState.currentProgramName = [:] atomicState.equipmentStatus = [:] atomicState.events = [:] atomicState.myStatsClimates = [:] atomicState.oemCfg = [:] atomicState.program = [:] atomicState.remoteSensorsData = [:] atomicState.runningEvent = [:] atomicState.runtime = [:] atomicState.schedule = [:] atomicState.sensorStates = [:] atomicState.settings = [:] atomicState.statInfo = [:] atomicState.statLocation = [:] atomicState.statTime = [:] atomicState.thermostatData = [:] atomicState.timeSchedule = [:] atomicState.versionLabel = getVersionLabel() atomicState.weather = [:] // Add subscriptions as little "daemons" that will check on our health subscribe(location, "sunset", sunsetEvent) subscribe(location, "sunrise", sunriseEvent) //subscribe(location, "position", scheduleWatchdog) subscribe(location, "systemStart", rebooted) // re-initialize if the hub reboots (HE only?) // Initial poll() if (settings.thermostats?.size() > 0) { if (atomicState.settings) log.error "atomicState.settings is not NULL!!!!" pollInit() } else { // pollInit does this for us atomicState.inPollChildren = false } // Schedule the various handlers LOG("Spawning scheduled events from initialize()", 5, null, "trace") if (settings.thermostats?.size() > 0) { LOG("Spawning the poll scheduled event. (thermostats.size(): ${settings.thermostats?.size()})", 1, null, 'trace') spawnDaemon("poll", false) } spawnDaemon("watchdog", false) //send activity feeds to tell that device is connected def notificationMessage = aOK ? "is connected to Hubitat" : "had an error during setup of devices" sendActivityFeeds(notificationMessage) atomicState.timeSendPush = null if (!atomicState.initialized) { atomicState.initialized = true // These two below are for debugging and statistics purposes atomicState.initializedEpic = nowTime atomicState.initializedDate = nowDate } schedule("0 3/30 * * * ?", programUpdater) runIn(90, forceNextPoll, [overwrite: true]) // get ALL the data (again) once things settle down runIn(180, runCallQueue, [overwrite: true]) LOG("${getVersionLabel()} - initialization complete",1,null,'debug') // atomicState.versionLabel = getVersionLabel() return aOK } def programUpdater() { if (!atomicState.needPrograms) atomicState.needPrograms = true // force getting the thermostat summary at the first poll after x:03 and x:33 } def pauseSwitchHandler(evt) { if (evt.value == 'on') { globalPauseChildApps( true ) atomicState.appsArePaused = true app.updateSetting("pauseHelpers", true); settings?.pauseHelpers = true } else { globalPauseChildApps( false ) atomicState.appsArePaused = false app.updateSetting("pauseHelpers", false); settings?.pauseHelpers = false } } def createChildrenThermostats() { LOG("createChildrenThermostats() entered: thermostats=${settings.thermostats}", 5, null, 'trace') // Create the child Thermostat Devices def devices = settings.thermostats.collect { dni -> def d = getChildDevice(dni) if(!d) { try { d = addChildDevice(myNamespace, getChildThermostatName(), dni, location.hubs[0]?.id, ["label":"EcobeeTherm: ${atomicState.thermostatsWithNames[dni]}", completedSetup:true]) } catch (Exception e) { if ("${e}".startsWith("com.hubitat.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException")) { LOG("You MUST add the ${getChildThermostatName()} Device Handler to the IDE BEFORE running the setup.", 1, null, "error") return false } } LOG("created ${d.displayName} with id ${dni}", 4, null, 'trace') } else { LOG("found ${d.displayName} with id ${dni} already exists", 4, null, 'trace') } // return d } LOG("Created/Updated ${devices.size()} thermostats", 4, null, 'trace') return true } def createChildrenSensors() { LOG("createChildrenSensors() entered: ecobeesensors=${settings.ecobeesensors}", 5, null, 'trace') // Create the child Ecobee Sensor Devices def sensors = settings.ecobeesensors.collect { dni -> def d = getChildDevice(dni) if(!d) { try { d = addChildDevice(myNamespace, getChildSensorName(), dni, location.hubs[0]?.id, ["label":"EcobeeSensor: ${atomicState.eligibleSensors[dni]}", completedSetup:true]) } catch (Exception e) { //(physicalgraph.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException e) { if ("${e}".startsWith("com.hubitat.app.exception.UnknownDeviceTypeException")) { LOG("You MUST add the ${getChildSensorName()} Device Driver to the Hubitat IDE BEFORE running the setup.", 1, null, "error") return false } else if ("${e}".contains("unique.error")) { LOG("Duplicate DNI Exception while creating ${getChildSensorName()} - another process already owns ${dni}",1,null,warn) } else LOG("Exception while creating ${getChildSensorName()}: ${e}",1,null,warn) } LOG("created ${d.displayName} with id $dni", 4, null, 'trace') } else { LOG("found ${d.displayName} with id $dni already exists", 4, null, 'trace') } // return d } LOG("Created/Updated ${sensors.size()} sensors.", 4, null, 'trace') return true } // somebody pushed my button - do a force poll def appHandler(evt) { if (evt.value == 'touch') { LOG('appHandler(touch) event, forced poll',2,null,'info') def updatesLog = atomicState.updatesLog updatesLog.forcePoll = true updatesLog.getWeather = true // update the weather also atomicState.updatesLog = updatesLog pollChildren(null, true) // double force-poll } } // For thermostat reservations handling def isChildApp(String childId) { def child = getChildApps().find { it.id.toString() == childId } return (child != null) } String getChildAppName(String childId) { def child = getChildApps().find { it.id.toString() == childId } return child ? (cleanAppName(child.label?:child.name)) : '' } // Global Pause/Unpause all child Helpers - they won't unpause if wasAlreadyPaused when we Global Pause them def globalPauseChildApps(pause = true) { getChildApps().each { child -> if (debugLevel(4)) LOG("globalPauseChildApps(${pause}, ${global}), child: ${cleanAppName(child.label?:child.name)} (${child.id})",4,null,'trace') if (pause) { child.pauseOn( true ) } else { child.pauseOff( true ) } } } // Individual Pause/Unpause an individual child Helper - these can override wasAlreadyPaused, except that all Helpers will be Global Paused def pauseChildApp(String appId, pause) { if (appId && (pause != null)) { def child getChildApps().each { if (!child && (it.id.toString() == appId)) child = it } if (child) { if (pause) { if (debugLevel(2)) LOG("pauseChildApp(): Pausing ${cleanAppName(child.label?:child.name)}",1,null,'trace') child.pauseOn( false ) // Not a global pause } else { if (debugLevel(2)) LOG("pauseChildApp(): Resuming ${cleanAppName(child.label?:child.name)}",1,null,'trace') child.pauseOff( false ) // not a global unpause } } } } String cleanAppName(String name) { if (name != "") { int idx = name.indexOf(' 0) ? name.substring(0, idx) : name).trim() } } def getMyChildren(String name="") { // Returns a map of [child.dni:child.displayName] for all children, or only those of a certain app.name def apps Map installedApps = [:] if (name == "") { apps = getChildApps() } else { apps = getChildApps().findAll { (it.name == name) } } apps.each { if (it.installationState == 'COMPLETE') { installedApps << [(it.id.toString()): cleanAppName(it.label?:it.name)] } } return installedApps } // NOTE: For this to work correctly getEcobeeThermostats() and getEcobeeSensors() should be called prior void deleteUnusedChildren() { LOG("deleteUnusedChildren() entered", 5, null, 'trace') // Always make sure that the dummy devices were deleted removeChildDevices(getAllChildDevices(), true) // Delete dummy devices if (settings.thermostats?.size() == 0) { // No thermostats, need to delete all children LOG("Deleting All My Children!", 2, null, "warn") removeChildDevices(getAllChildDevices(), false) } else { // Only delete those that are no longer in the list // This should be a combination of any removed thermostats and any removed sensors def allMyChildren = getAllChildDevices() LOG("These are currently all of my children: ${allMyChildren}", 4, null, "debug") // Don't delete any devices that are configured in settings (thermostats or ecobeesensors) def childrenToKeep = (settings?.thermostats ?: []) + (settings?.ecobeesensors ?: []) // (atomicState.eligibleSensors?.keySet() ?: []) LOG("These are the children to keep around: ${childrenToKeep}", 4, null, "trace") def childrenToDelete = allMyChildren.findAll { !childrenToKeep.contains(it.deviceNetworkId) } if (childrenToDelete.size() > 0) { LOG("Ready to delete these devices: ${childrenToDelete}", 2, null, "warn") childrenToDelete?.each { deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId) } //inherits from SmartApp (data-management) } } } def sunriseEvent(evt) { LOG("sunriseEvent() - with evt (${evt?.name}:${evt?.value})", 4, null, "info") atomicState.timeOfDay = "day" atomicState.lastSunriseEvent = now() atomicState.lastSunriseEventDate = getTimestamp() // def sunriseAndSunset = atomicState.zipCode ? getSunriseAndSunset(zipCode: atomicState.zipCode) : getSunRiseAndSunset() def sunriseAndSunset = getSunriseAndSunset(zipCode: atomicState.zipCode) if (!(sunriseAndSunset.sunrise instanceof Date)) { // the zip code is invalid or didn't return the data as expected LOG("sunriseAndSunset not set as expected, using default hub location") sunriseAndSunset = getSunriseAndSunset() } if(atomicState.timeZone) { atomicState.sunriseTime = sunriseAndSunset.sunrise.format("HHmm", TimeZone.getTimeZone(atomicState.timeZone)).toInteger() } else if( (sunriseAndSunset != [:]) && (location != null) ) { atomicState.sunriseTime = sunriseAndSunset.sunrise.format("HHmm").toInteger() } else { atomicState.sunriseTime = evt.value.toInteger() } Map updatesLog = atomicState.updatesLog updatesLog.forcePoll = true updatesLog.getWeather = true // update the weather also atomicState.updatesLog = updatesLog scheduleWatchdog(evt, true) } def sunsetEvent(evt) { LOG("sunsetEvent() - with evt (${evt?.name}:${evt?.value})", 4, null, "info") atomicState.timeOfDay = "night" atomicState.lastSunsetEvent = now() atomicState.lastSunsetEventDate = getTimestamp() // get sunrise/sunset for the location of the thermostats (prefers thermostat.location.postalCode) // def sunriseAndSunset = atomicState.zipCode ? getSunriseAndSunset(zipCode: atomicState.zipCode) : getSunRiseAndSunset() def sunriseAndSunset = getSunriseAndSunset(zipCode: atomicState.zipCode) if (!(sunriseAndSunset.sunset instanceof Date)) { // the zip code is invalid or didn't return the data as expected LOG("sunriseAndSunset not set as expected, using default hub location") sunriseAndSunset = getSunriseAndSunset() } if(atomicState.timeZone) { atomicState.sunsetTime = sunriseAndSunset.sunset.format("HHmm", TimeZone.getTimeZone(atomicState.timeZone)).toInteger() } else if( (sunriseAndSunset != [:]) && (location != null) ) { atomicState.sunsetTime = sunriseAndSunset.sunset.format("HHmm").toInteger() } else { atomicState.sunsetTime = evt.value.toInteger() } Map updatesLog = atomicState.updatesLog updatesLog.forcePoll = true updatesLog.getWeather = true // update the weather also atomicState.updatesLog = updatesLog scheduleWatchdog(evt, true) } boolean scheduleWatchdog(evt=null, local=false) { boolean results = true boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (debugLevelFour) { def evtStr = evt ? "${evt.name}:${evt.value}" : 'null' /* if (debugLevel(4)) */ LOG("scheduleWatchdog() called with evt (${evtStr}) & local (${local})", 1, null, "trace") } // Only update the Scheduled timestamp if it is not a local action or from a subscription if ( (evt == null) && (local==false) ) { atomicState.lastScheduledWatchdog = now() atomicState.lastScheduledWatchdogDate = getTimestamp() Map updatesLog = atomicState.updatesLog updatesLog.getWeather = true // next pollEcobeeApi for runtime changes should also get the weather object //atomicState.updatesLog = updatesLog // do a forced update once an hour, just because (e.g., forces Hold Status to update completion date string) def counter = atomicState.hourlyForcedUpdate counter = (!counter) ? 1 : counter + 1 if (counter == 6) { counter = 0 updatesLog.forcePoll = true //if (atomicState.inPollChildren) atomicState.inPollChildren = false // reset, just in case //atomicState.needExtendedRuntime = false // Force a recheck // log.debug "Skipping hourly forcePoll" } atomicState.hourlyForcedUpdate = counter atomicState.updatesLog = updatesLog } // Check to see if we have called too soon def timeSinceLastWatchdog = (atomicState.lastWatchdog == null) ? 0 :(now() - atomicState.lastWatchdog) / 60000 if ( timeSinceLastWatchdog < 1 ) { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("It has only been ${timeSinceLastWatchdog} since last scheduleWatchdog was called. Please come back later.", 1, null, "trace") return true } atomicState.lastWatchdog = now() atomicState.lastWatchdogDate = getTimestamp() //if (atomicState.inPollChildren) atomicState.inPollChildren = false def pollAlive = isDaemonAlive("poll") def watchdogAlive = isDaemonAlive("watchdog") if (debugLevelFour) LOG("After watchdog tagging",4,null,'trace') if (apiConnected() == 'lost') { // Possibly a false alarm? Check if we can update the token with one last fleeting try... if( refreshAuthToken() ) { // We are back in business! LOG("scheduleWatchdog() - Was able to recover the lost connection. Please ignore any notifications received.", 1, null, "warn") } else { LOG("scheduleWatchdog() - Unable to schedule handlers do to loss of API Connection. Please ensure you are authorized.", 1, null, "error") return false } } LOG("scheduleWatchdog() --> pollAlive==${pollAlive} watchdogAlive==${watchdogAlive}", 4, null, "warn") // Reschedule polling if it has been a while since the previous poll if (!pollAlive) spawnDaemon("poll") if (!watchdogAlive) spawnDaemon("watchdog") return true } // Watchdog Checker boolean isDaemonAlive(daemon="all") { boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) // Daemon options: "poll", "auth", "watchdog", "all" def daemonList = ["poll", "auth", "watchdog", "all"] //String preText = getDebugLevel() <= 2 ? '' : 'isDeamonAlive() - ' Integer pollingInterval = getPollingInterval() //daemon = daemon.toLowerCase() boolean result = true if (debugLevelFour) LOG("isDaemonAlive() - now() == ${now()} for daemon (${daemon})", 1, null, "trace") // No longer running an auth Daemon, because we need the scheduler slot (max 4 scheduled things, poll + watchdog use 2) // def timeBeforeExpiry = atomicState.authTokenExpires ? ((atomicState.authTokenExpires - now()) / 60000) : 0 // LOG("isDaemonAlive() - Time left (timeBeforeExpiry) until expiry (in min): ${timeBeforeExpiry}", 4, null, "info") if (daemon == "poll" || daemon == "all") { def lastScheduledPoll = atomicState.lastScheduledPoll def timeSinceLastScheduledPoll = ((lastScheduledPoll == null) || (lastScheduledPoll == 0)) ? 1000 : ((now() - lastScheduledPoll) / 60000) if (debugLevelFour) { LOG("isDaemonAlive() - Time since last poll? ${timeSinceLastScheduledPoll} -- lastScheduledPoll == ${lastScheduledPoll}", 4, null, "info") LOG("isDaemonAlive() - Checking daemon (${daemon}) in 'poll'", 4, null, "trace") } def maxInterval = pollingInterval + 2 if ( timeSinceLastScheduledPoll >= maxInterval ) result = false } if (daemon == "watchdog" || daemon == "all") { def lastScheduledWatchdog = atomicState.lastScheduledWatchdog def timeSinceLastScheduledWatchdog = ((lastScheduledWatchdog == null) || (lastScheduledWatchdog == 0)) ? 1000 : ((now() - lastScheduledWatchdog) / 60000) if (debugLevelFour) { LOG("isDaemonAlive() - Time since watchdog activation? ${timeSinceLastScheduledWatchdog} -- lastScheduledWatchdog == ${lastScheduledWatchdog}", 4, null, "info") LOG("isDaemonAlive() - Checking daemon (${daemon}) in 'watchdog'", 4, null, "trace") } def maxInterval = watchdogInterval + 2 if (debugLevelFour) LOG("isDaemonAlive(watchdog) - timeSinceLastScheduledWatchdog=(${timeSinceLastScheduledWatchdog}) Timestamps: (${atomicState.lastScheduledWatchdogDate}) (epic: ${lastScheduledWatchdog}) now-(${now()})", 4, null, "trace") if ( timeSinceLastScheduledWatchdog >= maxInterval ) result = false } if (!daemonList.contains(daemon) ) { // Unkown option passed in, gotta punt LOG("isDaemonAlive() - Unknown daemon: ${daemon} received. Do not know how to check this daemon.", 1, null, "error") result = false } if (debugLevelFour) LOG("isDaemonAlive() - result is ${result}", 1, null, "trace") if (!result) LOG("isDaemonAlive() - (${daemon}) has died", 1, null, 'warn') return result } boolean spawnDaemon(daemon="all", unsched=true) { // log.debug "spawnDaemon(${daemon}, ${unsched})" // Daemon options: "poll", "auth", "watchdog", "all" def daemonList = ["poll", "auth", "watchdog", "all"] boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) //Random rand = new Random() Integer pollingInterval = getPollingInterval() daemon = daemon.toLowerCase() boolean result = true if (daemon == "poll" || daemon == "all") { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("spawnDaemon() - Performing seance for daemon (${daemon}) in 'poll'", 1, null, "trace") // Reschedule the daemon try { if ( unsched ) { unschedule(pollScheduled) } if ( true || canSchedule() ) { //LOG("Using runEvery to setup polling with pollingInterval: ${pollingInterval}", 1, null, 'trace') "runEvery${pollingInterval}Minute${pollingInterval!=1?'s':''}"(pollScheduled) // Only poll now if we were recovering - if not asked to unschedule, then whoever called us will handle the first poll (as in initialize()) if (unsched) result = pollScheduled() && result } else { LOG("canSchedule() is NOT allowed or result already false! Unable to schedule poll daemon!", 1, null, "error") result = false } } catch (Exception e) { LOG("spawnDaemon() - Exception when performing spawn for ${daemon}. Exception: ${e}", 1, null, "error") result = false } } if (daemon == "watchdog" || daemon == "all") { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("spawnDaemon() - Performing seance for daemon (${daemon}) in 'watchdog'", 1, null, "trace") // Reschedule the daemon try { if ( unsched ) { unschedule("scheduleWatchdog") } if ( true || canSchedule() ) { "runEvery${watchdogInterval}Minutes"("scheduleWatchdog") result = result && true } else { LOG("canSchedule() is NOT allowed or result already false! Unable to schedule daemon!", 1, null, "error") result = false } } catch (Exception e) { LOG("spawnDaemon() - Exception when performing spawn for ${daemon}. Exception: ${e}", 1, null, "error") result = false } atomicState.lastScheduledWatchdog = now() atomicState.lastScheduledWatchdogDate = getTimestamp() Map updatesLog = atomicState.updatesLog updatesLog.getWeather = true // next pollEcobeeApi for runtime changes should also get the weather object atomicState.updatesLog = updatesLog } if (!daemonList.contains(daemon) ) { // Unkown option passed in, gotta punt LOG("isDaemonAlive() - Unknown daemon: ${daemon} received. Do not know how to check this daemon.", 1, null, "error") result = false } return result } void updateLastPoll(Boolean isScheduled=false) { if (isScheduled) { atomicState.lastScheduledPoll = now() atomicState.lastScheduledPollDate = getTimestamp() } else { atomicState.lastPoll = now() atomicState.lastPollDate = getTimestamp() } } def poll() { if (debugLevel(4)) LOG("poll() - Running at ${getTimestamp()} (epic: ${now()})", 1, null, "trace") pollChildren() // Poll ALL the children at the same time for efficiency } // Called by scheduled() event handler def pollScheduled() { updateLastPoll(true) if (debugLevel(4)) LOG("pollScheduled() - Running at ${atomicState.lastScheduledPollDate} (epic: ${atomicState.lastScheduledPoll})", 1, null, "trace") pollChildren() } // Called during initialization to get the inital poll def pollInit() { if (debugLevel(4)) LOG("pollInit()", 4) if (atomicState.inPollChildren) atomicState.inPollChildren = false if (atomicState.skipTime) atomicState.skipTime = null forceNextPoll() runIn(5, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) // Hit the ecobee API for update on all thermostats, in 5 seconds } void forceNextPoll() { Map updatesLog = atomicState.updatesLog if (!updatesLog?.forcePoll) { updatesLog.forcePoll = true atomicState.updatesLog = updatesLog } } // Clear the stored change logs for one specific tid - this will force everything to be send down to the device again void clearChangeLogs(tid) { LOG("Clearing change logs for thermostat ${tid}",2,null,'info') //def temp = [:] Map temp = atomicState.changeAlerts if (temp) { temp[tid] = []; atomicState.changeAlerts = temp; temp = [:]; } temp = atomicState.changeAttrs if (temp) { temp[tid] = []; atomicState.changeAttrs = temp; temp = [:]; } temp = atomicState.changeAudio if (temp) { temp[tid] = []; atomicState.changeAudio = temp; temp = [:]; } temp = atomicState.changeCloud if (temp) { temp[tid] = []; atomicState.changeCloud = temp; temp = [:]; } temp = atomicState.changeConfig if (temp) { temp[tid] = []; atomicState.changeConfig = temp; temp = [:]; } temp = atomicState.changeDevice if (temp) { temp[tid] = []; atomicState.changeDevice = temp; temp = [:]; } temp = atomicState.changeEquip if (temp) { temp[tid] = []; atomicState.changeEquip = temp; temp = [:]; } temp = atomicState.changeNever if (temp) { temp[tid] = []; atomicState.changeNever = temp; temp = [:]; } temp = atomicState.changeOften if (temp) { temp[tid] = []; atomicState.changeOften = temp; temp = [:]; } temp = atomicState.changeRarely if (temp) { temp[tid] = []; atomicState.changeRarely = temp; temp = [:]; } temp = atomicState.changeTemps if (temp) { temp[tid] = []; atomicState.changeTemps = temp; temp = [:]; } temp = atomicState.changeWeather if (temp) { temp[tid] = []; atomicState.changeWeather = temp; temp = [:]; } } void pollChildren(String deviceId="",force=false) { // Prevent multiple concurrent poll cycles if (atomicState.inPollChildren) { def skipTime = atomicState.skipTime ?: now() // Give the already running poll 20/25 seconds to complete if ((now() - skipTime) < 25000) { // Already/still polling, capture the arguments and skip this poll request if (atomicState.skipTime != skipTime) atomicState.skipTime = skipTime if (force) { forceNextPoll() if (deviceId) { List forceDevices = atomicState.forceDevices if (forceDevices) { if (!forceDevices.contains(deviceId)) atomicState.forceDevices = forceDevices + [deviceId] } else { atomicState.forceDevices = [deviceId] } } else atomicState.forceDevices = [] } log.trace "prior poll not finished, skipping..." return } else { atomicState.skipTime = null } } else { atomicState.inPollChildren = true if (atomicState.skipTime) atomicState.skipTime = null } // Just in case we need to re-initialize anything def version = getVersionLabel() if (atomicState.versionLabel != version) { LOG("Code updated: ${version} - re-initializing",1,null,'trace') atomicState.versionLabel = version atomicState.inPollChildren = false // runIn(2, updated, [overwrite: true]) updated() return } // Start the new poll cycle atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart = now() LOG("Checking for updates...",1,null,'trace') boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (debugLevelFour) LOG("pollChildren(${deviceId}, ${force})", 1, null, 'trace') boolean forcePoll String thermostatsToPoll Map updatesLog = atomicState.updatesLog if (force || updatesLog.forcePoll) { updatesLog.forcePoll = true forcePoll = true atomicState.updatesLog = updatesLog if (deviceId) { thermostatsToPoll = deviceId clearChangeLogs(deviceId) // A *real* forcePoll - clearing the change logs forces everything to be resent } List forceDevices = atomicState.forceDevices if (forceDevices) { forceDevices.each { String did -> if (!deviceId || (deviceId != did)) { clearChangeLogs(did) thermostatsToPoll = thermostatsToPoll ? (thermostatsToPoll + ',' + did) : did } } atomicState.forceDevices = [] } if (!thermostatsToPoll) thermostatsToPoll = getChildThermostatDeviceIdsString() } else { forcePoll = updatesLog.forcePoll thermostatsToPoll = getChildThermostatDeviceIdsString() } if (debugLevelFour) LOG("=====> pollChildren(${deviceId}) - forcePoll(${forcePoll}) atomicState.lastPoll(${atomicState.lastPoll}) now(${now()}) atomicState.lastPollDate(${atomicState.lastPollDate})", 1, null, "trace") if(apiConnected() == "lost") { // Possibly a false alarm? Check if we can update the token with one last fleeting try... if (debugLevel(3)) LOG("apiConnected() == lost, try to do a recovery, else we are done...", 3, null, "debug") if( refreshAuthToken() ) { // We are back in business! LOG("pollChildren() - Was able to recover the lost API connection. Please ignore any notifications received.", 1, null, "warn") } else { LOG("pollChildren() - Unable to poll do to loss of API Connection. Please ensure you are authorized.", 1, null, "error") atomicState.inPollChildren = false return } } // Run a watchdog checker here scheduleWatchdog(null, true) if (settings.thermostats?.size() < 1) { LOG("pollChildren() - Nothing to poll as there are no thermostats currently selected", 1, null, "warn") atomicState.inPollChildren = false return } // Check if anything has changed in the thermostatSummary (really don't need to call EcobeeAPI if it hasn't). boolean somethingChanged = forcePoll ?: checkThermostatSummary(thermostatsToPoll) if (!forcePoll) thermostatsToPoll = atomicState.changedThermostatIds if (somethingChanged) { // || atomicState.needPrograms) { //List tids = [] //tids = thermostatsToPoll.split(",") //String names = "" //tids.each { names = names == "" ? getThermostatName(it) : names+", "+getThermostatName(it) } //LOG("Polling thermostat${thermostatsToPoll.contains(',')?'s':''} ${names} (${thermostatsToPoll})${forcePoll?' (forced)':''}", 2, null, 'info') LOG("Polling ${thermostatsToPoll} ${forcePoll?'(forced)':''}",2,null,'info') pollEcobeeAPI(thermostatsToPoll) // This will queue the async request, and values will be generated and sent from pollEcobeeAPICallback } else { LOG('No updates', 2, null, 'trace') atomicState.inPollChildren = false } } void generateAlertsAndEvents() { generateTheEvents() } void generateTheEvents() { def startMS = now() Map stats = atomicState.thermostats Map sensors = atomicState.remoteSensorsData stats?.each { DNI -> if (DNI?.value?.data) getChildDevice(DNI.key).generateEvent(DNI.value.data) } sensors?.each { DNI -> if (DNI?.value?.data) getChildDevice(DNI.key).generateEvent(DNI.value.data) } def allDone = now() def deviceUpdates = allDone - startMS def howLongItTook = allDone - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart // - deviceUpdates LOG("Updates sent (${deviceUpdates} / ${howLongItTook}ms)",2,null,"${howLongItTook > 25000 ? 'warn': 'trace'}") } // enables child SmartApps to send events to child Smart Devices using only the DNI void generateChildEvent( childDNI, dataMap) { getChildDevice(childDNI)?.generateEvent([dataMap]) // put the Map inside a List } // NOTE: This only updates the apiConnected state now - this used to resend all the data, but that's pretty much a waste of CPU cycles now. // If the UI needs updating, the refresh now does a forcePoll on the entire device. void generateEventLocalParams() { // Iterate over all the children def apiConnection = apiConnected() String lastPoll = (debugLevel(4)) ? "${apiConnection} @ ${atomicState.lastPollDate}" : (apiConnection=='full') ? 'Succeeded' : (apiConnection=='warn') ? 'Timed Out' : 'Failed' def data = [ [apiConnected: apiConnection], [lastPoll: lastPoll] ] String LOGtype = (apiConnection == 'lost') ? 'error' : ((apiConnection == 'warn') ? 'warn' : 'info') if (debugLevel(2)) LOG("Updating API status with ${data}${LOGtype=='warn'?' - will retry':''}", 2, null, LOGtype) settings.thermostats?.each { getChildDevice(it)?.generateEvent(data) } } // Checks if anything has changed since the last time this routine was called, using lightweight thermostatSummary poll // NOTE: Despite the documentation, Runtime Revision CAN change more frequently than every 3 minutes - equipmentStatus is // apparently updated in real time (or at least very close to real time) boolean checkThermostatSummary(String thermostatIdsString) { //def startMS //if (TIMERS) startMS = now() Map updatesLog = atomicState.updatesLog boolean thermostatUpdated = updatesLog.thermostatUpdated boolean alertsUpdated = updatesLog.alertsUpdated boolean runtimeUpdated = updatesLog.runtimeUpdated boolean needPrograms = atomicState.needPrograms boolean getAllStats = (runtimeUpdated || thermostatUpdated || alertsUpdated || needPrograms) boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (debugLevelFour) LOG("checkThermostatSummary() - ${thermostatIdsString}",1,null,'trace') if (thermostatIdsString == '') thermostatIdsString = getChildThermostatDeviceIdsString() String jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + thermostatIdsString + '","includeEquipmentStatus":"true"}}' def pollParams = [ uri: apiEndpoint, path: "/1/thermostatSummary", headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer ${atomicState.authToken}"], query: [format: 'json', body: jsonRequestBody], timeout: 30 ] boolean result = false def statusCode = 999 String tstatsStr = '' if (debugLevelFour) LOG("checkThermostatSummary() - pollParams: ${pollParams}",1,null,'trace') try { httpGet(pollParams) { resp -> if (!resp || !resp.isSuccess()) { LOG("checkThermostatSummary() - invalid response - skipping...", 1, null, 'warn') } else if(resp.status && (resp.status == 200)) { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("checkThermostatSummary() - poll results returned resp.data ${resp.data}", 1, null, 'trace') // This is crazy, I know, but ST & HE return different junk on a failed call, thus the exhaustive verification to avoid throwing errors if (resp.data?.status?.containsKey('code')) { // && (resp.data.status.code != null)) { //if ((resp.data != null) && (resp.data instanceof Map) && resp.data.containsKey('status') && (resp.data.status != null) // && (resp.data.status instanceof Map) && resp.data.status.containsKey('code') && (resp.data.status.code != null)) { statusCode = resp.data.status.code } else { LOG("checkThermostatSummary() - malformed response - skipping...", 1, null, 'warn') } if ((statusCode != null) && (statusCode == 0)) { def revisions = resp.data?.revisionList tstatsStr = "" def latestRevisions = [:] def lastRevisions = atomicState.lastRevisions if (lastRevisions && !(lastRevisions instanceof Map)) lastRevisions = [:] // hack to switch from List to Map for revision cache // each revision is a separate thermostat revisions.each { rev -> def tempList = rev.split(':') as List def tstat = tempList[0] def latestDetails = tempList.reverse().take(4).reverse() as List // isolate the 4 timestamps def lastDetails = ( lastRevisions && lastRevisions.containsKey(tstat)) ? lastRevisions[tstat] : [] // lastDetails should be the prior 4 timestamps // def lastDetails = lastRevisions?[tstat] ?: [] // check if the current tstat is updated boolean tru = false boolean tau = false boolean ttu = false if (lastDetails) { // if we have prior revision details if (lastDetails[2] != latestDetails[2]) tru = true // runtime if (lastDetails[1] != latestDetails[1]) tau = true // alerts // log.debug "alertsChanged? ${tau}" if (needPrograms || (lastDetails[0] != latestDetails[0])) ttu = true // thermostat } else { // no priors, assume all have been updated tru = true ttu = true } //log.debug "${tstat}: thermostat: ${ttu}, runtime: ${tru}, alerts: ${tau}" // update global flags (we update the superset of changes for all requested tstats) if (tru || tau || ttu) { runtimeUpdated = (runtimeUpdated || tru) alertsUpdated = (alertsUpdated || tau) thermostatUpdated = (thermostatUpdated || ttu) result = true if (!getAllStats) tstatsStr = (tstatsStr=="") ? tstat : (tstatsStr.contains(tstat)) ? tstatsStr : tstatsStr + ",${tstat}" } if (getAllStats) tstatsStr = (tstatsStr=="") ? tstat : (tstatsStr.contains(tstat)) ? tstatsStr : tstatsStr + ",${tstat}" latestRevisions[tstat] = latestDetails // and, log the new timestamps } //log.debug "${tstatsStr}: thermostat: ${thermostatUpdated}, runtime: ${runtimeUpdated}, alerts: ${alertsUpdated}" atomicState.latestRevisions = latestRevisions // let pollEcobeeAPI update last with latest after it finishes the poll updatesLog.thermostatUpdated = thermostatUpdated // Revised: settings, program, event, device updatesLog.alertsUpdated = alertsUpdated // Revised: alerts (no need to get them if we're not doing AskAlexa) updatesLog.runtimeUpdated = runtimeUpdated // Revised: runtime, equip status, remote sensors, weather? atomicState.changedThermostatIds = tstatsStr // only these thermostats need to be requested in pollEcobeeAPI // Tell the children that we are once again connected to the Ecobee API Cloud if (apiConnected() != "full") { apiRestored() generateEventLocalParams() // Update the connection status } } else if ((statusCode != null) && [14, 1, 2, 3].contains(statusCode)) { LOG("checkThermostatSummary() - status code: ${statusCode}, message: ${resp.data.status.message}", 2, null, 'warn') atomicState.inPollChildren = false if (atomicState.skipTime) atomicState.skipTime = null //runIn(2, refreshAuthToken, [overwrite: true]) if ( refreshAuthToken() ) { // Note that refreshAuthToken will reschedule pollChildren if it succeeds in refreshing the token... LOG('Checking: Auth_token refreshed', 2, null, 'info') } else { LOG('Checking: Auth_token refresh failed', 1, null, 'warn') } } else { // if we get here, we had http status== 200, but API status != 0 atomicState.inPollChildren = false if (statusCode != 999) LOG("checkThermostatSummary() - status code ${statusCode}, message: ${resp.data.status.message}", 1, null, 'warn') //runIn(2, refreshAuthToken, [overwrite: true]) } } else { LOG("checkThermostatSummary() - poll success: true, status ${resp?.status}", 1, null, "warn") } //if (resp) resp = null } if (atomicState.inTimeoutRetry) atomicState.inTimeoutRetry = 0 } catch (groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException e) { result = false // this thread failed to get the summary def iStatus = e?.statusCode ? e.statusCode.toInteger() : null if (iStatus && (iStatus == 500) && (e?.response?.data?.status?.code == 14)) { LOG('checkThermostatSummary() - HttpResponseException occurred: Auth_token has expired', 3, null, "info") atomicState.action = "pollChildren" if (debugLevelFour) LOG( "Refreshing your auth_token!", 1, null, 'trace') if (atomicState.inTimeoutRetry) atomicState.inTimeoutRetry = 0 atomicState.inPollChildren = false if ( refreshAuthToken() ) { // Note that refreshAuthToken will reschedule pollChildren if it succeeds in refreshing the token... LOG('Checking: Auth_token refreshed', 2, null, 'info') } else { LOG('Checking: Auth_token refresh failed', 1, null, 'warn') } } else if (((iStatus == null) && (e?.message?.contains('timed out') || e?.message?.contains('timeout'))) || (iStatus && (((iStatus > 400) && (iStatus < 405)) || (iStatus == 408) || (iStatus > 500)))) { //((iStatus > 500) && (iStatus < 505))) { // Retry on transient, recoverable error codes (timeouts, server temporarily unavailable, etc.) see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes if (iStatus && (iStatus != 525)) { LOG("checkThermostatSummary() - httpGet error: ${iStatus}, ${e?.message}, ${e.response?.data} - will retry", 1, null, 'warn') // Just log it, and hope for better next time... } else { LOG("checkThermostatSummary() - httpGet timeout - will retry", 1, null, 'warn') } //log.debug "checkThermostatSummary() - ERROR e: ${e}, \nmessage: ${e.message}, \nstatusCode: ${e.statusCode}, \nresponse.data: ${e.response?.data}" if (apiConnected() != 'warn') { atomicState.connected = 'warn' updateMyLabel() atomicState.lastPoll = now() atomicState.lastPollDate = getTimestamp() generateEventLocalParams() } def inTimeoutRetry = atomicState.inTimeoutRetry if (inTimeoutRetry == null) inTimeoutRetry = 0 atomicState.inPollChildren = false if (inTimeoutRetry < 3) runIn(watchdogInterval, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) atomicState.inTimeoutRetry = inTimeoutRetry + 1 //return result } else /* can we handle any other errors??? */ { //log.debug "checkThermostatSummary() - ERROR e: ${e}, \nmessage: ${e.message}, \nstatusCode: ${e.statusCode}, \nresponse.data: ${e.response?.data}" LOG("checkThermostatSummary() - httpGet error: ${iStatus}, ${e?.message}, ${e.response?.data} - won't retry", 1, null, "error") } if (resp) resp = null } catch (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException e) { LOG("checkThermostatSummary() - Concurrent Execution Timeout: ${e} - will retry", 1, null, "warn") // Do not add an else statement to run immediately as this could cause an long looping cycle runIn(watchdogInterval, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) if (resp) resp = null result = false // These appear to be transient errors, treat them all as if a Timeout... } catch (org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException | org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException | javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException | javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException | java.net.SocketTimeoutException | java.net.NoRouteToHostException | java.net.UnknownHostException | groovyx.net.http.ResponseParseException | java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException e) { LOG("checkThermostatSummary() - ${e} - will retry",1,null,'warn') // Just log it, and hope for better next time... if (apiConnected() != 'warn') { atomicState.connected = 'warn' updateMyLabel() atomicState.lastPoll = now() atomicState.lastPollDate = getTimestamp() generateEventLocalParams() } def inTimeoutRetry = atomicState.inTimeoutRetry if (inTimeoutRetry == null) inTimeoutRetry = 0 atomicState.inPollChildren = false if (inTimeoutRetry < 3) runIn(watchdogInterval, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) atomicState.inTimeoutRetry = inTimeoutRetry + 1 if (resp) resp = null result = false // throw e } catch (Exception e) { LOG("checkThermostatSummary() - General Exception: ${e}, success: ${resp?.isSuccess()}, status: ${resp?.status}, data: ${resp?.data} - skipping", 1, null, "warn") result = false if (resp) resp = null //throw e } atomicState.updatesLog = updatesLog if (debugLevelFour) LOG("<===== Leaving checkThermostatSummary() result: ${result}, tstats: ${tstatsStr}", 1, null, "info") //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: checkThermostatSummary done (${now()-startMS}ms)" if (resp) resp = null return result } boolean pollEcobeeAPI(thermostatIdsString = '') { // boolean timers = atomicState.timers //def pollEcobeeAPIStart = now() //atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart = now() //pollEcobeeAPIStart boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) boolean debugLevelThree = debugLevel(3) if (debugLevelFour) LOG("=====> pollEcobeeAPI() entered - thermostatIdsString = ${thermostatIdsString}", 1, null, "info") Map updatesLog = atomicState.updatesLog boolean forcePoll = updatesLog.forcePoll // lightweight way to use atomicStates that we don't want to change under us boolean thermostatUpdated = updatesLog.thermostatUpdated boolean alertsUpdated = updatesLog.alertsUpdated boolean runtimeUpdated = updatesLog.runtimeUpdated boolean getWeather = updatesLog.getWeather boolean needPrograms = atomicState.needPrograms //String preText = debugLevel(2) ? '' : 'pollEcobeeAPI() - ' boolean somethingChanged = (thermostatIdsString != '') String allMyChildren = getChildThermostatDeviceIdsString() String checkTherms = thermostatIdsString ?: allMyChildren // forcePoll = true if (thermostatIdsString == '') { somethingChanged = checkThermostatSummary(thermostatIdsString) if (somethingChanged) { updatesLog = atomicState.updatesLog thermostatUpdated = updatesLog.thermostatUpdated // update these again after checkThermostatSummary alertsUpdated = updatesLog.alertsUpdated runtimeUpdated = updatesLog.runtimeUpdated } //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: checkThermostatSummary('') complete, changes=${somethingChanged} @ ${now() - pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" } if (forcePoll) { // if it's a forcePoll, and thermostatIdString specified, we check only the specified thermostat, else we check them all if (thermostatIdsString) { checkTherms = thermostatIdsString } else { // checkTherms = allMyChildren atomicState.hourlyForcedUpdate = 0 // reset the hourly check counter if we are forcePolling ALL the thermostats } somethingChanged = true } // if nothing has changed, and this isn't a forced poll, just return (keep count of polls we have skipped) // This probably can't happen anymore...shouldn't even be here if nothing has changed and not a forced poll... if (!somethingChanged && !forcePoll) { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("<===== Leaving pollEcobeeAPI() - nothing changed, skipping heavy poll...", 4 ) atomicState.inPollChildren = false return true // act like we completed the heavy poll without error } else { // if getting the weather or programs, get for all thermostats at the same time. Else, just get the thermostats that changed checkTherms = (getWeather || needPrograms) ? allMyChildren : checkTherms // (forcePoll ? checkTherms : atomicState.changedThermostatIds) } // Let's only check those thermostats that actually changed...unless this is a forcePoll - or if we are getting the weather // (we need to get weather for all therms at the same time, because we only update every 15 minutes and use the cached version // the rest of the time) // get equipmentStatus every time String jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + checkTherms + '","includeEquipmentStatus":"true"' String gw = '( equipmentStatus' if (thermostatUpdated || forcePoll) { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("thermostatUpdated: ${thermostatUpdated}, forcePoll: ${forcePoll}, a.needPrograms: ${needPrograms}, checking: ${checkTherms}", 1, null, 'trace') jsonRequestBody += ',"includeSettings":"true","includeProgram":"true","includeEvents":"true","includeAudio":"true","includeCapabilities":"true"' gw += ' settings program events audio capabilities' } if (forcePoll) { // oemCfg needed only for Carrier Cor, to determine if useSchedule is enabled - but if it isn't, we aren't of much use anyway // so for now, don't bother getting oemCfg data (BAB - May 24, 2017) jsonRequestBody += /*',"includeOemCfg":"true"*/ ',"includeLocation":"true"' gw += /*' oemCfg */ ' location' } if (alertsUpdated || forcePoll) { jsonRequestBody += ',"includeAlerts":"true"' gw += ' alerts' } if (runtimeUpdated || forcePoll) { // Always get extended runtime (we only save the 2 datapoints we need anymore) jsonRequestBody += ',"includeRuntime":"true","includeExtendedRuntime":"true"' // "includeEnergy":"true"' gw += ' runtime extendedRuntime' // energy' //stat[xxxxxxxxx].energy: [tou:[featureState:off, savings:basic], energyFeatureState:off, feelsLikeMode:temp, comfortPreferences:] // fLM can be 'humidex' // only get sensorData if we have any sensors configured if (settings.ecobeesensors?.size() > 0) { jsonRequestBody += ',"includeSensors":"true"' gw += ' sensors' } if (getWeather) { jsonRequestBody += ',"includeWeather":"true"' // time to get the weather report (only changes every 15 minutes or so - watchdog sets this when it runs) gw += ' weather' } } gw += ' )' List tids = checkTherms.split(",") String names = "" tids.each { names = (names=="") ? getThermostatName(it) : names+", "+getThermostatName(it) } LOG("Requesting ${gw} for thermostat${checkTherms.contains(',')?'s':''} ${names} (${checkTherms}) - [${needPrograms}]", 2, null, 'info') //LOG("Requesting ${gw} for thermostats ${checkTherms}",2,null,'info') jsonRequestBody += '}}' if (debugLevelFour) LOG("pollEcobeeAPI() - jsonRequestBody is: ${jsonRequestBody}", 1, null, 'trace') def pollParams = [ uri: apiEndpoint, path: "/1/thermostat", headers: ["Content-Type": "text/json", "Authorization": "Bearer ${atomicState.authToken}"], query: [format: 'json', body: jsonRequestBody, 'contenttype': "text/json" ], timeout: 30 ] def pollState = [ thermostatIdsString: thermostatIdsString, checkTherms: checkTherms, ] if (debugLevelFour) pollState += [thermostatIdsString: thermostatIdsString] //if (TIMERS) { def tNow = now(); log.debug "TIMER: asyncPollPrep done (${tNow - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms)"; atomicState.asyncPollStart = tNow; } boolean result = true try { asynchttpGet( pollEcobeeAPICallback, pollParams, pollState ) //atomicState.waitingForCallback = true // return true } catch (Exception e) { LOG("pollEcobeeAPI() - General Exception: ${e}", 1, null, "error") atomicState.inPollChildren = false result = false } return result } boolean pollEcobeeAPICallback( resp, pollState ) { def startMS = now() //atomicState.waitingForCallback = false //boolean timers = atomicState.timers //def pollEcobeeAPIStart //if (TIMERS) { pollEcobeeAPIStart = atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart; log.debug "TIMER: asyncPoll took ${startMS - atomicState.asyncPollStart}ms"; log.debug "TIMER: Poll callback total time ${startMS - pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms"; } boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) boolean debugLevelThree = debugLevelFour ?: debugLevel(3) Map updatesLog = atomicState.updatesLog boolean forcePoll = updatesLog.forcePoll boolean thermostatUpdated = updatesLog.thermostatUpdated boolean alertsUpdated = updatesLog.alertsUpdated boolean runtimeUpdated = updatesLog.runtimeUpdated boolean getWeather = updatesLog.getWeather //String preText = getDebugLevel() <= 2 ? '' : 'pollEcobeeAPICallback() - ' String thermostatIdsString = debugLevelFour ? pollState.thermostatIdsString : '' def checkTherms = pollState.checkTherms if (debugLevelFour) LOG("=====> pollEcobeeAPICallback() entered - thermostatIdsString = ${thermostatIdsString}", 1, null, "info") boolean result = true List tidList = [] if (debugLevelFour) LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - status code ${resp?.status}",4,null,'trace') // Update the atomicState caches for each received data object(s) // NB. Hubitat defaults Maps to be LazyMaps (hash not built until first key is referenced). Since we know we will be using these // as key/value pairs, it's faster to build the hashes as we add things. Map tempEquipStat = [:] Map tempSettings = [:] Map tempClimates = [:] Map tempSchedule = [:] Map tempCurrentClimateRef = [:] Map tempTimeSchedule = [:] Map tempEvents = [:] Map tempLocation = [:] Map tempAudio = [:] Map tempStatInfo = [:] Map tempRuntime = [:] // Now includes the 2 values we need from Extended Runtime Map tempSensors = [:] Map tempWeather = [:] Map tempAlerts = [:] Map tempCapabilities = [:] Map statUpdates = [:].withDefault {[]} Map tempStatTime = atomicState.statTime Map latestRevisions = atomicState.latestRevisions Map tempProgram = [:] boolean programUpdated = false boolean settingsUpdated = false boolean eventsUpdated = false boolean locationUpdated = false boolean audioUpdated = false boolean extendRTUpdated = false boolean sensorsUpdated = false boolean weatherUpdated = false boolean statInfoUpdated = false boolean equipUpdated = false boolean rtReallyUpdated = false boolean scheduleUpdated = false // means both atomicState.schedule AND atomicState.timeSchedule were updated boolean climatesUpdated = false boolean curClimRefUpdated = false boolean capabilitiesUpdated = false if (resp && resp.status && (resp.status == 200)) { try { if (!resp.json) { // FAIL - no data LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - poll - no JSON: ${resp.data}", 1, null, 'error') result = false //return false } } catch (Exception e) { LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - General Exception: ${e}", 1, null, "error") atomicState.reAttemptPoll = atomicState.reAttemptPoll + 1 if (atomicState.reAttemptPoll > 3) { apiLost("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - Too many retries (${atomicState.reAttemptPoll - 1}) for polling.") } else { LOG('pollEcobeeAPICallback() - Setting up retryPolling',1,null,'debug') runIn(watchdogInterval, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) } //throw e //return false result = false } if (result && (atomicState.reAttemptPoll > 0)) apiRestored() // def tempOemCfg = [:] as HashMap //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: pollEcobeeAPICallback() initialized @ (${now() - pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms)" // collect the returned data into the primary local caches if (result && resp?.json?.thermostatList) { // oddly, this sometimes returns no thermostatList :( resp.json.thermostatList.each { stat -> String tid = stat.identifier.toString() tidList += [tid] statUpdates[tid] = [] // initialize the list of things that changed... //String tstatName = getThermostatName(tid) if (debugLevelThree) LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - Parsing data for thermostat (${tid})", 3, null, 'info') //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Parsing data for ${tstatName} @ (${now() - pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms)" tempStatTime[tid] = stat.thermostatTime if (true) { def temp = stat.equipmentStatus // always store ("" is a valid return value) if (!tempEquipStat) tempEquipStat = atomicState.equipmentStatus if (!tempEquipStat || !tempEquipStat.containsKey(tid) || (tempEquipStat[tid] != temp)) { equipUpdated = true statUpdates[tid].add('equip') tempEquipStat[tid] = temp } } if (thermostatUpdated || forcePoll ) { if (stat.capabilities) { // log.debug "stat capabilities: ${stat.capabilities}" if (!tempCapabilities && (atomicState.capabilities != "")) tempCapabilities = atomicState.capabilities as HashMap if (!tempCapabilities[tid] || (tempCapabilities[tid] != stat.capabilities)) { capabilitiesUpdated = true statUpdates[tid].add('capabilities') tempCapabilities[tid] = stat.capabilities as HashMap } //log.debug "${tid} capabilitiesUpdated: ${capabilitiesUpdated}" } if (stat.settings) { if (!tempSettings) tempSettings = atomicState.settings as HashMap if (!tempSettings || !tempSettings[tid] || (tempSettings[tid].fanMinOnTime != stat.settings.fanMinOnTime) || // fanMinOnTime, humidity(Level), hvacMode & dehumidityLevel (tempSettings[tid].humidity != stat.settings.humidity) || // are pretty much the only things that change in (tempSettings[tid].hvacMode != stat.settings.hvacMode) || // stat.settings, so we check for them first... (tempSettings[tid].dehumidifierLevel != stat.settings.dehumidifierLevel) || (tempSettings[tid] != stat.settings)) { // otherwise, we do the heavy compare (which makes no-change cycles a little longer) if (tempSettings[tid]) { def commonKeys = stat.settings*.key def changedKeys = commonKeys.findAll { tempSettings[tid].it != stat.settings?.it } if (changedKeys) log.debug "settings changed: ${changedKeys}" } settingsUpdated = true statUpdates[tid].add('settings') tempSettings[tid] = stat.settings as HashMap } } if (stat.events) { if (!tempEvents) tempEvents = atomicState.events as HashMap if (!tempEvents || !tempEvents[tid] || (tempEvents[tid] != stat.events)) { eventsUpdated = true statUpdates[tid].add('events') tempEvents[tid] = stat.events } //log.debug "${tid} eventsUpdated: ${eventsUpdated}" } if (stat.program) { //def tempProg = atomicState.program //tempProg[tid] = stat.program //atomicState.program = tempProg if (stat.program.climates) { if (!tempClimates) tempClimates = atomicState.climates as HashMap if (!tempClimates || !tempClimates[tid] || (tempClimates[tid] != stat.program.climates)) { climatesUpdated = true statUpdates[tid].addAll(['program','climates']) tempClimates[tid] = stat.program.climates } } if (stat.program.schedule) { if (!tempSchedule) tempSchedule = atomicState.schedule as HashMap if (!tempSchedule || !tempSchedule[tid] || (tempSchedule[tid] != stat.program.schedule)) { scheduleUpdated = true statUpdates[tid].addAll(['program','schedule']) tempSchedule[tid] = stat.program.schedule } } if (stat.program.currentClimateRef) { // log.warn "program.currentClimateRef: ${stat.program.currentClimateRef}" if (!tempCurrentClimateRef) tempCurrentClimateRef = atomicState.currentClimateRef // Note that events can override stat.program.currentClimateRef, so force a climateRef check if events just changed if (eventsUpdated || !tempCurrentClimateRef || !tempCurrentClimateRef[tid] || (tempCurrentClimateRef[tid] != stat.program.currentClimateRef)) { curClimRefUpdated = true //log.warn "curClimRefUpdated" statUpdates[tid].addAll(['program','curClimRef']) tempCurrentClimateRef[tid] = stat.program.currentClimateRef } } //log.debug "tempCurrentClimateRef: ${tempCurrentClimateRef}" if (scheduleUpdated || !atomicState.timeSchedule) { if (!tempTimeSchedule) tempTimeSchedule = atomicState.timeSchedule def timeSchedule = convertScheduleToTimeSchedule(tempSchedule[tid], tempClimates[tid]) if (!tempTimeSchedule || !tempTimeSchedule[tid] || (tempTimeSchedule[tid] != timeSchedule)) { tempTimeSchedule[tid] = timeSchedule } } programUpdated = (curClimRefUpdated || climatesUpdated || scheduleUpdated ) // just in case //log.warn "programUpdated: ${programUpdated}" } if (stat.location) { if (!tempLocation) tempLocation = atomicState.statLocation if (!tempLocation || !tempLocation[tid] || (tempLocation[tid] != stat.location)) { locationUpdated = true statUpdates[tid].add('location') tempLocation[tid] = stat.location } } if (stat.audio) { if (!tempAudio) tempAudio = atomicState.audio if (!tempAudio || !tempAudio[tid] || (tempAudio[tid] != stat.audio)) { audioUpdated = true statUpdates[tid].add('audio') tempAudio[tid] = stat.audio } } // if (stat.oemCfg) tempOemCfg[tid] = stat.oemCfg HashMap tempInfo = [brand: stat.brand, features: stat.features, identifier: stat.identifier as String, isRegistered: stat.isRegistered, modelNumber: stat.modelNumber, name: stat.name ] as HashMap if (true) { if (!tempStatInfo) tempStatInfo = atomicState.statInfo if (!tempStatInfo || !tempStatInfo[tid] || (tempStatInfo[tid] != tempInfo)) { statInfoUpdated = true statUpdates[tid].add('statInfo') tempStatInfo[tid] = tempInfo as HashMap } } } if (runtimeUpdated || forcePoll) { if (stat.runtime) { // Collect only the data values we use - no need to deal with the date/time/revisions (that always change) HashMap temp = [actualHumidity: stat.runtime.actualHumidity, actualTemperature: stat.runtime.actualTemperature, connected: stat.runtime.connected, desiredCool: stat.runtime.desiredCool, desiredDehumidity: stat.runtime.desiredDehumidity, desiredFanMode: stat.runtime.desiredFanMode, desiredHeat: stat.runtime.desiredHeat, desiredHumidity: stat.runtime.desiredHumidity, disconnectDateTime: stat.runtime.disconnectDateTime, ] boolean ext = false if (stat.extendedRuntime) { temp <<[extDesiredHumidity: stat.extendedRuntime.desiredHumidity[2], extDesiredDehumidity:stat.extendedRuntime.desiredDehumidity[2] ] ext = true } if (!tempRuntime) tempRuntime = atomicState.runtime if (!tempRuntime || !tempRuntime[tid] || (tempRuntime[tid] != temp)) { rtReallyUpdated = true if (ext) { extendRTUpdated = true statUpdates[tid].addAll('rtReally', 'extendRT') } else { statUpdates[tid].add('rtReally') } tempRuntime[tid] = temp as HashMap } } if (stat.remoteSensors) { if (!tempSensors) tempSensors = atomicState.remoteSensors if (!tempSensors || !tempSensors[tid] || (tempSensors[tid] != stat.remoteSensors)) { sensorsUpdated = true statUpdates[tid].add('sensors') tempSensors[tid] = stat.remoteSensors } } //if (stat.energy) log.debug "stat[${tid}].energy: ${stat.energy}" } atomicState.latestRevisions = latestRevisions // let's don't copy all pf the weather info...we only need a few bits bits of it if (getWeather || forcePoll) { if (stat.weather) { // Make sure we have a valid weather station - if not, the map coordinates are probably not set if (stat.weather.weatherStation) { // Find the lowest temperature forecasted for today, today+1 (2 days), today+2 (3 days), ... today+4 (5 days) - (used by Smart Humidity helper) def low24 = stat.weather.forecasts[0].temperature // Temperature right now for (int j=5; j<9; j++) { if (stat.weather.forecasts[j].temperature < low24) low24 = stat.weather.forecasts[j].temperature // Temperature forecast for priorTempTime+6 hours (iterated) } low24 = low24 / 10.0 def low1Day = stat.weather.forecasts[1].tempLow / 10.0 def low2Day = stat.weather.forecasts[2].tempLow / 10.0 def low3Day = stat.weather.forecasts[3].tempLow / 10.0 def low4Day = stat.weather.forecasts[4].tempLow / 10.0 Map temp = [timestamp: stat.weather.timestamp, temperature: stat.weather.forecasts[0]?.temperature.toString(), humidity: stat.weather.forecasts[0]?.relativeHumidity, tempLowForecast:"${low24},${low1Day},${low2Day},${low3Day},${low4Day}", // Send as °F - let the Helper do the conversion if needed dewpoint: stat.weather.forecasts[0]?.dewpoint, pressure: stat.weather.forecasts[0]?.pressure, weatherSymbol: stat.weather.forecasts[0]?.weatherSymbol.toString() ] if (!tempWeather) tempWeather = atomicState.weather if (!tempWeather || !tempWeather[tid] || (tempWeather[tid] != temp)) { weatherUpdated = true statUpdates[tid].add('weather') tempWeather[tid] = temp } } else { if (!tempLocation) tempLocation = atomicState.statLocation def mapCoordinates = (tempLocation && tempLocation[tid]) ? tempLocation[tid].mapCoordinates : "" if (!mapCoordinates) { LOG("UNABLE TO GET WEATHER DATA (NO WEATHERSTATION) - PLEASE SET THE THERMOSTAT'S LOCATION IN YOUR ECOBEE MOBILE APP (ACCOUNT/MANAGE HOMES/YOUR HOME/EDIT)",1,null,warn) } else { LOG("UNABLE TO GET WEATHER DATA (NO WEATHERSTATION) - PLEASE VERIFY THE THERMOSTAT'S LOCATION IN YOUR ECOBEE MOBILE APP (ACCOUNT/MANAGE HOMES/YOUR HOME)",1,null,warn) } } } } if ((alertsUpdated || forcePoll)) { if (stat.alerts) { if (!tempAlerts) tempAlerts = atomicState.alerts if (!tempAlerts || !tempAlerts[tid] || (tempAlerts[tid] != stat.alerts)) { alertsUpdated = true statUpdates[tid].add('alerts') tempAlerts[tid] = stat.alerts } } } } // stat -> } else { LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - poll: no thermostatList: ${resp.json}", 1, null, 'error') result = false } } else if (resp && resp.hasError()) { result = false if (debugLevelFour) LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - Poll http status ${resp.status}, ${resp.errorMessage}", 1, null, "error") def iStatus = resp.status ? resp.status?.toInteger() : null // Handle recoverable / retryable errors if (iStatus && (iStatus == 500)) { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - Poll exception: 500, ${resp.errorMessage}, ${resp.errorData}", 2, null, "warn") // Ecobee server error def statusCode if (resp.errorData) { def errorJson = new JsonSlurper().parseText(resp.errorData) statusCode = errorJson?.status?.code } if (statusCode?.toInteger() == 14) { // Auth_token expired if (debugLevelThree) LOG("Polling: Auth_token expired", 3, null, "trace") atomicState.action = "pollChildren" atomicState.inPollChildren = false if ( refreshAuthToken() ) { // Note that refreshAuthToken will reschedule pollChildren if it succeeds in refreshing the token... LOG( 'Polling: Auth_token refreshed', 2, null, 'info') } else { LOG( 'Polling: Auth_token refresh failed', 1, null, 'warn') } if (atomicState.inTimeoutRetry) atomicState.inTimeoutRetry = 0 //return result } else { // All other Ecobee Server (500) errors here LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - Poll exception: 500, statusCode: ${statusCode} (${resp.errorMessage}: ${resp.errorData}) - won't retry", 1, null, 'error') // Don't retry for now...may change in the future //return result } } else if (((iStatus == null) && (resp.errorMessage?.contains('connection timed out') || resp.errorMessage?.contains('Read timeout'))) || (iStatus && ((iStatus == 200) || ((iStatus > 400) && (iStatus < 405)) || (iStatus == 408) || (iStatus > 500)))) { //((iStatus > 500) && (iStatus < 505))) { // Retry on transient, recoverable error codes (timeouts, server temporarily unavailable, parsing errors, etc.) see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes if (iStatus && (iStatus != 525)) { LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - Poll exception: ${iStatus}, ${resp.errorMessage}, ${resp.errorData}, - will retry", 1, null, 'warn') // Just log it, and hope for better next time... } else { LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - Poll timeout - will retry", 1, null, 'warn') } if (apiConnected() != 'warn') { atomicState.connected = 'warn' updateMyLabel() atomicState.lastPoll = now() atomicState.lastPollDate = getTimestamp() generateEventLocalParams() } def inTimeoutRetry = atomicState.inTimeoutRetry if (inTimeoutRetry == null) inTimeoutRetry = 0 if (inTimeoutRetry < 3) runIn(watchdogInterval, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) atomicState.inTimeoutRetry = inTimeoutRetry + 1 //return result } else /* can we handle any other errors??? */ { LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - Poll exception: ${iStatus}, ${resp.errorMessage}, ${resp.errorJson?.status?.message}, ${resp.errorJson?.status?.code} - won't retry", 1, null, "error") } // For now, the code here just logs the error and assumes that checkThermostatSummary() will recover from the unhandled errors on the next call. //return result } else { result = false if (!resp) { LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - no response data - skipping...",1,null,'error') } else if (resp.status?.toInteger() != 200) { LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - unexpected response status: ${resp.status}",1,null,'error') } else { LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - UNKNOWN EXCEPTION!!!, ${resp}",1,null,'error') // Can't get here!!! } } if (result) { // OK, Everything is safely stored, let's get to parsing the objects and finding the actual changed data updateLastPoll() if (debugLevelThree) LOG('pollEcobeeAPICallback() - Parsing complete', 3, null, 'info') //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Parsing complete @ (${now() - pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms) updatesLog = [thermostatUpdated:thermostatUpdated, runtimeUpdated:runtimeUpdated, alertsUpdated:alertsUpdated, forcePoll:forcePoll, extendRTUpdated:extendRTUpdated, equipUpdated:equipUpdated, getWeather:getWeather, weatherUpdated:weatherUpdated, changedTids:tidList] atomicState.updatesLog = updatesLog atomicState.statTime = tempStatTime if (equipUpdated) atomicState.equipmentStatus = tempEquipStat if (settingsUpdated) atomicState.settings = tempSettings if (climatesUpdated) atomicState.climates = tempClimates if (scheduleUpdated) { atomicState.schedule = tempSchedule atomicState.timeSchedule = tempTimeSchedule } if (curClimRefUpdated) atomicState.currentClimateRef = tempCurrentClimateRef if (eventsUpdated) atomicState.events = tempEvents if (locationUpdated) atomicState.statLocation = tempLocation if (audioUpdated) atomicState.audio = tempAudio if (statInfoUpdated) atomicState.statInfo = tempStatInfo if (rtReallyUpdated) atomicState.runtime = tempRuntime if (sensorsUpdated) atomicState.remoteSensors = tempSensors if (weatherUpdated) atomicState.weather = tempWeather if (alertsUpdated) atomicState.alerts = tempAlerts if (capabilitiesUpdated) atomicState.capabilities = tempCapabilities atomicState.statUpdates = statUpdates //statUpdates = null // Update the data and send it down to the devices as events if (debugLevelFour) LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - T: ${thermostatUpdated}, R: ${runtimeUpdated} A: ${alertsUpdated}, E: ${equipUpdated}, e: ${extendRTUpdated}", 1, null, 'trace') if (settings.thermostats) { if (forcePoll || thermostatUpdated || rtReallyUpdated || extendRTUpdated || settingsUpdated || weatherUpdated || equipUpdated || audioUpdated) { // if (atomicState.needPrograms) atomicState.needPrograms = false // (SR) - To handle rare occasions that atomicState.needPrograms does not properly reset after updateThermostatData() // update thermostats first (some sensor data is dependent upon thermostat changes) } else { LOG("No thermostat updates...", 2, null, 'info') //if (atomicState.needPrograms) atomicState.needPrograms = false } } if (settings.ecobeesensors) { // Only update configured sensors (and then only if they have changes) if (forcePoll || sensorsUpdated || thermostatUpdated) { // possibly can get away with climatesUpdated, updateSensorData() } else { LOG("No sensor updates...", 2, null, 'info') } } // pollChildren() will actually send all the events we just created, once we return // just a bit more housekeeping... atomicState.lastRevisions = atomicState.latestRevisions // copy the Map updatesLog.forcePoll = false updatesLog.runtimeUpdated = false def needPrograms = atomicState.needPrograms updatesLog.thermostatUpdated = thermostatUpdated ? false : needPrograms if (!thermostatUpdated && needPrograms) LOG("Need settings, programs & events next time", 3, null, 'info') updatesLog.getWeather = false updatesLog.alertsUpdated = false atomicState.updatesLog = updatesLog // Tell the children that we are once again connected to the Ecobee API Cloud if (apiConnected() != "full") { apiRestored() generateEventLocalParams() // Update the connection status } String names = resp.json.thermostatList?.name.toString()[1..-2] // .replaceAll("\\[","").replaceAll("\\]","") String tids = "" int numStats = 0 tidList.each { numStats++; tids = (tids=="") ? it : tids+","+it } //LOG("Polling thermostat${(numStats>1)?'s':''} ${names} (${tids}) completed", 2, null, 'info') LOG("Polling ${tids} completed", 2, null, 'info') if (debugLevelFour) LOG("pollEcobeeAPICallback() - Updated thermostat${(numStats>1)?'s':''} ${names} (${tidList}) ${atomicState.thermostats}", 1, null, 'info') if (atomicState.inTimeoutRetry) atomicState.inTimeoutRetry = 0 // Not in Timeout Recovery any longer // Now we have to actually send the updates def polledMS = now() def prepTime = (polledMS-startMS) // if prep takes too long, we will do the updates asynchronously too if (debugLevelThree) LOG("Prep complete (${prepTime}ms)",3,null,'trace') //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: pollEcobeeAPICallback complete @ ${polledMS - pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" // Work-around SmartThings CPU time limit of 20 seconds... if (alertsUpdated) { generateAlertsAndEvents() } else { generateTheEvents() } } if (debugLevelFour) LOG("<===== Leaving pollEcobeeAPICallback() results: ${result}", 1, null, 'trace') atomicState.inPollChildren = false return result } def convertScheduleToTimeSchedule(oldSchedule, climates) { Map newSchedule = [:] as LinkedHashMap //def dow = ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun'] int td = 0 while (td < 7) { // Step through the days newSchedule[(DOW[td])] = [:] as LinkedHashMap int ti = 0 String programId = "xYzZy-f00b@r" // Nobody will have this as a program id while (ti < 48) { // Step through the half-hours // ['Mon':{0:[id:"sleep",name:"Sleep"],330:[id:"smart1",name:"Awake"],510:[id:"away",name:"Away"],1080:[id:"home",name:"Home"],1410:[id:"sleep",name:"Sleep"]},'Tue'... def hourSched = [:] // as TreeMap if (oldSchedule[td][ti] != programId) { programId = oldSchedule[td][ti] def program = climates.find { it.climateRef == programId } int mins = ((ti/2)*60).toInteger() String hr = String.format("%02d",(mins/60).toInteger()) String mi = String.format("%02d",(mins%60).toInteger()) hourSched = [id:programId,name:(program.name),time:(hr+':'+mi)] newSchedule[(DOW[td])][mins] = hourSched } ti++ } td++ } // if (false) { // def rebuildSchedule = convertTimeScheduleToSchedule(newSchedule) // if (oldSchedule != rebuildSchedule) { // log.error "Schedule mismatch!!!" // } else { // log.info "Schedule Conversion Success!!!" // } // } return newSchedule } // Returns current timeSchedule Map for specified thermostat ID def getTimeSchedule(tid) { def timeSchedule = atomicState.timeSchedule[tid] return timeSchedule } def getSchedule(tid) { def schedule = atomicState.schedule[tid] return schedule } // Converts a time-based schedule back into the Ecobee program.schedule[][] format // Only saves the hour:00 and hour:30 time steps, but uses the closest/highest key // that is less than or equal to the standard half-hour timeslots def convertTimeScheduleToSchedule(timeSchedule) { def newSchedule = [] //def dow = ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun'] def programId for (int td=0; td<7; td++) { newSchedule[td] = [] TreeMap dayTimes = timeSchedule."${DOW[td]}" // TreeMap assure that the keys (minutes) are sorted //log.debug "dayTimes: ${dayTimes}" for (int ti=0; ti<48; ti++) { int mins = (ti*30) dayTimes.each { key, climate -> if (key <= mins) programId = climate.id } //programId = dayTimes[time]?.id ?: programId newSchedule[td][ti] = programId } } return newSchedule } void sendAlertEvents() { if (atomicState.alerts == null) return // silently return until we get the alerts environment initialized boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) return // Nothing to do (old AskAlexa support) } String alertTranslation( alertType, notificationType ){ switch (alertType) { case 'alert': switch(notificationType) { case 'hvac': return 'an H V A C Maintenance Reminder' break; case 'furnaceFilter': return 'a Furnace Air Filter Reminder' break; case 'humidifierFilter': return 'a Humidifier Filter Reminder' break; case 'dehumidifierFilter': return 'a Dehumidifier Filter Reminder' break; case 'ventilator': return 'a Ventilator Reminder' break; case 'ac': return 'an Air Conditioner Alert' break; case 'airFilter': return 'an Air Filter Reminder' break; case 'airCleaner': return 'an Air Cleaner Reminder' break; case 'uvLamp': return 'an Ultraviolet Lamp Reminder' break; case 'temp': return 'a Temperature Alert' break; case 'lowTemp': return 'a Low Temperature Alert' break; case 'highTemp': return 'a High temperature Alert' break; case 'lowHumidity': return 'a Low Humidity Alert' break; case 'highHumidity': return 'a High Humidity Alert' break; case 'auxHeat': return 'an Auxiliary Heat Run Time Alert' break; case 'auxOutdoor': return 'an Auxiliary Outdoor Temperature Alert' break; case 'sensor': return 'a Sensor Alert' break; case 'alert': default: return 'an Alert' break; } break; case 'demandResponse': return 'a demand response message' break; case 'emergency': return 'an emergency notice' break; case 'message': return 'a message for you' break; case 'pricing': return 'a pricing notice' break; default: return 'an alert' break; } return 'An Alert' } void updateSensorData() { int dbgLevel = getDebugLevel() boolean debugLevelFour = (dbgLevel >= 4) //def timeNow = now() if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Entered updateSensorData() ${atomicState.remoteSensors}", 4) HashMap sensorCollector = [:] as HashMap List sNames = [] int totalUpdates = 0 int userPrecision = getTempDecimals() int apiPrecision = usingMetric ? 2 : 1 // highest precision available from the API HashMap updatesLog = atomicState.updatesLog as HashMap boolean forcePoll = updatesLog.forcePoll List changedTids = updatesLog.changedTids HashMap statUpdates = atomicState.statUpdates as HashMap HashMap currentProgramNames = atomicState.currentProgramName as HashMap HashMap currentPrograms = atomicState.currentProgram as HashMap HashMap tempClimates = atomicState.climates as HashMap HashMap changeNever = atomicState.changeNever as HashMap HashMap myStatsClimates = (atomicState.myStatsClimates ?: [:]) as HashMap HashMap tempRuntime = atomicState.runtime as HashMap HashMap tempStatTime = atomicState.statTime as HashMap HashMap tempSensorStates = atomicState.sensorStates as HashMap boolean myStatsClimatesChanged = false String preText = getDebugLevel() <= 2 ? '' : 'updateSensorData() - ' if (statUpdates) changedTids.each { tid -> if (statUpdates[tid] || forcePoll) { boolean sensorsUpdated boolean programUpdated boolean eventsUpdated boolean curClimRefUpdated boolean climatesUpdated boolean scheduleUpdated if (statUpdates[tid]) { sensorsUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('sensors') programUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('program') eventsUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('events') curClimRefUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('curClimRef') climatesUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('climates') scheduleUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('schedule') } else { //log.warn "No statUpdates[${tid}] - forcePoll: ${forcePoll}" sensorsUpdated = false programUpdated = false eventsUpdated = false curClimRefUpdated = false climatesUpdated = false scheduleUpdated = false } boolean isConnected = tempRuntime[tid]?.connected List climates = climatesUpdated ? tempClimates[tid] : [] String timeNow = tempStatTime[tid] atomicState.remoteSensors[tid].each { String sensorDNI = '' switch (it?.type) { case 'ecobee3_remote_sensor': // Ecobee3 remote temp/occupancy sensor sensorDNI = "ecobee_suite-sensor-${it?.id}-${it?.code}" break; case 'thermostat': // The thermostat itself sensorDNI = "ecobee_suite-sensor_tstat-${it?.id}-${it?.name}" break; case 'control_sensor': // SmartSI style control sensor (temp or humidity) sensorDNI = "ecobee_suite-control_sensor-${tid}.${it?.id}" // New DNI format includes Thermostat ID if (!settings.ecobeesensors?.contains(sensorDNI)) sensorDNI = "ecobee_suite-monitor_sensor-${it?.id}" // If not selected, try the old DNI format break; case 'monitor_sensor': // Smart style remote sensor (temp or humidity) sensorDNI = "ecobee_suite-monitor_sensor-${tid}.${it?.id}" break; default: LOG("Unknown sensor type reported: ${it}",2,null,'warn') break; } if (debugLevelFour) LOG("updateSensorData() - Sensor ${it?.name}, sensorDNI == ${sensorDNI}", 4) if ((sensorDNI != '') && settings.ecobeesensors?.contains(sensorDNI)) { // only process the selected/configured sensors HashMap sensorData = [:] // as HashMap // List lastList = atomicState."${sensorDNI}" as List List lastList = (tempSensorStates && tempSensorStates[sensorDNI]) ? tempSensorStates[sensorDNI] : [] int listSize = 7 if ( !lastList || (lastList.size() < listSize)) { lastList = ['x']*listSize // initilize the list sensorData = [ thermostatId: tid ] // this will never change, but we need to send it at least once } List sensorList = lastList // .take(listSize) boolean sensorChanged = false if (sensorsUpdated || programUpdated || forcePoll) { def temperature String occupancy Integer humidity = null it.capability.each { cap -> switch (cap.type) { case 'temperature': if (debugLevelFour) LOG("updateSensorData() - Sensor ${it.name} temp is ${cap.value}", 4) if ( cap.value?.isInteger() ) { // Handles the case when the sensor is offline, which would return "unknown" temperature = cap.value.toInteger() } else if (cap.value == 'unknown') { // TODO: Do something here to mark the sensor as offline? if (isConnected) { // No need to log this unless thermostat is actually connected to the Ecobee Cloud LOG("updateSensorData() - Sensor ${it.name} temperature is 'unknown'. Please check the battery, or relocate the sensor closer...", 1, null, 'warn') } // Need to mark as offline somehow temperature = 'unknown' } else { LOG("updateSensorData() - Sensor ${it.name} returned ${cap.value}.", 1, null, "error") } break; case 'occupancy': if(cap.value == 'true') { occupancy = 'active' } else if (cap.value == 'unknown') { // Need to mark as offline somehow LOG("${preText}Sensor ${it.name} occupancy is 'unknown'", 2, null, 'warn') occupancy = 'unknown' } else { occupancy = 'inactive' } break; case 'humidity': // only thermostats have humidity if (cap.value?.isInteger()) humidity = cap.value.toInteger() break; } } if (forcePoll) sensorData << [ thermostatId: tid ] // belt, meet suspenders // temperature usually changes every time, goes in *List[0] // Send temp with API precision (1 decimal F, 2 decimal C) - Sensor device will adjust for display if ((lastList[0] != temperature)) { // LOG("updateSensorData() - Sensor ${it.name} temp is ${temperature}, last temp is ${lastList[0]}", 1, null, 'debug') sensorData << [ temperature: (((temperature == null) || (temperature == 'unknown')) ? 'unknown' : myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded((temperature / 10.0), 'F', apiPrecision)) ] sensorList[0] = temperature // before the calculations - makes it faster when it doesn't change sensorChanged = true } // occupancy generally only changes every 30 minutes, in *List[1] if ((occupancy != "") && (lastList[1] != occupancy)) { sensorData << [ motion: occupancy ] sensorList[1] = occupancy if (!sensorChanged) sensorChanged = true } // precision can change at any time, *List[2] if (lastList[2] != userPrecision) { sensorData << [ decimalPrecision: userPrecision ] sensorList[2] = userPrecision if (!sensorChanged) sensorChanged = true } // currentProgramName doesn't change all that often, but it does change //Map currentPrograms = atomicState.currentProgramName String currentProgramName = (currentPrograms && currentProgramNames.containsKey(tid)) ? currentPrograms[tid] : 'default' // not set yet, we will have to get it later. if (lastList[3] != currentProgramName) { sensorData << [ currentProgramName: currentProgramName ] sensorList[3] = currentProgramName if (!sensorChanged) sensorChanged = true } String currentProgram = (currentPrograms && currentPrograms.containsKey(tid)) ? currentPrograms[tid] : 'default' if (lastList[4] != currentProgram) { sensorData << [currentProgram: currentProgram] sensorList[4] = currentProgram if (!sensorChanged) sensorChanged = true } // not every sensor has humidity if ((humidity != null) && (lastList[5] != humidity)) { sensorData << [ humidity: humidity ] sensorList[5] = humidity if (!sensorChanged) sensorChanged = true } // get the debugLevel down to the sensor if (forcePoll || (lastList[6] != dbgLevel)) { sensorData << [debugLevel: dbgLevel] sensorList[6] = dbgLevel if (!sensorChanged) sensorChanged = true } } else { // sensorUpdated is False: no Sensor data, fix up lastList/sensorList sensorList = lastList.take(listSize) } // collect the climates that this sensor is included in Map sensorClimates = [:] List climatesList = [] List activeClimates = [] if (climatesUpdated) { climates.each { climate -> List sids = climate.sensors?.collect { sid -> sid.name } if (sids.contains(it.name)) { sensorClimates << ["${climate.name}":'on'] climatesList << 'on' activeClimates << climate.name } else { sensorClimates << ["${climate.name}":'off'] climatesList << 'off' } } //log.debug "climatesList: ${climatesList}" sensorClimates << [activeClimates: activeClimates?.sort(false)] if (debugLevelFour) LOG("updateSensorData() - sensor ${it.name} is used in ${activeClimates}", 1, null, 'trace') } // check to see if the climates have changed. Notice that there can be 0 climates if the thermostat data wasn't updated this time; // note also that we will send the climate data every time the thermostat IS updated, even if they didn't change, because we don't // store them in the atomicState unless the thermostat object changes... if (climatesList && ((lastList.size() < (listSize+climatesList.size())) || (lastList.drop(listSize) != climatesList))) { sensorData << sensorClimates sensorList = (sensorList.take(listSize)) << climatesList if (!sensorChanged) sensorChanged = true } // Give each sensor the complete list of valid Climates (as climatesList & programsList) from its thermostat, to support add/deleteSensorToProgram() List statClimates String statPrograms if (changeNever && changeNever[tid]) { statPrograms = changeNever[tid][7] statClimates = changeNever[tid][14] } else { statPrograms = '["Away", "Home", "Sleep"]' statClimates = ['Away', 'Home', 'Sleep'] } if (myStatsClimates && myStatsClimates[sensorDNI]) { if (statClimates != myStatsClimates[sensorDNI]) { sensorData << [ climatesList: statClimates, programsList: statPrograms ] myStatsClimates[sensorDNI] = statClimates myStatsClimatesChanged = true } } else { // This initializes the climatesList/programsList data the first time through sensorData << [ climatesList: statClimates, programsList: statPrograms ] myStatsClimates[sensorDNI] = statClimates myStatsClimatesChanged = true } // Let the sensor know what's going on... (This could be the only reason we were called upon) if (programUpdated) sensorData << [programUpdated: timeNow] if (curClimRefUpdated) sensorData << [curClimRefUpdated: timeNow] // Want them all to have "Updated" in the name if (climatesUpdated) sensorData << [climatesUpdated: timeNow] if (scheduleUpdated) sensorData << [scheduleUpdated: timeNow] if (eventsUpdated) sensorData << [eventsUpdated: timeNow] if (sensorData) { //int sls = sensorData.size() totalUpdates = totalUpdates + sensorData.size() // sls //log.debug "${it.name}: ${sensorData}" sensorCollector[sensorDNI] = [name: it.name, data: sensorData] //if (sensorChanged) atomicState."${sensorDNI}" = sensorList if (sensorChanged) tempSensorStates[sensorDNI] = sensorList if (debugLevelFour) LOG("updateSensorData() - sensorCollector being updated with sensorData: ${sensorData}", 1, null, 'trace') sNames += it.name } } // End sensor is valid and selected in settings } // End [tid] sensors loop } // End updates for this tid condition } // End thermostats loop if (myStatsClimatesChanged) atomicState.myStatsClimates = myStatsClimates atomicState.remoteSensorsData = sensorCollector int sz = sNames.size() if (sz > 0) { atomicState.sensorStates = tempSensorStates } if (sz > 1) sNames.sort() if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Sensor data: ${sensorCollector}", 1, null, trace) LOG("${totalUpdates} update${totalUpdates!=1?'s':''} for ${sz} sensor${sz!=1?'s':''}${sNames?' ('+sNames.toString()[1..-2]+')':''}",2, null, 'info') //LOG("${totalUpdates} updates for ${sz} sensors",2, null, 'info') if (debugLevelFour) LOG("updateSensorData() - Updated these remoteSensors: ${sensorCollector}", 1, null, 'trace') //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Sensors update completed @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" } void updateThermostatData() { //def pollEcobeeAPIStart //if (TIMERS) { pollEcobeeAPIStart = atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart; log.debug "TIMER: Entered updateThermostatData() @ ${now() - pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms"; } boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) boolean debugLevelThree = debugLevel(3) Map updatesLog = atomicState.updatesLog boolean forcePoll = updatesLog.forcePoll def changedTids = updatesLog.changedTids Map statUpdates = atomicState.statUpdates if (debugLevelFour) LOG("updateThermostatData() - updatesLog: ${updatesLog}", 1, null, 'trace') if (forcePoll) { if (!atomicState.timeZone) getTimeZone() // both will update atomicState with valid timezone/zipcode if available if (!atomicState.zipCode) getZipCode() } boolean usingMetric = wantMetric() // cache the value to save the function calls int apiPrecision = usingMetric ? 2 : 1 // highest precision available from the API int userPrecision = getTempDecimals() // user's requested display precision def tstatNames = [] int totalUpdates = 0 Map statTime = atomicState.statTime //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Initialized updateThermostatData() @ ${now() - pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" HashMap tempWeather // we may or may not need these HashMap tempSchedule // declare them here so they have enough scope HashMap tempRunningEvent // ditto HashMap tempRemoteSensors // ditto HashMap tempLocation // ditto HashMap tempAudio // ditto HashMap tempStatInfo // ditto HashMap tempCapabilities // ditto // We ALWAYS need these, so grab them all at once (more efficient than grabbing them tid by tid).... HashMap statSettings = atomicState.settings as HashMap HashMap tempClimates = atomicState.climates as HashMap HashMap tempEvents = atomicState.events as HashMap HashMap tempRuntime = atomicState.runtime as HashMap HashMap tempCurrentClimateRef = atomicState.currentClimateRef as HashMap HashMap changeEquip boolean equipChanged = false HashMap changeCloud boolean cloudChanged = false HashMap changeAlerts boolean alertsChanged = false HashMap changeAttrs boolean attrsChanged = false HashMap changeAudio boolean audioChanged = false HashMap changeDevice boolean devicesChanged = false HashMap changeTemps boolean tempsChanged = false HashMap changeConfig boolean configsChanged = false HashMap changeNever boolean neverChanged = false HashMap changeRarely boolean rarelyChanged = false HashMap changeOften boolean oftenChanged = false atomicState.needPrograms = false boolean needPrograms = false // Global flag - will be set true if ANY thermostat needs thermostat.programs def statData = changedTids.inject([:]) { collector, tid -> String DNI = 'ecobee_suite-thermostat-' + ([ app.id, tid ].join('.')) String tstatName = getThermostatName(tid) if (statUpdates[tid] || forcePoll) { if (debugLevelThree) LOG("Updating event data for thermostat ${tstatName} (${tid}): "+forcePoll?'forcePoll':"${statUpdates[tid].toString()[1..-2].replaceAll('rtReally','runtime')}", 1, null, 'info') //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Updating event data for ${tstatName} ${tid} @ ${now() - pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" List climates = (tempClimates ? tempClimates[tid] : []) String currentClimateRef = (tempCurrentClimateRef ? tempCurrentClimateRef[tid] : "") List events = (tempEvents ? tempEvents[tid] : []) Map runtime = (tempRuntime ? tempRuntime[tid] : [:]) //Map oemCfg = atomicState.oemCfg ? atomicState.oemCfg[tid] : [:]) // Now using per-tid list of things that changed boolean rtReallyUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('rtReally') boolean runtimeUpdated = rtReallyUpdated boolean alertsUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('alerts') boolean settingsUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('settings') boolean programUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('program') boolean climatesUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('climates') boolean scheduleUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('schedule') boolean curClimRefUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('curClimRef') boolean eventsUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('events') boolean locationUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('location') boolean audioUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('audio') boolean extendRTUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('extendRT') boolean weatherUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('weather') boolean sensorsUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('sensors') boolean equipUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('equip') boolean statInfoUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('statInfo') boolean capabilitiesUpdated = statUpdates[tid]?.contains('capabilities') // Handle things that only change when runtime object is updated) // OCCUPANCY def occupancy = 'not supported' if ( runtimeUpdated || sensorsUpdated || forcePoll) { // Occupancy (motion) def thermSensor if (!tempRemoteSensors) tempRemoteSensors = atomicState.remoteSensors if (tempRemoteSensors && tempRemoteSensors[tid]) { thermSensor = tempRemoteSensors[tid].find { it.type == 'thermostat' } } boolean hasInternalSensors = false if (thermSensor) { hasInternalSensors = true def occupancyCap = thermSensor.capability.find { it.type == 'occupancy' } if (occupancyCap) { // Check to see if there is even a value, not all types have a sensor occupancy = (occupancyCap.value != null) ? occupancyCap.value.toString() : 'not supported' } } // 'not supported' is reported as 'inactive' if (hasInternalSensors) { occupancy = (occupancy == 'true') ? 'active' : ((occupancy == 'unknown') ? 'unknown' : 'inactive') } //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Finished updating Sensors for ${tstatName} @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" } // TEMPERATURES Integer tempTemperature Integer tempHeatingSetpoint Integer tempCoolingSetpoint if (runtime) { // NOTE: The thermostat always present Fahrenheit temps with 1 digit of decimal precision. We want to maintain that precision for inside temperature so that apps like vents and Smart Circulation // can operate efficiently. So, while the user can specify a display precision of 0, 1 or 2 decimal digits, we ALWAYS keep and send max decimal digits and let the device handler adjust for display // For Fahrenheit, we keep the 1 decimal digit the API provides, for Celsius we allow for 2 decimal digits as a result of the mathematical calculation tempTemperature = runtime.actualTemperature as Integer tempHeatingSetpoint = runtime.desiredHeat as Integer tempCoolingSetpoint = runtime.desiredCool as Integer } // WEATHER -- Now handled in the data collection phase // SETTINGS // We need these always, in order to figure out what's going on. def auxHeatMode String currentVentMode def ventMinOnTime String statMode def fanMinOnTime String humidifierMode String dehumidifierMode Integer dehumidifyOvercoolOffset def hasHumidifier def hasDehumidifier def heatStages def coolStages def disablePreHeating def disablePreCooling if (statSettings[tid]) { auxHeatMode = (statSettings[tid].hasHeatPump && (statSettings[tid].hasForcedAir || statSettings[tid].hasElectric || statSettings[tid].hasBoiler)) currentVentMode = statSettings[tid].vent ventMinOnTime = statSettings[tid].ventilatorMinOnTime statMode = statSettings[tid].hvacMode fanMinOnTime = statSettings[tid].fanMinOnTime humidifierMode = statSettings[tid].humidifierMode dehumidifierMode = statSettings[tid].dehumidifierMode dehumidifyOvercoolOffset = statSettings[tid].dehumidifyOvercoolOffset hasHumidifier = statSettings[tid].hasHumidifier hasDehumidifier = statSettings[tid].hasDehumidifier || (statSettings[tid].dehumidifyWithAC && (dehumidifyOvercoolOffset != 0)) // fortunately, we can hide the details from the device handler heatStages = (statSettings[tid].heatStages != 0) ? statSettings[tid].heatStages : (statSettings[tid].hasHeatPump ? 1 : 0) coolStages = statSettings[tid].coolStages disablePreHeating = statSettings[tid].disablePreHeating disablePreCooling = statSettings[tid].disablePreCooling } // EVENTS def runningEvent = [:] String currentClimateName = 'null' String currentClimateId = 'null' String currentClimate = 'null' String currentClimateOwner = 'null' String currentClimateType = 'null' String currentFanMode = 'null' List climatesList = [] List programsList = [] // what program is supposed to be running now? String scheduledClimateId = 'unknown' String scheduledClimateName = 'Unknown' Map schedClimateRef = [:] String scheduledClimateOwner = 'null' String scheduledClimateType = 'null' // Get the currently scheduled climate when any of these change if (((curClimRefUpdated || climatesUpdated || eventsUpdated || forcePoll) && (currentClimateRef != "") && climates)) { scheduledClimateId = currentClimateRef schedClimateRef = climates.find { it.climateRef == scheduledClimateId } //log.warn "schedClimateRef: ${schedClimateRef}" scheduledClimateName = schedClimateRef?.name scheduledClimateOwner = schedClimateRef?.owner scheduledClimateType = schedClimateRef?.type climates.each { programsList += '"'+it.name+'"'; climatesList << it.name; } // read with: programsList = new JsonSlurper().parseText(theThermostat.currentValue('programsList')) climatesList.sort() programsList.sort() } if (debugLevelFour) LOG("${tstatName} -> scheduledClimateId: ${scheduledClimateId}, scheduledClimateName: ${scheduledClimateName}, scheduledClimateOwner: ${scheduledClimateOwner}, " + "scheduledClimateType: ${scheduledClimateType}, climatesList: ${climatesList.toString()}", 1, null, 'info') //log.debug "findEvent: ${tid} eventsUpdated: ${eventsUpdated}" if (eventsUpdated || climatesUpdated || curClimRefUpdated || forcePoll) { boolean vacationTemplate = false // Determine if an Event is running, find the first running event if (events?.size()) { events.each { it -> if (!runningEvent && (it.running == true)) { runningEvent = it // We want the FIRST one... } else if ( it.type == 'template' ) { // templates never run... vacationTemplate = true } } } // hack to fix ecobee bug where template is not created until first Vacation is created, which screws up resumeProgram() (last hold event is not deleted) if (!vacationTemplate) { def r = createVacationTemplate(getChildDevice(DNI), tid.toString()) } // store the currently running event (in case we need to modify or delete it later, as in Vacation handling) if (!tempRunningEvent) tempRunningEvent = atomicState.runningEvent if (!tempRunningEvent || !tempRunningEvent[tid] || (tempRunningEvent[tid] != runningEvent)) { // Update atomicState only if the data changed (avoid hundreds of unnecessary writes to atomicState when events are running) tempRunningEvent[tid] = runningEvent // newRunningEvent atomicState.runningEvent = tempRunningEvent } } //log.debug "(${tid}) B4 runningEvent: ${runningEvent != [:]}" if (!runningEvent) { if (!tempRunningEvent) tempRunningEvent = atomicState.runningEvent runningEvent = tempRunningEvent[tid] if (!runningEvent || (runningEvent.running != true)) runningEvent = [:] } //log.debug "(${tid}) AR runningEvent: ${runningEvent != [:]}" String thermostatHold = 'null' String holdEndsAt = 'null' String holdEndDate = 'null' //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Finished updating currentClimate for ${tstatName} @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" def isConnected = runtime?.connected if (!isConnected) { LOG("${tstatName} is not connected!",1,null,'warn') // Ecobee Cloud lost connection with the thermostat - device, wifi, power or network outage currentClimateName = 'Offline' occupancy = 'unknown' // Oddly, the runtime.lastModified is returned in UTC, so we have to convert it to the time zone of the thermostat // (Note that each thermostat could actually be in a different time zone) if (!tempLocation) tempLocation = atomicState.statLocation // tempLocation[tid] def myTimeZone = (templocation && tempLocation[tid] && tempLocation[tid].timeZone) ? TimeZone.getTimeZone(tempLocation[tid].timeZone) : (location.timeZone?: TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC')) def disconnectedMS String disconnectedAt if (runtime && runtime?.disconnectedDateTime) { disconnectedMS = new Date().parse('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',runtime?.disconnectDateTime)?.getTime() disconnectedAt = new Date().parse('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',runtime?.disconnectDateTime)?.format('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', myTimeZone) } else { disconnectedMS = now() disconnectedAt = new Date(disconnectedMS).format('yyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', myTimeZone) } // In this case, holdEndsAt is actually the date & time of the last valid update from the thermostat... holdEndsAt = fixDateTimeString( disconnectedAt.take(10), disconnectedAt.drop(11), statTime[tid] ) } //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Finished updating Alerts for ${tstatName} @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" if (runningEvent && isConnected) { //log.debug "(${tid}) runningEvent: ${runningEvent != [:]}" //debugLevelFour = true if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Found a running Event: ${runningEvent}", 1, null, 'trace') holdEndDate = runningEvent.endDate + ' ' + runningEvent.endTime holdEndsAt = fixDateTimeString( runningEvent.endDate, runningEvent.endTime, statTime[tid]) thermostatHold = runningEvent.type String tempClimateRef = runningEvent.holdClimateRef ?: '' def holdClimateRef = ((tempClimateRef != '') ? climates.find { it.climateRef == tempClimateRef } : [:]) //log.debug "runningEvent.type: ${runningEvent.type}" //log.debug "holdClimateRef ${tid}: ${holdClimateRef}" switch (runningEvent.type) { case 'hold': if (tempClimateRef != '') { currentClimate = holdClimateRef.name currentClimateName = 'Hold: ' + currentClimate currentClimateOwner = holdClimateRef?.owner currentClimateType = holdClimateRef?.type } else if ((runningEvent.name=='auto')||(runningEvent.name=='hold')) { // Handle the "auto" climates (includes fan on overrides) currentClimateType = 'hold' currentClimate = 'Hold' if ((runningEvent.isTemperatureAbsolute == false) && (runningEvent.isTemperatureRelative == false)) { if (runningEvent.fan == 'on') { currentClimateName = 'Hold: Fan On' thermostatHold = 'fan on' } else if (runningEvent.fan == 'auto') { if (runningEvent.fanMinOnTime == 0) { currentClimateName = 'Hold: Fan Auto' thermostatHold = 'fan auto' } else { currentClimateName = 'Hold: Circulate' thermostatHold = 'circulate' } } } else { currentClimateName = 'Hold: Temp' } //currentClimate = runningEvent.name.capitalize() } else { currentClimateName = 'Hold' } break; case 'vacation': currentClimate = 'Vacation' currentClimateName = 'Vacation' currentClimateType = 'calendarEvent' // At least that is what it SHOULD be currentClimateOwner = 'user' // fanMinOnTime = runningEvent.fanMinOnTime break; case 'quickSave': currentClimateName = 'Quick Save' currentClimateOwner = holdClimateRef?.owner currentClimateType = holdClimateRef?.type break; case 'autoAway': currentClimateName = 'Auto Away' currentClimate = 'Away' currentClimateOwner = holdClimateRef?.owner currentClimateType = holdClimateRef?.type break; case 'autoHome': currentClimateName = 'Auto Home' currentClimate = 'Home' currentClimateOwner = holdClimateRef?.owner currentClimateType = holdClimateRef?.type break; case 'demandResponsePrecool': case 'demandResponsePreheat': currentClimateName = 'Hold: Eco Prep' currentClimateOwner = 'demandResponse' currentClimate = ((runningEvent.isOptional != null) && ((runningEvent.isOptional == true) || (runningEvent.isOptional == 'true'))) ? 'Eco' : 'Eco!' // Tag mandatory DR events currentClimateId = runningEvent.name as String currentClimateType = 'program' break; case 'demandResponse': // if ((runningEvent.isTemperatureAbsolute == false) && (runningEvent.isTemperatureRelative == false)) // Oddly, the *RelativeTemp values are always POSITIVE to reduce the load, and NEGATIVE to increase it (ie., pre-cool/pre-heat) // Per: https://getsatisfaction.com/api/topics/dr-event-with-negative-relative-heat-temp-increases-the-setpoint-instead-of-decreasing-it currentClimateName = ((runningEvent.coolRelativeTemp < 0) || (runningEvent.heatRelativeTemp < 0)) ? 'Hold: Eco Prep' : 'Hold: Eco' currentClimateOwner = 'demandResponse' currentClimate = ((runningEvent.isOptional != null) && ((runningEvent.isOptional == true) || (runningEvent.isOptional == 'true'))) ? 'Eco' : 'Eco!' // Tag mandatory DR events currentClimateId = runningEvent.name as String currentClimateType = 'program' break; case 'touPrecool': case 'touPreheat': currentClimateName = 'Hold: Eco+ Prep' currentClimateOwner = 'ecoPlus' currentClimate = ((runningEvent.isOptional != null) && ((runningEvent.isOptional == true) || (runningEvent.isOptional == 'true'))) ? 'Eco' : 'Eco!' // Tag mandatory DR events currentClimateId = runningEvent.name as String currentClimateType = 'program' break; case 'touSetback': // Time of Use setback - pre-cooling/heating when the power is (supposedly) less expensive currentClimateName = ((runningEvent.coolRelativeTemp < 0) || (runningEvent.heatRelativeTemp < 0)) ? 'Hold: Eco+ Prep' : 'Hold: Eco+' currentClimateOwner = 'ecoPlus' currentClimate = ((runningEvent.isOptional != null) && ((runningEvent.isOptional == true) || (runningEvent.isOptional == 'true'))) ? 'Eco+' : 'Eco+!' // Tag mandatory DR events currentClimateId = runningEvent.name as String currentClimateType = 'program' //log.debug "PLEASE SEND THIS TO BARRY: touSetback event: ${runningEvent}" break; default: LOG("PLEASE SEND THIS TO BARRY: Unexpected ${runningEvent.type} event: ${runningEvent}",1,null,'warn') currentClimateName = (runningEvent.type != null) ? runningEvent.type : 'null' break; } //log.debug "ENDing currentClimateName: ${currentClimateName}" if (currentClimateId == 'null') currentClimateId = tempClimateRef ?: 'null' } else if (isConnected && (programUpdated || eventsUpdated || forcePoll)) { if (scheduledClimateId) { currentClimateId = scheduledClimateId currentClimateName = scheduledClimateName currentClimate = scheduledClimateName currentClimateOwner = scheduledClimateOwner currentClimateType = scheduledClimateType //log.debug "ending currentClimateName: ${currentClimateName}" } else { LOG('Program or running Event missing', 1, null, 'warn') } } if (debugLevelFour) LOG("updateThermostatData(${tstatName} ${tid}) - currentClimateRef: ${currentClimateRef}, currentClimate: ${currentClimate}, currentClimateName: ${currentClimateName}, currentClimateId: ${currentClimateId}, " + "currentClimateOwner: ${currentClimateOwner}, currentClimateType: ${currentClimateType}, thermostatHold: ${thermostatHold}", 1, null, 'trace') // Note that fanMode == 'auto' might be changed by the Thermostat DTH to 'off' or 'circulate' dependent on HVACmode and fanMinRunTime if (runningEvent) { currentFanMode = runningEvent.fan currentVentMode = runningEvent.vent ventMinOnTime = runningEvent.ventilatorMinOnTime } else { currentFanMode = runtime.desiredFanMode } //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Finished updating Hold & climates for ${tstatName} @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" // HUMIDITY def humiditySetpoint = runtime.desiredHumidity def dehumiditySetpoint = runtime.desiredDehumidity if (hasHumidifier && (humidifierMode == 'auto') && (runtime.extDesiredHumidity)) { //(extendedRuntime && extendedRuntime.desiredHumidity)) { humiditySetpoint = runtime.extDesiredHumidity } if (hasDehumidifier && (runtime.extDesiredDehumidity != 0)) { dehumiditySetpoint = runtime.extDesiredDehumidity } def humiditySetpointDisplay = humiditySetpoint switch (statMode) { case 'heat': if (hasHumidifier) humiditySetpointDisplay = humiditySetpoint break; case 'cool': if (hasDehumidifier) humiditySetpointDisplay = dehumiditySetpoint break; case 'auto': if (hasHumidifier && hasDehumidifier) { humiditySetpointDisplay = "${humiditySetpoint}-${dehumiditySetpoint}" } else if (hasHumidifier) { humiditySetpointDisplay = humiditySetpoint } else if (hasDehumidifier) { humiditySetpointDisplay = dehumiditySetpoint } break; } // EQUIPMENT STATUS def es = atomicState.equipmentStatus String equipStatus = (es && es[tid]) ? es[tid] : '' if (equipStatus == '') equipStatus = 'idle' String equipOpStat String thermOpStat boolean isHeating = false boolean isCooling = false boolean smartRecovery = false boolean overCool = false boolean dehumidifying = false // boolean ecoPreCool = false // Let's deduce if we are in Smart Recovery mode if (equipStatus.contains('ea')) { isHeating = true if ((tempTemperature != null) && (tempHeatingSetpoint != null) && (disablePreHeating == false) && (tempTemperature > tempHeatingSetpoint)) { smartRecovery = true equipUpdated = true equipStatus = equipStatus + ',smartRecovery' //if (debugLevelThree) LOG("${tstatName} is in Smart Recovery (${tid}), temp: ${tempTemperature}, setpoint: ${tempHeatingSetpoint}",3,null,'info') } } else if (equipStatus.contains('oo')) { isCooling = true // Check if humidity > humidity setPoint, and tempTemperature > (coolingSetpoint - 0.1) if (hasDehumidifier) { if (runtime?.actualHumidity > dehumiditySetpoint) { if ((tempTemperature != null) && (tempCoolingSetpoint != null) && (tempTemperature < tempCoolingSetpoint) && (tempTemperature >= (tempCoolingSetpoint - dehumidifyOvercoolOffset))) { overCool = true equipUpdated = true //if (debugLevelThree) LOG("${tstatName} is Over Cooling (${tid}), temp: ${tempTemperature}, setpoint: ${tempCoolingSetpoint}",3,null,'info') } else { dehumidifying = true } } } if (!overCool && (tempTemperature != null) && (tempCoolingSetpoint != null) && ((disablePreCooling == false) && (tempTemperature < tempCoolingSetpoint))) { smartRecovery = true equipUpdated = true equipStatus = equipStatus + ',smartRecovery' //if (debugLevelThree) LOG("${tstatName} is in Smart Recovery (${tid}), temp: ${tempTemperature}, setpoint: ${tempCoolingSetpoint}",3,null,'info') } } // These are only set when running Smart Recovery String nextHeatingSetpoint = 'null' String nextCoolingSetpoint = 'null' String nextProgramName = 'null' if (smartRecovery) { if (!tempSchedule) tempSchedule = atomicState.schedule // When in Smart Recovery, set the nextHeating/CoolingSetpoints so that Smart Vents knows where we are trying to get to Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance() calendar.setTime(new Date().parse('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',statTime[tid])) int td = (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) > 1) ? (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 2) : 6 // Change from (Sunday = 0) to (Monday == 0, Sunday == 6) int ti = (calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 2) + ((calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) < 30) ? 0 : 1) // Index into Schedule[day] array of program Ids def schedClimateId = tempSchedule[tid][td][ti] // currently scheduled program //log.debug "[${tid}] schedClimate = ${schedClimateId}, td: ${td}, ti: ${ti}" ti++ def nextClimateId = '' while (!nextClimateId) { if (ti == 48) { ti = 0; td = (td < 6) ? td + 1 : 0; } if (schedClimateId != tempSchedule[tid][td][ti]) { nextClimateId = tempSchedule[tid][td][ti] } else ti++ } def nextClimate = climates?.find { it.climateRef == nextClimateId } if (nextClimate) { nextCoolingSetpoint = nextClimate.coolTemp.toString() // myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded( nextClimate.coolTemp / 10.0, 'F', apiPrecision ) nextHeatingSetpoint = nextClimate.heatTemp.toString() // myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded( nextClimate.heatTemp / 10.0, 'F', apiPrecision ) nextProgramName = nextClimate.name } } //log.debug "[${tid}] nextClimate: ${nextClimate}, nextHeat: ${nextHeatingSetpoint}, nextCool: ${nextCoolingSetpoint}" if (equipUpdated || forcePoll) { equipOpStat = 'idle' thermOpStat = 'idle' if (equipStatus == 'fan') { equipOpStat = 'fan only' thermOpStat = 'fan only' } else if (equipStatus == 'off') { thermOpStat = 'idle' equipOpStat = 'off' } else if (isHeating) { // heating thermOpStat = smartRecovery ? 'heating (smart recovery)' : 'heating' equipOpStat = 'heating' //if (smartRecovery) thermOpStat = 'heating (smart recovery)' // Figure out which stage we are running now equipOpStat = whichStage(equipStatus, auxHeatMode, heatStages) // reducing the size of this method if (equipOpStat == 'compHotWater') { thermOpStat = 'heating (hot water)' } else if (equipOpStat == 'auxHotWater') { thermOpStat = 'heating (hot water)' } // We now have icons that depict when we are humidifying or dehumidifying... if (equipStatus.contains('hu')) { equipOpStat += ' hum' } // humidifying if heat // need to check if dehumidifying with heat (recent new option) } else if (isCooling) { // cooling thermOpStat = smartRecovery ? 'cooling (smart recovery)' : (overCool ? 'cooling (overcool)' : 'cooling') equipOpStat = 'cooling' //if (smartRecovery) thermOpStat = 'cooling (smart recovery)' //else if (overCool) thermOpStat = 'cooling (overcool)' if (equipStatus.contains('l1')) { equipOpStat = (coolStages == 1) ? 'cooling' : 'cool 1' } else if (equipStatus.contains('l2')) { equipOpStat = 'cool 2' } if (equipStatus.contains('de') || overCool || dehumidifying) { equipOpStat += ' deh' } // dehumidifying if cool // need to check if vent or eco are on with cooling } else if (equipStatus.contains('de')) { // These can also run independent of heat/cool equipOpStat = 'dehumidifier' thermOpStat = equipStatus.contains('fan') ? 'fan only (dehumidifier)' : 'idle (dehumidifier)' // SHOULD thermOpStat BE FAN ONLY? --> yes, this is fixed in ES Thermostat } else if (equipStatus.contains('hu')) { equipOpStat = 'humidifier' thermOpStat = equipStatus.contains('fan') ? 'fan only (humidifier)' : 'idle (humidifier)' } else if (equipStatus.contains('econ')) { equipOpStat = 'economizer' thermOpStat = equipStatus.contains('fan') ? 'fan only (economizer)' : 'idle (economizer)' } else if (equipStatus.contains('vent')) { equipOpStat = 'ventilator' thermOpStat = equipStatus.contains('fan') ? 'fan only (ventilator)' : 'idle (ventilator)' } else if (equipStatus.contains('Hot')) { if (equipStatus.contains('comp')) { equipOpStat = 'compHotWater' thermOpStat = equipStatus.contains('fan') ? 'fan only (hot water)' : 'idle (hot water)' } else if (equipStatus.contains('aux')) { equipOpStat = 'auxHotWater' thermOpStat = equipStatus.contains('fan') ? 'fan only (hot water)' : 'idle (hot water)' } } } // Update the API link state and the lastPoll data. If we aren't running at a high debugLevel >= 4, then supply simple // poll status instead of the date/time (this simplifies the UI presentation, and reduces the chatter in the devices' // message log def apiConnection = apiConnected() def lastPoll = (debugLevelFour) ? "${apiConnection} @ ${atomicState.lastPollDate}" : (apiConnection=='full') ? 'Succeeded' : (apiConnection=='warn') ? 'Timed Out' : 'Failed' def statusMsg = 'null' if (isConnected) { // statusMsg = ((holdEndsAt == '') || (holdEndsAt == 'null')) ? 'null' : ((thermostatHold=='hold') ? 'Hold' : ((thermostatHold=='vacation') ? 'Vacation' : (thermostatHold=='demandResponse'?'Event')+" ends ${holdEndsAt}" if ((holdEndsAt == null) || (holdEndsAt == 'null') || (holdEndsAt == '')) { statusMsg = 'null' holdEndDate = 'null' } else { def statusStart switch (thermostatHold) { case 'hold': statusStart = 'Hold' break; case 'vacation': statusStart = 'Vacation' break; case 'demandResponse': statusStart = "Energy Savings Event\n" break; default: statusStart = 'Event' } statusMsg = statusStart + " ends ${holdEndsAt}" } } else { statusMsg = "Thermostat Offline?\nLast updated ${holdEndsAt}" equipOpStat = 'offline' // override if Ecobee Cloud has lost connection with the thermostat thermOpStat = 'offline' } //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Finished updating Equip & Cloud for ${tstatName} @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" // **************************************************************************************************************************** // BUILD THE EVENT LIST (MAP) FOR THE THERMOSTAT // **************************************************************************************************************************** def data = [] // Needs to be an **ordered** list - this is quicker than making a BIG map def dataStart = [] // Ditto if (forcePoll) { data << [forced: true]; dataStart << [forced: true]; } // Tell the DTH to force-update all attributes, states and tiles // As of 1.7.10, forcePoll only forces updates to: heating/coolingSetpoint, currentClimate*, temperature, and humidity. // Everything else is scanned and only sent if it changed. This was a catch-all for when Updated flags weren't being // checked properly, but as of 1.7.10 I'm pretty sure we got everything so there really shouldn't be a need to EVER to a force-poll // NOTE: to force a total update, simply set all the atomicState.xxxChanged Maps to [:], as is done in initialize() // As of 1.8.15, a call to pollChildren(deviceId, force=true) will clear all the change logs, which will in turn force resending EVERYTHING down to the devices // EQUIP: Equipment operating status - need to send first so that temperatureDisplay is properly updated after API connection loss/recovery // And we send the nextSetpoints before the status, so that SmartRecovery has them initialized (for targeting in Smart Vents) if (!changeEquip) changeEquip = atomicState.changeEquip as HashMap if (equipUpdated || smartRecovery || curClimRefUpdated || eventsUpdated || forcePoll || climatesUpdated || (atomicState.wasConnected != isConnected) || !changeEquip || !changeEquip[tid]) { // [idle, idle, idle, null, null, null, null] // 0: equipStatus, 1:thermOpState, 2:equipOpState, 3: , 4: nextHeatSP, 5: nextCoolSP, 6: nextProgName atomicState.wasConnected = isConnected boolean eqpChanged = false if (!changeEquip || !changeEquip[tid]) { // equipStatus, thermOpStat, equipOpStat, nextHeatSP, nextCoolSP, nextProgramName //changeEquip[tid] = ['x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 'x'] changeEquip[tid] = ["x"]*6 as List eqpChanged = true } // These next two are either 'null' or the raw setpoint (e.g., 740 - 74.0) if (changeEquip[tid][3] != nextHeatingSetpoint) { data << [nextHeatingSetpoint: nextHeatingSetpoint.isInteger() ? myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded( nextHeatingSetpoint.toInteger() / 10.0, 'F', apiPrecision ) : nextHeatingSetpoint] changeEquip[tid][3] = nextHeatingSetpoint eqpChanged = true } if (changeEquip[tid][4] != nextCoolingSetpoint) { data << [nextCoolingSetpoint: nextCoolingSetpoint.isInteger() ? myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded( nextCoolingSetpoint.toInteger() / 10.0, 'F', apiPrecision ) : nextCoolingSetpoint] changeEquip[tid][4] = nextCoolingSetpoint eqpChanged = true } if (changeEquip[tid][5] != nextProgramName) { data << [nextProgramName: nextProgramName]; changeEquip[tid][5] = nextProgramName; eqpChanged = true; } if (equipStatus && (changeEquip[tid][0] != equipStatus)) { data << [equipmentStatus: equipStatus]; changeEquip[tid][0] = equipStatus; eqpChanged = true; } if (thermOpStat && (changeEquip[tid][1] != thermOpStat)) { data << [thermostatOperatingState: thermOpStat]; changeEquip[tid][1] = thermOpStat; eqpChanged = true; } if (equipOpStat && (changeEquip[tid][2] != equipOpStat)) { data << [equipmentOperatingState: equipOpStat]; changeEquip[tid][2] = equipOpStat; eqpChanged = true; } if (eqpChanged) equipChanged = true } // CLOUD: API link to Ecobee's Cloud status - doesn't change unless things get broken def checkInterval = 3600 boolean cldChanged = false if (!changeCloud) changeCloud = atomicState.changeCloud as HashMap if (!changeCloud || !changeCloud[tid]) { changeCloud[tid] = ["x"]*4 as List // [lastPoll, apiConnection,isConnected,checkInterval] cldChanged = true } if (cldChanged) { data << [lastPoll: lastPoll] data << [apiConnected: apiConnection] data << [ecobeeConnected: isConnected] } else { if (changeCloud[tid][0] != lastPoll) { data << [lastPoll: lastPoll]; changeCloud[tid][0] = lastPoll; cldChanged = true; } if (changeCloud[tid][1] != apiConnection) { data << [apiConnected: apiConnection]; changeCloud[tid][1] = apiConnection; cldChanged = true; } if (changeCloud[tid][2] != isConnected) { data << [ecobeeConnected: isConnected]; changeCloud[tid][2] = isConnected; cldChanged = true; } } if (cldChanged) cloudChanged = true ////if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Finished queueing Equip & Cloud for ${tstatName} @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" // ALERTS: Alerts & Read Only if (alertsUpdated || settingsUpdated || forcePoll) { if (!changeAlerts) changeAlerts = atomicState.changeAlerts as HashMap if (!changeAlerts || !changeAlerts[tid]) changeAlerts[tid] = ["x"]*alertNamesList.size() as List def alertValues = [] boolean alrtChanged = false alertNamesList.eachWithIndex { alert, i -> def tVal = statSettings[tid].(alert.toString()) String alertVal = ((tVal == null) || (tVal == "")) ? 'null' : tVal.toString() alertValues[i] = alertVal if (changeAlerts[tid][i] != alertVal) { data << [ (alert.toString()): alertVal ] alrtChanged = true if (alert == 'wifiOfflineAlert') { atomicState.wifiAlert = ((alertVal == true) || (alertValue == 'true')) updateMyLabel() } } } if (alrtChanged) { changeAlerts[tid] = alertValues alertsChanged = true } } ////if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Finished queueing Alerts & Read Only for ${tstatName} @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" // ATTRS: Configuration Settings if (settingsUpdated || forcePoll) { if (!changeAttrs) changeAttrs = atomicState.changeAttrs as HashMap if (!changeAttrs || !changeAttrs[tid]) changeAttrs[tid] = ["x"]*settingsNamesList.size() as List def attrValues = [] boolean attrChanged = false //def startMS = now() settingsNamesList.eachWithIndex { attr, i -> def tVal = statSettings[tid].(attr.toString()) String attrVal = ((tVal == null) || (tVal == "")) ? 'null' : tVal.toString() attrValues[i] = attrVal if (changeAttrs[tid][i] != attrVal) { data << [ (attr.toString()): attrVal ] attrChanged = true } } if (attrChanged) { changeAttrs[tid] = attrValues attrsChanged = true } //log.debug "settings [${tid}] size ${settingsNamesList.size()} chg: ${attrChanged}: ${now() - startMS}" //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Finished queueing Attrs for ${tstatName} @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" } // AUDIO: Audio Settings if (audioUpdated || forcePoll) { if (!tempAudio) tempAudio = atomicState.audio as HashMap if (!changeAudio) changeAudio = atomicState.changeAudio as HashMap if (!changeAudio || !changeAudio[tid]) changeAudio[tid] = ["x"]*audioNamesList.size() as List List audioValues = [] boolean audChanged = false if (tempAudio[tid]) { audioNamesList.eachWithIndex { aud, i -> def tVal = statSettings[tid].(aud.toString()) String audioVal = ((tVal == null) || (tVal == "")) ? 'null' : tVal.toString() if ((aud == "voiceEngines") && (audioVal == 'null')) audioVal = [] audioValues[i] = audioVal if (changeAudio[tid][i] != audioVal) { data << [ (aud.toString()): audioVal ] audChanged = true } } } if (audChanged) { changeAudio[tid] = audioValues audioChanged = true } //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Finished queueing Audio for ${tstatName} @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" } // DEVICE: Thermostat Device Data if (statInfoUpdated || forcePoll) { if (!tempStatInfo) tempStatInfo = atomicState.statInfo as HashMap if (!changeDevice) changeDevice = atomicState.changeDevice as HashMap if (!changeDevice || !changeDevice[tid]) changeDevice[tid] = [:] def deviceValues = [:] boolean devChanged = false if (tempStatInfo[tid]) { tempStatInfo[tid].each { key, value -> String deviceVal = ((value == null) || (value == "")) ? 'null' : value.toString() deviceValues << [(key.toString()): deviceVal] if (changeDevice[tid].(key.toString()) != deviceVal) { data << [ (key.toString()): deviceVal ] if (!devChanged) devChanged = true } } } if (devChanged) { changeDevice[tid] = deviceValues devicesChanged = true } //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Finished queueing Device data for ${tstatName} @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" } // TEMPS: Temperatures - need to convert from internal F*10 to standard Thermostat units if (settingsUpdated || forcePoll) { if (!changeTemps) changeTemps = atomicState.changeTemps as HashMap if (!changeTemps || !changeTemps[tid]) changeTemps[tid] = ["x"]*tempSettingsList.size() as List boolean tempChanged = false def tempValues = [] tempSettingsList.eachWithIndex { temp, i -> Integer theTemp = statSettings[tid].(temp.toString()) as Integer tempValues[i] = theTemp if (changeTemps[tid][i] != theTemp) { data << [ (temp.toString()): ((theTemp != null) ? myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded(theTemp / 10.0, 'F', apiPrecision) : 'null') ] if (!tempChanged) tempChanged = true } } if (tempChanged) { changeTemps[tid] = tempValues tempsChanged = true } //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Finished queueing Temp Settings for ${tstatName} @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" } // CONFIG: SmartApp configuration settings that almost never change (Listed in order of frequency that they should change normally) int dbgLevel = getDebugLevel() String tmpScale = temperatureScale boolean cfgsChanged = false String timeOfDay = atomicState.timeZone ? getTimeOfDay() : getTimeOfDay(tid) boolean userPChanged = false if (!changeConfig) changeConfig = atomicState.changeConfig as HashMap String mobile = settings.mobile?:'null' if (!changeConfig || !changeConfig[tid]) { changeConfig[tid] = ["x"]*5 as List // [timeOfDay,userPrecision,dbgLevel,tmpScale,mobile] cfgsChanged = true } if (cfgsChanged) { data << [timeOfDay: timeOfDay] data << [decimalPrecision: userPrecision] userPChanged = true data << [debugLevel: dbgLevel] data << [temperatureScale: tmpScale] data << [mobile: mobile] } else { if (changeConfig[tid][0] != timeOfDay) { data << [timeOfDay: timeOfDay]; changeConfig[tid][0] = timeOfDay; cfgsChanged = true; } if (changeConfig[tid][1] != userPrecision) { data << [decimalPrecision: userPrecision]; changeConfig[tid][1] = userPrecision; cfgsChanged = true; userPChanged = true; } if (changeConfig[tid][2] != dbgLevel) { data << [debugLevel: dbgLevel]; changeConfig[tid][2] = dbgLevel; cfgsChanged = true; } if (changeConfig[tid][3] != tmpScale) { data << [temperatureScale: tmpScale]; changeConfig[tid][3] = tmpScale; cfgsChanged = true; } if (changeConfig[tid][4] != mobile) { data << [mobile: mobile]; changeConfig[tid][4] = mobile; cfgsChanged = true; } } if (cfgsChanged) { configsChanged = true } //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Finished queueing Config data for ${tstatName} @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" // NEVER: Thermostat configuration settings boolean nvrChanged = false // Thermostat configuration stuff that almost never changes - if any one changes, send them all if (!changeNever) changeNever = atomicState.changeNever as HashMap if (forcePoll || settingsUpdated || climatesUpdated || capabilitiesUpdated || !changeNever || !changeNever[tid]) { // || (changeNever[tid] != neverList)) { boolean needAll = false if (!changeNever || !changeNever[tid]) { changeNever[tid] = ["x"]*16 as List // ['x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x'] neverChanged = true needAll = true } if (statSettings[tid] && (settingsUpdated || forcePoll || needAll)) { def autoMode = statSettings[tid].autoHeatCoolFeatureEnabled def statHoldAction = statSettings[tid].holdAction // thermsotat's preference setting for holdAction: // useEndTime4hour, useEndTime2hour, nextPeriod, indefinite, askMe //if (changeNever[tid][0] != ecoPlus) { data << [ecoPlus: ecoPlus]; changeNever[tid][0] = ecoPlus; nvrChanged = true; } if (changeNever[tid][1] != autoMode) { data << [autoMode: autoMode]; changeNever[tid][1] = autoMode; nvrChanged = true; } if (changeNever[tid][2] != statHoldAction) { data << [statHoldAction: statHoldAction]; changeNever[tid][2] = statHoldAction; nvrChanged = true; } if (changeNever[tid][3] != coolStages) { data << [coolStages: coolStages, coolMode: (coolStages > 0)]; changeNever[tid][3] = coolStages; nvrChanged = true; } if (changeNever[tid][4] != heatStages) { data << [heatStages: heatStages, heatMode: (heatStages > 0)]; changeNever[tid][4] = heatStages; nvrChanged = true; } String heatHigh = statSettings[tid].heatRangeHigh.toString() String heatLow = statSettings[tid].heatRangeLow.toString() if (heatHigh && heatLow) { String hc = heatLow + '-' + heatHigh if (changeNever[tid][5] != hc) { changeNever[tid][5] = hc def hh = myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded((heatHigh.toInteger() / 10.0), 'F', apiPrecision) def hl = myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded((heatLow.toInteger() / 10.0), 'F', apiPrecision) String hr = "(${roundIt(hl,0)}..${roundIt(hh,0)})" data << [heatRange: hr, heatRangeHigh: hh, heatRangeLow: hl] nvrChanged = true } } else { def hh, hl String hr if (usingMetric) { if (changeNever[tid][5] != '5-35') {changeNever[tid][5] = '5-35'; hh = 35; hl = 5; hr = '(5..35)';} } else { if (changeNever[tid][5] != '45-95') {changeNever[tid][5] = '45-95'; hh = 95; hl = 45; hr = '(45..95)';} } data << [heatRange: hr, heatRangeHigh: hh, heatRangeLow: hl] nvrChanged = true } String coolHigh = statSettings[tid].coolRangeHigh.toString() String coolLow = statSettings[tid].coolRangeLow.toString() if (coolHigh && coolLow) { String cc = coolLow + '-' + coolHigh if (changeNever[tid][6] != cc) { changeNever[tid][6] = cc def ch = myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded((coolHigh.toInteger() / 10.0), 'F', apiPrecision) def cl = myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded((coolLow.toInteger() / 10.0), 'F', apiPrecision) String cr = "(${roundIt(cl,0)}..${roundIt(ch,0)})" data << [coolRange: cr, coolRangeHigh: ch, coolRangeLow: cl] nvrChanged = true } } else { def ch, cl String cr if (usingMetric) { if (changeNever[tid][6] != '5-35') {changeNever[tid][6] = '5-35'; ch = 35; cl = 5; cr = '(5..35)';} } else { if (changeNever[tid][6] != '45-95') {changeNever[tid][6] = '45-95'; ch = 95; cl = 45; cr = '(45..95)';} } data << [coolRange: cr, coolRangeHigh: ch, coolRangeLow: cl] nvrChanged = true } String tempHeatDiff = statSettings[tid].stage1HeatingDifferentialTemp.toString() String tempCoolDiff = statSettings[tid].stage1CoolingDifferentialTemp.toString() String tempHeatCoolMinDelta = statSettings[tid].heatCoolMinDelta.toString() if (tempHeatDiff && (changeNever[tid][11] != tempHeatDiff)) { data << [heatDifferential: myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded(tempHeatDiff.toInteger() / 10.0, "F", apiPrecision)] changeNever[tid][11] = tempHeatDiff nvrChanged = true } if (tempCoolDiff && (changeNever[tid][12] != tempCoolDiff)) { data << [coolDifferential: myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded(tempCoolDiff.toInteger() / 10.0, "F", apiPrecision)] changeNever[tid][12] = tempCoolDiff nvrChanged = true } if (tempHeatCoolMinDelta && (changeNever[tid][13] != tempHeatCoolMinDelta)) { data << [heatCoolMinDelta: myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded(tempHeatCoolMinDelta.toInteger() / 10.0 , 'F', apiPrecision)] changeNever[tid][13] = tempHeatCoolMinDelta nvrChanged = true } if (changeNever[tid][8] != auxHeatMode) { data << [auxHeatMode: auxHeatMode]; changeNever[tid][8] = auxHeatMode; nvrChanged = true; } if (changeNever[tid][9] != hasHumidifier) { data << [hasHumidifier: hasHumidifier]; changeNever[tid][9] = hasHumidifier; nvrChanged = true; } if (changeNever[tid][10] != hasDehumidifier) { data << [hasDehumidifier: hasDehumidifier]; changeNever[tid][10] = hasDehumidifier; nvrChanged = true;} } if (forcePoll || climatesUpdated || needAll) { // REMINDER: updateSensorData is using atomicState.changeNever[tid][7] to send the programsList to the Sensor devices // programsList is '["Away","Home","Sleep"]' if (programsList && (changeNever[tid][7] != programsList)) { data << [programsList: programsList]; changeNever[tid][7] = programsList; nvrChanged = true; } // climatesList is ['Away','Home','Sleep'] if (climatesList && (changeNever[tid][14] != climatesList)) { data << [climatesList: climatesList]; changeNever[tid][14] = climatesList; nvrChanged = true; } } // Handle new "capabilities" - for now, this will only include fanCapabilities/speedOptions (BAB, 12.14.2022) if (forcePoll || capabilitiesUpdated || needAll) { tempCapabilities = atomicState.capabilities as HashMap List fso = tempCapabilities[tid]?.fanCapabilities?.speedOptions String fanSpeedOptions if (fso && fso != []) { fanSpeedOptions = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(fso.collect{it.toLowerCase()}).toString() } else { fanSpeedOptions = "[]" } if (changeNever[tid][15] != fanSpeedOptions) { data << [fanSpeedOptions: fanSpeedOptions]; changeNever[tid][15] = fanSpeedOptions; nvrChanged = true; } } if (nvrChanged) { neverChanged = true } //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Finished queueing changeNever for ${tstatName} @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" } // RARELY: Thermostat operational things that rarely change, (a few times a day at most) // // First, we need to clean up Fan Holds if (thermostatHold && (thermostatHold != 'null') && (thermostatHold != '') && (currentClimateName == 'Hold: Fan')) { if (currentFanMode == 'on') { currentClimateName = 'Hold: Fan On' } else if (currentFanMode == 'auto') { if (statMode == 'off') { if (fanMinOnTime != 0) {currentClimateName = "Hold: Circulate"} } else { currentClimateName = (fanMinOnTime == 0) ? 'Hold: Auto' : 'Hold: Circulate' } } } boolean rareChanged = false boolean needP = false if (!changeRarely) changeRarely = atomicState.changeRarely as HashMap //if (thermostatUpdated || runtimeUpdated || equipUpdated || forcePoll || /*settingsUpdated || eventsUpdated || programUpdated || runtimeUpdated || extendRTUpdated ||*/ (changeRarely == [:]) || !changeRarely.containsKey(tid)) { // || (changeRarely[tid] != rarelyList)) { if (programUpdated || runtimeUpdated || eventsUpdated || equipUpdated || settingsUpdated || runningEvent || forcePoll || !changeRarely || !changeRarely[tid]) { // || (changeRarely[tid] != rarelyList)) { boolean needAll = false if (!changeRarely || !changeRarely[tid]) { changeRarely[tid] = ["x"]*21 as List // ['x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x','x'] rarelyChanged = true needAll = true } // The order of these is IMPORTANT - Do setpoints and all equipment changes before notifying of the hold and program change... if (tempHeatingSetpoint && (rarelyChanged || forcePoll || (changeRarely[tid][19] != tempHeatingSetpoint) || userPChanged)) { needP = true changeRarely[tid][19] = tempHeatingSetpoint data << [heatingSetpoint: myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded((tempHeatingSetpoint.toInteger() / 10.0), "F", userPrecision)] // roundIt(tempHeatingSetpoint, userPrecision)] // String.format("%.${userPrecision}f", roundIt(tempHeatingSetpoint, userPrecision))] rareChanged = true } if (tempCoolingSetpoint && (rarelyChanged || forcePoll || (changeRarely[tid][20] != tempCoolingSetpoint) || userPChanged)) { needP = true changeRarely[tid][20] = tempCoolingSetpoint data << [coolingSetpoint: myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded((tempCoolingSetpoint.toInteger() / 10.0), "F", userPrecision)] // roundIt(tempCoolingSetpoint, userPrecision)] //String.format("%.${userPrecision}f", roundIt(tempCoolingSetpoint, userPrecision))] rareChanged = true } String schedText = (holdEndDate && (holdEndDate != 'null')) ? " until ${holdEndDate}" : "" //log.debug "holdEndsAt: '${holdEndsAt}'" //log.debug "holdEndDate: '${holdEndDate}'" //log.debug "schedText: '${schedText}'" //log.debug "holdStatus: '${statusMsg}'" //log.debug "thermostatHold: '${thermostatHold}'" if (changeRarely[tid][4] != statMode) { data << [thermostatMode: statMode]; changeRarely[tid][4] = statMode; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (changeRarely[tid][12] != currentFanMode) { data << [thermostatFanMode: currentFanMode]; changeRarely[tid][12] = currentFanMode; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (changeRarely[tid][13] != currentVentMode) { data << [vent: currentVentMode]; changeRarely[tid][13] = currentVentMode; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (changeRarely[tid][14] != ventMinOnTime) { data << [ventilatorMinOnTime: ventMinOnTime]; changeRarely[tid][14] = ventMinOnTime; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (changeRarely[tid][0] != fanMinOnTime) { data << [fanMinOnTime: fanMinOnTime]; changeRarely[tid][0] = fanMinOnTime; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (changeRarely[tid][5] != humidifierMode) { data << [humidifierMode: humidifierMode]; changeRarely[tid][5] = humidifierMode; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (changeRarely[tid][6] != dehumidifierMode) { data << [dehumidifierMode: dehumidifierMode]; changeRarely[tid][6] = dehumidifierMode; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (curClimRefUpdated || climatesUpdated || eventsUpdated || forcePoll || needAll) { //log.debug "(${tid}) currentClimateName: ${currentClimateName}" if (changeRarely[tid][7] != currentClimate) { data << [currentProgram: currentClimate]; changeRarely[tid][7] = currentClimate; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (changeRarely[tid][8] != currentClimateName) { data << [currentProgramName: currentClimateName, schedule: currentClimateName + schedText]; changeRarely[tid][8] = currentClimateName; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (changeRarely[tid][9] != currentClimateId) { data << [currentProgramId: currentClimateId]; changeRarely[tid][9] = currentClimateId; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; if (needP) needP = false; } if (changeRarely[tid][15] != currentClimateOwner) { data << [currentProgramOwner: currentClimateOwner]; changeRarely[tid][15] = currentClimateOwner; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (changeRarely[tid][16] != currentClimateType) { data << [currentProgramType: currentClimateType]; changeRarely[tid][16] = currentClimateType; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } } // Must do Hold info AFTER updating currentProgram stuff... if (changeRarely[tid][21] != holdEndDate) { data << [holdEndDate: holdEndDate, schedText: schedText]; changeRarely[tid][21] = holdEndDate; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (changeRarely[tid][1] != thermostatHold) { data << [thermostatHold: thermostatHold]; changeRarely[tid][1] = thermostatHold; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (changeRarely[tid][2] != holdEndsAt) { data << [holdEndsAt: holdEndsAt]; changeRarely[tid][2] = holdEndsAt; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (changeRarely[tid][3] != statusMsg) { data << [holdStatus: statusMsg]; changeRarely[tid][3] = statusMsg; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (programUpdated || eventsUpdated || forcePoll || needAll) { if (changeRarely[tid][10] != scheduledClimateName) { data << [scheduledProgramName: scheduledClimateName, scheduledProgram: scheduledClimateName]; changeRarely[tid][10] = scheduledClimateName; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (changeRarely[tid][11] != scheduledClimateId) { data << [scheduledProgramId: scheduledClimateId]; changeRarely[tid][11] = scheduledClimateId; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; if (needP) needP = false; } if (changeRarely[tid][17] != scheduledClimateOwner) { data << [scheduledProgramOwner: scheduledClimateOwner]; changeRarely[tid][17] = scheduledClimateOwner; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } if (changeRarely[tid][18] != scheduledClimateType) { data << [scheduledProgramType: scheduledClimateType]; changeRarely[tid][18] = scheduledClimateType; if (!rareChanged) rareChanged = true; } } //log.debug "changeRarely[${tid}] after: ${changeRarely[tid]}" if (rareChanged) { rarelyChanged = true } // If the setpoints change, then double-check to see if the currently running Program has changed. // We do this by ensuring that the rest of the thermostat datasets (settings, program, events) are // collected on the next poll, if they weren't collected in this poll. //if (debugLevelFour) LOG("programUpdated: ${programUpdated}, forcePoll: ${forcePoll}, a.needPrograms: ${atomicState.needPrograms}, needPrograms: ${needPrograms}",1,null,'trace') //atomicState.needPrograms = needPrograms ?: (needPrograms && (!programUpdated && !forcePoll)) //if (debugLevelFour) LOG("a.needPrograms: ${atomicState.needPrograms}",1,null,'trace') //if (needPrograms && (programUpdated || forcePoll)) needPrograms = false //needPrograms = !needPrograms ? (!prog if (!needPrograms && needP) needPrograms = (!programUpdated && !forcePoll) if (programUpdated || eventsUpdated || forcePoll || needAll) { def tempProgram = [:] tempProgram[tid] = currentClimateName if (atomicState.currentProgramName) tempProgram = atomicState.currentProgramName + tempProgram atomicState.currentProgramName = tempProgram tempProgram = [:] tempProgram[tid] = currentClimate if (atomicState.currentProgram) tempProgram = atomicState.currentProgram + tempProgram atomicState.currentProgram = tempProgram } //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Finished queueing changeRarely for ${tstatName} @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" } // OFTEN: Runtime stuff that changes most frequently - we test them 1 at a time, and send only the ones that change if (!changeOften) changeOften = atomicState.changeOften as HashMap if (runtimeUpdated || forcePoll || extendRTUpdated || sensorsUpdated || !changeOften || !changeOften[tid]) { if (!changeOften?.containsKey(tid) || !changeOften[tid]) { // temperature, occupancy, humidity, humiditySetpointDisplay, humiditySetpoint, dehumiditySetpoint //changeOften[tid] =[9999, 'x', -1, 'x', -1, -1] changeOften[tid] = ["x"]*6 as List } if (sensorsUpdated && occupancy && ( changeOften[tid][1] != occupancy)) data << [motion: occupancy] if ((tempTemperature != null) && ((changeOften[tid][0] != tempTemperature) || userPChanged ||forcePoll)) data << [temperature: myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded((tempTemperature / 10.0), 'F', userPrecision)] def actualHumidity = runtime?.actualHumidity if ((actualHumidity != null) && ((changeOften[tid][2] != actualHumidity) || forcePoll)) data << [humidity: runtime.actualHumidity] if (humiditySetpointDisplay && ( changeOften[tid][3] != humiditySetpointDisplay)) data << [humiditySetpointDisplay: humiditySetpointDisplay] //log.debug "HumiditySetpoint: ${humiditySetpoint}" if ((humiditySetpoint != null) && ( changeOften[tid][4] != humiditySetpoint)) data << [humiditySetpoint: humiditySetpoint] if ((dehumiditySetpoint != null) && ( changeOften[tid][5] != dehumiditySetpoint)) data << [dehumiditySetpoint: dehumiditySetpoint] changeOften[tid] = [tempTemperature,occupancy,actualHumidity,humiditySetpointDisplay,humiditySetpoint,dehumiditySetpoint] oftenChanged = true //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Finished queueing Runtime data for ${tstatName} @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" } // WEATHER (Off-loaded to keep method under 64KB) if (weatherUpdated || forcePoll) { if (!tempWeather) tempWeather = atomicState.weather if (tempWeather && tempWeather[tid]) { data << weatherUpdates( tid, tempWeather[tid], timeOfDay, userPrecision, userPChanged) } } // TIMESTAMPS // Some of these can change without changing what is shown on the thermostat device, but updates like (schedule & climateChange) may have // Helper dependencies, so we send the timestamps even if nothing else changed. String tidTime = statTime[tid] if (runtimeUpdated) data << [runtimeUpdated: tidTime] if (alertsUpdated) data << [alertsUpdated: tidTime] if (settingsUpdated) data << [settingsUpdated: tidTime] if (programUpdated) data << [programUpdated: tidTime] if (climatesUpdated) data << [climatesUpdated: tidTime] if (scheduleUpdated) data << [scheduleUpdated: tidTime] if (curClimRefUpdated) data << [curClimRefUpdated: tidTime] if (eventsUpdated) data << [eventsUpdated: tidTime] if (locationUpdated) data << [locationUpdated: tidTime] if (audioUpdated) data << [audioUpdated: tidTime] if (extendRTUpdated) data << [extendRTUpdated: tidTime] if (weatherUpdated) data << [weatherUpdated: tidTime] if (sensorsUpdated) data << [sensorsUpdated: tidTime] if (equipUpdated) data << [equipUpdated: tidTime] if (statInfoUpdated) data << [statInfoUpdated: tidTime] if (debugLevelFour) LOG("updateThermostatData() - Event data updated for thermostat ${tstatName} (${tid}) = ${data}", 1, null, 'trace') // it is possible that thermostatSummary indicated things have changed that we don't care about... // so don't send ANYTHING if we only have the initial forcePoll status for this tid if (data != dataStart) { data << [ thermostatTime:statTime[tid] ] if (forcePoll) data << [forced: false] // end of forced update tstatNames += [tstatName] if (debugLevelFour) LOG("${tstatName} data: ${data}",1,null,'info') int ds = data.size() totalUpdates += forcePoll ? (ds -1) : ds collector[DNI] = [thermostatId:tid, data:data] //data = null } return collector } else { //log.debug "NO UPDATES (${tstatName})!!!" if (debugLevelThree) LOG("updateThermostatData() - No updates to event data for thermostat ${tstatName} (${tid})", 3, null, 'info') collector[DNI] = [thermostatId:tid, data:[]] return collector } } // SAVE THE CHANGES! if (equipChanged) atomicState.changeEquip = changeEquip if (cloudChanged) atomicState.changeCloud = changeCloud if (alertsChanged) atomicState.changeAlerts = changeAlerts if (attrsChanged) atomicState.changeAttrs = changeAttrs if (devicesChanged) atomicState.changeDevice = changeDevice if (audioChanged) atomicState.changeAudio = changeAudio if (tempsChanged) atomicState.changeTemps = changeTemps if (configsChanged) atomicState.changeConfig = changeConfig if (neverChanged) atomicState.changeNever = changeNever if (rarelyChanged) atomicState.changeRarely = changeRarely if (oftenChanged) atomicState.changeOften = changeOften atomicState.needPrograms = needPrograms // should be true if ANY thermostat setpoints changed and the program data wasn't updated atomicState.thermostats = statData Integer nSize = tstatNames.size() if (nSize > 1) tstatNames.sort() LOG("${totalUpdates} update${totalUpdates!=1?'s':''} for ${nSize} thermostat${nSize!=1?'s':''} ${nSize!=0?'('+tstatNames.toString()[1..-2]+')':''}", 2, null, 'info') //LOG("${totalUpdates} updates for ${nSize} thermostats",2,null,'info') //if (TIMERS) log.debug "TIMER: Thermostats update completed @ ${now() - atomicState.pollEcobeeAPIStart}ms" } String whichStage(equipStatus, auxHeatMode, heatStages) { if (equipStatus.contains('t1')) { return ((auxHeatMode) ? 'emergency' : ((heatStages > 1) ? 'heat 1' : 'heating')) } else if (equipStatus.contains('mpHo')) { return 'compHotWater' } else if (equipStatus.contains('uxHo')) { return 'auxHotWater' } else if (equipStatus.contains('t2')) { return 'heat 2' } else if (equipStatus.contains('t3')) { return 'heat 3' } else if (equipStatus.contains('p2')) { return 'heat pump 2' } else if (equipStatus.contains('p3')) { return 'heat pump 3' } else if (equipStatus.contains('mp')) { return 'heat pump' } } Map weatherUpdates(String tid, Map weatherMap, String dayNight, int userPrecision, boolean userPChanged) { Integer weatherTemperature = weatherMap.temperature ? weatherMap.temperature as Integer : 4510 Integer weatherDewpoint = weatherMap.dewpoint as Integer Integer weatherHumidity = weatherMap.humidity as Integer Integer weatherPressure = weatherMap.pressure as Integer String weatherLowForecast = weatherMap.tempLowForecast String weatherSymbol = weatherMap.weatherSymbol.toString() Map updates = [:] Map changeWeather = atomicState.changeWeather boolean weatherChanged = false if (!changeWeather || !changeWeather.containsKey(tid) || !changeWeather[tid]) { // symbol, temperature, humidity, dewpoint, pressure, forecast, dayNight if (!changeWeather) changeWeather = [:] //changeWeather[tid] = [ 'x', -9999, -99, -9999, -9999, 'x', 'x' ] changeWeather[tid] = ["x"]*7 as List weatherChanged = true } if (weatherSymbol && ((changeWeather[tid][0] != weatherSymbol) || (timeOfDay != changeWeather[tid][6]))) updates << [timeOfDay: dayNight, weatherSymbol: weatherSymbol] if ((weatherTemperature != null) && ((changeWeather[tid][1] != weatherTemperature) || userPChanged)) updates << [weatherTemperature: myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded((weatherTemperature / 10.0), "F", userPrecision)] if ((weatherHumidity != null) && ( changeWeather[tid][2] != weatherHumidity)) updates << [weatherHumidity: weatherHumidity] if ((weatherDewpoint != null) && ((changeWeather[tid][3] != weatherDewpoint) || userPChanged)) updates << [weatherDewpoint: myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded((weatherDewpoint / 10.0), "F", userPrecision)] if (weatherPressure && ( changeWeather[tid][4] != weatherPressure)) updates << [weatherPressure: (usingMetric ? weatherPressure : roundIt((weatherPressure * 0.02953),2))] //milliBars to inHg if (weatherLowForecast && ( changeWeather[tid][5] != weatherLowForecast)) updates << [weatherTempLowForecast: weatherLowForecast] if (!weatherChanged && (updates != [:])) weatherChanged = true if (weatherChanged) { changeWeather[tid] = [ weatherSymbol, weatherTemperature, weatherHumidity, weatherDewpoint, weatherPressure, weatherLowForecast, dayNight ] atomicState.changeWeather = changeWeather } return updates } String getChildThermostatDeviceIdsString(singleStat = null) { boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if(!singleStat) { if (debugLevelFour) LOG('getChildThermostatDeviceIdsString() - !singleStat returning the list for all thermostats', 1, null, 'info') return settings.thermostats.collect { it.split(/\./).last() }.join(',') } else { // Only return the single thermostat if (debugLevelFour) LOG('Only have a single stat.', 1, null, 'debug') def ecobeeDevId = singleStat.device.deviceNetworkId.split(/\./).last() if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Received a single thermostat, returning the Ecobee Device ID as a String: ${ecobeeDevId}", 1, null, 'info') return ecobeeDevId as String } } def toQueryString(Map m) { return m.collect { k, v -> "${k}=${URLEncoder.encode(v.toString())}" }.sort().join("&") } boolean refreshAuthToken(child=null) { boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (debugLevelFour) LOG('Entered refreshAuthToken()', 1, null, 'trace') def timeBeforeExpiry = atomicState.authTokenExpires ? atomicState.authTokenExpires - now() : 0 // check to see if token was recently refreshed (eliminate multiple concurrent threads) if (timeBeforeExpiry > 2000) { LOG("refreshAuthToken() - skipping, token expires in ${timeBeforeExpiry/1000} seconds",2,null,'info') // Double check that the daemons are still running if (!isDaemonAlive("poll")) { LOG("refreshAuthToken - rescheduling poll daemon",1,null,'warn'); spawnDaemon("poll") } if (!isDaemonAlive("watchdog")) { LOG("refreshAuthToken - rescheduling watchdog daemon",1,null,'warn'); spawnDaemon("watchdog") } return true } atomicState.lastTokenRefresh = now() atomicState.lastTokenRefreshDate = getTimestamp() if (!atomicState.refreshToken) { LOG('refreshAuthToken() - There is no refreshToken stored! Unable to refresh OAuth token', 1, child, "error") apiLost("refreshAuthToken() - No refreshToken") return false } else { if (debugLevelFour) LOG('Performing a refreshAuthToken()', 1, null, 'trace') // 4 def refreshParams = [ // method: 'POST', uri: apiEndpoint, path: '/token', query: [grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: "${atomicState.refreshToken}", client_id: ecobeeApiKey], timeout: 30 ] if (debugLevelFour) LOG("refreshParams = ${refreshParams}", 1, null, 'trace') // 4 def jsonMap try { httpPost(refreshParams) { resp -> if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Inside httpPost resp handling.", 1, child, "trace") if(resp && resp.isSuccess() && resp.status && (resp.status == 200)) { if (debugLevelFour) LOG('refreshAuthToken() - 200 Response received - Extracting info.', 1, child, 'trace' ) // 4 atomicState.reAttempt = 0 // Tell the children that we are once again connected to the Ecobee API Cloud if (apiConnected() != "full") { apiRestored() generateEventLocalParams() // Update the connection status } jsonMap = resp.data // Needed to work around strange bug that wasn't updating state when accessing resp.data directly if (!jsonMap) LOG("resp.data = ${resp.data}", 2, child, 'warn') //LOG("resp.json: ${resp.json}",2,child,'warn') // we should get both if(jsonMap) { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("jsonMap: ${jsonMap}", 1, child, 'trace') // 4 atomicState.refreshToken = jsonMap.refresh_token // TODO - Platform BUG: This was not updating the state values for some reason if we use resp.data directly??? // Workaround using jsonMap for authToken if (debugLevelFour) LOG("atomicState.authToken before: ${atomicState.authToken}", 1, child, "trace") // 4 def oldAuthToken = atomicState.authToken atomicState.authToken = jsonMap?.access_token if (debugLevelFour) LOG("atomicState.authToken after: ${atomicState.authToken}", 1, child, "trace") // 4 if (oldAuthToken == atomicState.authToken) { LOG('WARN: atomicState.authToken did NOT update properly! This is likely a transient problem', 1, child, 'warn') } // Save the expiry time for debugging purposes atomicState.authTokenExpires = (resp?.data?.expires_in * 1000) + now() if (debugLevel(3)) LOG("refreshAuthToken() - Success! Token expires in ${String.format("%.2f",resp?.data?.expires_in/60)} minutes", 3, child, 'info') // 3 if (debugLevelFour) { // 4 LOG("Updated state.authTokenExpires = ${atomicState.authTokenExpires}", 2, child, 'trace') LOG("Refresh Token = state =${atomicState.refreshToken} == in: ${resp?.data?.refresh_token}", 2, child, 'trace') LOG("OAUTH Token = state ${atomicState.authToken} == in: ${resp?.data?.access_token}", 2, child, 'trace') } String action = atomicState.action // Reset saved action atomicState.action = '' if (action) { // && atomicState.action != "") { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Token refreshed. Rescheduling aborted action: ${action}", 1, child, 'trace') // 4 //runIn( 2, "${action}", [overwrite: true]) // this will collapse multiple threads back into just one "${action}"() } else { // Assume we had to re-authorize during a pollEcobeeAPI session atomicState.inPollChildren = false runIn( 2, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) } } else { LOG("No jsonMap??? ${jsonMap}", 2, child, 'trace') } // scheduleWatchdog(null, false) // Reschedule polling if it has been a while since the previous poll if (!isDaemonAlive("poll")) { LOG("refreshAuthToken - rescheduling poll daemon",1,null,'warn'); spawnDaemon("poll") } if (!isDaemonAlive("watchdog")) { LOG("refreshAuthToken - rescheduling watchdog daemon",1,null,'warn'); spawnDaemon("watchdog") } if (atomicState.inTimeoutRetry) atomicState.inTimeoutRetry = 0 return true } else { LOG("refreshAuthToken() - Failed ${resp.status} : ${resp.status.code}!", 1, child, 'error') return false } } } catch (groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException e) { boolean result = false //LOG("refreshAuthToken() - HttpResponseException occurred. Exception info: ${e} StatusCode: ${e.statusCode} response? data: ${e.getResponse()?.getData()}", 1, null, "error") LOG("refreshAuthToken() - HttpResponseException occurred. Exception info: ${e} StatusCode: ${e.statusCode}", 1, child, "error") if ((e.statusCode != 401) && (e.statusCode != 400)) { runIn(watchdogInterval, refreshAuthToken, [overwrite: true]) } else if ((e.statusCode == 401) || (e.statusCode == 400)) { atomicState.reAttempt = atomicState.reAttempt + 1 if (atomicState.reAttempt > 5) { apiLost("Too many retries (${atomicState.reAttempt - 1}) for token refresh.") result = false } else { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Setting up runIn for refreshAuthToken", 1, child, 'trace') // 4 if ( true || canSchedule() ) { runIn(watchdogInterval, refreshAuthToken, [overwrite: true]) } else { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Unable to schedule refreshAuthToken, running directly", 1, child, 'trace') // 4 result = refreshAuthToken(child) } } } generateEventLocalParams() // Update the connected state at the thermostat devices if (resp) resp = [:] return result } catch (java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException e) { LOG("refreshAuthToken(), TimeoutException: ${e}.", 1, child, "warn") // Likely bad luck and network overload, move on and let it try again if ( true || canSchedule() ) { runIn(watchdogInterval, refreshAuthToken, [overwrite: true]) } else { refreshAuthToken(child) } if (resp) resp = [:] return false } catch (org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException | org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException | javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException | javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException | java.net.SocketTimeoutException | java.net.NoRouteToHostException | java.net.UnknownHostException | groovyx.net.http.ResponseParseException | java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException e) { LOG("refreshAuthToken() - ${e} - will retry",1,child,'warn') // Just log it, and hope for better next time... if (apiConnected() != 'warn') { atomicState.connected = 'warn' updateMyLabel() atomicState.lastPoll = now() atomicState.lastPollDate = getTimestamp() generateEventLocalParams() } def inTimeoutRetry = atomicState.inTimeoutRetry if (inTimeoutRetry == null) inTimeoutRetry = 0 // try to re-Authorize for 5 minutes if (inTimeoutRetry < 20) runIn(watchdogInterval, refreshAuthToken, [overwrite: true]) atomicState.inTimeoutRetry = inTimeoutRetry + 1 //LOG("refreshAuthToken(), ConnectTimeoutException: ${e}.",1,null,'warn') //if(canSchedule()) { runIn(watchdogInterval, "refreshAuthToken", [overwrite: true]) } else { refreshAuthToken() } if (resp) resp = [:] return false } catch (Exception e) { LOG("refreshAuthToken() - Exception: ${e}.", 1, child, "error") if (resp) resp = [:] throw e return false } } return true } void queueFailedCall(String routine, String DNI, numArgs, arg1=null, arg2=null, arg3=null, arg4=null, arg5=null, arg6=null, arg7=null) { //log.debug "queueCall routine: ${routine}, DNI: ${DNI}, ${arg1}, ${arg2}, ${arg3}, ${arg4}, ${arg5}, ${arg6}, ${arg7}" // ${routine}" // , args: ${theArgs}" if ((atomicState.connected == 'full') && atomicState.runningCallQueue) return // don't queue when we are clearing the queue runIn(2, queueCall, [overwrite: false, data: [routine: routine, DNI: DNI, args: [arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5], done: false, numArgs: numArgs]]) if (atomicState.callsQueued == null) { atomicState.callsQueued = 0; atomicState.callsRun = 0; } atomicState.callsQueued = atomicState.callsQueued + 1 } void queueCall(data) { def dbgLvl = 4 LOG("queueCall() data: ${data}", dbgLvl, null, 'trace') def failedCallQueue = null def queueSize = 0 if (!atomicState.queueingFailedCalls) { atomicState.queueingFailedCalls = true } else { failedCallQueue = atomicState.callQueue queueSize = failedCallQueue ? failedCallQueue.size() : 0 } LOG("queueSize: ${queueSize}, failedCallQueue: ${failedCallQueue}", dbgfLvl, null, 'trace') if (queueSize == 0) { failedCallQueue = ["${queueSize}": data] } else { failedCallQueue = failedCallQueue + ["${queueSize}": data] } LOG("failedCallQueue: ${failedCallQueue}", 3, null, 'trace') //atomicState.callQueue = toJson(failedCallQueue) atomicState.callQueue = failedCallQueue // runIn( 5, runCallQueue ) } void runCallQueue() { def dbgLvl = 1 if (debugLevel(dbgLvl)) LOG("runCallQueue() connected: ${atomicState.connected}, callQueue: ${atomicState.callQueue}, runningCallQueue: ${atomicState.runningCallQueue}", dbgLvl, null, 'trace') if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') return def callQueue = atomicState.callQueue if (callQueue?.size() == 0) { atomicState.runningCallQueue = false LOG("Call Queue is empty",2,null,'info') return } if (atomicState.runningCallQueue) { def timeLeft = now() - atomicState.runningCallQueueStarted if (timeLeft < (callQueue.size() * 15000)) { // 15 seconds per queued call LOG("callQueue is already running - ${timeLeft/1000} seconds until restart",,null,'warn') return } } atomicState.runningCallQueue = true atomicState.runningCallQueueStarted = now() LOG("callQueue starting...",2,null,'trace') //while (atomicState.connected == 'full') { boolean failed = false boolean result = true int i for (i=0; i < callQueue.size(); i++) { //log.debug queue."${i}" def cmd = callQueue."${i}" LOG("${i}: ${cmd}", dbgLvl, null, 'debug') if (cmd?.done?.toString() == 'false') { if (atomicState.connected == 'full') { // execute the command if (cmd.routine == 'setProgramSetpoint') cmd.routine = 'setProgramSetpoints' // fix for a past mistake **TEMPORARY** def command = "${cmd.routine}(getChildDevice(${cmd.DNI})" cmd.args?.each { if (it == [:]) it = null } command += ')' switch(cmd.numArgs) { case 0: result = this."${cmd.routine}"(getChildDevice(cmd.DNI)) break; case 1: result = this."${cmd.routine}"(getChildDevice(cmd.DNI), cmd.args[0]) break; case 2: result = this."${cmd.routine}"(getChildDevice(cmd.DNI), cmd.args[0], cmd.args[1] ) break; case 3: result = this."${cmd.routine}"(getChildDevice(cmd.DNI), cmd.args[0], cmd.args[1], cmd.args[2]) break; case 4: result = this."${cmd.routine}"(getChildDevice(cmd.DNI), cmd.args[0], cmd.args[1], cmd.args[2], cmd.args[3]) break; case 5: result = this."${cmd.routine}"(getChildDevice(cmd.DNI), cmd.args[0], cmd.args[1], cmd.args[2], cmd.args[3], cmd.args[4]) break; //case 6: // result = this."${cmd.routine}"(getChildDevice(cmd.DNI), cmd.args[0], cmd.args[1], cmd.args[2], cmd.args[3], cmd.args[4], cmd.args[5]) // break; //case 7: // result = this."${cmd.routine}"(getChildDevice(cmd.DNI), cmd.args[0], cmd.args[1], cmd.args[2], cmd.args[3], cmd.args[4], cmd.args[5], cmd.args[6]) // break; } LOG("RESULT: ${result}", dbgLvl, null, 'trace') if (result) { if (!callQueue) callQueue = atomicState.callQueue cmd = callQueue."${i}" cmd.done = true callQueue."${i}" = cmd atomicState.callQueue = callQueue atomicState.callsRun = atomicState.callsRun + 1 } else { LOG("callQueue failed on entry ${i} - aborting",1,null,'error') i = callQueue.size() failed = true } } } } if (!failed) { atomicState.callQueue = [:]; LOG("callQueue completed and cleared", 2, null, 'trace'); } atomicState.runningCallQueue = false atomicState.queueingFailedCalls = false } boolean resumeProgram(child, String deviceId, resumeAll=true) { if (child == null) { child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) } // log.debug "resumeProgram: ${child.device.displayName}" if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to resumeProgram(${child.device.displayName}, ${deviceId}, ${resumeAll})", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('resumeProgram', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, deviceId, resumeAll) return false } boolean result = true boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) boolean debugLevelThree = debugLevel(3) String statName = getThermostatName(deviceId) if (debugLevelThree) LOG("Entered resumeProgram for thermostat ${statName} (${deviceId}) with child: ${child.device?.displayName}", 3, child, 'trace') String allStr = resumeAll ? 'true' : 'false' def jsonRequestBody = '{"functions":[{"type":"resumeProgram","params":{"resumeAll":"' + allStr + '"}}],"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + deviceId + '"}}' if (debugLevelFour) LOG("jsonRequestBody = ${jsonRequestBody}", 1, child, 'trace') result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("resumeProgram(${statName}, ${resumeAll}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child,result?'info':'warn') if (result) { //def program = atomicState.program[deviceId] def climates = atomicState.climates[deviceId] //if ( program ) { def climateId = atomicState.currentClimateRef[deviceId] def climate = climates?.find { it.climateRef == climateId } def climateName = climate?.name // send the new heat/cool setpoints and ProgramId to the DTH - it will update the rest of the related displayed values itself Integer apiPrecision = usingMetric ? 2 : 1 // highest precision available from the API Integer userPrecision = getTempDecimals() // user's requested display precision def updates = [ [heatingSetpoint: myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded( (climate.heatTemp.toInteger() / 10.0), 'F', userPrecision)], [coolingSetpoint: myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded( (climate.coolTemp.toInteger() / 10.0), 'F', userPrecision)], [currentProgramName: climateName], [currentProgram: climateName], [currentProgramId: climateId], ] if (debugLevelFour) LOG("resumeProgram(${statName}, ${resumeAll}) ${updates}",2,null,'info') child.generateEvent(updates) // force-update the calling device attributes that it can't see runIn(5, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) // Pick up the changes } else { if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API connection lost, queueing failed call to resumeProgram(${child.device.displayName}, ${deviceId}, ${resumeAll})", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('resumeProgram', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, deviceId, resumeAll) } } return result } boolean setHVACMode(child, deviceId, mode) { LOG("setHVACMode(${mode})", 4, child, 'trace') def result = setMode(child, mode, deviceId) LOG("setHVACMode(${mode}) for ${child.device.displayName} returned ${result}", 3, child, result?'info':'warn') // if (!result) queue failed request return result } boolean setMode(child, mode, deviceId) { if (child == null) child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to setMode(${child.device.displayName}, ${mode}, ${deviceId}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setMode', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, mode, deviceId) return false } boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (debugLevelFour) LOG("setMode(${mode}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId})", 1, child, 'trace') // queueFailedCall('setMode', child, mode, deviceId) def jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + deviceId + '"},"thermostat":{"settings":{"hvacMode":"'+"${mode}"+'"}}}' if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Mode Request Body = ${jsonRequestBody}", 1, child, 'trace') def result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("setMode(${mode}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child, result?'info':'warn') if (result) { // LOG("setMode(${mode}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Succeeded", 1, child, 'info') runIn(5, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) // Pick up the changes } else { if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is connection lost, queueing failed call to setMode(${child.device.displayName}, ${mode}, ${deviceId}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setMode', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, mode, deviceId) } else { LOG("setMode(${mode}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Failed", 1, child, 'warn') } } return result } boolean setHumidifierMode(child, mode, deviceId) { if (child == null) child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to setHumidifierMode(${child.device.displayName}, ${mode}, ${deviceId}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setHumidifierMode', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, mode, deviceId) return false } if (debugLevelFour) LOG ("setHumidifierMode(${mode}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId})", 1, child, 'trace') def jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + deviceId + '"},"thermostat":{"settings":{"humidifierMode":"'+"${mode}"+'"}}}' def result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("setHumidifierMode(${mode}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child, result?'info':'warn') if (result) { // LOG("setHumidifierMode(${mode}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Succeeded", 2, child, 'info') runIn(5, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) // Pick up the changes } else { if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API connection lost, queueing failed call to setHumidifierMode(${child.device.displayName}, ${mode}, ${deviceId}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setHumidifierMode', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, mode, deviceId) return false } else { LOG("setHumidifierMode(${mode}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Failed", 1, child, 'warn') } } return result } boolean setHumiditySetpoint(child, value, deviceId) { if (child == null) child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to setHumiditySetpoint(${child.device.displayName}, ${value}, ${deviceId}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setHumiditySetpoint', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, value, deviceId) return false } if (debugLevelFour) LOG ("setHumiditySetpoint${value}) for ${deviceId}", 4, child, 'trace') def jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + deviceId + '"},"thermostat":{"settings":{"humidity":"'+"${value}"+'"}}}' if (debugLevelFour) LOG("setHumiditySetpoint Request Body = ${jsonRequestBody}", 4, child, 'trace') def result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("setHumiditySetpoint(${value}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child, result?'info':'warn') if (result) { //LOG("setHumiditySetpoint(${value}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Succeeded", 2, child, 'info') runIn(5, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) // Pick up the changes } else { if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API connection lost, queueing failed call to setHumiditySetpoint(${child.device.displayName}, ${value}, ${deviceId}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setHumiditySetpoint', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, value, deviceId) } else { LOG("setHumiditySetpoint(${value}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Failed", 1, child, 'warn') } } return result } boolean setDehumidifierMode(child, mode, deviceId) { if (child == null) child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to setDehumidifierMode(${child.device.displayName}, ${mode}, ${deviceId}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setDehumidifierMode', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, mode, deviceId) return false } LOG ("setDehumidifierMode(${mode}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId})", 5, child, 'trace') def jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + deviceId + '"},"thermostat":{"settings":{"dehumidifierMode":"'+"${mode}"+'"}}}' if (debugLevelFour) LOG("dehumidifierMode Request Body = ${jsonRequestBody}", 4, child, 'trace') def result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("setDehumidifierMode(${mode}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child, result?'info':'warn') if (result) { //LOG("setDehumidifierMode(${mode}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Succeeded", 2, child, 'info') runIn(5, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) // Pick up the changes } else { if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API connection lost, queueing failed call to setDehumidifierMode(${child.device.displayName}, ${mode}, ${deviceId}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setDehumidifierMode', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, mode, deviceId) } else { LOG("setDehumidifierMode(${mode}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Failed", 1, child, 'warn') } } return result } boolean setDehumiditySetpoint(child, value, deviceId) { if (child == null) child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to setDehumiditySetpoint(${child.device.displayName}, ${value}, ${deviceId}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setDehumiditySetpoint', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, value, deviceId) return false } if (debugLevelFour) LOG ("setDehumiditySetpoint${value}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId})", 4, child, 'trace') def jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + deviceId + '"},"thermostat":{"settings":{"dehumidifierLevel":"'+"${value}"+'"}}}' if (debugLevelFour) LOG("setDehumiditySetpoint Request Body = ${jsonRequestBody}", 4, child, 'trace') def result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("setDehumiditySetpoint(${value}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child, result?'info':'warn') if (result) { runIn(5, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) // Pick up the changes } else { if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API connection lost, queueing failed call to setDehumiditySetpoint(${child.device.displayName}, ${value}, ${deviceId}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setDehumiditySetpoint', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, value, deviceId) } else { LOG("setDehumiditySetpoint (${mode}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Failed", 1, child, 'warn') } } return result } boolean setFanMinOnTime(child, deviceId, howLong) { if (child == null) child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to setFanMinOnTime(${child.device.displayName}, ${deviceId}, ${howLong}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setFanMinOnTime', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, deviceId, howLong) return false } if (debugLevelFour) LOG("setFanMinOnTime(${howLong}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId})", 4, child, 'trace') if ((howLong < 0) || (howLong > 55)) { LOG("setFanMinOnTime() for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Invalid Argument ${howLong}",2,child,'warn') return false } def thermostatSettings = ',"thermostat":{"settings":{"fanMinOnTime":'+howLong+'}}' def thermostatFunctions = '' def jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + deviceId + '"},"functions":['+thermostatFunctions+']'+thermostatSettings+'}' def result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("setFanMinOnTime(${howLong}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child, result?'info':'warn') if (result) { runIn(5, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) // Pick up the changes } else { if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API connection lost, queueing failed call to setFanMinOnTime(${child.device.displayName}, ${deviceId}, ${howLong}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setFanMinOnTime', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, deviceId, howLong) } } return result } boolean setVacationFanMinOnTime(child, deviceId, howLong) { if (child == null) child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to setVacationFanMinOnTime(${child.device.displayName}, ${deviceId}, ${howLong}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setVacationFanMinOnTime', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, deviceId, howLong) return false } if (debugLevelFour) LOG("setVacationFanMinOnTime(${howLong}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId})", 4, child) if (!howLong.isInteger() || (howLong < 0) || (howLong > 55)) { // Documentation says 60 is the max, but the Ecobee3 thermostat maxes out at 55 (makes 60 = 0) LOG("setVacationFanMinOnTime() for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Invalid Argument ${howLong}",2,child,'warn') return false } def evt = atomicState.runningEvent[deviceId] boolean hasEvent = true if (!evt) { hasEvent = false // no running event defined } else { if (evt.running != true) hasEvent = false // shouldn't have saved it if it wasn't running if (hasEvent && (evt.type != "vacation")) hasEvent = false // we only override vacation fanMinOnTime setting } if (!hasEvent) { LOG("setVacationFanMinOnTime() for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Vacation not active", 2, child, 'warn') return false } if (evt.fanMinOnTime.toInteger() == howLong.toInteger()) return true // didn't need to do anything! if (deleteVacation(child, deviceId, evt.name)) { // apparently on order to change something in a vacation, we have to delete it and then re-create it.. def thermostatSettings = '' def thermostatFunctions = '{"type":"createVacation","params":{"name":"' + evt.name + '","coolHoldTemp":"' + evt.coolHoldTemp + '","heatHoldTemp":"' + evt.heatHoldTemp + '","startDate":"' + evt.startDate + '","startTime":"' + evt.startTime + '","endDate":"' + evt.endDate + '","endTime":"' + evt.endTime + '","fan":"' + evt.fan + '","fanMinOnTime":"' + "${howLong}" + '"}}' def jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + deviceId + '"},"functions":['+thermostatFunctions+']'+thermostatSettings+'}' if (debugLevelFour) LOG("setVacationFanMinOnTime() for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - before sendJson() jsonRequestBody: ${jsonRequestBody}", 4, child, "info") def result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("setVacationFanMinOnTime(${howLong}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child, result?'info':'warn') if (result) { runIn(5, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) // Pick up the changes } else { if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API connection lost, queueing Failed call to setVacationFanMinOnTime(${child.device.displayName}, ${deviceId}, ${howLong}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setVacationFanMinOnTime', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, deviceId, howLong) } } return result } else { if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API connection lost, queueing failed call to setVacationFanMinOnTime(${child.device.displayName}, ${deviceId}, ${howLong}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setVacationFanMinOnTime', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, deviceId, howLong) } return false } return false } boolean createVacationTemplate(child, deviceId) { String vacationName = 'tempVac810n' if (child == null) child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) // delete any old temporary vacation that we created deleteVacation(child, deviceId, vacationName) // Create the temporary vacation def thermostatSettings = '' def thermostatFunctions = '{"type":"createVacation","params":{"name":"' + vacationName + '","coolHoldTemp":"850","heatHoldTemp":"550","startDate":"2034-01-01","startTime":"08:30:00","endDate":"2034-01-01","endTime":"09:30:00","fan":"auto","fanMinOnTime":"5"}}' def jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + deviceId + '"},"functions":['+thermostatFunctions+']'+thermostatSettings+'}' if (debugLevelFour) LOG("before sendJson() jsonRequestBody: ${jsonRequestBody}", 4, child, 'trace') def result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("createVacationTemplate(${vacationName}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child, result?'info':'warn') // if (!result) queue failed request // Now, delete the temporary vacation result = deleteVacation(child, deviceId, vacationName) // LOG("deleteVacation(${vacationName}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child, result?'info':'warn') return true } boolean deleteVacation(child, deviceId, vacationName=null ) { def vacaName = vacationName if (child == null) child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) if (!vacaName) { // no vacationName specified, let's find out if one is currently running def evt = atomicState.runningEvent[deviceId] if (!evt || (evt.running != true) || (evt.type != "vacation") || !evt.name) { LOG("deleteVacation() for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Vacation not active", 1, child, 'warn') return true // Asked us to delete the current vacation, and there isn't one - I'd still call that a success! } vacaName = evt.name as String // default names are Very Big Numbers } def thermostatSettings = '' def thermostatFunctions = '{"type":"deleteVacation","params":{"name":"' + vacaName + '"}}' def jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + deviceId + '"},"functions":['+thermostatFunctions+']'+thermostatSettings+'}' boolean result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("deleteVacation() for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child,result?'info':'warn') if (vacationName == null) { resumeProgram(child, deviceId, true) // force back to previously scheduled program //pollChildren(deviceId,true) // and finally, update the state of everything (hopefully) } runIn(5, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) // Pick up the changes return result } // The calling child device should have verified that the current Event is demandResponse, and that it isn't mandatory boolean cancelDemandResponse(child, String deviceId) { if (child == null) { child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) } if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to cancelDemandResponse(${child.device.displayName}, ${deviceId})", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('cancelDemandResponse', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 1, deviceId) return false } boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) boolean debugLevelThree = debugLevelFour ?: debugLevel(3) String statName = getThermostatName(deviceId) if (debugLevelThree) LOG("Entered cancelDemandResponse for thermostat ${statName} (${deviceId}) with child: ${child.device?.displayName}", 1, child, 'trace') // this is probably the ONLY time we just want to pop the stacked Hold events... def jsonRequestBody = '{"functions":[{"type":"resumeProgram","params":{"resumeAll":"false"}}],"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + deviceId + '"}}' if (debugLevelFour) LOG("jsonRequestBody = ${jsonRequestBody}", 1, child, 'debug') boolean result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("cancelDemandResponse() for ${child.device?.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child, result?'info':'warn') return result } // Should only be called by child devices, and they MUST provide sendHoldType and sendHoldHours as of version 1.2.0 boolean setHold(child, heating, cooling, deviceId, sendHoldType='indefinite', sendHoldHours=2) { if (child == null) child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to setHold(${child.device.displayName}, ${heating}, ${cooling}, ${deviceId}, ${sendHoldType} ${sendHoldHours}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setHold', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 5, heating, cooling, deviceId, sendHoldType, sendHoldHours) return false } def currentThermostatHold = child.device.currentValue('thermostatHold', true) if (currentThermostatHold == 'vacation') { LOG("setHold(): Can't set a new hold for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) while in a vacation hold",2,null,'warn') // can't change fan mode while in vacation hold, so silently fail return false } else if ((currentThermostatHold != null) && (currentThermostatHold != 'null') && (currentThermostatHold != '')) { // must resume program first resumeProgram(child, deviceId, true) } def isMetric = (temperatureScale == "C") def h = roundIt((isMetric ? (cToF(heating as BigDecimal) * 10.0) : ((heating as BigDecimal) * 10.0)), 0) // better precision using BigDecimal round-half-up def c = roundIt((isMetric ? (cToF(cooling as BigDecimal) * 10.0) : ((cooling as BigDecimal) * 10.0)), 0) LOG("setHold() for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - h: ${heating}(${h}), c: ${cooling}(${c}), ${sendHoldType}, ${sendHoldHours}", 2, child, 'trace') def theHoldType = sendHoldType // ? sendHoldType : whatHoldType() if (theHoldType == 'nextTransition') { // Check if setpoints are the same as currentClimateRef, if so, don't set a new hold // ResumeProgram above already sent the setpoint display values for the currentClimate to the DTH def ncHsp = (child.device.currentValue('heatingSetpoint', true)) as BigDecimal def ncCsp = (child.device.currentValue('coolingSetpoint', true)) as BigDecimal def currHeatAt = roundIt((isMetric ? (cToF(ncHsp) * 10.0) : (ncHsp * 10.0)), 0) // better precision using BigDecimal round-half-up def currCoolAt = roundIt((isMetric ? (cToF(ncCsp) * 10.0) : (ncCsp * 10.0)), 0) LOG("setHold() - currHeat: ${currHeatAt}, currCool: ${currCoolAt}",2, child, 'trace') // if ((c==currCoolAt) && (h==currHeatAt)) { if ((cooling==currCoolAt) && (heating==currHeatAt)) { LOG("setHold() for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) requested current setpoints; ignoring", 3, child, 'info') return true } } else if (theHoldType == 'holdHours') { theHoldType = 'holdHours","holdHours":"' + sendHoldHours.toString() } def jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + deviceId + '"},"functions":[{"type":"setHold","params":{"coolHoldTemp":"' + c + '","heatHoldTemp":"' + h + '","holdType":"' + theHoldType + '"}}]}' if (debugLevelFour) LOG("setHold() for thermostat ${child.device.displayName} - about to sendJson with jsonRequestBody (${jsonRequestBody}", 4, child) def result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("setHold() for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child,result?'info':'warn') if (result) { // send the new heat/cool setpoints and ProgramId to the DTH - it will update the rest of the related displayed values itself Integer apiPrecision = usingMetric ? 2 : 1 // highest precision available from the API Integer userPrecision = getTempDecimals() // user's requested display precision //def tempHeatAt = h //.toBigDecimal() //def tempCoolAt = c //.toBigDecimal() //def tempHeatingSetpoint = myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded( (tempHeatAt.toInteger() / 10.0), 'F', userPrecision) //def tempCoolingSetpoint = myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded( (tempCoolAt.toInteger() / 10.0), 'F', userPrecision) def updates = [ [heatingSetpoint: myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded( (h.toInteger() / 10.0), 'F', userPrecision)], [coolingSetpoint: myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded( (c.toInteger() / 10.0), 'F', userPrecision)], [currentProgramName: 'Hold: Temp'], [thermostatHold: 'hold'], ] if (debugLevelFour) LOG("setHold() for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - ${updates}",4,null,'trace') child.generateEvent(updates) // force-update the calling device attributes that it can't see runIn(5, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) // Pick up the changes } else { if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API connection lost, queueing failed call to setHold(${child.device.displayName}, ${heating}, ${cooling}, ${deviceId}, ${sendHoldType} ${sendHoldHours}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setHold', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 5, heating, cooling, deviceId, sendHoldType, sendHoldHours) } } return result } // Should only be called by child devices, and they MUST provide sendHoldType and sendHoldHours as of version 1.2.0 boolean setFanMode(child, fanMode, fanMinOnTime, deviceId, sendHoldType='indefinite', sendHoldHours=2) { if (child == null) child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) boolean debugLevelFour= debugLevel(4) if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to setFanMode(${child.device.displayName}, ${fanMode}, ${fanMinOnTime}, ${deviceId}, ${sendHoldType} ${sendHoldHours}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setFanMode', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 5, fanMode, fanMinOnTime, deviceId, sendHoldType, sendHoldHours) return false } if (debugLevelFour) LOG("setFanMode(${fanMode}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId})", 4, null, 'trace') boolean isMetric = (temperatureScale == "C") def currentThermostatHold = child.device.currentValue('thermostatHold', true) if (currentThermostatHold == 'vacation') { LOG("setFanMode() for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}): Can't change Fan Mode while in a vacation hold",2,null,'warn') return false } else if ((currentThermostatHold != null) && (currentThermostatHold != 'null') && (currentThermostatHold != '')) { // must resume program first resumeProgram(child, deviceId, true) } // Per this thread: http://developer.ecobee.com/api/topics/qureies-related-to-setfan // def extraParams = [isTemperatureRelative: "false", isTemperatureAbsolute: "false"] // And then these values are ignored when setting only the fan // use the device's values, not the ones from our last API refresh // BUT- IF changing Fan Mode while in a Hold, maybe we should be overloading the hold instead of cancelling it? def ncHsp = (child.device.currentValue('heatingSetpoint', true)) as BigDecimal def ncCsp = (child.device.currentValue('coolingSetpoint', true)) as BigDecimal def h = roundIt((isMetric ? (cToF(ncHsp) * 10.0) : (ncHsp * 10.0)), 0) // better precision using BigDecimal round-half-up def c = roundIt((isMetric ? (cToF(ncCsp) * 10.0) : (ncCsp * 10.0)), 0) def theHoldType = sendHoldType // ? sendHoldType : whatHoldType(child) if (theHoldType == 'holdHours') { theHoldType = 'holdHours","holdHours":"' + sendHoldHours.toString() } def thermostatSettings = '' def thermostatFunctions = '' // CIRCULATE: same as AUTO, but with a non-zero fanMinOnTime if (fanMode == "circulate") { //LOG("setFanMode(circulate) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId})", 4, child, "trace") fanMode = "auto" if (fanMinOnTime == null) fanMinOnTime = 20 // default for 'circulate' if not specified thermostatSettings = ',"thermostat":{"settings":{"fanMinOnTime":"' + "${fanMinOnTime}" + '"}}' thermostatFunctions = '{"type":"setHold","params":{"coolHoldTemp":"' + c + '","heatHoldTemp":"' + h + '","holdType":"' + theHoldType + '","fan":"'+fanMode+'","isTemperatureAbsolute":false,"isTemperatureRelative":false}}' // OFF: Sets fanMinOnTime to 0; if thermostatMode == off, this will stop the fan altogether (so long as not in a hold) } else if (fanMode == "off") { //LOG("setFanMode(off) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId})", 4, child, "trace") // How to turn off the fan http://developer.ecobee.com/api/topics/how-to-turn-fan-off // HVACmode=='off', fanMode=='auto' and fanMinOnTime==0 // NOTE: Once you turn it off it does not automatically come back on if you select resume program fanMode = "auto" // thermostatSettings = ',"thermostat":{"settings":{"hvacMode":"off","fanMinOnTime":"0"}}' // now requires thermsotatMode to already be off, instead of overwriting it here thermostatSettings = ',"thermostat":{"settings":{"fanMinOnTime":"0"}}' thermostatFunctions = '{"type":"setHold","params":{"coolHoldTemp":"'+c+'","heatHoldTemp":"'+h+'","holdType":"'+theHoldType+ '","fan":"'+fanMode+'","isTemperatureAbsolute":false,"isTemperatureRelative":false}}' // AUTO or ON } else { if (fanMinOnTime == null) fanMinOnTime = 0 // this maybe should be the fanTime of the current/scheduledProgram thermostatSettings = ',"thermostat":{"settings":{"fanMinOnTime":"' + "${fanMinOnTime}" + /*'","hvacMode":"' + priorHVACMode + */ '"}}' thermostatFunctions = '{"type":"setHold","params":{"coolHoldTemp":"'+c+'","heatHoldTemp":"'+h+'","holdType":"'+theHoldType+ '","fan":"'+fanMode+'","isTemperatureAbsolute":false,"isTemperatureRelative":false}}' } def jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"'+deviceId+'"},"functions":['+thermostatFunctions+']'+thermostatSettings+'}' if (debugLevel(4)) LOG("setFanMode() for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - about to sendJson with jsonRequestBody (${jsonRequestBody}", 4, child, 'trace') boolean result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("setFanMode(${fanMode}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child, result?'info':'warn') runIn(5, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) // Pick up the changes if (!result) { if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API connection lost, queueing failed call to setFanMode(${child.device.displayName}, ${fanMode}, ${fanMinOnTime}, ${deviceId}, ${sendHoldType} ${sendHoldHours}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setFanMode', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 5, fanMode, fanMinOnTime, deviceId, sendHoldType, sendHoldHours) } } return result } boolean setProgram(child, program, String deviceId, sendHoldType='indefinite', sendHoldHours=2) { if (child == null) child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to setProgram(${child.device.displayName}, ${program}, ${deviceId}, ${sendHoldType} ${sendHoldHours}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setProgram', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 4, program, deviceId, sendHoldType, sendHoldHours) return false } // NOTE: Will use only the first program if there are two with the same exact name LOG("setProgram(${program}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - holdType: ${sendHoldType}${sendHoldHours?', holdHours: '+sendHoldHours.toString():''}", 2, child, 'info') String currentThermostatHold = child.device.currentValue('thermostatHold', true) if (currentThermostatHold == 'vacation') { // shouldn't happen, child device should have already verified this LOG("setProgram(${program}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}): Can't change Program while in a vacation hold",2,child,'warn') return false } else if ((currentThermostatHold != null) && (currentThermostatHold != 'null') && (currentThermostatHold != '')) { // shouldn't need this either, child device should have done this before calling us LOG("setProgram(${program}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}): Resuming from current hold first - [${currentThermostatHold}]",2,child,'info') resumeProgram(child, deviceId, true) } // We'll take the risk and use the latest received climates data (there is a small chance it could have changed recently but not yet been picked up) def climates = atomicState.climates[deviceId] // .program[deviceId].climates def climate = climates?.find { it.name.toString() == program.toString() } // vacation holds can have a number as their name def climateRef = climate?.climateRef.toString() if (debugLevelFour) { LOG("climates - {$climates}", 1, child, debug) LOG("climate - {$climate}", 1, child, debug) LOG("setProgram() for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - climateRef = ${climateRef}", 1, child, 'trace') } if (climate == null) return false def theHoldType = sendHoldType //? sendHoldType : whatHoldType(child) if (theHoldType == 'holdHours') { theHoldType = 'holdHours","holdHours":"' + sendHoldHours.toString() } def jsonRequestBody = '{"functions":[{"type":"setHold","params":{"holdClimateRef":"'+climateRef+'","holdType":"'+theHoldType+'"}}],"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"'+deviceId+'"}}' if (debugLevelFour) LOG("setProgram() for thermostat ${child.device.displayName}: about to sendJson with jsonRequestBody (${jsonRequestBody}", 4, child, 'trace') boolean result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("setProgram(${climateRef}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child, result?'info':'warn') if (result) { // send the new heat/cool setpoints and ProgramId to the DTH - it will update the rest of the related displayed values itself Integer apiPrecision = usingMetric ? 2 : 1 // highest precision available from the API Integer userPrecision = getTempDecimals() // user's requested display precision //def tempHeatAt = climate.heatTemp //def tempCoolAt = climate.coolTemp //def tempHeatingSetpoint = myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded( (tempHeatAt.toInteger() / 10.0), 'F', userPrecision) //def tempCoolingSetpoint = myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded( (tempCoolAt.toInteger() / 10.0), 'F', userPrecision) def updates = [ [heatingSetpoint: myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded( (climate.heatTemp.toInteger() / 10.0), 'F', userPrecision)], [coolingSetpoint: myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded( (climate.coolTemp.toInteger() / 10.0), 'F', userPrecision)], [currentProgram: program], [currentProgramId: climateRef], [thermostatHold: 'hold'], [currentProgramName:"Hold: ${program}"] ] if (debugLevelFour) LOG("setProgram(${climateRef}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}): ${updates}",4,child,'info') child.generateEvent(updates) // force-update the calling device attributes that it can't see runIn(5, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) // Pick up the changes } else { if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to setProgram(${child.device.displayName}, ${program}, ${deviceId}, ${sendHoldType} ${sendHoldHours}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setProgram', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 4, program, deviceId, sendHoldType, sendHoldHours) } else { LOG("setProgram(${program}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Failed", 1, child, 'warn') } } return result } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TODO: create new addSensorToPrograms(child, deviceId, sensorId, programIds[]) // create new deleteSensorFromPrograms(child, deviceId, sensorId, programIds[]) // make ALL add/delete*Program* synchronous - do entire request in one shot... // make setProgramSetpoints synchronous // change Smart Vents Helper to use new *Programs calls // verify other Helpers will work with newly-synchronous calls // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// boolean addSensorToProgram(child, deviceId, sensorId, programId) { return addSensorToPrograms(child, deviceId, sensorId, [programId]) } boolean addSensorToPrograms(child, deviceId, sensorId, List programsList) { return updateSensorPrograms(child, deviceId, sensorId, programsList, []) } boolean deleteSensorFromProgram(child, deviceId, sensorId, programId) { return deleteSensorFromPrograms(child, deviceId, sensorId, [programId]) } boolean deleteSensorFromPrograms(child, deviceId, sensorId, programsList) { return updateSensorPrograms(child, deviceId, sensorId, [], programsList) } boolean updateSensorPrograms(child, deviceId, sensorId, List activeList, List inactiveList) { String statName = getThermostatName( deviceId ) String sensName = child.device?.displayName if (debugLevel(4)) LOG("updateSensorPrograms( ${sensName}, ${statName}, ${sensorId}, ${activeList}, ${inactiveList} )",1,child,'trace') def activatedProgs = 0 def totalActiveProgs = activeList ? activeList.size() : 0 def inactivatedProgs = 0 def totalInactiveProgs = inactiveList ? inactiveList.size() : 0 if ((totalActiveProgs == 0) && (totalInactiveProgs == 0)) { LOG("updateSensorPrograms(): No active or inactive programs specified - Succeeded",1,child,'info') return true // we did EXACTLY what we were asked! } // Since we now update the components of the program Map independently, we need to rebuild it for changing climate/schedule data def program = [currentClimateRef:atomicState.currentClimateRef[deviceId], climates:atomicState.climates[deviceId], schedule:atomicState.schedule[deviceId]] as HashMap if (!program) { LOG("updateSensorPrograms(): FATAL ERROR, could not recreate programs Map - Failed", 1, null, 'error') return false } //log.debug "program.currentClimateRef: ${program.currentClimateRef}" boolean climatesUpdated = false boolean programFound boolean sensorFound def remoteSensors = atomicState.remoteSensors[deviceId] String tempSensor = "${sensorId}:1" //def ESModifiedClimates = [] if (totalActiveProgs != 0) activeList.each { progId -> //log.debug "adding ${progId}" def programId int c = 0 int s = 0 programFound = false while (!programFound && program.climates[c] ) { // Allow add by program Name (e.g. ["Home", "Awake"]) or id (e.g. ["home", "smart1"]) programId = (program.climates[c].name == progId) ? program.climates[c].climateRef : progId def programName = program.climates[c].name if (program.climates[c].climateRef == programId) { //log.debug "program found ${programId}" programFound = true sensorFound = false s = 0 while (!sensorFound && program.climates[c].sensors[s]) { if (program.climates[c].sensors[s].id == tempSensor ) { sensorFound = true LOG("updateSensorPrograms() - ${sensName} is already in the ${programName} program on ${statName} (${deviceId})",3,child, 'info') } else s++ } if (!sensorFound) { String sensorName = remoteSensors.find{it.id == sensorId}?.name // always use the LOCAL name sensorFound = true climatesUpdated = true // We intentionally don't include the name //program.climates[c].sensors << [id: tempSensor /*, name: sensorName*/ ] // add this sensor to the sensors list program.climates[c].sensors << [id: tempSensor, name: sensorName ] // add this sensor to the sensors list //ESModifiedClimates << c // Keep track of which climates we modify LOG("updateSensorPrograms() - Adding ${sensName} to the ${programName} program on ${statName} (${deviceId})",3,child, 'info') } if (sensorFound) activatedProgs++ } c++ } if (!programFound) LOG("updateSensorPrograms() for ${statName} (${deviceId}): could not find '${progId}' to add ${sensName}",1,child,'warn') } if (activatedProgs != totalActiveProgs) { LOG("updateSensorPrograms() for ${statName} (${deviceId}): add ${sensName} to ${activeList.toString()[1..-2]} - could not find all requested programs",1,child,'warn') //return false } //log.debug "adds completed" // OK, now we do the deletes if (totalInactiveProgs != 0) inactiveList.each { progId -> //log.debug "removing ${progId}" def programId int c = 0 int s = 0 programFound = false while (!programFound && program.climates[c] ) { // Allow add by program Name (e.g. ["Home", "Awake"]) or id (e.g. ["home", "smart1"]) programId = (program.climates[c].name == progId) ? program.climates[c].climateRef : progId if (program.climates[c].climateRef == programId) { programFound = true inactivatedProgs++ sensorFound = false s = 0 while (!sensorFound && program.climates[c].sensors[s]) { if (program.climates[c].sensors[s].id == tempSensor ) { sensorFound = true } else s++ } if (sensorFound) { // found it, now we need to delete it - subtract it from the list of sensors program.climates[c].sensors = program.climates[c].sensors - program.climates[c].sensors[s] climatesUpdated = true //if (!ESModifiedClimates || !ESModifiedClimates.contains(c)) ESModifiedClimates << c // Keep track of the climates that we change LOG("updateSensorPrograms() - Removing sensor ${sensName} from the ${programId} program on thermostat ${statName}", 3, child, 'info') } else { LOG("updateSensorPrograms() - Sensor ${sensName} is already not in the ${programId} program on thermostat ${statName}", 3, child, 'info') } } c++ } if (!programFound) LOG("updateSensorPrograms() for ${statName} (${deviceId}): could not find '${progId}' to remove ${sensName}", 1, child, 'warn') } if (inactivatedProgs != totalInactiveProgs) { LOG("updateSensorPrograms() for ${statName} (${deviceId}): delete ${sensName} from ${inactiveList.toString()[1..-2]} - could not find all requested programs",1,child,'warn') } // OK, the sensor has been added and deleted to the requested programs in our staging Map, now we need to send the program Map to the Ecobee cloud //log.debug "climatesUpdated: ${climatesUpdated}" def result = climatesUpdated ? updateProgramDirect( child, deviceId, program ) : true //if (result) { // log.debug "Modified Climates: ${ESModifiedClimates}" //} // let's tell them what happened String action = ((totalActiveProgs>0) && (totalInactiveProgs>0)) ? "update" : ((totalActiveProgs>0) ? "add" : "delete") String msg = "updateSensorPrograms() for ${statName} (${deviceId}): " if (totalActiveProgs > 0) { msg = msg + "add ${sensName} to ${activeList.toString()[1..-2]}" + ((totalInactiveProgs > 0) ? ' and ' : '') } if (totalInactiveProgs > 0) { msg = msg + "remove ${sensName} from ${inactiveList.toString()[1..-2]}" } if (result) { LOG(msg + " - Succeeded",2,child,'info') return true } else { LOG(msg + " - Failed",2,child,'warn') return false } } //boolean setProgramSetpoints(child, String deviceId, Object... programData) { boolean setProgramSetpoints(child, String deviceId, List programData) { // boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) // log.debug "setProgramCheckPoints( ${child}, ${deviceId}, ${programData} ) - ${programData[0]}, ${programData[1]}, ${programData[2]}" if (child == null) child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) String statName = child.device.displayName //log.debug "setProgramSetpoints() for ${statName}" if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to setProgramSetpoints(${child.device.displayName}, ${deviceId}, ${heatingSetpoint} ${coolingSetpoint}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setProgramSetpoints', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 4, deviceId, programName, heatingSetpoint, coolingSetpoint) return false } def program = [currentClimateRef:atomicState.currentClimateRef[deviceId], climates:atomicState.climates[deviceId], schedule:atomicState.schedule[deviceId]] as HashMap if (!program) { return false } Set found = new HashSet() Set notFound = new HashSet() for (int paramIdx = 0; paramIdx < programData.size(); paramIdx += 3) { //for (int paramIdx = 0; (programData[paramIdx] && (programData[paramIdx].toString() != "")); paramIdx += 3) { String programName = programData[paramIdx].toString() String heatingSetpoint = programData[paramIdx + 1].toString() String coolingSetpoint = programData[paramIdx + 2].toString() notFound.add(programName) LOG("setProgramSetpoints() for ${statName} (${deviceId}): ${programName}, heatSP: ${heatingSetpoint}, coolSP: ${coolingSetpoint})", 2, child, 'info') // convert C temps to F def isMetric = (temperatureScale == "C") def ht = (heatingSetpoint?.isBigDecimal() ? (roundIt((isMetric ? (cToF(heatingSetpoint as BigDecimal) * 10.0) : ((heatingSetpoint as BigDecimal) * 10.0)), 0)) : null ) // better precision using BigDecimal round-half-up def ct = (coolingSetpoint?.isBigDecimal() ? (roundIt((isMetric ? (cToF(coolingSetpoint as BigDecimal) * 10.0) : ((coolingSetpoint as BigDecimal) * 10.0)), 0)) : null ) // IFF autoHeatCoolFeatureEnabled, then enforce the minimum delta def hasAutoMode = atomicState.settings ? atomicState.settings[deviceId].autoHeatCoolFeatureEnabled : false def delta = !hasAutoMode ? 0.0 : (atomicState.settings ? atomicState.settings[deviceId]?.heatCoolMinDelta : null) if (hasAutoMode && (delta != null) && (ht != null) && (ct != null) && (ht <= ct) && ((ct - ht) < delta)) { LOG("setProgramSetpoints() - Error: Auto Mode is enabled on ${statName}, heating/cooling setpoints must be at least ${delta/10}°F apart.",1,child,'error') return false } int c = 0 while ( program.climates[c] ) { if ((program.climates[c].name == programName) || (program.climates[c].climateRef == programName)) { // Allow search by programName or programIc // found the program we want to change found.add(programName) notFound.remove(programName) def heatTemp = program.climates[c]?.heatTemp def coolTemp = program.climates[c]?.coolTemp def adjusted = '' // If we have both ht & ct and we support Auto Mode, we already know the delta is good // but if we only have 1, we need to determine the valid value for the other // if no Auto mode, we just copy the current value over, otherwise we adjust it if (!ct) { ct = (!hasAutoMode && coolTemp) ? coolTemp : ((!coolTemp || ((coolTemp - ht) < delta)) ? (ht + delta) : coolTemp) if (hasAutoMode && (!coolingSetpoint || (ct != cooltemp))) adjusted = 'cool' } else if (!ht) { ht = (!hasAutoMode && heatTemp) ? heatTemp : ((!heatTemp || ((ct - heatTemp) < delta)) ? (ct - delta) : heatTemp) if (hasAutoMode && (!heatingSetpoint || (ht != heatTemp))) adjusted = 'heat' } LOG("setProgramSetpoints(${programName}) - heatingSetpoint: ${ht/10}°F ${adjusted=='heat'?'(adjusted)':''}, coolingSetpoint: ${ct/10}°F ${adjusted=='cool'?'(adjusted)':''}${adjusted?', minDelta: '+(delta/10).toString()+'°F':''}",2,child,'info') program.climates[c].heatTemp = ht program.climates[c].coolTemp = ct } c++ } } if (!found.isEmpty()) { if (updateProgramDirect( child, deviceId, program )) { LOG("setProgramSetpoints() for ${statName} (${deviceId}): ${found} setpoints change - Succeeded", 2, child, 'info') return true } else { LOG("setProgramSetpoints() for ${statName} (${deviceId}): ${found} setpoints change - Failed", 1, child, 'warn') // updateProgramDirect() will queue failed requests return false } } if (!notFound.isEmpty()) { // didn't find the specified climate LOG("setProgramSetpoints(): ${notFound} not found for ${statName} (${deviceId})", 1, child, 'warn') } return false } void updateClimates(data) { LOG("Running delayed Climates update",2,null,'info') if (!atomicState.climateChangeQueue) atomicState.climateChangeQueue = 0 if (atomicState.climateChangeQueue > 0) atomicState.climateChangeQueue = atomicState.climateChangeQueue - 1 updateClimatesDirect(data.child, data.deviceId) } // "program" must be in the format of the Ecobee program structure boolean updateProgramDirect(child, deviceId, program) { if (child == null) { child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) } // String statName = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)).displayName String statName = child.device.displayName if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to updateProgramDirect(${child.device.displayName}, ${deviceId})", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('updateProgramDirect', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, deviceId, program) return false } boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Updating Program settings for ${statName} (${deviceId})", 1, child, 'info') boolean result = false if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Program settings request: ${program}", 1, child, 'info') if (program) { def programJson = JsonOutput.toJson(program) def thermostatSettings = ',"thermostat":{"program":' + programJson +'}' def thermostatFunctions = '' def jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + deviceId + '"},"functions":['+thermostatFunctions+']'+thermostatSettings+'}' result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("updateProgramDirect(): Updating Program settings for ${statName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child, result?'info':'warn') if (result) { atomicState.programUpdatedByAPI = true // force next poll to assert that the program map was updated } else { if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API connection lost, queueing failed call to updateProgramDirect(${child.device.displayName}, ${deviceId})", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('updateProgramDirect', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 2, deviceId, program) } } } if (result) runIn(5, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) return result } boolean setEcobeeSetting(child, String deviceId, String name, String value) { if (child == null) { child = getChildDevice(getThermostatDNI(deviceId)) } if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API is not fully connected, queueing call to setEcobeeSetting(${child.device.displayName}, ${deviceId}, ${name} ${value}", 2, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setEcobeeSetting', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 3, deviceId, name, value) return false } name = name.trim() // be a little lenient def dItem = EcobeeDirectSettings.find{ it.name == name } if (dItem != null) { // LOG("setEcobeeSetting() - Invalid command, use '${dItem.command}' to change '${name}'", 1, child, 'error') LOG("setEcobeeSetting( ${name}, ${value} ) - calling ${dItem.command}( ${value} )", 2, child, 'info') return "${dItem.command}"(child, value, deviceId) // return false } def sendValue = null boolean found = false boolean audioSetting = false if (EcobeeTempSettings.contains(name)) { // Is a temperature setting - need to convert to F*10 for Ecobee found = true def isMetric = (temperatureScale == "C") sendValue = ((value != null) && value.isBigDecimal()) ? (roundIt((isMetric ? (cToF(value as BigDecimal) * 10.0) : ((value as BigDecimal) * 10.0)), 0)) : null } else if (EcobeeSettings.contains(name)) { found = true sendValue = value.trim() // leniency is kindness } else if (EcobeeROSettings.contains(name)) { LOG("setEcobeeSetting(name: '${name}', value: '${value}') for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Setting is Read Only", 1, child, 'error') return false } else if (EcobeeAudioSettings.contains(name)) { found = true audioSetting = true sendValue = value.trim() } if (sendValue == null) { if (!found) { LOG("setEcobeeSetting(name: '${name}', value: '${value}') for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Invalid name", 1, child, 'error') } else { LOG("setEcobeeSetting(name: '${name}', value: '${value}') for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) - Invalid value", 2, child, 'error') } return false } //def jsonRequestBody //if (!audioSetting) { // jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + deviceId + '"},"thermostat":{"settings":{"'+name+'":"'+"${sendValue}"+'"}}}' //} else { // jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"' + deviceId + '"},"thermostat":{"audio":{"'+name+'":"'+"${sendValue}"+'"}}}' //} def jsonRequestBody = '{"selection":{"selectionType":"thermostats","selectionMatch":"'+deviceId+'"},"thermostat":{"'+(audioSetting?'audio':'settings')+ '":{"'+name+'":"'+"${sendValue}"+'"}}}' LOG("setEcobeeSetting() - Request Body: ${jsonRequestBody}", 4, child, 'trace') def result = sendJson(child, jsonRequestBody) LOG("setEcobeeSetting(name: '${name}', value: '${value}' ${value!=sendValue?'('+sendValue.toString()+')':''}) for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) returned ${result}", 2, child, 'trace') if (result) { //if (value == sendValue) { // LOG("Ecobee Setting '${name}' for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) was successfully changed to '${value}'", 2, child, 'info') //} else { // LOG("Ecobee Setting '${name}' for ${child.device.displayName} (${deviceId}) was successfully changed to '${value}' ('${sendValue}')", 2, child, 'info') //} runIn(5, pollChildren, [overwrite: true]) // Pick up the changes return true } else { if (atomicState.connected?.toString() != 'full') { LOG("API connection lost, queueing failed call to setEcobeeSetting(${child.device.displayName}, ${deviceId})", 1, child, 'warn') queueFailedCall('setEcobeeSetting', child.device.deviceNetworkId, 3, deviceId, name, value) } return false } return false } // API Helper Functions boolean sendJson(child=null, String jsonBody) { def debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (debugLevelFour) LOG("sendJson() - ${jsonBody}",1,child,'debug') def returnStatus boolean result = false def cmdParams = [ uri: apiEndpoint, path: "/1/thermostat", headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer ${atomicState.authToken}"], body: jsonBody, timeout: 30 ] // Just in case something goes wrong... atomicState.savedActionJsonBody = jsonBody atomicState.savedActionChild = child?.deviceNetworkId atomicState.action = "sendJsonRetry" try{ httpPost(cmdParams) { resp -> if (!resp || !resp.isSuccess()) { if (!atomicState.sendJsonRetry) { atomicState.sendJsonRetry = true // retry only once LOG( "sendJson() - invalid response - retrying once...", 2, null, 'info') result = sendJson( child, jsonBody ) // recursively re-attempt now that the token was refreshed LOG( "sendJson() - Retry ${result ? 'succeeded!' : 'failed.'}", 2, null, "${result ? 'info' : 'warn'}") atomicState.sendJsonRetry = false if (result) { if (apiConnected() != "full") { apiRestored() generateEventLocalParams() // Update the connection status } } } else { LOG("sendJson() - invalid response (${resp})", 1, null, 'error') } } else if (resp.status && (resp.status == 200)) { returnStatus = resp.data?.status?.code if (debugLevelFour) LOG("sendJson() resp.status ${resp.status}, resp.data: ${resp.data}, returnStatus: ${returnStatus}", 1, child, 'trace') //if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Updated ${resp.data}", 1, child, 'trace') //returnStatus = resp.data?.status?.code if (returnStatus == 0) { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Successful call to ecobee API.", 1, child, 'trace') result = true // Tell the children that we are once again connected to the Ecobee API Cloud if (apiConnected() != "full") { apiRestored() generateEventLocalParams() // Update the connection status } } else { LOG("sendJson() - API status = ${returnStatus}", 1, child, "error") } // Reset saved state atomicState.savedActionJsonBody = null atomicState.savedActionChild = null } else { // Should never get here as a non-200 response is supposed to trigger an Exception LOG("sendJson() - http status ${resp.status} - ${resp.status.code}", 2, child, "warn") } // resp.status if/else } // HttpPost // if (resp) resp = [:] } catch (groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException e) { result = false // this thread failed...hopefully we can succeed after we refresh the auth_token def iStatus = e?.statusCode ? e.statusCode.toInteger() : null if (debugLevelFour) LOG("sendJson() ${iStatus} ${e.response?.data?.status?.code}",1,null,"trace") if (iStatus && (iStatus == 500) && (e.response?.data?.status?.code == 14)) { LOG("sendJson() - HttpResponseException occurred: Auth_token has expired", 3, null, "trace") // atomicState.savedActionJsonBody = jsonBody // atomicState.savedActionChild = child.deviceNetworkId // atomicState.action = "sendJsonRetry" atomicState.action = "" // we don't want refreshAuthToken to sendJsonRetry - we will retry ourselves instead if (debugLevelFour) LOG( "Refreshing your auth_token!", 4) if ( refreshAuthToken() ) { LOG( "Sending: Auth_token refreshed", 2, null, 'info') if (!atomicState.sendJsonRetry) { atomicState.sendJsonRetry = true // retry only once LOG( "sendJson() - Retrying once...", 2, null, 'info') result = sendJson( child, jsonBody ) // recursively re-attempt now that the token was refreshed LOG( "sendJson() - Retry ${result ? 'succeeded!' : 'failed.'}", 2, null, "${result ? 'info' : 'warn'}") atomicState.sendJsonRetry = false } } else { LOG( "Sending: Auth_token refresh failed", 1, null, 'warn') } } else if (((iStatus == null) && (e?.message?.contains('timed out') || e?.message?.contains('timeout'))) || (iStatus && (((iStatus > 400) && (iStatus < 405)) || (iStatus == 408) || (iStatus > 500)))) { //((iStatus > 500) && (iStatus < 505))) { // Retry on transient, recoverable error codes (timeouts, server temporarily unavailable, etc.) see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes if (iStatus && (iStatus != 525)) { LOG("sendJson() - httpPost error: ${iStatus}, ${e?.message}, ${e.response?.data} - will retry", 1, null, 'warn') // Just log it, and hope for better next time... } else { LOG("sendJson() - httpPost timeout - will retry", 1, null, 'warn') } //log.debug "sendJson() - ERROR e: ${e}, \nmessage: ${e.message}, \nstatusCode: ${e.statusCode}, \nresponse.data: ${e.response?.data}" if (apiConnected() != 'warn') { atomicState.connected = 'warn' updateMyLabel() } if (!atomicState.sendJsonRetry) { atomicState.sendJsonRetry = true // retry only once LOG( "sendJson() - Retrying once...", 2, null, 'info') result = sendJson( child, jsonBody ) // recursively re-attempt now that the token was refreshed LOG( "sendJson() - Retry ${result ? 'succeeded!' : 'failed.'}", 2, null, "${result ? 'info' : 'warn'}") atomicState.sendJsonRetry = false if (result) { if (apiConnected() != "full") { apiRestored() generateEventLocalParams() // Update the connection status } } } } else /* can we handle any other errors??? */ { // log.debug "sendJson() - ERROR e: ${e}, \nmessage: ${e.message}, \nstatusCode: ${e.statusCode}, \nresponse.data: ${e.response?.data}" LOG("sendJson() - httpPost error: ${iStatus}, ${e?.message}, ${e?.response?.data} - won't retry", 1, null, "error") } if (resp) resp = [:] // These appear to be transient errors, treat them all as if a Timeout... } catch (org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException | org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException | javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException | javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException | java.net.SocketTimeoutException | java.net.NoRouteToHostException | java.net.UnknownHostException | groovyx.net.http.ResponseParseException | java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException e) { LOG("sendJson() - ${e} - will retry",1,null,'warn') // Just log it, and hope for better next time... if (apiConnected() != 'warn') { atomicState.connected = 'warn' updateMyLabel() generateEventLocalParams() } // If no cached calls, retry 8 times // if cached calls already, or if retries failed, then queue the call // Cache Map by thermostat, order, (child & jsonBody) def inTimeoutRetry = atomicState.inTimeoutRetry if (inTimeoutRetry == null) inTimeoutRetry = 0 if (inTimeoutRetry < 8) { // retry quickly... runIn(2, sendJsonRetry, [overwrite: true]) } atomicState.inTimeoutRetry = inTimeoutRetry + 1 result = false if (resp) resp = [:] } catch(Exception e) { // Might need to further break down LOG("sendJson() - Exception: ${e} - won't retry", 1, child, "error") result = false if (resp) resp = [:] //throw e } if (resp) resp = [:] return result } boolean sendJsonRetry() { LOG("sendJsonRetry() called", 4) String child = atomicState.savedActionChild ? getChildDevice(atomicState.savedActionChild) as String : "" if (!child) { LOG("sendJsonRetry() - no savedActionChild!", 2, child, "warn") return false } if (!atomicState.savedActionJsonBody) { LOG("sendJsonRetry() - no saved JSON Body to send!", 2, child, "warn") return false } return sendJson(child, atomicState.savedActionJsonBody) } String getChildThermostatName() { return "Ecobee Suite Thermostat" } String getChildSensorName() { return "Ecobee Suite Sensor" } String getServerUrl() { return getFullApiServerUrl()} // hubitat: /oauth/authorize} String getShardUrl() { return getFullApiServerUrl()+"?access_token=${atomicState.accessToken}" } String getCallbackUrl() { return "https://cloud.hubitat.com/oauth/stateredirect" } // : */ "${serverUrl}/callback" } // &" + URLEncoder.encode("access_token", "UTF-8") + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(atomicState.accessToken, "UTF-8") } // #access_token=${atomicState.accessToken}" } String getBuildRedirectUrl() { return "${serverUrl}/oauth/stateredirect?access_token=${atomicState.accessToken}" } String getStateUrl() { return "${getHubUID()}/apps/${app?.id}/callback?access_token=${atomicState?.accessToken}" } String getApiEndpoint() { return "https://api.ecobee.com" } String getInfo() { return 'info' } String getWarn() { return 'warn' } String getTrace() { return 'trace' } String getDebug() { return 'debug' } String getError() { return 'error' } // This is the API Key from the Ecobee developer page. Can be provided by the app provider or use the appSettings String getEcobeeApiKey() { if (atomicState.apiKey == null) atomicState.apiKey = "NOpc6i5ooiLLi1VPtVlJ0uv9Nh5cCfcc" // Ecobee key for Ecobee Suite 1.7.** on Hubitat return "NOpc6i5ooiLLi1VPtVlJ0uv9Nh5cCfcc" } String getThermostatName(String tid) { // Get the name for this thermostat String DNI = 'ecobee_suite-thermostat-' + ([ app.id, tid ].join('.')) def thermostatsWithNames = atomicState.thermostatsWithNames String tstatName = (thermostatsWithNames?.containsKey(DNI)) ? thermostatsWithNames[DNI] : '' if (tstatName == '') { tstatName = getChildDevice(DNI)?.displayName // better than displaying 'null' as the name } return tstatName } String getThermostatDNI(String tid) { return 'ecobee_suite-thermostat-' + ([app.id, tid].join('.')) } void LOG(message, level=3, child=null, String logType='debug', event=false, displayEvent=true) { int dbgLevel = getDebugLevel() if (level > dbgLevel) return // let's not waste CPU cycles if we don't have to... if (logType == null) logType = 'debug' String prefix = "" // is now a Field def logTypes = ['error', 'debug', 'info', 'trace', 'warn'] if(!LogTypes.contains(logType)) { log.error "LOG() - Received logType (${logType}) which is not in the list of allowed types ${LogTypes}, message: ${message}, level: ${level}" if (event && child) { debugEventFromParent(child, "LOG() - Invalid logType ${logType} (warn)") } logType = 'debug' } if ( logType == 'error' ) { atomicState.lastLOGerror = "${message} @ ${getTimestamp()}" atomicState.LastLOGerrorDate = getTimestamp() } if ( dbgLevel == 5 ) { prefix = 'LOG: ' } log."${logType}" "${prefix}${message}" if (event) { debugEvent(message, displayEvent) } if (child) { debugEventFromParent(child, message+" (${logType})") } } int getDebugLevel() { return (settings?.debugLevel ?: 3) as int } boolean debugLevel(int level=3) { return (getDebugLevel() >= level) } void debugEvent(message, displayEvent = false) { def results = [ name: 'appdebug', descriptionText: message, displayed: displayEvent ] if ( debugLevel(4) ) { LOG("Generating AppDebug Event: ${results}", 3, null, 'debug') } sendEvent (results) } void debugEventFromParent(child, message) { if (child) { child.generateEvent([debugEventFromParent: message]) } } boolean notifyNowOK() { // If both provided, both must be true; else only the provided one needs to be true boolean modeOK = settings.speakModes ? (settings.speakModes && settings.speakModes.contains(location.mode)) : true boolean timeOK = settings.speakTimeStart? myTimeOfDayIsBetween(timeToday(settings.speakTimeStart), timeToday(settings.speakTimeEnd), new Date(), location.timeZone) : true return (modeOK && timeOK) } private myTimeOfDayIsBetween(String fromTime, String toTime, Date checkDate, String timeZone) { return myTimeOfDayIsBetween(timeToday(fromTime), timeToday(toTime), checkDate, timeZone) } private myTimeOfDayIsBetween(Date fromDate, Date toDate, Date checkDate, timeZone) { if (toDate == fromDate) { return false // blocks the whole day } else if (toDate < fromDate) { if (checkDate.before(fromDate)) { fromDate = fromDate - 1 } else { toDate = toDate + 1 } } return (!checkDate.before(fromDate) && !checkDate.after(toDate)) } // send both push notification and mobile activity feeds void sendMessage(String notificationMessage) { LOG("Notification Message: ${notificationMessage}", 2, null, "trace") LOG("Notification Time: ${atomicState.timeSendPush}", 2, null, "info") // notification is sent to remind user no more than once per hour boolean sendNotification = (atomicState.timeSendPush && ((now() - atomicState.timeSendPush) < 3600000)) ? false : true if (sendNotification) { String msgPrefix = atomicState.appDisplayName + " at ${location.name}: " String msg = msgPrefix + notificationMessage boolean addFrom = true // (msgPrefix && !msgPrefix.startsWith("From ")) if (settings.notifiers) { sendNotifications(msgPrefix, notificationMessage) } if (settings.speak && notifyNowOK()) { if (settings.speechDevices != null) { settings.speechDevices.each { it.speak((addFrom?"From ":"") + msg ) } } if (settings.musicDevices != null) { settings.musicDevices.each { it.setLevel( settings.volume ) it.playText((addFrom?"From ":"") + msg ) } } } // Always send to Hello Home / Location Event log sendLocationEvent(name: "HelloHome", descriptionText: notificationMessage, value: app.label, type: 'APP_NOTIFICATION') } } boolean sendNotifications( String msgPrefix, String msg ) { if (!settings.notifiers) { LOG("sendNotifications(): no notifiers!",2,null,'warn') return false } List echo = settings.notifiers.findAll { (it.deviceNetworkId.contains('|echoSpeaks|') && it.hasCommand('sendAnnouncementToDevices')) } List notEcho = echo ? settings.notifiers - echo : settings.notifiers List echoDeviceObjs = [] if (settings.echoAnnouncements) { if (echo?.size()) { // Get all the Echo Speaks devices to speak at once echo.each { String deviceType = it.currentValue('deviceType') as String // deviceSerial is an attribute as of Echo Speaks device version String deviceSerial = (it.currentValue('deviceSerial') ?: it.deviceNetworkId.toString().split(/\|/).last()) as String echoDeviceObjs.push([deviceTypeId: deviceType, deviceSerialNumber: deviceSerial]) } if (echoDeviceObjs?.size() && notifyNowOK()) { //NOTE: Only sends command to first device in the list | We send the list of devices to announce one and then Amazon does all the processing def devJson = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson(echoDeviceObjs) echo[0].sendAnnouncementToDevices(msg, (msgPrefix?:atomicState.appDisplayName), echoDeviceObjs) // , changeVol, restoreVol) } } // The rest get a standard deviceNotification if (notEcho.size()) notEcho*.deviceNotification(msg) } else { // No Echo Speaks devices settings.notifiers*.deviceNotification(msg) } } else { // Echo Announcements not enabled - just do deviceNotifications, but only if Do Not Disturb is not on if (echo?.size() && notifyNowOK()) echo*.deviceNotification(msg) if (notEcho.size()) notEcho*.deviceNotification(msg) } return true } void sendActivityFeeds(notificationMessage) { def devices = getChildDevices() devices.each { child -> child.generateActivityFeedsEvent(notificationMessage) //parse received message from parent } } // Helper Functions // Creating my own as it seems that the built-in version only works for a device, NOT a SmartApp def myConvertTemperatureIfNeeded(scaledSensorValue, String cmdScale, precision) { if (scaledSensorValue == null) { LOG("Illegal sensorValue (null)", 2, null, "error") return null } if ( (cmdScale != 'F') && (cmdScale != 'C') ) { if (cmdScale == 'dF') { cmdScale = 'F' // Normalize } else if (cmdScale == 'dC') { cmdScale = 'C' // Normalize } else { LOG("Invalid temp scale used: ${cmdScale}", 2, null, "error") return roundIt((scaledSensorValue as BigDecimal), precision) } } if (cmdScale == temperatureScale) { // The platform scale is the same as the current value scale return roundIt((scaledSensorValue as BigDecimal), precision) } else if (cmdScale == 'F') { return roundIt(fToC(scaledSensorValue as BigDecimal), precision) } else { return roundIt(cToF(scaledSensorValue as BigDecimal), precision) } } def roundIt( value, decimals=0 ) { return (value == null) ? null : value.toBigDecimal().setScale(decimals, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) } def roundIt( BigDecimal value, decimals=0) { return (value == null) ? null : value.setScale(decimals, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP) } boolean wantMetric() { return (temperatureScale == 'C') } def cToF(temp) { return (temp != null) ? ((temp * 1.8) + 32) : null } def fToC(temp) { return (temp != null) ? ((temp - 32) / 1.8) : null } // Establish the minimum amount of time to wait to do another poll def getMinMinBtwPolls() { // TODO: Make this configurable in the SmartApp return 1 } def toJson(Map m) { return groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(m) } // need these next 5 get routines because settings variable defaults aren't set unless the "Preferences" page is actually opened/rendered Integer getPollingInterval() { return ((settings?.pollingInterval!= null) ? settings.pollingInterval : 3) as Integer } Integer getTempDecimals() { return ((settings?.tempDecimals != null) ? settings.tempDecimals : (wantMetric() ? 1 : 0)) as Integer } String getHoldType() { return settings.holdType ?: 'Until I Change' } Integer getHoldHours() { if (settings.holdType) { if (settings.holdType == 'Specified Hours') return ((settings.holdHours != null) && settings.holdHours?.isInteger() ? settings.holdHours.toInteger() : 2) else if (settings.holdType == '2 Hours') return 2 else if (settings.holdType == '4 Hours') return 4 else return 2 } } String getTimestamp() { // There seems to be some possibility that the timeZone will not be returned and will cause a NULL Pointer Exception //def timeZone = location?.timeZone ?: "" //if (timeZone == "") { if (!location?.timeZone) { return new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z") } else { return new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z", location.timeZone) } } String getTimeOfDay(tid = null) { def nowTime if (atomicState.timeZone) { nowTime = new Date().format("HHmm", TimeZone.getTimeZone(atomicState.timeZone)).toInteger() } else { def tempLocation = atomicState.statLocation if (tid && tempLocation && tempLocation[tid]) { nowTime = new Date().format("HHmm", TimeZone.getTimeZone(tempLocation[tid].timeZone)).toInteger() } else { nowTime = new Date().format("HHmm").toInteger() } } if ( (nowTime < atomicState.sunriseTime) || (nowTime > atomicState.sunsetTime) ) { return "night" } else { return "day" } } // we'd prefer to use the timeZone that the thermostat says it is in, so long as ALL the thermostats agree // if thermostats don't have a timeZone, use the SmartThings location.timeZone // if ST location doesn't have a time zone, we're just going to have to use ST's "local time" String getTimeZone() { def numStats = settings.thermostats?.size() ?: 0 String theTimeZone = atomicState.timeZone if (theTimeZone && (numStats == 1) && !atomicState.updatesLog?.forcePoll) return theTimeZone if (!theTimeZone || atomicState.updatesLog?.forcePoll) { // default to the SmartThings location's timeZone (if there is one) String myTimeZone = location?.timeZone ? location.timeZone.ID : "" def timeZones = [] boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) def tempLocation = atomicState.statLocation settings.thermostats?.each { def tid = it.split(/\./).last() String statTimeZone = (tempLocation && tempLocation[tid]) ? tempLocation[tid].timeZone : "" if (statTimeZone) { if (debugLevelFour) LOG("thermostat ${tid}'s timeZone ID: ${statTimeZone}",4,null,'trace') // let's see how many timeZones we are using across all the thermostats if (!timeZones || (!timeZones.contains(statTimeZone))) timeZones += [statTimeZone] // if we have the Thermostat Location, use the timeZone from the thermostat if (myTimeZone != statTimeZone) myTimeZone = statTimeZone } } if (timeZones.size() > 1) { // we have thermostats in more than one time zone - going to have to use location data every time myTimeZone = "" } atomicState.timeZone = myTimeZone // can't save the timeZone object, so we store the ID/Name return myTimeZone } return theTimeZone } String getZipCode() { // Ecobee no longer stores postalCode in the location object (starting sometime before 05/2020), // so we have no choice but to use the hub location's postal code (if there is one) String theZipCode = atomicState.zipCode String hubZipCode = location?.zipCode if (theZipCode && hubZipCode && (theZipCode == hubZipCode)) return theZipCode if (hubZipCode) { if (!theZipCode || (theZipCode != hubZipCode)) atomicState.zipCode = hubZipCode LOG("getZipCode() returning ${hubZipCode}",2,null,'info') return hubZipCode } else { LOG("*** INITIALIZATION ERROR *** PLEASE SET POSTAL CODE FOR LOCATION '${location.name}'",1,null,'error') if (theZipCode) atomicState.zipCode == "" return "" } } // Are we connected with the Ecobee service? String apiConnected() { // values can be "full", "warn", "lost" if (atomicState.connected == null) { atomicState.connected = "warn"; updateMyLabel(); return "warn"; } else { return atomicState.connected; } } void apiRestored() { atomicState.connected = "full" updateMyLabel() unschedule("notifyApiLost") atomicState.reAttemptPoll = 0 runIn(10, runCallQueue) } def getDebugDump() { def debugParams = [when:"${getTimestamp()}", whenEpic:"${now()}", lastPollDate:"${atomicState.lastPollDate}", lastScheduledPollDate:"${atomicState.lastScheduledPollDate}", lastScheduledWatchdogDate:"${atomicState.lastScheduledWatchdogDate}", lastTokenRefreshDate:"${atomicState.lastTokenRefreshDate}", initializedEpic:"${atomicState.initializedEpic}", initializedDate:"${atomicState.initializedDate}", lastLOGerror:"${atomicState.lastLOGerror}", authTokenExpires:"${atomicState.authTokenExpires}" ] return debugParams } void apiLost(where = "[where not specified]") { LOG("apiLost() - ${where}: Lost connection with APIs. unscheduling Polling and refreshAuthToken. User MUST reintialize the connection with Ecobee by running Ecobee Suite Manager App and logging in again", 1, null, "error") atomicState.apiLostDump = getDebugDump() if (apiConnected() == "lost") { LOG("apiLost() - already in lost atomicState. Nothing else to do. (where= ${where})", 5, null, "trace") return } // provide cleanup steps when API Connection is lost def notificationMessage = "Your Ecobee Suite thermostat${settings.thermostats.size()>1?'s are':' is'} disconnected from Ecobee, because the access credential changed or was lost. Please go to the Ecobee Suite Manager App and re-enter your account login credentials." atomicState.connected = "lost" updateMyLabel() atomicState.authToken = null sendMessage(notificationMessage) generateEventLocalParams() LOG("Unscheduling Polling and refreshAuthToken. User MUST reintialize the connection with Ecobee by running the Ecobee Suite Manager App and logging in again", 0, null, "error") // Notify each child that we lost so it gets logged if ( debugLevel(3) ) { def d = getChildDevices() d?.each { oneChild -> LOG("apiLost() - notifying each child: ${oneChild.device.displayName} of loss", 1, child, "error") } } unschedule(pollScheduled) unschedule(scheduleWatchdog) runEvery3Hours(notifyApiLost) } void notifyApiLost() { def notificationMessage = "Your Ecobee Suite thermostat${settings.thermostats.size()>1?'s are':' is'} disconnected from Hubitat/Ecobee. Please go to the Ecobee Suite Manager and re-enter your Ecobee account login credentials." if ( atomicState.connected == "lost" ) { generateEventLocalParams() sendMessage(notificationMessage) LOG("notifyApiLost() - API Connection Previously Lost. User MUST reintialize the connection with Ecobee by running the Ecobee Suite Manager App and logging in again", 0, null, "error") } else { // Must have restored connection unschedule("notifyApiLost") } } /* String childType(child) { // Determine child type (Thermostat or Remote Sensor) if ( child.hasCapability("Thermostat") ) { return getChildThermostatName() } if ( child.name.contains( getChildSensorName() ) ) { return getChildSensorName() } return "Unknown" } */ def getFanMinOnTime(child) { boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (debugLevelFour) LOG("getFanMinOnTime() - Looking up current fanMinOnTime for ${child.device?.displayName}", 1, child, 'trace') String devId = getChildThermostatDeviceIdsString(child) def fanMinOnTime = atomicState.settings[devId]?.fanMinOnTime if (debugLevelFour) LOG("getFanMinOnTime() fanMinOnTime is ${fanMinOnTime} for therm ${devId}", 1, child, 'trace') return fanMinOnTime } String getHVACMode(child) { boolean debugLevelFour = debugLevel(4) if (debugLevelFour) LOG("Looking up current hvacMode for ${child.device?.displayName}", 1, child, 'trace') String devId = getChildThermostatDeviceIdsString(child) def hvacMode = atomicState.settings[devId].hvacMode if (debugLevelFour) LOG("getHVACMode() hvacMode is ${hvacMode} for therm ${devId}", 1, child, 'trace') return hvacMode } def getAvailablePrograms(thermostat) { if (debugLevel(4)) LOG("Looking up the available Programs for this thermostat (${thermostat})", 4, 'trace') String devId = getChildThermostatDeviceIdsString(thermostat) //def climates = atomicState.program[devId]?.climates def climates = atomicState.climates[devId] return climates?.collect { it.name } } String fixDateTimeString( String dateStr, String timeStr, String thermostatTime) { // date is in ecobee format: YYYY-MM-DD or null (meaning "today") // time is in ecobee format: HH:MM:SS def today = new Date().parse('yyyy-MM-dd', thermostatTime) def target = new Date().parse('yyyy-MM-dd', dateStr) String resultStr = '' String myDate = '' String myTime = '' boolean showTime = true if (target == today) { myDate = 'today' } else if (target == today-1) { myDate = 'yesterday' } else if (target == today+1) { myDate = 'tomorrow' } else if (dateStr == '2035-01-01' ) { // to Infinity myDate = 'a long time from now' showTime = false } else { myDate = 'on '+target.format('MM-dd') } if (showTime) { myTime = new Date().parse('HH:mm:ss',timeStr).format('h:mma').toLowerCase() } if (myDate || myTime) { resultStr = myTime ? "${myDate} at ${myTime}" : "${myDate}" } return resultStr } String getDeviceId(String networkId) { // def deviceId = networkId.split(/\./).last() // LOG("getDeviceId() returning ${deviceId}", 4, null, 'trace') // return deviceId return networkId.split(/\./).last() } // Reservation Management Functions // Make a reservation for me void makeReservation( String statId, String childId, String type='modeOff' ) { //log.debug "makeReservation( ${statId}, ${childId}, ${type} )" String childName = cleanAppName( getChildAppName( childId ) ) if (!childName) { LOG("Illegal reservation attempt using childId: ${childId} - caller is not my child.",1,null,'warn') return } def reservations = atomicState.reservations if (!reservations) reservations = [:] as HashMap if (!reservations.containsKey(statId)) { reservations."${statId}" = [:] as HashMap } if (!reservations."${statId}"?.containsKey(type)) { // allow for ANY type of reservations reservations."${statId}"."${type}" = [] } if (!reservations."${statId}"."${type}"?.contains(childId)) { reservations."${statId}"."${type}" << childId atomicState.reservations = reservations LOG("'${type}' reservation created for ${childName} (${childId})",2,null,'info') } else { LOG("'${type}' reservation already exists for ${childName} (${childId})",2,null,'info') } } // Cancel my reservation void cancelReservation( String statId, String childId, String type='modeOff') { String childName = getChildAppName( childId ) if (!childName) childName = childId def reservations = atomicState.reservations as HashMap if (reservations?."${statId}"?."${type}"?.contains(childId)) { reservations."${statId}"."${type}" = reservations."${statId}"."${type}" - [childId] atomicState.reservations = reservations LOG("'${type}' reservation cancelled for ${childName} (${childId})",3,null,'info') } else { LOG("'${type}' reservation doesn't exist for ${childName} (${childId})",3,null,'info') } } // Do I have a reservation? boolean haveReservation( String statId, String childId, String type='modeOff') { String childName = getChildAppName( childId ) def reservations = atomicState.reservations as HashMap boolean result = (reservations?."${statId}"?."${type}"?.contains(childId)) LOG("${childName} (${childId}) does ${result?'':'not '} hold a '${type}' reservation",3,null,'info') return result } // Do any Apps have reservations? boolean anyReservations( String statId, String type='modeOff') { def reservations = atomicState.reservations as HashMap boolean result = ((reservations?."${statId}"?.containsKey(type)) && (reservations."${statId}"."${type}" != [])) ? (reservations."${statId}"."${type}".size() != 0) : false LOG("${result?'Somebody':'Nobody'} holds '${type}' reservations",3,null,'info') return result } // How many apps have reservations? Integer countReservations(String statId, String type='modeOff') { def reservations = atomicState.reservations as HashMap Integer result = (((reservations?."${statId}"?.containsKey(type)) && (reservations."${statId}"."${type}" != [])) ? reservations."${statId}"."${type}".size() : 0) LOG("There ${result>1?'are':'is'} ${result} '${type}' reservation${result>1?'s':''}",3,null,'info') return result } // Get the list of app IDs that have reservations List getReservations(String statId, String type='modeOff') { def reservations = atomicState.reservations as HashMap def result = ((reservations?."${statId}"?.containsKey(type)) && (reservations."${statId}"."${type}" != [])) ? reservations."${statId}"."${type}" : [] LOG("appIds holding '${type}' reservations: ${result}",3,null,'info') return result } // Get the list of app Names that have reservations List getGuestList(String statId, String type='modeOff') { def result = [] def reservations = atomicState.reservations as HashMap if ((reservations?."${statId}"?.containsKey(type)) && (reservations."${statId}"."${type}" != [])) { reservations."${statId}"."${type}".each { result << getChildAppName( it ) } } LOG("Apps holding '${type}' reservations: ${result.toString()[1..-2]}",3,null,'info') return result } @Field Random randomSeed = new Random() void runEvery2Minutes(handler) { //Random rand = new Random() //log.debug "Random2: ${rand}" int randomSeconds = randomSeed.nextInt(59) schedule("${randomSeconds} 0/2 * * * ?", handler) } void runEvery3Minutes(handler) { //Random rand = new Random() //log.debug "Random3: ${rand}" int randomSeconds = randomSeed.nextInt(59) schedule("${randomSeconds} 0/3 * * * ?", handler) } // Alert settings @Field final List alertNamesList = ['auxOutdoorTempAlertNotify','auxOutdoorTempAlertNotifyTechnician','auxRuntimeAlertNotifyTechnician','auxRuntimeAlert','auxRuntimeAlertNotify', 'coldTempAlertEnabled','disableAlertsOnIdt','disableHeatPumpAlerts','hotTempAlertEnabled','humidityAlertNotify', 'humidityHighAlert','humidityLowAlert','randomStartDelayCool','randomStartDelayHeat','tempAlertNotify','ventilatorOffDateTime','wifiOfflineAlert' ] // Audio settings @Field final List audioNamesList = ['microphoneEnabled','playbackVolume','soundAlertVolume','soundTickVolume','voiceEngines' ] // Settings (attributes) @Field final List settingsNamesList = ['autoAway','backlightOffDuringSleep','backlightOffTime','backlightOnIntensity','backlightSleepIntensity','coldTempAlertEnabled','compressorProtectionMinTime','condensationAvoid', 'coolingLockout','dehumidifyWhenHeating','dehumidifyWithAC','disablePreCooling','disablePreHeating','drAccept','eiLocation','electricityBillCycleMonths','electricityBillStartMonth', 'electricityBillingDayOfMonth','enableElectricityBillAlert','enableProjectedElectricityBillAlert','fanControlRequired','followMeComfort','groupName','groupRef','groupSetting','hasBoiler', /*hasDehumidifier,*/'hasElectric','hasErv','hasForcedAir','hasHeatPump','hasHrv','hasUVFilter','heatPumpGroundWater','heatPumpReversalOnCool','holdAction','humidityAlertNotify', 'humidityAlertNotifyTechnician','humidityHighAlert','humidityLowAlert','installerCodeRequired','isRentalProperty','isVentilatorTimerOn','lastServiceDate','locale','monthlyElectricityBillLimit', 'monthsBetweenService','remindMeDate','serviceRemindMe','serviceRemindTechnician','smartCirculation',/*'soundAlertVolume','soundTickVolume',*/'stage1CoolingDissipationTime', 'stage1HeatingDissipationTime','tempAlertNotifyTechnician','userAccessCode','userAccessSetting','ventilatorDehumidify','ventilatorFreeCooling','ventilatorMinOnTimeAway', 'ventilatorMinOnTimeHome','ventilatorOffDateTime','ventilatorType', 'fanSpeed' ] // Temperature Settings @Field final List tempSettingsList = ['auxMaxOutdoorTemp','auxOutdoorTempAlert','coldTempAlert','compressorProtectionMinTemp','compressorProtectionMinTemp','coolMaxTemp','coolMinTemp', 'dehumidifyOvercoolOffset','heatMaxTemp','heatMinTemp','hotTempAlert','maxSetBack','maxSetForward','quickSaveSetBack','quickSaveSetForward','stage1CoolingDifferentialTemp', 'stage1HeatingDifferentialTemp','tempCorrection' ] // Settings that require Temperature Conversion (callers use native C/F temps) @Field final List EcobeeTempSettings = ['auxMaxOutdoorTemp','auxOutdoorTempAlert','compressorProtectionMinTemp','coldTempAlert','coolRangeHigh','coolRangeLow','dehumidifyOvercoolOffset', 'heatCoolMinDelta','heatRangeHigh','heatRangeLow','hotTempAlert','maxSetBack','maxSetForward','quickSaveSetBack','quickSaveSetForward','stage1CoolingDifferentialTemp', 'stage1HeatingDifferentialTemp','tempCorrection' ] // Settings that are passed directly as Strings (including numbers and logicals) @Field final List EcobeeSettings = ['autoAway','auxOutdoorTempAlertNotify','auxOutdoorTempAlertNotifyTechnician','auxRuntimeAlert','auxRuntimeAlertNotifyTechnician','auxRuntimeAlertNotify','backlightOffDuringSleep', 'backlightOffTime','backlightOnIntensity','backlightSleepIntensity','coldTempAlertEnabled','compressorProtectionMinTime','condensationAvoid','coolingLockout','dehumidifyWhenHeating', 'dehumidifyWithAC','disableAlertsOnIdt','disableHeatPumpAlerts','disablePreCooling','disablePreHeating','drAccept','eiLocation','electricityBillCycleMonths','electricityBillStartMonth', 'electricityBillingDayOfMonth','enableElectricityBillAlert','enableProjectedElectricityBillAlert','fanControlRequired','followMeComfort','groupName','groupRef','groupSetting', 'heatPumpReversalOnCool','holdAction','hotTempAlertEnabled','humidityAlertNotify','humidityAlertNotifyTechnician','humidityHighAlert','humidityLowAlert','installerCodeRequired', 'isRentalProperty','isVentilatorTimerOn','lastServiceDate','locale','monthlyElectricityBillLimit','monthsBetweenService','remindMeDate','serviceRemindMe','serviceRemindTechnician', 'smartCirculation'/*,'soundAlertVolume','soundTickVolume'*/,'stage1CoolingDissipationTime','stage1HeatingDissipationTime','tempAlertNotifyTechnician','ventilatorDehumidify','ventilatorFreeCooling', 'ventilatorMinOnTimeAway','ventilatorMinOnTimeHome','ventilatorOffDateTime', 'ventilatorType', 'fanSpeed' ] @Field final List EcobeeeAudioSettings =['microphoneEnabled','playbackVolume','soundAlertVolume','soundTickVolume' ] // Settings that are Read Only and cannot be changed directly @Field final List EcobeeROSettings = ['coolMaxTemp','coolMinTemp','coolStages','hasBoiler','hasDehumidifier','hasElectric','hasErv','hasForcedAir','hasHeatPump','hasHrv','hasHumidifier','hasUVFilter','heatMaxTemp','heatMinTemp', 'heatPumpGroundWater','heatStages','userAccessCode','userAccessSetting','temperature','humidity','currentProgram','currentProgramName','currentProgramId','currentProgramOwner', 'currentProgramType','scheduledProgram','scheduledProgramName','scheduledProgramId','scheduledProgramOwner','scheduledProgramType','debugLevel','decimalPrecision','voiceEngines' ] // Settings that must be changed only by specific commands @Field final List EcobeeDirectSettings= [ [name: 'fanMinOnTime', command: 'setFanMinOnTime'], [name: 'dehumidifierMode', command: 'setDehumidifierMode'], [name: 'dehumidifierLevel', command: 'setDehumiditySetpoint'], [name: 'dehumidityLevel', command: 'setDehumiditySetpoint'], [name: 'dehumiditySetpoint', command: 'setDehumiditySetpoint'], [name: 'humidifierMode', command: 'setHumidifierMode'], [name: 'humiditySetpoint', command: 'setHumiditySetpoint'], ] @Field final List EcobeeDeviceInfo = [ 'brand','features','identifier','isRegistered','modelNumber','name'] // 'lastModified' @Field final List RuntimeValueNames = ['actualHumidity','actualTemperature','connected','desiredCool','desiredDehumidity','desiredFanMode','desiredHeat','desiredHumidity','disconnectDateTime'] // ,'desiredHeatRange','desiredCoolRange','rawTemperature','showIconMode' @Field final List LogTypes = ['error', 'debug', 'info', 'trace', 'warn'] @Field final List DOW = ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun'] // Ecobee's order for program.schedule[day][climateIds... void updateMyLabel() { // Display Ecobee connection status as part of the label... String myLabel = atomicState.appDisplayName if ((myLabel == null) || !app.label.startsWith(myLabel)) { myLabel = app.label if (!myLabel.contains(' Online" break; case 'warn': newLabel = myLabel + " Warning" break; case 'lost': newLabel = myLabel + " Offline" break; case 'wifi': newLabel = myLabel + " Check Wifi" break; default: newLabel = myLabel break; } if (newLabel && (app.label != newLabel)) app.updateLabel(newLabel) } String getTheBee () { return ''} String getTheBeeLogo() { return ''} String getTheSectionBeeLogo() { return ''} String getTheBeeUrl () { return "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SANdood/Icons/master/Ecobee/ecobee-logo-1x.jpg" } String getTheBlank () { return ''} String pageTitle (String txt) { return getFormat('header-ecobee','

'+(txt.contains("\n") ? ''+txt.replace("\n","\n") : txt )+'

') } String pageTitleOld (String txt) { return getFormat('header-ecobee','


')} String sectionTitle (String txt) { return getTheSectionBeeLogo() + getFormat('header-nobee','


')} String smallerTitle (String txt) { return txt ? ('


') : txt} //
String sampleTitle (String txt) { return ''+txt+''} String inputTitle (String txt) { return ''+txt+''} String getWarningText() { return "WARNING: " } String getFormat(type, myText=""){ switch(type) { case "header-ecobee": return "
" break; case "header-nobee": return "
" break; case "line": return "
" break; case "title": return "


" break; case "warning": return "WARNING: ${myText}" break; case "note": return"NOTE: ${myText}" break; default: return myText break; } } // SmartThings/Hubitat Portability Library (SHPL) // Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Barry A. Burke (storageanarchy@gmail.com) //String getPlatform() { return ((hubitat?.device?.HubAction == null) ? 'SmartThings' : 'Hubitat') } // if (platform == 'SmartThings') ... boolean getIsST() { return false } boolean getIsHE() { return true } String getHubPlatform() { return "Hubitat" } boolean getIsSTHub() { return false } // if (isSTHub) ... boolean getIsHEHub() { return true } // if (isHEHub) ... def getParentSetting(String settingName) { return parent?."${settingName}" } @Field String hubPlatform = 'Hubitat' @Field boolean ST = false @Field boolean HE = true @Field String debug = 'debug' @Field String error = 'error' @Field String info = 'info' @Field String trace = 'trace' @Field String warn = 'warn'